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1.What are the locator available in selenium? "@type": "Question", have u used mockito framework? "url": "https://www.lambdatest.com/resources/images/lambdatest-1-1.jpg", Getting started with Selenium and C# is easy if you have the idea about connecting the right blocks for test code development. 9.What is the purpose of moveToElement()? } What is the difference between abstract and interface?27. NOTE: Just rightClick the page and click save as. After that, you need to instantiate the driver instance and proceed with the test case. W3CWebDriver, Capabilities W3C WebDriver , Capabilities use of Git?11. At Newt Global, our Mobile CoE is focused on providing innovative solutions and globally scalable services over Mobile Technologies to Enterprises and ISVs We bring to our customers a full portfolio of services required to plan, design, develop, deliver and maintain Mobile Solutions for the needs of their end-customers, business partners and employees. PM> Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver -Version 4.4.0, https://saucelabs.com/resources/articles/how-to-upgrade-to-selenium-4, docs: Update the 'Getting Started' page with latest versions (#1129) (83cd3a95f4f). ----------- NOTE: Search iphones 7 and click 1st phone and add it to cart.print the amount to be payable in the cart. FluentWait This way, the team can catch deployment failures, if any, at an early stage. "height": 400 QUESTIONS(Theory)-----------------1.What is meant by maven?2.What is the latest version of maven?3.What is the advantage and disadvantages of maven?4.What are the steps to configure maven?5.In which place maven jar files are stored?6.What is meant by pom.xml?7.What are the dependencies you are using ?8.What is meant by artifactId,and groupId? In web page locator like (I'd=. Class="value") I'd is dynamic class value is constant, like 10 I'd with URL : https://www.facebook.com/ Book a hotel using above url by getting the input data from excel sheet. How will you read data from excel sheet, 6. How do you send the reports8.How do you track the ajile process9.How will you create the user stories ?10. NOTE: Click sign up and Give details and register the form. "text": "Selenium is the leading open-source automation framework for realizing automation of interactions with the elements in the DOM. : Node selenium-webdriver , We are hiring for Software Development Engineer in Test for one of our esteemed client. URL :https://www.snapdeal.com/login, QUESTION 10-----------URL : https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?hl=en) login page, QUESTION 11-----------URL: https://www.irctc.co.in/. What is the use of data table in cucumber?6. What is Page Object model in Selenium? Step 6: Keep the default settings and click on the Next button. Tell about jira how will update the defects, 5.write a program in palidrom using string 6.write a Fibonacci program 7.write a code for checkox, 8. Who will assign user stories to you 9.in finding locator index will start with 0 or 1, 10.they given one test case ask me to write one scenario in cucumber, 11.If the textbox element is hidden how will find a locator, 3.you will work in weekend 4.After joining you will take long leave, 2.From 1 to 99 how will you print a random number, 3. Rate ur self in selenium webdriver3. When you are finished with the browser session you should call quit, 5.two class and one interface how to do multiple inheritance. 10. 7)How will you handle based pop ups in selenium Webdriver? 19.How will you write data in Workbook? One of our leading MNC Clients is looking for Automation/Manual Tester for Chennai location. Able to quantify and estimate automation activities, 4. Windows handlingCts interview question(17.2.18)round11.tell abt yourself?2.agile and scrum?3.jira?4.explain full flow of jira?5. If interested, Please share your resume with below format and send to cecil.britto@agilysys.com .In case of any queries please do mail us. "@type": "Question", Ria enjoys reading novels and writing is her comfort zone. URL : https://demoqa.com/registration/ When using Eclipse IDE, you can directly use any of these three goals by right-clicking on your pom.xml, then Run As and selecting any of the options. How will u perform payments?6. QUESTION 19-----------URL : https://www.flipkart.com/, NOTE: womens is mouseoverClick footwear Click flat slipper, QUESTION 20-----------URL : https://www.sprint.com/. C# Selenium 4 It is a software build tool that works in phases rather than tasks(as in the case of Ant). Dependencies are mentioned in pom.xml as below: Surefire PlugIn: To execute the unit tests of an application during the test phase of the build lifecycle one can use the Surefire Plugin. Tell me the website20. On executing a Maven build, all the project dependent jars are downloaded into the local repository. A project which you can publish it among your team members as they can use it and update it from there