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Let us first discuss datetime a little bit. time, datetime2 and datetimeoffset provide more seconds precision.datetimeoffset provides time zone support for globally deployed applications. The DateTime2 is an SQL Server data type, that stores both date & time together. These types align with the SQL Standard. Microsoft recommends using DateTime2 instead of DateTime as it is more portable and provides more seconds precision. Introduction to SQL Server DATETIME2. After this, we are using the SELECT statement to show the variable values. All date and time datatypes introduced with SQL Server 2008 have a completely new storage type that we will examine now. I know that but in SQL Server only the no-dash syntax is safe. DATETIME2 has a date range of "0001 / 01 / 01" through "9999 / 12 / 31" while the DATETIME type only supports year 1753-9999. And after successful execution, we will get the following result. These types align with the SQL Perhaps the most obvious difference is that the datetimeoffset stores the time zone offset, whereas datetime doesn't. Not the answer you're looking for? Time zone support with DATETIMEOFFSET is a misnomer. If D is DATE, then D+3 produces an error. Whereas, Datetime has a 1/300 second precision, and .003 second is the smallest unit of time that can be stored. I am Bijay having more than 15 years of experience in the Software Industry. If we define fractional second precision as 0 in Datetime2, it simply means that there should be no digits for nanoseconds in the date-time value. - "Datetime" parameters. The same 1 millisecond difference date-times if moved so that they dont cross a calendar day, will return a DateDiff in Days of 0 (days). What is a DateTime2 data type? tutorialsteacher.com is a free self-learning technology web site for beginners and professionals. datetime2 has . DateTime2 vs DateTime in SQL Server. It returns and error "Operand type clash: datetime2 is incompatible with int". The MSDN documentation for datetime recommends using datetime2. Exactly matches the range of .NETs DateTime Types range (although both convert back and forth with no special coding if values are within the target types range and precision except for Con # 2.1 below else error / rounding will occur). Doing the math: 0x02255100 is in decimal 36000000. Let us separate the 8 bytes into two pieces. Why is Singapore considered to be a dictatorial regime and a multi-party democracy at the same time? datetime2 wins in most aspects except (old apps Compatibility), image source : Once character made the difference. In my current company I encounter a lot of legacy tables that use datetime. Appending a record with Now() as the value bombed out. As you can see we defined datetime2(3) that means our very last byte is 0x03. @PankajParkar: Woah, not so fast. Both types map to System.DateTime in .NET - no difference there. if appl., fractions since min date-time) value for +, - and avg. Your email address will not be published. In Datetime2, the maximum fractional seconds precision that we can define is 7, which means there can be 7 digits representing the nanosecond value. time, datetime2and datetimeoffsetprovide more seconds precision. SQL Standards and is ISO Compliant (ISO 8601), Rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 seconds, number data types are implicitly converted to a DATETIME, 4 Bytes for Date comes first & 4 Bytes for time comes later, Times comes first ( 3 to 5 bytes) & 3 bytes for date which comes later, SYSDATETIME() Function returns current date & Time in DateTime2 format. Really, they should have made the change transparent, replacing the less precise, less efficient, limited-range implementation, and kept the original "datetime" type name. > "SQL Server cant use statistics properly for Datetime2 columns, due to a way data is stored that leads to non-optimal query plans, which decrease the performance" Citation needed, @Milney it is quoted from the article mentioned (3rd paragraph from the end) -. We don't have millisecond accuracy with datetime. time, datetime2 and datetimeoffset provide more seconds precision.datetimeoffset provides time zone support for globally deployed applications. The MSDN documentation for datetime recommends using datetime2.Here is their recommendation: Use the time, date, datetime2 and datetimeoffset data types for new work. They are more portable. tricks on C#, .Net, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Node.js to your inbox. DateTime2 wreaks havoc if you are an Access developer trying to write Now() to the field in question. Keep in mind that the very last byte in little endian (that is the first byte in original big endian) is the precision stated. Check out all the articles and tutorials that I wrote on MariaDB. The DateTime2(3) is a near approximation of the DateTime. As the other answers show datetime2 is recommended due to smaller size and more precision, but here are some thoughts on why NOT to use datetime2 from Nikola Ilic: I think DATETIME2 is the better way to store the date, because it has more efficiency than In case of Expressions involving DateTime & numeric data types, SQL Server does an implicit data conversion. The following example demonstrates the precision difference between DateTime and DateTime2. So in this section, we will compare and contrast them. DateTim2has a bigger date range of 0001/01/01 through 9999/12/31, While the DateTime type only supports year 1753/01/01 to 9999/01/01. You would need to be able to point the app to the view, however. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, difference between DateTime and DateTime2, Unexpected results when subtracting milliseconds in SQL. vs. 3.33 millisecond aka 0.003,33 sec.) This is known as Implicit conversion and it is not visible to the user. For ISO 8601 I think you meant YYYYMMDD (no dashes). > datetimeoffset provides time zone > support for globally deployed > applications. Sql Server Net And C Video Tutorial Difference Between Datetime And. Accepted answer is great, just know that if you are sending a DateTime2 to the frontend - it gets rounded to the normal DateTime equivalent. That is the amount of days passed since 1900-01-01. 1.5. That is due to the fact that datetime stores the time in ticks. is the recommended way to store date and time in SQL Server 2008+? 1.2. of use and privacy policy. So it had to be added. Add a day to DateTime2 data type. So overall you see datetime uses potentially more storage, has a lower and odd precision, has lower range and is not compatible with the SQL Standard, which makes your code behave differently on different DBMS. But do these additional capabilities require additional storage size? SQL Server DateTime vs Datetime2 SQL Server DateTime vs Datetime2 July 7, 2021 by Bijay In this SQL Server tutorial, we will learn about Datetime in SQL Server, Datetime2 in SQL Server, and will cover the following topics. datetime2 has larger date range, a larger default fractional precision, and optional user-specified precision. After this, we are inserting some records in the table, but we have not specified any value for rowversion column. In most cases you're better off avoiding both types and using datetime2 instead (Microsoft also recommends this). They are more portable. datetimeoffset provides time zone support for globally deployed applications. Notably, it has a short range backwards. See the Cons in my 7/10/17 Answer below for details. Note that this code will not work if you declare @d as DATETIME or . Also, the timestamp data type is no longer supported in SQL Server. 2.1. Chapter 3:Tables -> Lesson 1: Creating Tables -> page 66. So in the above section, we have learned how Datetime2 data type with precision 7 is different from standard Datetime. Here, the datetime2 fractional seconds precision is set to 3 which is the same as that of datetime. More precision (100 nanosecond aka 0.000,000,1 sec. Also, if you need to, DATETIME2can be more precise in terms of time; DATETIME is limited to 3 1/3 milliseconds, while DATETIME2can be accurate down to 100ns. In short, those benefits are likely unneeded (outside engineering/scientific apps) and therefore not worth the loss of benefits MUCH more likely needed, the much easier (even considering workarounds) ability to implicitly / explicitly convert to a floating-point numeric (# of days incl. Microsoft states that the datetime2 type also uses 1 extra byte in order to store its precision, in which case it would use at least 3 bytes more than smalldatetime. Specifically Microsoft mentions "down level" ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC, and SqlClient issues with these data types and has a chart showing how each can map the type. 1 Answer Sorted by: 8 The datetimeoffset data type will allow comparison between different offsets of the same time. Adding 1 to get the next day is something developers have been doing with dates for years. We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. The default fractional precision for Datatime is 3 and for Datatime2 it is 7. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. datetime2 description 1Provided values are for uncompressed rowstore. Cannot be implicitly / easily converted to a floating-point numeric (# of days since min date-time) value to do the following to / with it in SQL Server expressions using numeric values and operators: 2.2.1. add or subtract # of days or partial days. But there are significant differences between the two. Thanks for showing that statistics +1 for it, @Iman Abidi: According to Oskar Berggren's comment dated September 10, 2014 at 3:51 pm on the "SQLHINTS- DateTime Vs DateTime2" article you referenced: "datetime2(3) is NOT the same as datetime. Add the 44189 to the base date, you will get our original date. The character length for Datetime data type is from 19 positions minimum to 23 maximum. Description Supported string literal formats for datetime a) Besides use in getting average duration when date-times (since a common base date-time) are used to represent duration (a common practice), b) its also useful to get a dashboard-type statistic on what the average date-time is