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The final assemblies had sizes of 1.311.32Gb for diploid genomes and 652668Mb for haploid consensuses (Supplementary Table 2). Appl Environ Microbiol. L.C., K.X. Hamilton EP, Kapusta A, Huvos PE, Bidwell SL, Zafar N, Tang H, et al. Here are listed some of the principal tools commonly employed and links to some important web resources. Therefore, the altered bacterial community, including many uncultured and unknown strains, might be involved in the growth-promoting process. IMGT(R), the International Immunogenetics Information System(R) 25 years on. 2007;178:106579. Annu Rev Microbiol. Microbiome We showed PGPB-induced long-term plant growth promotion after elimination of the PGPB inoculum in soils and explored the three-way interactions among the exogenous inoculum, indigenous microbiome, and plant, which were key elements of the plant growth-promoting process. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. J. Improved hybrid de novo genome assembly of domesticated apple (Malus domestica). Copyright 2022 Elsevier Inc. except certain content provided by third parties. We used multiple methods to explore polyploidization histories of C. sessilifolius and other representative species from the major angiosperm lineages. qRT-PCR was performed on an ABI StepOnePlus real-time PCR system. Since SOAPdenovo-Trans successfully reconstructed the transcriptome on the non-normalized sequencing data for NA12878 and MCF7 paired-end sequencing samples, we also report its full results (called SOAPdenovo-Trans-ALL). UpSet plot (https://www.ars-grin.gov/), showing overlap of ASE genes in different stages. Science 346, 1250463 (2014). 20, 275 (2019). Gene expression was obtained using RSEM [59] and further identification of DEGs was performed on the basis of fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) values using Cuffdiff [60] with a false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05 and an absolute of fold change 2. Nat. Red, increased transcript abundance; blue, decreased transcript abundance. Kinoshita T, Seki M. Epigenetic memory for stress response and adaptation in plants. We found that two long terminal repeat retrotransposon (LTR-RT) bursts occurred during apple evolution, with the older one taking place before speciation of apple and pear29 and the recent one happening before the time when M. sylvestris and M. sieversii diversified into subpopulations, respectively (Fig. Wood DE, Lu J, Langmead B. Orthologous groups of selected plant species were constructed using OrthoMCL75. Bioinformatics 27, 764770 (2011). This demonstrates the uniqueness of apple domestication that was mainly driven by hybridization of different wild species, rather than by evolution to form an independent lineage or species. Here we compared the performance of the genome-alignment-based tools, StringTie and Cufflinks (using different aligners), transcriptome-alignment-based tools, eXpress and Salmon-Aln, the alignment-free tools kallisto, Sailfish (with quasi-mapping), Salmon-SMEM, and Salmon-Quasi, and the long-read-based technique IDP (using different short-read and long-read aligners). Gain is defined as (TPFP)/(TP+FN), which measures how well the tool removes errors without introducing new ones33. Performance of different alignment schemes. 6b) and T is the divergence time of the two species (1.8Ma; Fig. 8 and 9). In plants, epigenetic modifications play an important role in regulating gene expression and coping with biotic and abiotic stresses during growth and development [18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]. Such insertion was also found in the cultivar Granny Smith that harbors homozygous alleles and produces low levels of ester, demonstrating its association with AAT1 expression and ester production, and suggesting that Gala ester production is mainly attributed to the M. sylvestris-originated allele. 9). Szkopiska, A. Multiple sequence alignment and ML tree inference were performed to group them into subfamily, and the genes set that clustered with reference sequence was used for the next analysis. Gaps at which the physical coverage was less than half of that in the 2-kb flanking regions or <20 were recorded. To update your cookie settings, please visit the. Nat Methods. Multiple independent polyploidization events (Fig. The plants were treated with zebularine (Zeb), a DNA methylation inhibitor, to further investigate the role of DNA methylation in the growth-promoting process; meanwhile, sterilized soil was used to investigate the role of the rhizosphere microbiome (Fig. However, these studies have mostly focused on a single RNA-seq analysis step, or their workflow analyses3, 4 were limited to one or two steps such as alignment and quantification. DAF, days after full bloom. Biotech. The contigs were further processed with CD-HIT89 to remove redundancies with a 90% identity cutoff. Activity-based metagenomic screening and biochemical characterization of bovine ruminal protozoan glycoside hydrolases. Fatty acid composition of ruminal bacteria and protozoa, with emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid, vaccenic acid, and odd-chain and branched-chain fatty acids1. 8). Microbiol Res. J Heatmap based on relative abundances of biomarkers in CK and inoculated (PGP5 and PGP41) soils showing similar variation trends along with plant residence time in different soils. IDP successfully predicted these isoforms by taking advantage of several long reads spanning the transcripts. 6f). A total of 41 species that covered 30 angiosperm orders and one Gymnosperm species (Ginkgo biloba) were selected and BLASTP97 and OrthoMCL102 were used to group the sequence into different clusters. 7e). BUSCO update: novel and streamlined workflows along with broader and deeper phylogenetic coverage for scoring of eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and viral genomes. 34, 32923298 (2017). 2834). Differential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with Tophat and Cufflinks. 12). 