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This online tool can be adapted to any emergency or situation that requires data collection - from country-level preparedness capacities to response activities in complex and large-scale humanitarian operations. The EU also fast-tracked disbursement of 600 million in emergency macro-financial assistance (MFA) to Ukraine, the first installment under Ukraines new 1.2 billion emergency MFA program. In Yemen, the humanitarian group gave out food aid benefiting 1,437 families living in Socotra while in Hajjah governorate, up to 318 residents having various health "[421], The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) Navi Pillay accused Hamas militants of violating international humanitarian law by "locating rockets within schools and hospitals, or even launching these rockets from densely populated areas." I felt it really strongly (that) I wasnt going back to London, that wasnt going to happen, this resilient force that I needed to be there, he said. Postol stated that this fact made bomb shelters more effective for protection. About 6.48 million people are estimated to be displaced within the borders of Ukraine, and more than 3.3 million people have fled Ukraine, becoming refugees. Early access to language courses, recognition of foreign degrees and professional licenses, and engagement with the private sector can facilitate refugees integration into Polands schools and labor market. Tweets reported the battle in Rafah before the deadline for the cease-fire. People with underlying health conditions making them susceptible to injury and illness, including COVID-19, who have difficulty with mobility, or who depend on pensions or state aid to meet their basic needs also face acute challenges in displacement. "[442] An investigation by Human Rights Watch found that "in most of the sites we investigated so far (in this conflict) we found no valid military targets". [251][252][253], According to the Palestinian Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, 203 mosques were damaged during the war, with 73 being destroyed completely. Within the flourishing contemporary art and design disciplines in the Middle East, we see an attempt to reconcile ruptures between past and present in the form of an intergenerational investigation into practices that link the human body with craft, Ran Beiruti, the exhibition curator, said. 90 jobs. "[537], The attacks were condemned by members of the UN (UNRWA's parent organization) and other governments, such as the U.S., have expressed "extreme concern" over the safety of Palestinian civilians who "are not safe in UN-designated shelters. UNRWA exhausted its capacity to absorb displaced persons, and overcrowding in shelters risked the outbreak of epidemics. The two hour masterclass also addressed the practical side of design. [373], The IDF stated that it attacked 5,263 targets in Gaza, including:[45][430], According to OCHA figures, Israel fired 5,830 missiles in 4,028 IAF air raids, the IDF's ground forces shot off 16,507 artillery and tank projectiles, and the Israeli navy's off-shore fleet fired 3,494 naval shells, into the Gaza Strip. Prior to taking on her current role, Ms. Msuya served as Deputy Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya. The European Commission endorsed this approach by proposing, as recently as December 2021, new asylum and return measures allowing Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania to temporarily derogate from standard asylum procedures in response to the emergency at their borders with Belarusa disproportionate response to the arrival of several thousand people that undermined the international protection regime. JEDDAH: A major conference to help identify and develop gifted young Saudis in the key areas of science and technology was launched on Saturday in Jeddah. "[171] The arrests yielded no information about the abduction. Some felt the recent rush of INGOs into Poland to conduct assessments and propose programming has been unnecessary, as local actors already close to the situation are capable of these activities. [129] The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank attributed the abductions to the Qawasameh clan, notorious for acting against Hamas's policies and any attempts to reach an entente with Israel. She has two art exhibitions, titled If the voice has a memory and The echoes of my alienation., She told Arab News: I felt proud to be a part of such an esteemed event two years in a row in a different way this time, surrounded by artists that I love in this group show.. But unless it is coordinated and professionalized, rooted in Polish civil society with the support of the international community, it risks being unsustainable and unscalable and creating unintended protection risks. But the complicated relationship between national, provincial, and municipal governments throughout Poland explains a notable variation in responses throughout the country. However, once inside Poland, non-Ukrainians have also reported being made to pay for transportation and other services that Ukrainians are currently receiving for free. Almosa said high-tech bracelets would allow parents to locate their offspring, and cameras would monitor the child care facilities. [376][377] The UNHRC commissioned the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the 2014 IsraelGaza conflict, led by William Schabas to investigate war crimes allegations by both sides. humanitarian communications (hcomms) combines effective reporting and dissemination techniques to provide an information sharing mechanism to keep the affected populations, the humanitarian community and other concerned governmental and non-governmental institutions abreast of all developments in situations of crisis such as natural disasters, [123] From 1 May to 11 June, six rockets and three mortar shells were launched from Gaza towards Israel. Refugees International advocates for lifesaving