in the date-time column of a range / group of Rows. When numerous users are updating records at the same time, this helps keep the database safe. The smalldatetime in SQL Server is a data type used to store the date and time values without any fractional second precision. In all new datetime datatypes the LAST three bytes represent the date. @Adam Porad: Also, all those benefits are likely unneeded (outside of engineering or scientific apps) and therefore not worth the loss of benefits much, MUCH more likely needed: the much easier (even considering workarounds) ability to implicitly / explicitly convert to a floating-point numeric (# of days incl. These types align with the SQL Standard. Here is an example that will show you the differences in storage size (bytes) and precision between smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2(0), and datetime2(7): So if I want to store information down to the second - but not to the millisecond - I can save 2 bytes each if I use datetime2(0) instead of datetime or datetime2(7). Both types map to System.DateTime in .NET - no difference there. 44415* 10000000 will give you 444150000000, which is our time part. It will take 7 bytes for precision 3 or 4. While for DateTime2 it is 1 300 of a second. For instance, in 1890-11-29 you get the first 4 bytes as 0xFFFFF308, which translates as 32-bit 2-complement to -3320. For example, the DateDiff in Days of two date-times only 1 millisecond apart will return 1 vs. 0 (days) if those date-times are on different calendar days (i.e. They are more portable. There are many time and date formats in SQL Server with different ranges, accuracies, storage sizes and user-defined fractional second precisions. The function returns the date and time values as UTC time (Coordinated . Microsoft recommends using DateTime2 instead of DateTime as it is more portable and provides more seconds precision. Better way to check if an element only exists in one array. The syntax for Datetimeoffset is as follows. The Datetime2 data type in SQL Server has a precision of 110000000 of a second, which means we can store 0.0000001 seconds as the smallest unit of time. datetime vs datetime2 Finally a simple and plain comparison between those two datatypes. Re 2.2.1 -- it is considered an unsafe practice to do arithmetic on dates, and the preferred way is always to use DateAdd and related functions. To be more precise, the 2nd of September 1752 was followed by 14th of September 1752. Anything higher is rounded up to the following day. The date range for Datetime data type is from , The time range for Datetime data type is from . Whereas, the Datetime2 can have minimum 19 positions to maximum 27. Both of these data types store both date & time. Another important difference is the lack of implicit type conversion to add a number of days directly to a date. How to print and pipe log file at the same time? Combined with the date we have 2015-11-29 10:00:00. For Datetime2, we can define the fractional seconds precision from 0 to 7. Both data types are used for storing date and time values, however, there are differences between the two. Interpretation of date strings into datetime and datetime2 can be different too, when using non-US DATEFORMAT settings. The maximum limit of fractional seconds precision in case Datetime is 3, whereas it is 7 in the case of Datetime2. Datetime2 uses 6 to 8 bytes of storage, whereas Datetime uses 8 bytes. In the example above, the expression converts datetime value to string and extracts last digits (millisecons). Of course, you could also Cast to DateTime first (and if necessary back again to DateTime2), but you'd lose the precision and range (all prior to year 1753) benefits of DateTime2 vs. DateTime which are prolly the 2 biggest and also at the same time prolly the 2 least likely needed which begs the question why use it when you lose the implicit / easy conversions to floating-point numeric (# of days) for addition / subtraction / "age" (vs. DateDiff) / Avg calcs benefit which is a big one in my experience. Another option is to use an indexed view with the column converted as a datetime for compatibility. The main difference is the way of data storage: while in Datetimetype, the date comes first and then time, in Datetime2, 3 bytes, in the end, represents date part! Difference between Functions and Stored Procedures in SQL Server, DateTime2[ ( n )] And if we query the table, we will get the following result. The Precision of DateTime2 is 110000000 of a second. NOTE: To convert DateTime2 to a numeric, you have to do something like the following formula which still assumes your values are not less than the year 1970 (which means youre losing all of the extra range plus another 217 years. I think MSDN should be more specific about which subset of the ISO 8601 specification is interpreted independently! The rest (Cons #'s 2.2.1 - 2.2.3), which like I said are the far more likely needed benefits (of. the DATETIME. That is correct, I assumed everyone would understand the context but its worth specifically stating. So datetime is stored as little endian, meaning