itself. QUESTION13-----------URL : https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?hl=en&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp. Can you give me example of JUnit assertEquals assertion? Data for questions 1 to 3 Write a code for triggers and procedure, 1. What is stlc?2.what is ur role in the project?3.tell about ur project?4.explain healthcare domain?5. We have toretrieve salary by ascending order and group the role. 7.How to get last modification date of a file? String manipulation with String Builder and String Buffer, Files (Create/Read/Write operations on files), Difference of All Collections Interfaces and classes, Reading data from Property files using java program, Reading and Writing data from/to Excel files using Apache POI API and JXL API, Writing Selenium tests from scratch using Junit FrameWork, Parameterized test cases using junit framework, Writing WebDriver Test Cases using TestNG, Downloading web driver Jars configuring in eclipse, Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc. Want to support the Selenium project? },{ } Drop and delete?Manager Round: (F2F)1. element on the page. Furthermore, the user may configure the wait to Drop them on LambdaTest Community. What is the return type of compareTo method? URL : https://www.flipkart.com/account/login 9.How to compare Two Arrays? ----------- Global Variables: As tests have to be run on LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid, we would be using the below-shown variables. QUESTION 1 Should have hands on experience in BDD / Behavior-Driven Development framework like Cucumber, JBehave. (RubyJavaScriptC#PythonJava), Selenium 4. Waits ? URL : https://www.facebook.com/ 15.How to append a string in an existing file? JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks which is collectively known as xUnit that originated with SUnit. Using Selenium IDE is it possible to get data from a particular html table cell ? Flexible Timings / Weekend classes Available. 8.What is the method available to get particular sheet? I really enjoyed your sessions, definitely look forward to learn more from you in the future. "text": "You can use Selenium to automate interactions with web browsers for software testing purposes. ", 10.How to sort an Array? ", "i'm happy to comment for you about the training which you gave me. " 11. 4.What are the difference between append and updating the file? As Yuvaraj HK has mentioned ,using implicit wait just once in your code would be enough.It'l implicitly wait for every element that you try to find in your code. By now you have read this term in this Selenium Maven tutorial quite some time in your console output logs, so Ill shed some light on it. 8.3feature files are there I want to run 1scenario 1feature and 2scenrSelenium in 2feature and all scenarSelenium in 3feature how explain, 7.sql commands to insert two table values. Bitmap comparison, automating Captcha, reading bar code, etc. How many member in dev team8. These can also be considered as the Selenium bad practices. 4.What is the purpose of Scenario Outline in Cucumber? NOTE: Give details and register the form. URL : https://www.facebook.com/ . "text": "Selenium is one of the best and most exciting tools in the QA industry. I see that many architects with over 15+ yrs experience doesn't have the knowledge that you have. mvn clean compile . Key features of the technology and advantages of using Java, 1. "text": "Selenium is popular for the following reasons Free and open-source framework, Has huge community support, Provides a basis for creating other browsers, Has great demand in the market." Ill start with selecting Maven clean in this Selenium Maven tutorial, you can see the output below: So here the task of clean, which is to delete the target folder has been successfully completed and hence our Build is successful. Awarded as the Best Selenium Training Center in Chennai - Located in Adyar, Anna nagar, If you are interested, kindly forward your updated CV with below details to malarvizhi.ramamoorthy@themesoft.com.You can refer your friends and colleagues. ", Repositories? NOTE: Click signin and enter the email and password and verify whether the input are correct or not by using Testng framework. Array list vs vector?14. 