assistance, human rights, and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. He added it was doing that by improving the quality of stay, creating religious entertainment venues, improving food and beverage venues, and increasing opportunities for pilgrims to take part in trips and cultural experiences.. [511], Nine people were killed while watching the World Cup in a cafe,[512] and 8 members of a family died that Israel has said were inadvertently killed. You can always keep going into a piece. If it did so, it would be giving up any right to self-defense. In Ukraine, individuals have reported being blocked from boarding trains leaving the country as Ukrainians are given priority. MAKKAH: A Saudi criminology graduate who spent a year training with the Indiana State Police in the US plans to use her expertise to tackle perpetrators in the country. IDF destroyed the tunnel's exit, ending the incursion. [276], Reports of casualties in the conflict have been made available by a variety of sources. RIYADH: Local and international visitors attended renowned fashion designer Zac Posens live masterclass on gown draping techniques, intricacies of the fashion industry, and the process of starting a luxury brand at Diriyahs Jax District in Riyadh. "[643], Only one percent of the needed building material had been delivered. This included 1,000 self-produced short range rockets (1520km range), 2,500 smuggled short range rockets, 200 self-made Grad rockets, and 200 smuggled Grad rockets. [269] Michael Ross wrote that the decision was driven by anxiety and caused considerably more damage than the potential danger it prevented. [123] Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch stated that certain aspects of the operation amounted to collective punishment,[172][173] and B'tselem said in a press release that the actions have caused "disproportionate harm to the basic rights of Palestinians". Ethiopia: Humanitarian Response Plan Mid Year Review November 2022 [EN] - 18 Nov 2022 Ethiopia: Drought Response (Revised) July - December 2022 OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. It also stated that the Israeli policy of bombing homes, formulated by government officials and the senior military command, though claimed to be in conformity with IHL, was 'unlawful', and designed to 'block, a priori, any allegations that Israel breached IHL provisions', in that it relies on an interpretation that leaves 'no restrictions whatsoever on Israeli action' so that 'whatever method it chooses to respond to Hamas operations is legitimate, no matter how horrifying the consequences. In 2010, Yanukovych returned and won the presidency. Most who moved in the first days after the invasion came from Ukraines western regions, but people from areas farther east had begun to arrive by the third week of the invasion. "[433], On 12 September, Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas official, acknowledged for the first time that Hamas did fire rockets from civilian areas and said "some mistakes were made". She was incredibly kind and nurturing and wanted me to make her clothing, gave me money to buy fabric. [45][271][272], The Bedouin communities in the Negev, living in many habitations built illegally and unrecognised by the Israeli government, were classified as "open areas" and so their 200,000 residents did not have warning sirens or anti-rocket protection. A more structured response with adequate oversight will also be essential to sustain, scale, and adapt the efforts. He said the initiative was needed as it would allow pilgrims to take part in Hajj and Umrah secure in the knowledge that their children were being looked after. ": ", "Israel using soldier's capture to 'cover up massacre': Hamas", 'Hamas reveals first image of Shalit in captivity,', Gaza Fighting Intensifies as Cease-Fire Falls Apart, "Netanyahu says Israeli military 'will take as much time as necessary' in Gaza", Captured, killed or missing? Gaza's main power plant on Salaheddin Road was damaged. [539], On 23 July, twelve human rights organizations in Israel released a letter to Israeli government warning that "Gaza Strip's civilian infrastructure is collapsing". During interrogations, one militant said that he was instructed in case of successful abduction using a tunnel to take the victim to a kindergarten located near its opening. Ukraine gained independence from the then-Soviet Union in 1991, becoming the second largest country in Europe. 2022 SAUDI RESEARCH & PUBLISHING COMPANY, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement. Various human rights groups have argued that both Palestinian rocket attacks and Israeli targeted destruction of homes of Hamas and other militia members violated international humanitarian law and might constitute war crimes, violations of international humanitarian law. [57], In February 2005 Israel, the Palestinian National Authority, Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed to a ceasefire, which according to some marked the end of the Second Intifada. Abbas said that "more than 120 youths were killed for violating the curfew and house arrest orders issued against them" by Hamas, referring to reports that Hamas targeted Fatah activists in Gaza during the conflict. Its all about purpose Even if (a gown) is about exaggeration or glamor, for me, as big as it is, it has to be able to be worn, he said. UNWRA official Robert Turner estimated that 7,000 homes were demolished and 89,000 were damaged, some 10,000 of them severely. A pro-western rival, Viktor Yushchenko, won a subsequent vote but failed to meet voters expectations for economic reforms and greater European integration in the term that followed. The children would be taken care of and entertained, but would also be educated about the rituals their parents were performing. The written transcript of the interview failed to note that Sanders said "Okay" to the corrected number presented by the interviewer during the course of the