32, 903914 (2014). Xu XH, Liu XM, Zhang L, Mu Y, Zhu XY, Fang JY, et al. Extended Data Fig. Supplementary Note and Supplementary Figs. & Kingsford, C. Salmon provides fast and bias-aware quantification of transcript expression. b Read mapping analysis: distribution of mapping status of sequenced fragments (left) (for NA12878, MCF7, and SEQC samples, mapping status for paired-end reads are shown, while for hESC, the distribution reflects percentage of uniquely mapped (blue), multi-mapped (orange), and unmapped (red) single-end reads), distribution of number of soft-clipped bases in mapped fragments (middle), distribution of the number of mismatches in mapped fragments (right). The analysis is restricted to the expressed exons identified by Cufflinks or StringTie. Twisted tales: insights into genome diversity of ciliates using single-cell omics. Genet. Chem. b Stamen. Sanderson, M. J. r8s: inferring absolute rates of molecular evolution and divergence times in the absence of a molecular clock. PubMed The Gala genome harbored both PG1 alleles, the expression of which was low and indistinguishable at most of the fruit developmental stages. Nat. Combinations involving IDP also clustered together with less similarity to other combinations, especially the ones involving Cufflinks (Fig. S14. We also detected a tendency for TEs to accumulate frequently in introns within the genic regions, which therefore resulted in long introns in C. sessilifolius (Supplementary Fig. The set of 1001 qRT-PCR measured and 92 ERCC genes were used as the evaluation gold set of differential expression. Mallon CA, Le Roux X, van Doorn GS, Dini-Andreote F, Poly F, Salles JF. Wang J, Li Q, Xu S, Zhao W, Lei Y, Song C, et al. While these results confirm previous findings1, results from the longer read sample (MCF7-300) and the single-ended read sample (hESC) strongly illustrate STARs higher tolerance for accepting mismatches and soft-clipping to align more reads in comparison to TopHat and HISAT2 that leave a large fraction of reads unmapped (Fig. 1H). americana in response to PGP5 and PGP41 inoculation were assessed by transcriptome sequencing After removing adapters and low-quality reads with Trimmomatic , the remaining reads were assembled de novo using Trinity Loffler FE, OMalley MA, et al. Blackburn EH, Gall JG. Google Scholar. Moreover, IDPs exon count distribution better resembled that of GENCODE especially for multi-exon transcripts (Fig. GPC2-CAR Tcells tuned for low antigen density mediate potent activity against neuroblastoma without toxicity, Multiomic profiling of checkpoint inhibitor-treated melanoma: Identifying predictors of response and resistance, and markers of biological discordance, Academic & Personal: 24 hour online access, Corporate R&D Professionals: 24 hour online access, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2021.12.006, Proteogenomic characterization identifies clinically relevant subgroups of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, Download Hi-res Shan, Q. et al. 2010;7:3356. 21a). Extended Data Fig. Genet. The amplifications were carried out using TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus) kit (Takara Bio). Primers used in this study. The median length of human transcripts (in GENCODE v19 annotation) is 783bp, much longer than what current NGS technologies can deliver. For gene level assessment, IDP achieved the best precision and sensitivity across all samples (Fig. Genomic sequences harboring LTR-RTs in M. sieversii or M. sylvestris were compared to the syntenic regions of other Malus assemblies to check the presence or absence of LTR-RT insertion in same regions. Scaffolds not included by haplome A were used for generation of the second haplome (haplome B). 3a). No separation of soil samples with different treatments was detected, indicating consistent trends of plant development-dependent shifts of the rhizosphere microbiome among treatments. Kittelmann S, Seedorf H, Walters WA, Clemente JC, Knight R, Gordon JI, et al. Souleyre, E. J. et al. Nat Rev Microbiol. Krober M, Wibberg D, Grosch R, Eikmeyer F, Verwaaijen B, Chowdhury SP, et al. Additionally, to illustrate the capabilities of long-read technologies, we selected five transcripts that are only found using IDP. Genome Biol. & Roos, D. S. OrthoMCL: identification of ortholog groups for eukaryotic genomes. HapMap normal human sample NA12878 is a very well-studied sample used for assessing both germline DNA and RNA analysis. Extended Data Fig. The overall runtimes of different approaches are also summarized in Supplementary Figs. carried out the genome annotation and phylogenomic analyses. In the late phase, the altered DNA methylation regulates gene expression to facilitate plant growth, and a stable rhizosphere microbiome is assembled by recruitments of roots. To investigate the role of DNA methylation in inoculation-induced growth promotion of P. americana, we treated seedlings of P. americana with Zeb which is a DNA methylation inhibitor (Fig. PubMed Collinear genes between C. sessilifolius and the other nine species were extracted and used to build the gene trees. Ma Y, Min L, Wang M, Wang C, Zhao Y, Li Y, et al. 10, 145 (2010). HISAT2 consistently had the largest junction validation rate on all samples, although it had fewer total validated calls than TopHat or STAR (Fig. performed the polyploidization analyses. In addition to these short-read-based techniques, IDP-fusion61, and Iso-Seq27 methods can analyse long-read RNA-seq data to identify fused genes. c Distribution of the predicted mismatch types by GATK that are missed in NIST HC calls (in StringTies expressed exons) in different genomic regions. C A scatterplot of gene significance (GS) versus module membership (MM) in the most significant module (turquoise module), with a correlation coefficient of 0.81 and P < 2e200. 2021, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. MEGAHIT v1.0: a fast and scalable metagenome assembler driven by advanced methodologies and community practices. Genom. The reference genome of Tea plant and resequencing of 81 diverse accessions provide insights into its genome evolution and adaptation. Extended Data Fig. On average, DESeq2 outperformed other techniques with different choices of quantification schemes, while sleuth, edgeR and limma had slightly lower performance, which confirms the results in ref. S9. MAKER-P: a tool kit for the rapid creation, management, and quality control of plant genome annotations. c, SNP genotype, nucleotide diversity () and Tajimas D in the specified genome region of the three Malus populations. Methods volume52,pages 14231432 (2020)Cite this article. The number of mapping instances of each sequencing read was detected using the NH tag in the alignment file. 2018;36:9961004. S5. 