1.What are the different types of Xpath? Is it negotiable11) if it's negotiable how much?12) what is your native ? Run first Selenium test on LambdaTest Grid, Run first Cypress test on LambdaTest Grid, Test websites or web apps on 3000+ browsers. Prepare the automation script in selenium webdriver using cucumber framework. * Purge timed out requests sitting the queue at regular intervals (#9283) * Add null check before returning isDisplayed value (#9299) * Added "/wd/hub" route to RouterServer for better backwards compat. idea about different properties uses for POM? Selenium WebDriver--> Automation Framework Tool It supports all programming language for developing test script It is programattic an interface It can be easily integrated with eclipse 4. ----------- Selenium WebDriver Architecture in Selenium 3. Write a code for window handling9 . Shown below is the evolution of the Selenium automation framework: Apart from Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE and Selenium Grid are other key components of the Selenium framework. All rights reserved." ", Is it possible to group the test cases? Sets how often the condition should be evaluated. How will you handle window based application?8. setLegacy , BrowserType Browser , AddAdditionalOption , Selenium 4Service executable_path What is overloading n overriding with sample code4. It will require discipline and a learning mindset. } Selenium.WebDriver QUESTION 5----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/selenium-course-content.html, NOTE: Double click core java material and click the x button on newly open box, QUESTION 6-----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/selenium-course-content.html. Again asked about project deeply?13.pom and scenario questions?14.cucumber framework structure and flow of works?15.what is list and set?16. ----------- CapabilitiesCapabilities accessed from one class to another and if yes how? The WebDriver endpoint screenshot 12)How you initialize the Webdriver? Input :rollNumber=101,102,103studentName=siva,arun,rajaOutput:[101=siva,102=arun,103=raja], Task 2:Write a program to iterate the keys and values using enhanced for loop and normal for loop from HashTable, DAY10:------1.Exception2.throw and throws3.User define exception. NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with one scenario and execute with plugin,monochrome run with components. "acceptedAnswer": { My Best wishes to Greens Technology team for their upcoming bright future in E-Learning sector. " 1.How will you Perform rightClick? In my case, attending this course, helped me firstly how to learn the subject in a different approach (understandings basics level to in depth concepts), instead of rushing through various text books or online sources. URL : http://www.adactin.com/HotelApp/ "text": "Selenium 4 is currently in the RC-1 (Release Candidate) stage and should be released soon. QUESTION 16 How will you handle exception in JUnit? ----------- QUESTIONS(Practical)--------------------QUESTION 1----------URL : https://www.flipkart.com/. NoSuchElementExceptions when searching for an Some examples on SELECT,UPDATE and DELETE queries, Some Web driver examples using Data fetched from Database, User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation, Test Created New REST Service USING HTTP GET, Selenium webdriver and Automation Testing, Write a pgm to count character in a string, Write a pgm to count list of file in directory. have u done any code optimization7.about notice period and ctc. 6. what is the difference between @BeforeClass and @Before , selenium-webdriverNodenpmjs L1:1. ", } Start your journey of learning Selenium by following our readily available resources - LambdaTest Learning Hub, Video Tutorials, Top 17 Resources to Learn Test Automation." 13.How to change the last modification time of a file ? capability. 14. What is Unit Testing? ----------- 8.What is method to insert a value in textbox? "text": "The introduction of the WebDriver W3C protocol and the retirement of JSON Wire Protocol is one of the major architectural changes that redefine Selenium 4. Happy Testing!!!? INTERESTED CANDIDATES FORWARD YOUR UPDATED PROFILE WITH FOLLOWING DETAILS. 3.What are the methods available to run the Javascript? How will u do with out iterating it .5.explain about ur framework structure6.Explain about maven.7.explain pom 8. You can set up the Maven Environment Variable similar to how we set up the Java Environment Variable in steps above. It allows you to automate cross-browser tests with six major Selenium-supported programming languages. if no whats the problem?9.Exception and any 10 exception u have faced in Real time?10. 3.While creating a file if you not mention the format then under which format it will save the file? Selenium 4 , PM> Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver -Version 4.4.0, https://saucelabs.com/resources/articles/how-to-upgrade-to-selenium-4, docs: Update the 'Getting Started' page with latest versions (#1129) (83cd3a95f4f). What is Selenium? Professional Software Experience in which includes Effective identify Test Scenarios, Test Case Designing and Test Case Preparing. Furthermore, our Instructor has 10+ years of experience in Selenium Training & Testing Automation. the screen, without blocking the operating systems own menus and RubyJavaScriptCPythonJava It will require discipline and a learning mindset. Sample usage: // Waiting 30 seconds for an element to be present on the page, checking // for its presence once every 5 seconds. Put this together and you will get: Forgetting to switch back to another window handle after closing a build Capabilities name Capabilities To work with the new window Explain working concept of cucumber feature file? NOTE: Go to down of webpage using scrolldown and highlight the line "Best Selenium training center in OMR" with Red color. mertis and demerits of POM?6. 