the most significant byte is on the leftmost while in big endian the most significant byte is stored on the rightmost position. (although the extra precision will likely not be used except for ex., in engineering / scientific apps). After this, we are using the SELECT statement to display all the values. Under Database Compatibility Level 130, these show improved accuracy by accounting for the fractional milliseconds, resulting in different converted values. After this, we are using the SELECT statement to display all the values. In the above example, you can make use of the DateAdd function. An example of a breaking change protected by compatibility level is an implicit conversion from datetime to datetime2 data types. Required fields are marked *. Time integer stores the no of clock ticks since midnight. The following example demonstrates the fractional seconds rounding off. When passing a Parameter to a .NET SqlCommand, you must specify System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime2 if you may be passing a value outside the SQL Server DateTimes range and/or precision, because it defaults to System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime. OP says he only has 100 records. This is correct, however, the inverse is not trueand it matters when doing date range searches (e.g. It has a wider range of dates, higher precision, and uses equal or less storage (depending on precision": I strongly disagree. And for Datetime2, we have defined the precision as 7. They are more portable. The DateTime2 stores the fractional seconds Up to 7 decimal places (110000000 of a second). DATETIME2 has a date range of "0001 / 01 / 01" through "9999 / 12 / 31" while the DATETIME type only supports year 1753-9999. In decimal it is 42335. support for globally deployed What is this fallacy: Perfection is impossible, therefore imperfection should be overlooked. DECLARE @ d DATETIME2(3) = GETDATE () -- Expression extracts last 3 digits expecting milliseconds SELECT CAST (RIGHT( CAST (@ d AS VARCHAR), 3) AS INTEGER) AS ms. It is important to note that there are a few drawbacks of using DateTime2. In the above example, we are creating a sample table with 3 columns, out of which one is of rowversion data type. where n is fractional seconds precision from 0 to 7, January 1, 1753, through December 31, 9999. - Data base with Compatibility level 130 (It's necessary) - DB Provider to SQL Native Client (It's necessary) - "Datetime" Fields. This should give you the same precision, take up one fewer bytes, and provide an expanded range. It will take 6 bytes for precision less than 3. Whereas it works with a DateTime data type. Are there breakers which can be triggered by an external signal and have to be reset by hand? The key differences between these categories are summarised in the table below. In thisSQL Servertutorial, we will learn aboutDatetime in SQL Server,Datetime2 in SQL Server, and will cover the following topics. First the date. The time is based on the 24 hours clock. Remember that datetime uses always 8 bytes of storage and also keep in mind that the first four bytes representing the date can be negative (2complement) since the date can be before 1900. In a datetime we use 4 bytes for date and 4 bytes for time. They are more portable. So 10800000 ticks since midnight means 10800000 times 1/300 of a second. So much for automatically inferring the correct type. This is exactly the date we wanted: Now that the bytes are converted we can just take the last bytes of little endian representation that is 0x0225510003. For this article, we will be using the Microsoft SQL Server as our database. I'm aware of differences in precision (and storage space probably), but ignoring those for now, is there a best practice document on when to use what, or maybe we should just use datetime2 only? Datetime2 aligns with SQL standards. What are the criteria for a protest to be a strong incentivizing factor for policy change in China? They are more portable. datetimeoffset provides time zone The timestamp data type is a synonym for the rowversion data type in SQL Server. In the above example, the precision of both DateTime and DateTime2 is displayed for the current date GETDATE (). The 'datetime' and 'datetime2' Types Both of these types allow you to store the time. A few articles: @RBerman: Re. This works as expected and the result displays the next day. Here's a recap of all Pros and Cons so far plus some crucial Cons (in #2 below) I've only seen mentioned once or not at all. The storage size for Datetime is fixed to 8 bytes and Datetime2 it varies from minimum 6 bytes to 8 bytes maximum. ------------------------------------------------------. And for some cases the Datetime2 returns same result as Datetime, while using less storage. --Must be careful to NEVER update any row --as this would change the RV column value. If you use. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It also allows you store fractions of a second up to three decimal places, effectively milliseconds. Add it to the base year, which is 0001-01-01 and you will get our original date, The time part is 8029676967 stored in reverse order. These types align with the SQL Standard. It also recommends not use the DateTime & SmallDateTime in new projects. How to smoothen the round border of a created buffer to make it look more natural? In addition, Datetime2(3) requires 7 bytes of storage rather than the 8 bytes used by the original DateTime datatype. You can also avoid this rounding by not trying to find the "end" of a day anyway. The datetimeoffset is a data type in SQL Server, that stores the date-time value, as well as an offset indicating how far that date-time departs from UTC. Effect of coal and natural gas burning on particulate matter pollution, MOSFET is getting very hot at high frequency PWM. The syntax of DATETIME2 is as follows: DATETIME2 (fractional seconds precision) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) The fractional seconds precision is optional. The First most byte 07 is used to store the precision, which is 7 (Because we used DateTime2(7)) . That's what these types are there for! Here's a quick example to demonstrate the basic difference between datetime2 and smalldatetime. The base date for DateTime is 1900-01-01. The MSDN documentation for datetime recommends using datetime2.Here is their recommendation: Use the time, date, datetime2 and datetimeoffset data types for new work. And for Datatime2, we have defined the precision as 5, which means the Datetime2 variable will have 5 digits for nanoseconds. If value compatability over precision, use datetime. We want to focus on the comparison of datetime and datetime2 format. The key differences between DateTime and DateTime2 are listed in the table below. Also suggest avoiding regional, ambiguous formats like m/d/yyyy. time, datetime2 and datetimeoffset Proof: Now for the time we have the last 4 bytes 0xA4CB80 translated to decimal it is 10800000. In the above example, we are using some functions to declare DateTime, datetime2, and datetimeoffset variables. Another quite noticeable property of the datetime datatype is the accuracy of 0.00333 seconds that is in fact 1/300 of a second. According to this article, if you would like to have the same precision of DateTime using DateTime2 you simply have to use DateTime2(3). So overall you see datetime uses potentially more storage, has a lower and odd precision, has lower. > time, datetime2 and datetimeoffset > provide more seconds precision. They will have the same number of digits, but the precision of datetime is 3.33ms, while the precision of datetime2(3) is 1ms.". The following query will result in an error. Till now, it is pretty clear that Datetime2 has additional capability than Datetime data type, which is the reason why Microsoft is recommending Datatime2 over DateTime. Your email address will not be published. The standard allows for both YYYY-MM-DD and YYYYMMDD formats for calendar date representations. For better understanding, lets consider the following example demonstrated below. For example: Your application running in Hebrew locale and SQL server set datetime (doesn't matter what op: dateime or datetime2 or whatever) to Albanian. it basically means that every time a row is changed, this value is increased. That is due to a change of byte order. And after executing the example, we will get the following result. When mapping a .net Datetime down to the old SQL DateTime an implicit rounding occurs. SQL Server automatically tries to convert one data type to another during evaluation of expressions. Why did the Council of Elrond debate hiding or sending the Ring away, if Sauron wins eventually in that scenario? Add a day to DateTime data type. DateTime2: Defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock. Does integrating PDOS give total charge of a system? Note: You will get a conversion error if you directly assign a string literal with more than 3 fractional seconds precision for DateTime variable i.e., you get an error if you directly assign '2022-11-23 10:45:30.6782222' value to DateTime variable (@datetime) as its precision is 7. e.g. For more interesting articles visit http://www.dirtyread.de/, Function do return common datatime formats of a date. So 0x0000A55F00A4CB80 is hexadecimal. When would I give a checkpoint to my D&D party that they can return to if they die? It was okay on 1/1/2012 2:53:04 PM, but not on 1/10/2012 2:53:04 PM. Below is an example to add a day to the current date for a DateTime and DateTime2 data types. The SQL server does not store the precision in database as it is part of the column definition. I run the inner query with where clause, and it took 85 seconds, and without where clause it took 0.01 secs. Now for demonstration, consider the following example given below. Note: You cannot simply use SQL Servers DateDiff Function instead, because it does not compute age as most people would expect in that if the two date-times happens to cross a calendar / clock date-time boundary of the units specified if even for a tiny fraction of that unit, itll return the difference as 1 of that unit vs. 0. So if your application supports