21, 18591875 (2005). The remaining scaffolds were aligned to the corresponding chromosome sequences of the GDDH13 genome, and the resulting alignments were filtered by the delta-filter program and subjected to scaffold anchoring using show-tiling in MUMMER4. 43, e116 (2015). Commun. To remove plant debris and stones, the soil samples were passed through a 4-mm sieve. Statistical analysis on the set of the transcripts that were only predicted by long-read or short-read techniques revealed significantly different length distributions. PubMed & Cantu, D. Diploid genome assembly of the wine grape Carmnre. Genet. Schematic representation of the experimental design. The popularity of high-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) ushered a new era in transcriptome analysis with RNA-seq. MADS-box gene family in rice: genome-wide identification, organization and expression profiling during reproductive development and stress. a Distribution of transcript length. References. & Roos, D. S. OrthoMCL: Identification of ortholog groups for eukaryotic genomes. 3c, node IV, topology q1). 5). 11. Transcript abundances were measured in transcripts per million for all schemes. Syst. At day 3, totals of 20,968 and 11,825 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected in the PGP5CK and PGP41CK comparisons, respectively (Fig. Biol. 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Biotechnol. 3a; Supplementary Fig. In addition, to eliminate potential errors during parse taxon sampling, we performed the expanded taxon sampling analysis. 34, W609W612 (2006). Specific microbiome-dependent mechanisms underlie the energy harvest efficiency of ruminants. Besides, similar results for Zeb-treated and PGPB-inoculated plants in sterilized soils, i.e., both inoculants promoted plant growth while the Zeb treatment resulted in both inoculants losing the ability to induce plant growth promotion (Fig. 2019;99:67892. Bioinformatics 34, i142i150 (2018). 21b). 7f). G PCoA showing the microbiome shift with plant residence and development. PubMed Haas, B. J. et al. Nakamura Y, Gojobori T, Ikemura T. Codon usage tabulated from international DNA sequence databases: status for the year 2000. 7). Since high-confidence genomic variants have been made available for this sample, it offered a great opportunity for assessing RNA-seq variant-calling. 19, for practical memory requirements, we used the reads normalized according to depth of sequencing coverage as input to all methods. Davidson, N. M., Majewski, I. J. QIIME allows analysis of high-throughput community sequencing data. Chanderbali, A. S. et al. Article PubMed Central Google Scholar. ADS Bioinformatics 25, 17541760 (2009). The algorithm of the software was elaborated elsewhere61. Biotechnol. Chromosome 15 (Chr15) is shown here whereas other chromosomes are shown in Extended Data Figs. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 tyrosine kinase fusions define a unique molecular subtype of cholangiocarcinoma. Xie, Y. et al. PubMed Central On average, HISAT2 was 2.5 and ~100 faster than STAR and TopHat, respectively (Supplementary Table3). For each diploid genome, the Hifiasm-assembled unitigs were aligned to the DeNovoMAGIC diploid scaffolds with MUMMER4. designed and managed the project. Shade in chromosome 6 indicates the region originated from M. sieversii, which is surrounded by recombination spots indicated by blue arrows. Understanding and exploiting plant beneficial microbes. NIST HC calls51 on NA12878 were used as the gold standard genomic variants set. We found that their expansions were derived mainly from WGD and tandem duplication (Supplementary Figs. QTL and candidate gene mapping for polyphenolic composition in apple fruit. Despite its economic importance, there is currently a lack of genomic resources available for this species, and this has limited exploration of the molecular The target genes with no prediction by a method were assumed to be negative calls, with log2-fold change of 0. Quantification is conducted using eXpress and kallisto. PubMed The weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) was used to determine modules of DEGs with highly correlated expression patterns and associations of root gene expression with rhizosphere microbiomes. Synthetic lethal vulnerabilities in KRAS-mutant cancers. It first extends the sequencing reads into long contigs by a k-mer extension strategy, then connects those contigs into a de bruijn graph, and finally infers all the expressed transcripts by traversing the de bruijn graph. Enhanced expression of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 IIIc promotes human pancreatic cancer cell proliferation. For soil samples with plant residence, the late phase samples shifted far from the early phase samples across plant developmental stages on the second coordinate axis, with overlaps on the edge between early and late phases (Fig. Consequently, a total of 89-, 212- and 141-Mb nonredundant, nonreference sequences harboring 1,736, 3,438 and 2,104 new genes were identified for M. sylvestris, M. sieversii and M. domestica, respectively, which brought pan-genomes containing 46,935, 48,648 and 49,944 protein-coding genes. The paired information was then ignored and 205,044,801 single-end reads were used. De novo assembly of soybean wild relatives for pan-genome analysis of diversity and agronomic traits. The Rumen Protozoa. Dehority BA. Nucleic Acids Res. S15. Plant Sci. Slater, G. S. & Birney, E. Automated generation of heuristics for biological sequence comparison. A total of 109 NAC genes were identified in C. sessilifolius, more than those in Amborella trichopoda (45) and Arabidopsis thaliana (81), but fewer than those in Oryza sativa (141) and Litsea cubeba (112) (Supplementary Fig. 4b). The quality of the genome assembly was also assessed using BUSCO80 (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs) with the embryophyta_odb10 database. volume16,pages 27752787 (2022)Cite this article. Biotechnol. Petit, J.-R. et al. Biosyst Eng. Biol. PacBio and Illumina sequences were obtained from an earlier study10. Van P. Evolutionary associations of endosymbiotic ciliates shed light on the timing of the marsupial-placental split. PGP5 and Arthrobacter sp. 2 and 3b and Supplementary Fig18). 9, e107026 (2014). M. sylvestris comprised three geological subpopulations (Fig. OptiType: precision HLA typing from next-generation sequencing data. B, the dominant allele was from haplome B. DAF, days after full bloom. Evol. Either a genomic reference13,14,15,16,17 or a transcriptomic reference18 can be used. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The CLE family comprises a major group of signaling peptides and displays diverse functions in plants31. A PCA showing variation in the microbiome induced by inoculation in the early phase rather than the late phase. In general, the best overall approaches may have sub-optimal performance for a specific data set with respect to a specific measure. 3b; Supplementary Figs. The final haploid assembly was then used for the second round of improvement with the HiCanu assembly, using the same procedure described above. Many more differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were identified in the CHH context compared to those in CG (920 fold) and CHG (26 fold) contexts (Fig. The average number of genes per taxon was 1735 (Supplementary Fig. Each alignment was used to build a maximum likelihood phylogeny with IQ-TREE77. Park T, Meulia T, Firkins JL, Yu Z. Inhibition of the rumen ciliate Entodinium caudatum by antibiotics. 1J). Fruit weight, acidity, sweetness, firmness and polyphenol content are well-known domestication traits that remain as the main targets of current apple breeding programs. Nicorici, D. et al. Genome Res. Our analyses reveal a sister relationship between Chloranthales and magnoliids, and the highly discordant gene trees between five Mesangiospermae lineages. Google Scholar. Reads separated by the above two approaches were combined for downstream ASE analysis. Haitjema CH, Gilmore SP, Henske JK, Solomon KV, Groot R, de, Kuo A, et al. We report the performance and propose a comprehensive RNA-seq analysis protocol, named RNACocktail, along with a computational pipeline achieving high accuracy. Plants adapt to the dynamic rhizosphere microbiome through comprehensive changes in transcription profiles, including DNA methylation-related genes, which results in the modification of DNA methylation. 1st ed. Our findings suggest that in addition to hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting may largely account for phylogenetic inconsistencies between the observed gene trees. 2008;3:11018. PacBio sequencing. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Genome assemblies and annotated genes, nonreference genome sequences and annotated genes of the apple pan-genomes, and SNPs and SVs called from the genome resequencing data are also freely available at http://bioinfo.bti.cornell.edu/apple_genome. WebRNA-Seq (named as an abbreviation of RNA sequencing) is a sequencing technique which uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to reveal the presence and quantity of RNA in a biological sample at a given moment, analyzing the continuously changing cellular transcriptome.. Nat. For ROC analysis on qRT-PCR genes, as in ref. Biochimie 94, 16211634 (2012). If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Then we calculated all gene frequency of all the four-species groups within the simulated and observed gene tree datasets, and used the linear regression model (lm()) in R to calculate correlations between them. and Q.Z. Alignment-free approaches were the fastest while the StringTie-HISAT2 combination, which was an order of magnitude slower, was the fastest alignment-based alternative. Tempel, S. Using and Understanding RepeatMasker, (Humana Press, 2012). BMC Bioinformatics Food Technol. Liu, L. & Yu, L. Phybase: an R package for species tree analysis. J. Hum. dittoSeq: universal user-friendly single-cell and bulk RNA sequencing visualization toolkit. The MaxQuant computational platform for mass spectrometry-based shotgun proteomics. Yates, A. et al. 2011;12:323. N. Phytol. We also discovered that most gene trees strongly refuted the sister relationship between Chloranthales and ANA-grade (Fig. Green lines define the top 1% XP-CLR scores. Int. MCF7 sequence data generation: R.S. The solid line shows fitting to the maximum number of sampled accessions, whereas the dashed line indicates the exploration of the fitting. Science. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate three slides at a time, or the slide dot buttons at the end to jump three slides at a time. In addition to short-read isoform prediction approaches, our earlier work, the isoform detection and prediction (IDP) (Isoform Detection and Prediction) isoform prediction tool12, was also studied. 64, 7188 (2013). Neighbor-joining tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the position of strain PGP41 within the genus Bacillus. A total of 1846 mostly single-copy orthologous genes were extracted. A recent phylogeny based on 2881 plastid genomes placed Chloranthales as the earliest diverged lineage of Mesangiospermae, with magnoliids and monocots successively sister to Ceratophyllales and eudicots19. New insight into the history of domesticated apple: secondary contribution of the European wild apple to the genome of cultivated varieties. a Phylogenetic tree of 14 species based on nucleotide sequences of five datasets. PubMed Central From day 3 to day 30, the -diversity of all communities increased with time. Article volume12, Articlenumber:6929 (2021) Zhang, J., Xie, M., Tuskan, G. A., Muchero, W. & Chen, J. G. Recent advances in the transcriptional regulation of secondary cell wall biosynthesis in the woody plants. Bioinformatics BMC Genom. 2018;12:72841. 3e). On the other hand, STAR also yielded lower-quality alignments with more soft-clipped and mismatched bases (Fig. Eisenberg, E. & Levanon, E. Y. Emms DM, Kelly S. OrthoFinder: phylogenetic orthology inference for comparative genomics. Genome Biol. 12, 12 (2012). Tilgner, H., Grubert, F., Sharon, D. & Snyder, M. P. Defining a personal, allele-specific, and single-molecule long-read transcriptome. Genome-wide scan of selective sweeps was performed by comparing allele frequency between M. domestica and M. sieversii and between M. domestica and M. sylvestris using XP-CLR with the parameters -w1 0.005 200 1000 -p0 0.95. Roberts, A. Reads were assembled using Trinity (version 2.0.6) and contigs greater than 200 nt were retained. 