18.What is the two main purpose of using Gherkin? protocols that is not dependent on any one language, is leveraged by Selenium framework to automate testing steps. I planned to Move into Selenium. 23.How to get a directory is hidden or not? URL : https://demoqa.com/registration/ Reie all testig docuets ad othe test-related documentation. However, the new Selenium Grid is easy to set up as there is no need to maintain Hub and Node separately. Here, DgroupId is the organization name, DartifactId is the project name and DarchetypeArtifactId is the type of Maven project. "acceptedAnswer": { 9.What is the purpose of getPhysicalNumberOfCells()? Install- It would install all the dependencies, in case of missing jars, and create the deployment file(war/jar files in case of JAVA) and then itll run the test. Selenium is composed of the following components: Its important to understand these main components in depth before getting started with a hands-on in this Selenium WebDriver tutorial. Technical specialist with Automated test experience in Functional and Non-Functional Area, 2. , (line by line explanation). Selenium WebDriver is considered an advancement over the Selenium RC as it overcomes a few limitations. It is also compatible with the near-retiring Internet Explorer (IE) browser. The Selenium WebDriver waits for the specified condition to occur before it can proceed further with the execution. In this Selenium WebDriver tutorial so far, we have covered the basics of Selenium and its components. You can see a Build failure message with error being displayed saying that no goal has been defined in this Selenium Maven tutorial. QUESTIONS(Practical)--------------------QUESTION 1----------URL : http://demo.guru99.com/test/drag_drop.html, NOTE: Drag bank ,5000 in debited side and drop sales,5000 in credited side, QUESTION 2-----------URL: http://www.amazon.in, NOTE: Shop by categorey is first mouseoverMobile and accessories is second mouseoverClick powerbank, QUESTION 3----------URL : http://www.flipkart.com. Please ask your friends /Colleagues also to walk for the drive if their profile matches the requirement. Carry a printout of this mail along with your profile. In this tutorial we will learn about the Actions class in Selenium. (long time, TimeUnit unit) I have completed my selenium Training in automation at Greens Technology. We are a two time Dallas 100TM fastest growing company award winner. Learn more or view the full list of sponsors. Selenium4here Step 1: Go to the official Java Downloads website and download the JDK for Windows x64 Installer. Selenium WebDriver is an open-source software to automate web testing by controlling browsers based on your test scripts. Literal and non literal string5. Write syntax for implicit wait and explicit wait, L2 questions:1. QUESTION 6 Rate yourself in java.3.what is polmorphism and explain it4.what are the exceptions5.how will u handle the exception.6. Selenium tests can be executed across multiple browsers (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, etc.) QUESTONS(Practical)------------------- 15. what is the use of @dependsOnMethod annotation? With Maven you wouldnt have to worry about installing and upgrading your project libraries as they are done automatically with the tool. Step 5: Wait for a few minutes for the window to complete its process. How will you switch parent window to 4th window? Python ., : Selenium 4 This provides the required wait time between the actions that have to be performed, e.g. ", What is your sprint time period and any lags takes place ? Explain POM with project folder structure, 3. "thumbnailUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VeV_sup5S8E/hqdefault.jpg", "@type": "Answer", In which situation u prefer implicit wait, 1. one Scenario:i have a try catch block, there is an exception in Try i catched the exception in catch block but im intensionally adding a new exception in catch block does the code execute?if yes wats theproblem? 1. 1) do you have 3 yes experience in selenium? 2.What are the types of Alert? This provides the required wait time between the actions that have to be performed, e.g. },{ Note: Taken any interview with Hexaware within 3 months ,please ignore this mail. Without page factory can we able call object repository?5. Undergone 4 months training on Testing Tools - Real time Project from Greens. The Selenium WebDriver works with a Client-Server architecture model.. We have the Selenium Client Library on the client-side, which supports multiple client libraries corresponding to the programming language being used, like Java, Ruby, Python, etc.The language binding feature of Selenium allows it to support various Further, Selenium 4 provides for better web-driver testing than Selenium 3 by including features such as relative locators, support for the CDP protocol, and optimization of the Selenium Grid. Cypress comes with automatic waiting without async. The below two classes will help you in using WebDriver and ChromeDriver. In Selenium 3, the JSON Wire protocol was the primary mode of communication between the test code and web browser. Read all about in our blog post:https://t.co/E8ntH7OdaB, We hope you enjoy Selenium 4, and we cant wait to see what you do with it!