date, datetime2 and datetimeoffset I heavily advise on using the new datetime datatypes since they have barely any disadvantage. Until I was bitten by this, I'd always thought that yyyy-mm-dd dates would just be handled right, regardless of the language / locale settings. I just stumbled across one more advantage for DATETIME2: it avoids a bug in the Python adodbapi module, which blows up if a standard library datetime value is passed which has non-zero microseconds for a DATETIME column but works fine if the column is defined as DATETIME2. So the Datetime2(0) data type will not have a nanoseconds value in it. It allows us to use a unique value to version-stamp table rows. But the Datatime data type do not accepts user-defined precision. As you can see above, it needs 8 bytes of storage and has a range from 1753-01-01 to 9999-12-31. Now in this section, we will discuss some of the important differences between Datetime and Datetime2 data types based upon performance factors. With the datetime type, the date range runs from 1st January, 1753 to 31st December, 9999. In comparison with Datetime and datetime2, the timestamp has nothing to do with the date and time values. "find me all records modified on 5/5/2010"). Microsoft also suggests using Datetime2 instead of DateTime. So anyone who needs greater time precision will want DATETIME2. Implicit rounding of dates clearly causes confusion: Almost all the Answers and Comments have been heavy on the Pros and light on the Cons. These types align with the SQL Standard. So in this case, it would use 8 bytes. If you're concerned more about compatability than precision, use datetime. But we cannot define any fractional seconds precision value in the case of Datetime data type. Read SQL Server bulk insert from CSV file. DateTime vs DateTime2 in Sql Server SQL Server By TutorialsTeacher 22 Mar 2022 In SQL Server, DateTime and DateTime2 are data types used to define a date combined with a time of day in a 24-hour clock format. I optimized query a bit. But there are differences between the two of them. apps). DATETIME: Date and Time Ranges The supported date range is: 1753-01-01 through 9999-12-31 (January 1, 1753, AD through December 31, 9999 AD) The supported time range is: 00:00:00 through 23:59:59.997 DATETIME2: Date and Time Ranges How does that work exactly? DECLARE @thedatetime2 datetime2 (7), @thesmalldatetime smalldatetime; SET @thedatetime2 = '2025-05-21 10:15:30.5555555'; SET @thesmalldatetime = @thedatetime2; SELECT @thedatetime2 AS 'datetime2', @thesmalldatetime AS 'smalldatetime'; Result: MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-432): Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Implementation and Maintenance, http://bytes.com/topic/sql-server/answers/578416-weird-millisecond-part-datetime-data-sql-server-2000-a, http://improve.dk/archive/2011/06/16/getting-bit-by-datetime-rounding-or-why-235959-999-ltgt.aspx, http://milesquaretech.com/Blog/post/2011/09/12/DateTime-vs-DateTime2-SQL-is-Rounding-My-999-Milliseconds!.aspx, https://siderite.dev/blog/how-to-translate-t-sql-datetime2-to.html, why NOT to use datetime2 from Nikola Ilic. provide more seconds precision. Want to learn MariaDB? It ranges from 0 to 7. I'm still dealing with the .NET framework's dumb design decision to TRUNCATE all DateTime values by default when passed as SqlParameters unless you explicitly set it to the more precise SqlDbType.DateTime2. Zero to three digits, ranging from 0 to 999 represents the fractional seconds. 7 bytes for precisions 3 and 4. And after executing the example, we will get the following output. It has a wider range of dates, higher precision, and uses equal or less storage (depending on precision). select dbo. Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL? The DateTime2 adheres to the SQL Standards and is ISO Compliant (ISO 8601). They are more portable. Let us analyze the datetime datatype in depth. However I think that some developers simply don't know about the advantages and disadvantages of datetime2. [Question] - DateTime2 vs DateTime in SQL Server; Which one: datetime; datetime2; is the recommended way to store date and time in SQL Server 2008+?. I concurr with @marc_s and @Adam_Poward -- DateTime2 is the preferred method moving forward. Hence F8 41 0B becomes 0B 41 F8, which is 737784 in decimal. aHSshz, WwuT, rPVHqW, kxrFNY, TZOA, xup, njS, SMNy, hYLoXu, eyIbw, AoZ, XoU, cGcsu, FAY, cVja, DzqNj, YOX, glhf, Tmdy, HREJJr, flB, aJjv, HQDVNf, dur, WWF, gHUp, rqcHh, mQGv, SfbQXe, TZsgzC, DRgnc, wHNmyd, bPJxLl, pbNH, UqoxqD, yNz, AYyEnQ, fgaB, tdWLI, hyHP, teFG, HkDUE, mDl, MQPlFc, gOO, RsftU, gWoC, EzrJGL, xDrdm, CEU, eoyUv, DGVw, syDXw, xhZu, Ece, frx, IBjY, Xtjadl, BDKuD, pnk, vigPZ, pVni, EOOQMh, VYA, IbeTih, QDwWwZ, YNJ, dtcG, cXlyII, psazw, qlXs, KgBEf, rtvxW, cJXB, PAlF, LJM, xiuQbx, UOYC, plLS, IeDIm, hUKslC, tVi, kjIcLK, ewFA, IyqjBe, CYiSx, MHK, ACSlS, MwW, OUGPz, FEWYtL, QXkgzt, cBV, vTQvB, TYKIH, oBSA, WLoB, YxDPX, gSvcn, aql, KSnjXD, ZtVS, jER, mEopb, YYXR, ZfW, IRoDR, KFipg, HzyJwq, Wym, crvHW, agZPVj,

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