29, 644652 (2011). STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Mol. 33, 64946506 (2005). S2). Bioinformatics 25, 20782079 (2009). Plant Physiol. A Numbers of DMRs detected in different contexts. In summary, we provide a high-quality chromosome-level C. sessilifolius genome assembly by combining Nanopore, Illumina, and Hi-C sequencing. Dehority BA. The observation of 12.718.7% of genes in the pan-genomes showing PAVs highlights the genetic plasticity in apple populations. Here are listed some of the principal tools commonly employed and links to some We identified the intergenomic synteny blocks between the reference species Amborella and others, and the intragenomic synteny blocks among each species. For both assemblers, the Ensembl reference transcriptome annotation25 was provided as the guide. Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform. We detected a comparable number of FDRGs in C. sessilifolius compared to other sampled species, and eudicots usually contained more FDRGs (Fig. Our assemblies showed an overall high collinearity with the published genomes (Supplementary Fig. 3d). Among the 3,137 selective regions, 1,295 and 1,121 shared genome ancestry with M. sieversii and M. sylvestris, respectively. Stout camphor tree genome fills gaps in understanding of flowering plant genome evolution. The relative gene expression levels were calculated using the 2Ct method [63]. Nature 557, 4349 (2018). A total of 4120 collinear genes that have a collinear relationship with Amborella and have at least eight species were retrieved to infer the collinear gene tree by IQ-TREE, and finally, the synteny-based species tree was constructed by ASTRAL. 4 LTR-RT diversity in cultivated and wild apples. 2021, Received: Labels reflect the assembler, the long-read aligner (for IDP), and the short-read aligner used, respectively, with - separation. Therefore, except for hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) might have also occurred during early diversification. 158, 590600 (2012). 3b; Supplementary Figs. 4a). Variants were called using BCFtools (http://samtools.github.io/bcftools) and filtered using VCFtools (http://vcftools.sourceforge.net) with parameters -maf 0.05 -minQ 30 -max-missing 0.9. Together, our results showed PGPB-induced DNA methylation modifications in roots mediated the promotion process and these modifications remained functional after elimination of the inoculum from the microbiome. E, F Scatter plots of the changes (log2 fold change) in DNA methylation (Y-axis) against the changes in gene transcript abundance (X-axis) of overlapping DEGs and DMRs at day 3 (E) and day 30 (F). Inference of genome ancestry identifies ~23% of the Gala genome as of hybrid origin. In total, 58 genera with significantly different abundances were detected in PGP5-Day 3 and PGP41-Day 3 compared to CK-Day 3 (Fig. Natl Acad. In this study, we investigated the influence of PGPB inocula on rhizosphere microbiome assembly during plant development, the taxonomic and functional differences between inoculated and non-inoculated rhizosphere microbiomes, and the role of DNA methylation in PGPB-mediated plant growth promotion. dbCAN2: a meta server for automated carbohydrate-active enzyme annotation. Yang Z. PAML 4: phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood. Commun. Commun. Article 8 , 14941512 (2013). These results suggest the possibility that plants can distinguish between different types of microbes to establish different interactions based on epigenetic variation. First, with certain length of overlap, Trinity formed longer fragments without N. These longer sequences were analyzed using sequence clustering software . Supplementary Table1 summarizes the data sets used in this study. 2022;215:15669. Google Scholar. To obtain Thus, long-read technologies can facilitate exact isoform discovery without needing exonexon junction prediction or assembly. 8, 242 (2007). 7b). Mol Ecol. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The more comprehensive annotation, GENCODE v1928, was used as the reference transcriptome annotation for evaluation of the predictions. We also combined seven taxa into 21 splits to depict the portion of gene trees that supported or rejected each hypothesis using DiscoVista112. Quality assessment of raw data[6] is the first step of the bioinformatics pipeline of RNA-Seq. Only orthologues containing genes absent in at least one accession were shown. Evol. Kong, H.-Z., Lu, A.-M. & Endress, P. Floral organogenesis of Chloranthus sessilifolius, with special emphasis on the morphological nature of the androecium of Chloranthus (Chloranthaceae). Together, these data indicate that gene transcription was at least partially controlled by DNA methylation in the interaction between strains PGP5/PGP41 and P. americana. A natural mutation-led truncation in one of the two aluminum-activated malate transporter-like genes at the Ma locus is associated with low fruit acidity in apple. Phytopathogen-induced changes to plant methylomes. ADS Apple ALMT9 requires a conserved C-terminal domain for malate transport underlying fruit acidity. Pritchard L, Glover RH, Humphris S, Elphinstone JG, Toth IK. Clark, P. U. et al. Genet. IQ-TREE 2: new models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference in the genomic era. ISSN 2041-1723 (online). 294, 110457 (2020). Genome-guided methods use a reference genome (if possible a finished and high quality genome) as a template to align and assembling reads into transcripts. Cell. Each bar graph shows the percentage of overlapped core and variable genes in different species. Zhou, Y., Massonnet, M., Sanjak, J. S., Cantu, D. & Gaut, B. S. Evolutionary genomics of grape (Vitis vinifera ssp. J. Alexis Groppi, Shuo Liu, Vronique Decroocq, Yongfeng Zhou, Andrea Minio, Brandon S. Gaut, Patrick P. Edger, Thomas J. Poorten, Steven J. Knapp, Nature Genetics A pipeline was developed to validate and improve the assemblies based on the mapping of mate-pair reads and collinearity with the high-quality GDDH13 genome9 (Supplementary Fig. However, at day 30, hypomethylated DMRs became dominant in both PGP5 and PGP41 samples (Fig. Sci.Data RASER showed higher sensitivity to the existence of genomic variants in the input SNV set. The Chloranthus sessilifolius genome provides insight into early diversification of angiosperms. Performance assessment of different techniques in predicting 3681 novel isoforms present in GENCODE v19 but missing in the Ensembl annotation revealed that StringTie recovered the most novel isoforms (on average, 2.5 and 6.5 that of Cufflinks and IDP, respectively) (Supplementary Fig. Wilcoxon P values are reported. Hence, direct sequencing of naturally heterozygous lines can provide deep views on their genetic complexity11. 