#selenium4, Selenium (@SeleniumHQ) October 13, 2021. Most user interactions like clicking on a button, entering text in textbox can be done using the WebDriver Element Commands. NOTE: Create an excel sheet with all required details for registration . WebDriver Selenium If not running WebDriver in a test context, you may consider using and switch to the one which is not the original. "acceptedAnswer": { QUESTIONS(Theory)-------------------1.What is Exception?2.Explain about types of Expection?3.Difference between checked expection and unchecked expection?4.What are the differences between exception and error?5.What is the super class for Exception and Error?6.Exceptions are defined in which java package?7.What is throw keyword in java?8.Can we have try block without catch block?9.Can we write multiple catch blocks under single try block?10.How to write user defined exception or custom exception in java?11.What are the different ways to print exception message on console?12.What are the differences between final finally and finalize in java?13.Can we write return statement in try and catch blocks?14.Can we write return statement in finally block?15.What are the differences between throw and throws?16.What are the Exception Handling Keywords in Java?17.Explain Java Exception Hierarchy?18.How to create custom Exception? All you need to do is instantiate the remote Selenium WebDriver instead of the local Selenium WebDriver. Apart from the renewed Selenium WebDriver architecture, here are some of the other major enhancements in "name": "What is the timeline of stable release of Selenium 4? 1.what is the difference between webdriver and server. 34.How to display all the directories in a directory? QUESTION 11-----------URL : https://www.flipkart.com/, NOTE: Shop any mobiles you want and add it to cart.Take the screenshot of amount to be payable. 4.What is the difference between Absolute xpath and Realtive Xpath? You can either use these goals alone or use it as a combination like clean-install for this Selenium Maven tutorial. 7.Which methods are used to perform doubleClick? jdbc connection3. and multiple operating systems (e.g., Windows 10, macOS, etc.). Agilysys operates extensively throughout North America, Europe and Asia, with corporate services located in Alpharetta, GA, and APAC offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Strong focus in automated testing with a strong understanding of tools, techniques, and processes. Procedure?16. 2.What language is used by Cucumber? Selenium 4 Step 4: Add the complete path of the Java installation directory as per your system location and click OK. Why we are using TestNG.xml file? Get started with your journey of learning Selenium with the help of our complete Selenium WebDriver Tutorial." NOTE: Print Greens Overall review text from that. ; ; HTTP; Gmail, email and Facebook; ; ; ; ; Legacy. 10.can we overload static method in java. } NOTE: Print all the option value in month DropDown. NOTE: Click login here and Fill the form. Select the download based on your system architecture. Also Read: Selenium Testing With Selenide Using IntelliJ & Maven. Why u want to come fidelity4. How will handle the exception9.selenium jar version before two what you used10. from whom will you get the requierments?7. However, as a QA engineer, it is important to make an informed choice before choosing the best-suited framework for the project. .In which class getText() and getAttribute() ? QUESTION 8 As already stated, Selenium is a framework (i.e., it is not a single software but a suite composed of different components). Hybrid numbers acts like both Prepaid and Postpaid numbers. NOTE: Search iphones 7 and click 1st phone and add it to cart.print the you pay cost displayed. RubyGemsgem Green Technology gave me a good hands of trainee to teach me with a better course. NOTE: Alldepartment is first mouseoverHeating and cooling is second mouseoverAir conditioners is third mouseover Click portable air conditioners. i really do not have any idea about selenium and so i attended the demo class conducted by Mr.Dinesh. You may refer below descriptions to fill in the values: Group Id- corresponds to your organizations name. QUESTION 7----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/selenium-course-content.html. QUESTIONS(Practical)-------------------- Yet GREENS TECHNOLOGYS offers Selenium corporate training for Software Developing Companies. We are confident that you will not get a chance to use this option. GeckoDriver. setLegacy . BrowserType , ----------- How does Selenium WebDriver work? 1.What is CSVReader? )how will you handle changing elements or objects in selenium webDriver?2. L1:FrameWork Structure?TestRunner Annotations?Excel data?POI?Have you iterated multiple sheets in excel for validation purpose?PageFactory?Webtable How to take values?Collections?How to iterate Using HashMap?HashMap? 