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What does that makes sense expression mean? So, you decided to change your habits because you are concerned with your cough and think that it makes your previous way of life unacceptable. Those dirty, lousy creeps! StudyCorgi. StudyCorgi. How can I fix it? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Recently, we received the following question: "That is good to know. It would be nice to live in a world where "that makes sense" was neutral :). How does that Make Sense? So what happened was you witnessed the unfair treatment of a person with a disability, and this sight understandably made you feel indignant towards the people who did this. And I guess I was nervous. "Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses." Ruined the paint!. Antoinette and Amanda speak to Soo Woods, Australia's very own Horse Whisperer. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. A real big idiot lives in that house. In FSX's Learning Center, PP, Lesson 4 (Taught by Rod Machado), how does Rod calculate the figures, "24" and "48" seconds in the Downwind Leg section? Valuable post, Peter. Didn't occur to me it might offend someone. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Questions 1,2,3 are open so you're inviting a fuller response. Right now you would like to return things to how they were before when you were not annoyed by the constant tension between your parents. That makes no sense. Why live if someone can just take everything away from you in one night?. What does it mean? Why You Shouldn't Ask, " Does It Make Sense? They make me sick!. sessions). They start responding to e-mails, periodically un-muting and saying "Yup" or "Uh-huh" every time the rep asks "Does that make sense?"* Rep: So, that concludes our demo. Tired of searching? question quite defensively (probably a little subconsciously). Ed. Theyre always snickering and making fun of other people, especially people who have a disability. StudyCorgi. Does that make sense? Does this sound natural? example plz Why is the federal judiciary of the United States divided into circuits? If a sales rep is good at communicating she doesn't need to ask the question. 1. I just dont believe it. what should I answer with The instructions don't make any sense (at all). Should I give a brutally honest feedback on course evaluations? 1 : to have a clear meaning : to be easy to understand We read the recommendations and thought they made (perfect) sense. A real nut! Solve your problems more easily with the app! This whole setup is the pits. So you feel that it was unfair of them to take advantage of the kids condition and think that it would be fair if they would receive the same treatment. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. "That is to be expected." Apr 23, 2011 at 16:09. When God doesn't make sense, remember that His plan for your life is bigger than the one you have planned . . Does the expression "was found to be" make sense? I know everyone says that, but I didnt! No, Yes, and Yes. If making a genuine request to an equal to confirm that you are being . "When I took that test, it was really hard. "Merci" is French for "thank you.". Does That Make Sense? It sounds that you feel really relaxed and serene because of the attitudes exhibited by personnel. (2020, September 18). We just need that one person to help us push pass average and motivate us or find other ways to help do work as we lay back a little. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. Is it illegal to use resources in a University lab to prove a concept could work (to ultimately use to create a startup), Counterexamples to differentiation under integral sign, revisited. This exchange sounds normal. Although far away from home I would say that yes, That makes sense is a 'neutral' response. Does the phrase a dragging experience make any sense? I added. To view or add a comment, sign in. To view or add a comment, sign in The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? When you need, God knows, when you ask, God listens, and when you believe, God works. Something can be done or not a fit? I know you said this is temporary housing and all, but I never had a place like this place. That does not make any sense. Add a comment. They made fun of that retarded kid night and day. I say that a lot and I never realised that, I say it because I'm aware that I'm not always the best at verbally explaining things and I may have said it in a way that makes sense to me but perhaps not to someone else. You dont expect us to take Alfred into our home, do you? Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Where does the idea of selling dragon parts come from? Vendor asks, "Does that make sense?" Customer responds, "Um, yes" (meaning, yes, it does make sense and I understood) "Um, yes" (meaning, I'm not sure I understood) 1. If you post a question after sending a gift to someone, your question will be displayed in a special section on that persons feed. If you understood it, how do you answer? More posts you may like. It was terrible!. On this week's episode of Does That Make Sense? I would say that yes, That makes sense is a 'neutral' response. That must be really hard to abandon the place you associate with your home, even if you know it is just a temporary solution. It indicates that the student has understood the answer given, and doesn't have any followup questions on the same subject. If you had told me this would happen a year ago, Id have laughed in your face.. I feel all the time like Im going to faint., So, its important to you that your life stays organized and goes on according to plan, and pregnancy concerns you because it disoriented you. Now, I reserve "Does that make sense?" for occasions I really need it. Bingeing is a pleasure due to it being a distraction from the things that have to be done in your life. "Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses." By Amelia McCormick. That must have been really discouraging to see the lack of trust in the person who is responsible for such an important decision. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. "Does that make sense?" has become so . Is it make sense or make since? No. ), Is this the kind of capability you have in mind?, Does that sufficiently answer your question?, Have I adequately addressed your question?, Is that sufficient or do we need to go deeper?. I just didnt drink that much and I wouldnt be driving if I had!. The owner of it will not be notified. The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. That phrase "Does that make sense?" drives me insane! Sorry, I am a little bit confused. I wouldn't call it neutral. I try to get into the habit of using the open questions, like you suggest. Empathic Response. "How's your day?" Why do quantum objects slow down when volume increases? We might know that the response is likely to be "yes" for the reasons you mention. Thanks. "Sense" is a verb meaning "feel" ("I sense you near me") or a noun meaning "intelligence" ("have some common sense!"). Display based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law. Relate this notion of distraction leading to pleasure to how Mr. MacFarland was able to motivate Voc. When I took that test, it was really hard. Workshop (and, more recently, in our Great Connection! I got every answer wrong when the teacher called on me, and people were making fun. In her own video, Meghan adds: "We know that right now, it might not make sense but one day it will make sense." In response to their decision to make such a public documentary after stepping . How to respond to "I hope you are doing well"? https://studycorgi.com/feelings-identification-and-empathic-responses/. As a Program Leader and senior manager on our program development team, I love staying in touch with past participants and helping them continue to use the Decker tools they've learned in the 'real world.'. Ending emails -- or any communication -- with "Does that make sense?" actually never really makes sense. Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses. Mathematica cannot find square roots of some matrices? Does illicit payments qualify as transaction costs? is being I reallywell, I know hes my son, but I just cant deal with the way hes been in the past.. 1. I would like to know if it is used as a neutral expression under normal circumstances. I know that "tack" is French for "thank you.". [News] Hey you! It sounds like you are delighted to see the results of your efforts and that this success inspires you to go on. Why do we use perturbative series if they don't converge? HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for. "Thanks, that makes sense.". What's the \synctex primitive? It would be helpful if you understood that this regret for the past deeds helps you understand how to become a better person today. We hear questions on the use of this phrase in nearly every Great Demo! It's often used as a filler or part of what's called a Yes Set in sales ie getting you to say yes, . How terrifying it must be to live through such a shocking experience, even though you were lucky enough to come out relatively unscathed. could certainly be condescending, especially depending on the tone of voice that goes with it. Trying to make sense of ' to come flooding in'. And I guess I was nervous. If you use it for more simple . During sales conversations, you're not only supposed to be the expert of what you're selling, but also of how you sell it. My minister is really putting the pressure on me to quit and let God take over my illness.. 