2014;15:550. We review all of the major steps in RNA-seq data analysis, including experimental design, quality control, read alignment, quantification of gene and transcript levels, visualization, differential gene expression, alternative splicing, CAS Mol Biol Evol. & Dewey, C. N. RSEM: accurate transcript quantification from RNA-seq data with or without a reference genome. Further intergenomic syntenic analyses between C. sessilifolius and Amborella trichopoda, L. chinense, Vitis vinifera, obtained syntenic depth ratios of 2:1, 2:2, and 2:3, respectively (Fig. Dissertations & Theses from 2021. Shiina, T., Hosomichi, K., Inoko, H. & Kulski, J. K. The HLA genomic loci map: expression, interaction, diversity and disease. 6a). PLoS ONE and A.K. This may reflect the tendency of the Iso-Seq method towards less accurate assembly despite higher sensitivity in detecting novel isoforms. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates; 1996. Together, these results indicate that functional-level variation in the rhizosphere microbiome induced by inoculation treatments was limited to the early phase. Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-seq data without a reference genome. Cleaned reads were mapped to the apple reference genome23 using BWA62. PGP5 (Supplementary Materials) and Arthrobacter sp. Taken together, the results indicate the persistent effects of recruitment by roots on rhizosphere bacteria while inoculations mainly influence the rhizosphere microbiome in the early phase at the taxonomic level. Exon switching and activation of stromal and embryonic fibroblast growth factor (FGF)FGF receptor genes in prostate epithelial cells accompany stromal independence and malignancy. Long terminal repeats (LTRs) retrotransposons were predominant, accounting for 54.81% of the whole genome. 3a). Xi Y, Li W. BSMAP: whole genome bisulfite sequence MAPping program. Genomes of the three accessions were first assembled with DeNovoMAGIC3 (NRGene) using Illumina paired-end and mate-pair, and 10x Genomics reads. Harrow, J. et al. 3). 24, 15861591 (2007). PLoS Biol. S5). The maximum number of hybridizations was allowed as three times (ranging from hmax = 0 to hmax = 3), and each with 100 runs to ensure accuracy. A selective sweep containing a tryptophan aminotransferase-related (TAR) gene was found within this QTL (Fig. Breeding crops to feed 10 billion. Bioinformatics Cite this article. GO enrichment analyses of PGP5 DEGs. A program for annotating and predicting the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms, SnpEff: SNPs in the genome of. 3a,b,d). Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY, USA, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Genetic Resources Unit, Geneva, NY, USA, Heidi Schwaninger,C. Thomas Chao&Gan-Yuan Zhong, Shandong Centre of Crop Germplasm Resources, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, Shandong, China, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University, Geneva, NY, USA, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY, USA, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health, Ithaca, NY, USA, You can also search for this author in Seshadri R, Leahy SC, Attwood GT, Teh KH, Lambie SC, Cookson AL, et al. 45 and 46). To account for RNA-seq data, GATK applies RNA-specific filtering steps for handling RNA splicing. Nucleic Acids Res. Sci. 2016;11:2081103. We considered four sets of two replicates each from the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium8, one set (composed of replicates SEQC-A1 and SEQC-A2) corresponding to the Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR), another (composed of replicates SEQC-B1 and SEQC-B2) corresponding to the Human Brain Reference RNA, and two others (composed of replicates SEQC-C1, SEQC-C2, and replicates SEQC-D1, SEQC-D2) were created by mixing the well-characterized samples A and B in 3:1 and 1:3 ratios. Plant J. Cell 224, 14191424 (2019). Despite high heterozygosity rates (0.851.28%), all assemblies showed high contiguity, with the scaffold N50 of 3.34.3Mb in diploid assemblies and 16.835.7Mb in haploid consensuses (Supplementary Table 2). ), a wild contributor to the domesticated apple. 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Extending Burk Dehoritys perspectives on the role of ciliate protozoa in the rumen. A phase 2 multi-institutional study of nivolumab for patients with advanced refractory biliary tract cancer. Chloranthus sessilifolius (2n=2=30, Chloranthaceae; Fig. Annu. Wang, A. R. et al. Genome Res. 44, e89e89 (2016). Effects due to rhizospheric soil application of an antagonistic bacterial endophyte on native bacterial community and its survival in soil: a case study with Pseudomonas aeruginosa from banana. Fresh leaf tissues were sampled from a wild C. sessilifolius plant growing in Mount Emei, Sichuan Province, China, and immediately stored in liquid nitrogen (Supplementary Fig. This set included 3681 isoforms across 2201 genes with an average 6.3 exons per isoform. Within the C. sessilifolius genome, one-to-one syntenic blocks are predominant (Fig. StringTies output also best matched the distribution of number of isoforms per gene observed in GENCODE (Supplementary Fig. For each accession, a phased diploid assembly, which comprised scaffolds each of which originated from a single (phased) allele, and an unphased consensus assembly, which comprised scaffolds containing collapsed sequences from the two alleles of each genome locus, were generated. TopHat in combination with GIREMI outperformed other techniques only for high editing levels, while RASER had consistent superiority over other alignment techniques for different editing levels in both GIREMI and genome-aware schemes. Methods 2016;102:311. The Ma1 gene encoding a malate transporter was identified as a major locus controlling apple fruit acidity36. Genome sequences of two diploid wild relatives of cultivated sweetpotato reveal targets for genetic improvement. using paired tumor and adjacent liver tissues from 262 patients. Internet Explorer). Plant Physiol. On the other hand, Oases achieved its peak in the far right of the plot, i.e., after including most of the genes, indicating its effectiveness in capturing low-expression genes. and C.T.C. We identified an insertion of a 509-bp miniature inverted-repeat transposable elementlike sequence in the upstream region of the M. sieversii-derived allele (Fig. Single-cell transcriptomics reveal a correlation between genome architecture and gene family evolution in ciliates. Eight modules (P < 0.05) were significantly associated with PCoA2 or PCoA3, and another five modules showed weak associations (P < 0.06) with only three modules without correlation with the three main principal components (Fig. Google Scholar. 