4.How will you do the run configurations in Eclipse? What is the difference between implicit and explicit wait?7. 10.Write a code to perform scrollUp in a webpage using Javascript? In this tutorial we will learn about the Actions class in Selenium. Instead, it interacts directly with browsers, which are native to the particular browser application." The different methods are simply goals. Framework explanation?4. 13. explain? QUESTION 12-----------URL : https://www.snapdeal.com/. Below is the JD for your quick reference, 1. In this webinar, learn effective test automation strategies from Julia Pottinger. How to parameterize a Script using Excel. How will you generate reports in ur project.12. It handles compilation, distribution, dependency management and other tasks efficiently. Explain why webdriver driver=new chrome driver(); What are the challanges u faced in ur project ? NOTE: Take the screenshot of the recent job opening Use scrolldown to go to bottom of webpage. but?difference between senario and senario outline?git explain?how will you run all the fail test cases in testNG?testNG report location? Why we go for POM?5. 7.What is mean by frames? Automatic waiting: The browser testing framework spares the need to write sleep and wait for commands. What is @optional annotation? }. 19.How to write to a file? components of STLC? Task 1:Project :EmployeeDetailsPackage :org.empClass :Employee Methods :empId(),empName(),empDob(),empPhone(),empEmail(),empAddress(). ----------- Tech in Computer Science and Information Technology from JNT University in 2005. Roles and responsibilities4. What does Assert class? Now you know how to install Maven in your systems with both Eclipse IDE and with the command line. Step 3: You can now see the corresponding extracted file at the selected destination folder. QUESTION 4----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/. QUESTION 1 For what purpose, assertTrue and assertFalse assertions are used? Write a code for excel reader, 1. Step 9: Once the installation is finished, it will ask you to restart your eclipse. },{ It is extensively used by QA professionals to make sure websites are properly functioning across different browsers and OS combinations." "text": "Selenium has an active user community that offers thorough support. 17.What method is used to replace the cell value? In one of the earlier blogs, we covered the Selenium WebDriver architecture in great detail. 10.Whether in finding the locator index will start from 0 or 1? Write 5 negative test cases for water bottleii.write negative test cases for any one application eg.. What's app or facebookiii. 10. what is TestNG suite? Selenium 4 . capabilities, L1 round1.What framework you worked on your project,2.what is maven3.In selenium grid can u do parallel execution4.How to read data5. The Selenium WebDriver works with a Client-Server architecture model.. We have the Selenium Client Library on the client-side, which supports multiple client libraries corresponding to the programming language being used, like Java, Ruby, Python, etc.The language binding feature of Selenium allows it to support various In the end, we also glanced upon the new and improved features which Selenium 4 offers. How will you group the test cases in testng suite? 18.How to read a file? Also, Id appreciate it if you could help us share this article and retweet it. Maven can be more specifically defined as a software project management tool that uses the concepts of the project object model (POM). What are all the annotations available in TestNG? }, { I want to count how many links are there. What is stlc?2.what is ur role in the project?3.tell about ur project?4.explain healthcare domain?5. QUESTONS(Practical)------------------- Sets the message to be evaluated and displayed when time expires. 11. ; ; HTTP; Gmail, email and Facebook; ; ; ; ; Legacy. Which language you used with selenium? What is the integration tool is used in project? Have u got any appreciation from your client?16. This shortcoming can be eliminated by using a cloud-based scalable and secure Selenium Grid where the issue of installing browser drivers is entirely avoided." What difficulties you faced in your project, 8. 18. back to the window you were using previously. NOTE: Enter the email & password and click login button using JavaScript. This way, the team can catch deployment failures, if any, at an early stage. 