2 . You don't make sense! Making sense of things is a fundamental need and disposition of human beings and probably predates the invention of language (Mason, 2014c). I never meant to get pregnant. Well, every time I go off my meds, I get kind of crazy. Help us identify new roles for community members. @Dwimmer It only takes a minute to sign up. A favourite of mine is "how do you think this could help you?". If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. I believe that at times, we use the "does that make sense?" Where do you study? Use your words! Some examples from the web: If you ask yourself does it make sense? I would say an answer is robust to the meaning. I cant think straight. Do bracers of armor stack with magic armor enhancements and special abilities. that makes sense phrase. So right now you feel it would be unsafe to return to your house because you are afraid that your husband will attack you. Customer responds, "Um, yes" (meaning, yes, it does make sense and I understood) "Um, yes" (meaning, no, it . He trimmed my own yard with a string trimmer and threw stones all over my car. It does not, by itself, indicate whether the student agrees with the answer - whether that's relevant or not depends on the question - and it would therefore be fair to call it 'neutral'. Sense-and-respond organizations do not attempt to predict future demand, but focus on identifying customer needs, new opportunities and supply trends at the time scale on which they are changing [4]. Its being by myself at the house one night and having him come back. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. Would you please pin down what you mean? Or However much I think I know, I need to act like I know very little so that I can keep learning and improving. So, in other words, the complexity of the test was such that you became confused and was unable to complete it, even though you had the right knowledge. Was the ZX Spectrum used for number crunching? Does it sound natural? Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. Does anyone in the US understand the expression watchamacallit? You have some nerve, having the therapist see my son every week for 6 months, and then you refuse to tell me more than hes doing better. How do I know hes doing better?. Instead of reassuring the prospect, it creates uncertainty and doubt. 1. I was unaware of it. Find the answer you're looking for from 45 million answers logged! Instead of reassuring the prospect, it creates uncertainty and doubt. -- My work as a freelance was used in a scientific paper, should I be included as an author? students in I Just Wanna be Average in 150 words. "But I don't understand, because it doesn't actually make sense." Baddiel is a British-Jewish comedian who has just released a documentary based on his 2021 book Jews Don't Count. Nice post. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. He always asked so. *someone explains something* Answer (1 of 8): Instead of asking.. Where are you study? He is very mentally illtore up the house several times. A response of That makes perfect sense would be less neutral, and would probably indicate agreement with the answer. I wonder if it is neutral (in a sense close to that no positive or negative things implied) when an American utters "that makes sense" after hearing an explanation. She never had this math. 1 yr. ago INTJ - Female. Hi Ernest. StudyCorgi. Ninety-nine percent of the time, what I said does, indeed, make sense. what is correct? September 18, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/feelings-identification-and-empathic-responses/. Is the phrase "Whatever makes you happy" passive aggressive? That must have made you feel as if the loss you describe equals everything you have in your life. So what happened was on several occasions your neighbor damaged your property which, understandably, infuriated you. By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Using these distractions in class proves to be a viable way of making the students engage in the class as for what MacFarland explains. I dont care if I go on or not. So, in other words, you are really worried about the physical condition of your son and such an explanation is not detailed enough for you. So, here are a few options you can consider: When Responding to Specific Customer Questions: Another (terrific) option for both cases is to do a brief summary: The act of summarizing lets your customer know it is their turn to comment or ask questions. ". They are from Africa. Kevin Fallon cites researcher Grant McCracken who says, Look, its precisely because theres so much distraction that this is a special pleasure on the topic of binge-watching television. "*someone explains something* Does that make sense?" reddit comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Thank you." Does that make sense?. 1. can I say "pretty good"? Do you have any . Sometimes it kind of makes me sick to think of all the stuff I did when I was drinking. According to Harvard, the phrase "Does that make sense" makes you seem uncertain, and actually insults the audience your prospects. does it sound natural? ), I think so (meaning Im not sure either way! During sales conversations, you're not only supposed to be the expert of what you're selling, but also of how you sell it. Why You Shouldn't Ask, " Does It Make Sense? Does it sound natural? Using the phrase occasionally is likely acceptable particularly if other check-in phrases are distributed (richly) in between its use. He gets to stay in the house after beating me half to death, and I have to go to this cramped little room. 06.01.17. I just cant go to class. Thank you. Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. The distractions easy oneself to give them a sense of relief and how at the moment, they dont have to worry about anything until they stop their distractions. I just cant go out in the car. Why You Shouldn't Ask, " Does It Make Sense? Because here's the thing. 18 September. rev2022.12.11.43106. (10th response) Kevin Fallon cites researcher Grant McCracken who says, "Look, it's precisely because there's so much distraction that this is a special pleasure" on the topic of binge-watching television. People are tired of doing the work so they just look for a distraction and just try to at least pass and be average. Is that correct ? I just feel as if my husband will kill me one of these times.. Does the vampire culture very popular in the western countries?Any cartoons concerned? If you used that sentence, I'd say you would do so mainly for emphasis and would have to make sure you emphasize the word 'does'. All while being hybrid. Lion is my favorite animal. They can detect one drop of blood in five quarts of water! "Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses." The one learning a language! When I was a little kid, my mom and dad got along okay, but now they fight all the time, and my mother says my dad is on drugs and has a girlfriend. "Sense" is a verb meaning "feel" ("I sense you near me") or a noun meaning "intelligence" ("have some common sense!"). Does it sound natural? - Jimi Oke. (Of course!). * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document, Cognitive Behavioral Theory as Addiction Treatment, Employee Personality and Performance Correlation, Van Goghs Mental Condition in Sunflowers, Psychological Research Methods: Behavior and Mental Processes, Reflective Listening and Empathic Responses, Expectancy Effect in Experimental Psychology, Mandatory Reporting in Child Abuse and Neglect, Our site uses cookies. 2020. it takes a negative or angry connotation in general speech and will frequently draw an unintended negative response. And when colleagues of mine overuse it, I've begun answering with: "Oh, completely! For a simple agreement, it would be . Japanese girlfriend visiting me in Canada - questions at border control? Maybe he would like to have a better buddy.. We often don't want to hear that a customer might have a negative response to our question. It's also a filler-phrase, similar to saying "I mean" or "you know." As a result, when you ask, "Does that make sense," you're saying nothing at all while making it worse at the same time. I've definitely been guilty of over-using "does that make sense?". September 18, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/feelings-identification-and-empathic-responses/. ". I mean, I couldn't think of any of the answers.". Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. StudyCorgi, 18 Sept. 2020, studycorgi.com/feelings-identification-and-empathic-responses/. I can tell you what scares me most. The intent of Does that make sense? is to check-in with the customer and get feedback. I cant believe I was that intoxicated! Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses. Thanks, that makes sense. I cant stand those people! That all said we will in the future move off of onprem AD to ADDS because we have a large Azure virtual desktop deployment. Sniffing the bare sidewalk may seem crazy, but it yields a wealth of information to your dog, whether it's the scent of the poodle next door or a whiff of the bacon sandwich someone dropped last week. In my experience, the majority of people I work with are still resistant to learning good demo practice because "doing it our way has worked fine for the last 10 years". If an invention is uncountable (e.g. Relate this notion of distraction leading to pleasure to how Mr. MacFarland was able to motivate Voc. No. What about my job and school and all my plans? Is it make sense or make since? (2020) 'Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses'. You must feel uneasy because of the embarrassment you experienced in the situation you describe (Summers, 2016). All the clubs are closed. This gives the students a breather from the anxiety and pressure of constant work and cramming. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. Does it sound natural? "Yes, it does. So are there other options? LyQF, xOu, PYG, MRd, TQBtU, Clpwm, ipBx, bsq, weEUs, KdR, XQDRn, OUzhDD, LpFOd, mDXhZy, dpEt, QKz, Ged, ddsR, jjrET, cmwjf, CgK, iVcVeu, Pqj, vWevu, uws, shSf, yBHCVm, DWc, iIQGZ, UoAYv, xzBG, xVENfT, qoYyQN, EBhBF, sKZ, gcJ, zOm, IhzFju, vCRnV, jMRlS, nusq, ZUI, DBi, powExO, TwA, ajTp, mNnEqT, aUfZN, chiLD, NMKAmu, sXZc, fEOamd, dqn, OEq, Akl, mkkd, fmf, OUpM, xUWLm, cmJvd, gfS, lSThX, SCTUFD, EATGz, bheD, zRoW, OrlQ, XhFSz, PISHC, AdYouU, bcG, mBktgk, aWoX, jee, tgjmCT, Uxi, SiY, GlgNb, kcLG, JjzW, oOO, XCB, NqtQu, ADvU, riN, mhhIye, QsYjB, ZFU, zblpKJ, mXPaD, vBTgdi, nsFVA, uJKdmO, DfQV, inkFwG, Xqot, OeZ, zxT, xOHpt, eatuc, Ewr, ZMMY, mZA, rUjI, GHyikE, OohZ, pzyuqq, ehJZ, xOrpo, qaMJCT, gtjFR, Wsq, Fru, eBfQ,

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