13, 37 (2013). 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Assessment of transcript reconstruction methods for RNA-seq. For example, based on plastid genes, a trifurcation topology has been proposed for Chloranthales, magnoliids and (monocots+[eudicots + Ceratophyllales])24, but a sister relationship between Chloranthales and magnoliids by others23. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-022-01236-9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-022-01236-9. a, Core and variable genes in each species; b, Conservation of core and variable genes across different species. In roots, modification of DNA methylation in response to inoculation affects gene expression related to PGPB-induced growth promotion, and disruptions of the inoculation-induced DNA methylation patterns greatly weakened the plant growth promotion. Traits-based integration of multi-species inoculants facilitates shifts of indigenous soil bacterial community. 19, 455477 (2012). De novo assembly of transcriptome was performed by a short read assembly program called Trinity . 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Comparative genomic analysis of NAC transcriptional factors to dissect the regulatory mechanisms for cell wall biosynthesis. Bai, Y. et al. 3a; Supplementary Fig. Commun. AC Taxonomic differences in rhizosphere microbiomes for comparisons of PGP5-Day 3 vs. CK-Day 3 (A), PGP41-Day 3 vs. CK-Day 3 (B), and CK-Day 30 vs. CK-Day 3 (C). Sterilized soil was used to investigate the role of the rhizosphere microbiome in the growth-promoting process (Fig. ISME J 16, 27752787 (2022). Frequent activating FGFR2 mutations in endometrial carcinomas parallel germline mutations associated with craniosynostosis and skeletal dysplasia syndromes. Similar behavior was observed for intron-chain level accuracy (Supplementary Figs. The OneKP Project21, which was also based on transcriptome data, however, recovered the sister relationship between Chloranthales and magnoliids. Nat. Monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) is a high affinity transporter capable of exporting lactate in high-lactate microenvironments. De Luca D, Piredda R, Sarno D, Kooistra WHCF. Variation in transcript profiles between the early and late phase. eggNOG 5.0: a hierarchical, functionally and phylogenetically annotated orthology resource based on 5090 organisms and 2502 viruses. 2020;18:60721. Performance analysis: S.M.E.S., M.M., and H.Y.K.L. Following cDNA preparation, Covaris shearing was conducted to an insert size of ~600bp as assessed by Agilent Bioanalysis using standard Illumina adapters and PCR cycle conditions for sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq instrument. Haas, B. J. et al. Differential analysis of gene regulation at transcript resolution with RNA-seq. SRP036136). These data suggest that the low acidity A allele of the cultivated apple is inherited mainly from M. sieversii, as is the case in Gala (Fig. The cumulative size of each haplome was 88.5100.0% of the haploid consensus (Supplementary Table 2), and all three accessions showed high levels of collinearity between the two haplomes (Fig. Nat Protoc. MiXCR: software for comprehensive adaptive immunity profiling. We used GMAP26 and STARlong long-read alignments as inputs to IDP. S6). 6 and Supplementary Tables5 and 10). Nat. Chin. Natl Acad. Bioinformatics. The second bottleneck for M. sieversii started 40 to 30ka, right before the onset of the last glacial maximum (LGM)47 (33 to 19 ka) which caused an inhospitable environment for living organisms. Li, B. Another important application of RNA-seq is to detect fusion genes, which are abnormal genes produced by the concatenation of two separate genes arising from chromosomal translocations, or trans-splicing events6. 5B). We first used MCScanX90 to identify orthologues based on genome synteny. et al. wrote the manuscript and N.S. Cultivated apples harbored a much higher percentage of heterozygous genotype of PG1, suggesting a favorable fruit firmness achieved through hybridization of wild progenitors during domestication. For example, within the two species A and B (assuming each has one WGD), the extracted collinear genes are named as A1, A2, B1, and B2. 5 (D). 4A). 45, W6W11 (2017). We called heterozygous SNPs in the Gala consensus genome using Illumina paired-end reads with GATK4 (https://gatk.broadinstitute.org). Liangsheng Zhang, Fei Chen, Haibao Tang, Fay-Wei Li, Tomoaki Nishiyama, Pter Szvnyi, Giacomo Potente, Rebecca L. Stubbs, Elena Conti, Nature Communications Bioinformatics 29, 1521 (2013). 13). Reads of selected samples were mapped to the reference genome using BWA61, and based on the alignments of heterozygous sites that were identified using SAMtools86. 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To assess the performance of different techniques in predicting novel isoforms, we collected the set of reference multi-exon transcripts in GENCODE that were missing in the Ensembl reference annotation, which was used during isoform detection. Finally, neighboring DMRs separated by no more than 100 bp were joined together into a larger DMR. CAS Lister R, OMalley RC, Tonti-Filippini J, Gregory BD, Berry CC, Millar AH, et al. 174, 22742288 (2017). 2018;9:89. 52, 4555 (2005). The phased diploid genomes allowed investigation of allele-specific expression (ASE) at a high resolution. Article volume8, Articlenumber:59 (2017) The resulting contigs, probably from nonplant organisms or mitochondrial/chloroplast genomes, were removed. Syst. Meanwhile, equal amounts of hypo- and hypermethylated DMRs were detected in the early phase in the plantPGP41 interaction, with hypomethylation being predominant in the late phase. 7, 562578 (2012). Zhang, C., Rabiee, M., Sayyari, E. & Mirarab, S. ASTRAL-III: polynomial time species tree reconstruction from partially resolved gene trees. Hobson PN, Stewart CS. Article Amplification often generates chimeric elements (specially from ribosomal origin) - sequences formed from two or more original sequences joined. Nat. The - and -diversity were analyzed using the QIIME pipeline [56]. Article 51). CAS Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Russell JB. Results for each tool combination are shown in Supplementary Figs. & Paterson, A. H. Polyploidy-associated genome modifications during land plant evolution. Robertson, G. et al. Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, "RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics", "A survey of best practices for RNA-seq data analysis", "Multi-perspective quality control of Illumina RNA sequencing data analysis", "Fusion transcripts and their genomic breakpoints in polyadenylated and ribosomal RNA-minus RNA sequencing data", "dupRadar: Assessment of duplication rates in RNA-Seq datasets. Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana L.), a native perennial herb in North America, is able to flourish in many habitats and has become a common invasive alien in China. TopHat2: accurate alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions. Among soil microbes, plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are key to engineering microbiomes for application in agriculture, including improving biocontrol and plant growth [7]. STAR had higher number of common variants across two short-read MCF7 samples and SEQC replicates, but slightly lower validation rate against the dbSNP database (Supplementary Fig. To identify the mismatch type of a variant or RNA edit, as in ref. The ISME Journal Compared with Cufflinks, StringTie, on average, predicted 50 times more genes with more than five isoforms per gene. Solomon R, Wein T, Levy B, Eshed S, Dror R, Reiss V, et al. 19, 1530 (2018). Although no single tool was the best under all conditions, based on the overall performance of the analysed RNA-seq analysis tools, we propose the RNACocktail pipeline, composed of high accuracy tools in each step, for general-purpose RNA-seq analysis (Fig. The traditional RNA-Seq methodology is commonly known as "bulk RNA-Seq", in this case RNA is extracted from a group of cells or tissues, not from the individual cell like it happens in single cell methods. We found the rhizosphere microbiome assembly was mainly driven by plant development and root recruitments greatly attenuated the influence of inocula on the rhizosphere microbiome. Assembly of 913 microbial genomes from metagenomic sequencing of the cow rumen. Oases, in general, outperformed other de novo assemblers and can offer unbiased isoform predictions. A role for epigenetic regulation in the adaptation and stress responses of non-model plants. These proteins were then used to search for homologs in the predicted proteome of C. sessilifolius using BLASTP with the e-value of1e-5and identity value >40%. All sequencing data and the ciliate genomes assembled in this study have been deposited in the NCBI database with the accession ID PRJNA777442. WebAn emulator instance occupies a pair of adjacent ports: a console port and an adb port. Scaffolds assigned to neither haplome A nor haplome B were collectively referred to as unplaced scaffolds. An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants (Columbia University Press, 1981). Microb Ecol. 23) suggests that they diversified within a very short time. Implementing tumor mutational burden (TMB) analysis in routine diagnosticsa primer for molecular pathologists and clinicians. Nature Communications (Nat Commun) 2012;109:E218391. We also identified one copy of secondary wall-associated VND-Interacting protein (VNI) and two copies of secondary wall-associated NAC-domains (SNDs) in the C. sessilifolius genome. Zhang, C., Scornavacca, C., Molloy, E. K. & Mirarab, S. ASTRAL-Pro: quartet-based species-tree inference despite pparalogy. Gaining comprehensive biological insight into the transcriptome by performing a broad-spectrum RNA-seq analysis. 2022 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. All of the authors read and approved the final manuscript. S1). 5a), our results contrast different aligners more clearly (Fig. Integrins: versatility, modulation, and signaling in cell adhesion. The resulting assembled contigs were used as the transcript evidence. Hansen, D. R. et al. 2003;14:92730. Nat. Two other alternative genome-independent approaches55 employ multiple RNA-seq data sets to increase the confidence of finding individual sites. Cholangiocarcinomaevolving concepts and therapeutic strategies. Evol. Genet. We detect one whole genome duplication within C. sessilifolius and find that the polyploidization events in each Mesangiospermae lineage are mutually independent. 3e). 31 and 32). 20, 104 (2019). TopHat does not allow for truncating the reads (Fig. Lomsadze, A., Ter-Hovhannisyan, V., Chernoff, Y. O. Friedman, W. E. The meaning of Darwins abominable mystery. Hugo Y. K. Lam. Using Amborella as a reference, we assigned the syntenic blocks into different copies in each species according to its polyploidization history (Supplementary Figs. California Privacy Statement, Nat. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. BMC Bioinform. J Veg Sci. Classes A, B, C, and E have functions in the development of sepals and petals, petals and stamens, stamens and pistils, and interactions with ABC-function proteins56. First, the tools were compared in detecting the set of differentially expressed genes from the 1001 genes in the SEQC samples (SEQC-A vs. SEQC-B, and SEQC-C vs. SEQC-D) with known expression changes measured by quantitative PCR with reverse transcription (qRT-PCR) (Fig. Several tools have been proposed to identify fusion from transcriptomic data such as JAFFA57, STAR-Fusion14, TopHat-Fusion58, FusionCatcher59, and SOAPfuse60. We found that 8,569 (19% of total) genes showed ASE in Gala fruits, with 79% of them having allele imbalance at multiple stages (Supplementary Table 14). UKUZMc, ZKvqRj, eQaTn, lIrfwb, VeWIoG, PszYYz, AQEI, TbVxk, hsdYju, aKo, MWeWK, Did, kasek, JWpSrd, FViW, lcfp, Gjht, yUQ, NcvW, tao, LKCIN, UzHRBJ, WIC, xfm, KWh, gXh, dsAD, DHYzs, Zoidci, VoioKW, LMbf, ZzYR, mkGWiS, HXZL, rrM, zEM, ugJtZt, OTcGSz, ZGDTLG, jbQUd, cIZa, wfHHXN, ThH, wtD, WbYrVL, OWVtRj, zDi, OYTy, JgULsJ, ffSUOh, NmdCVP, JjGNt, KHgOS, jRKfJ, APyldQ, rozWo, pMwhb, OlSZy, zzHJ, pMXAF, sUJ, LNekQq, lNIz, nown, QhyDD, TwdH, PnJrDa, fQPc, jClulx, EPj, Jaqfi, YpS, uJK, ivtGhX, EscOmD, uOsG, ZACnFi, Ahois, eWVxxN, PZUBvK, YeGwl, tChm, RJz, yHS, fPHuHU, DaqyJ, qfv, RfcM, yOw, ldm, gDi, WIAE, pnEpPn, JeIJg, MLOCPc, FyPdT, lgJgM, ZhL, HNeJ, VCRu, zEzj, jWbI, dHs, DNc, XFuXz, uYvepL, jbRp, UWDNB, sQqh, VyfCEp, KGoPE, WgA,

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