4.What can we do to click ok in alert? QUESTIONS(Theory)------------------1.What is mean by String?2.How to find length of the String?3.How to find partcular character in String?4.How to split the String?5.What is difference between literal String and non literal String?6.What is mutable and immutable String?7.Difference between StringBulider and StringBuffer?8.Method name to identify memory location?9.What are the string functions available in java?10.What is difference between charAt() and contains() method?11.What is the return type of compareTo()12.Where the Literal String and non literal String stores?13.What is mean by ASCII value? Write a program to count of each word and consonant in a string? Defect Reporting and Tracking using JIRA, Bugzilla. "contentUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmp_FiNIYtQ", 1.from 2 radio button with same name, id amd value, select the 2nd button2.difference b/w interface and abtract class3.what are the difficulities you faced in project4.where did you used the data from excel in your project5.From where you take the test input6.did you raised any defect ?7. The Selenium WebDriver waits for the specified condition to occur before it can proceed further with the execution. Now that you know the basic goals for executing our automation test youre good to go to run your automation scripts through Maven! Sets how long to wait for the evaluated condition to be true. Step 7: Accept the Terms & Conditions and click on Finish. Wat methodology do you follow in ur previous company. },{ QUESTION 13 Before going to the second task of install, you need to add a plugin called Maven Compiler plugin.Without it the test automation build will fail. Can you attend a F2F interview on 21st April 2018 (Yes/No): We are looking for talented and motivated individuals for the role of Sr. SDET(Software Development Engineer in Test). QUESTION 3----------, NOTE: Find the row count from the file. NOTE: Search motorolo and click 4 phone and take the screenshot. QUESTION 10 It is basically used to manage the life cycle of a project. Configures this instance to ignore specific types of exceptions while waiting for a condition. NOTE: Click signup and Give details and register the form. } "@type": "Question", } Write a program to reverse the string, 15. },{ Used for Hub- node concepts We can run in one machine (Hub)& execute in different machines. "acceptedAnswer": { QUESTIONS(Programs)-------------------Task 1:Reverse the given String, Sample Output:--------------Input :HelloOutput :olleH. Selenium Maven Dependency For Your Automation Project, Voices of Community: Move Forward with an Effective Test Automation Strategy [Webinar], Agile in Distributed Development [Thought Leadership], How To Automate Toggle Buttons In Selenium Java [Blog], It simplifies the build process & provides a uniform system. Heres a short glimpse of the Selenium Advanced certification from LambdaTest: Now that we know about the entire architecture of Selenium WebDriver, lets take a quick look at its advantages in this part of the Selenium WebDriver tutorial. Explicit wait syntax for visibilityofelement, 4.Difference between abstract class and interface with sample code. Tell about yourself2. Step 7: Accept the Terms & Conditions and click on Finish. Selenium 4Python3.7 If the binaries are not present, it will download them and later instantiate the Selenium WebDriver instance with the ChromeDriver. Whom will u report the bug18. as input parameters. QUESTIONS(Theory)----------------- It reduces the steps like adding jar files to the project library, building reports, executing Junit test cases, creating jar/war/ear files for deployment. To verify that the Java is installed and variables are set correctly, open Command Prompt and type: java -version. Did you involve in Selenium Test environment Setup? "@type": "Answer", Selenium 4. Can u implement actions in selenium 3.4.06.Tell about selenium 37.Tell me about Rest in API8.what is array list and array9.write a program hash map and set10.write a program reverse a stringEx.string ="Mouse the output should come mOUSE like this11.how to split the string 12.what is maven why u r using maven, L2 round:1. if there is pixel available for image how u will take xpath with pixel2. In the earlier days, it started as a command-line tool for executing tests. Learn More in our Cookies policy, Privacy & Terms of service. 21. If u worked then tell about alm?17.manual testing full process?18. Write test cases for pencil3.what Is the difference btw QA And QC 4.what Is regression testing5.what is sandwich testing6.what Is SLA and it's example, L1 round1.What framework you worked on your project,2.what is maven3.In selenium grid can u do parallel execution4.How to read data5. Before going ahead Ill explain what these goals are. 8.Why we use .perform()? Write a program to reverse string6. Tell about yourself n automation experience, 2. Try two FREE CLASS to see for yourself the quality of training. This is jeni. What is method overloading and method overriding? NOTE: Click download links here and just select selenium link and print it. 19. "@type": "Answer", 8.How to print element of Array? 9.Reverse of string without using. Tambaram, Sanatorium, Chennai - 600 047. , Step 8: Wait for the installation to finish. About project and what framework u used? this gave me a great experience of learning the course and i would suggest Greens Technology for SELENIUM", "HI. QUESTION 16-----------URL : https://www.icaionlineregistration.org/Admin_Module/login.aspx, QUESTION 17----------URL : https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/index.aspx. QUESTION 1 9.What is the purpose of Examples keyword in Cucumber? 16.What is the purpose of getNumericCellValue() and its return type? What is Selenium? URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/ NOTE: Go to down of the webpage using scrolldown. access specifier of data and of methods. NOTE: Count the number of dublicate words available in the file. 3.access specifiers of data members in interface. Selenium 3.x, It is an open-source framework and has various features like multi-browser and platform compatibility, multi-language support, simple setup, and integration with popular unit testing frameworks like JUnit and This is it. 1.Locator(xpath) Participated in all the agile ceremonies planning, daily scrum call delivery and, Implemented continuous Integration test executions after every schedule build and track, Experience in preparation of Test scenarios, Test cases, Test case reviews, Test data, Able to work collaboratively with testers, developers, and other team members in testing. 18. cucumber framework6. We are having an opening for CMMI Level 5 organisation,. Experience in testing the Functionality, Compatibility, Database, Regression and Server log files testing. What is meant by JAR15. NOTE: Add any fasttrack watch to cart Print the cost in cart. ----------- This eliminates the need for encoding and decoding the API requests by the JSON wire protocol responsible for communication between browsers and test scripts. NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario and you have to take the input from excel sheet. Explain some functionality in your project? 10.what is abstraction.how it is acheived in java. 5.Different between findElement and FindElements? Selenium testing requires a basic understanding of any prominent programming language such as Java, C#, Perl, Python, PHP, and Ruby to get started. 1)Tell about yourself?2)What kind of framework u worked.Explain brief?3)How would count the number of elements on the page?4)What is POM?5)What is maven?6)What is cucumber and explain its process?7)How will you generate cucumber Execution reports.8)What is cucumber dryrun9)How will you take screenshot and write code.10)How you will handle the exception?11)Explain about agile methology?12)How you raise defect in your project? NOTE: Create an excel sheet for facebook email and password. For example, if you have configured a bean as a dynamic mock by using a library such as EasyMock or Mockito, and the mock is wrapped in a Spring proxy, you may need direct access to the Now Ill run Maven test from eclipse in this Selenium Maven tutorial and see the results: You can now check the reports that have been generated by default and in a similar way by typing mvn test can execute this suite from the command prompt. QUESTION 2 Knowledgeable Presenters, Professional Materials, Excellent Support" what else can a person ask for when acquiring a new skill or knowledge to enhance their career. NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with one scenario by using data driven and POM framework. 8.What is the difference between @FindBys and @FindAll? Moreover, with Selenium WebDriver, you can maintain speed, simplicity, and reduced execution time of your testing procedure." URL : http://www.adactin.com/HotelApp/ QUESTION 2----------URL : http://www.greenstechnology.com/selenium-course-content.html NOTE: Print 3rd paragaraph. Automatic screenshots: Screenshots are automatically preserved when a test case fails. What is the use of background in cucumber? QUESTION 5 Write the code, 8.can you handle selenium codes that are already available and need very less manual. * Wait until Nodes are available before indicating that Grid is ready. ----------- URL : https://www.facebook.com/ How can you retrive the message in an alert box ? For a much clearer vision, Ill create a sample class to use Selenium components and some testNG annotations. Apart from the renewed Selenium WebDriver architecture, here are some of the other major enhancements in 3.What are all the annotations available in JAXB and its used for? Hands on experience of Automation tools and techniques, in particular, Usage of HP Quick Test Professional 11.0 and above (and/or) Selenium with Java, Automation using descriptive programming (UFT) / POM (Selenium), Exposure to web services testing using QTP/Selenium (preferred), Hands on experience of Quality Center 9.2 or above. 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