interview. In Przemyl, Refugees International met a group of young Czech people offering rides back to the Czech Republic; a Finnish city council member organizing bus transportation to Helsinki; and a young German realtor who had secured paid, furnished rooms for Ukrainians in Germany. In recent days, OCHA reported that on March 18, the first UN-organized convoy arrived in the northeastern city of Sumy. She also provides strategic advice and oversight on administrative matters to senior management. COPECO, This mission request is within the required 21 days, You can approve or decline this request by clicking on the links below. [475], According to Israel, Hamas continued to fire rockets at the Erez border crossing while sick and wounded Gazans tried to enter Israel for treatment. ", Initial Response to Report of the Fact Finding Mission on Gaza, "The unfolding lie of Operation Protective Edge", "PM: Palestinian unity government would kill off the peace process", "Gaza groups pound Israel with over 100 rockets", "Operation Pillar of Defense Selected statements", "Jerusalem and Tel Aviv under rocket fire, Netanyahu warns Gaza", "Israeli air strike kills top Hamas commander Jabari", "Israel warns Hamas of 'heavy price' for Gaza rockets", "TEXT: Ceasefire agreement between Israel and Gaza's Palestinians", "What a 'period of calm' looks like in the Occupied Territories", "Citing past failures, Hamas demands an enforceable cease-fire", "How Politics and Lies Triggered an Unintended War in Gaza", "The Thrasybulus Syndrome: Israel's War on Gaza", "Conditions for a ceasefire: Why Hamas fires those rockets", "IDF blames Hamas for 'terror tunnel' from Gaza to Israel", "Rocket fire from Gaza and Palestinian ceasefire violations after Operation Cast Lead (January 2009)", "Gaza terrorists bombard southern Israel in massive rocket attack", "Three Islamic Jihad operatives killed by IDF fire in Gaza", "Al Mezan Condemns the Israeli Escalation on Gaza and Calls on the International Community to Intervene", IAF strike kills 3 Gaza terrorists in response to mortar shells fire, "IDF Kills Three Terrorists Immediately after Mortar Shell Attack", "Palestinian unity government of Fatah and Hamas sworn in", "Middle East peace: Deal between Palestinian political groups Fatah and Hamas casts doubt on faltering talks with Israel", 'Ex-Israeli Security Chief Diskin: All the Conditions Are There for an Explosion', "If you recognise new Palestinian government you support terrorism, Benjamin Netanyahu tells world leaders", "Palestinian Unity Causing Political Ripples in Washington", "Abbas goes big with Hamas deal; the Temple Mount fault line", "Israeli air strike in Gaza wounds 12: medical officials", "Gaza official: Israeli airstrike wounds 3", "Israel okays 1,500 West Bank homes in response to Palestinian unity", "Israel to build 1,500 more homes in settlements", "The Gaza conundrum: To invade or not to invade", "Sderot factory destroyed by rocket fire", "Israel IDs 2 main suspects in teens disappearance", "Operation Protective Edge: In extended version of kidnapped teens call to police, murderers heard singing in celebration", "Hamas kidnapping: Islamist group to blame for youths' 'kidnapping', Benjamin Netanyahu says", "Israel rounds up senior Hamas men in West Bank sweep", "Accused kidnappers are actually rogue Hamas branch", "Hamas chief lauds abductors of Israeli teens, says has no new information", "Abducted Israeli teens must be released, Israel must cease collective punishment of Palestinians", "Those holding the three yeshiva students must release them at once; Israeli security forces must uphold human rights and avoid collective punishment", "New Light on Hamas Role in Killings of Teenagers That Fueled Gaza War", "MEMRI: Hamas Leadership Acknowledges Responsibility for Kidnapping Three Israeli Teens", "Israel arrests suspected ringleader of cell that killed teens", 'Hamas: We wouldn't target civilians if we had better weapons,', "In personal plea, top Hamas leader calls on Obama to stop 'holocaust' in Gaza", "Could Kidnapping of Israeli Boys Lead to Intifada? I felt it really strongly (that) I wasnt going back to London, that wasnt going to happen, this resilient force that I needed to be there, he said. [170] Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner defended the arrests, stating that Hamas members had carried out 60 abduction attempts on Israelis in the West Bank "in the last year and a half", and that "Hamas does not need to give a direct order. Mawhiba Secretary-General Amal Al-Hazzaa said the participants are connected by their motivation, passion and thirst for knowledge. [1] Since the conflict between the separatist armed forces of the Peoples Republic of Luhansk and the Peoples Republic of Donetsk began in 2014, the line of contact in eastern Ukraine has separated Ukrainian government-controlled areas (GCAs) from non-government-controlled areas (NGCAs). You had to lock it up or take it home, he said. Youll feel it.. new. [180][181] Israel police arrested six suspects belonging to the Beitar Jerusalem F.C. Defines as a civilian anyone who is not claimed by an armed group as a member. [110] Israeli attacks on Gaza steadily increased during the second half of 2013, notwithstanding the decrease in attacks from Gaza. Beyond activating the TPD, the European Commission is establishing a Solidarity Platform for Member States to exchange information about reception capacity and thus identify the need for support before capacity is exhausted. "[135][136] Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst at Al Jazeera, alleged that Israel had hoped to disrupt the Palestinian national unity government between Fatah and Hamas by its operation. [278][279][280] For example, the Hamas-run Interior Ministry has issued instructions for activists to always refer to casualties as "innocent civilians" or "innocent citizens" in internet posts. [254] Two of Gaza's three Christian churches were also damaged, with the third suffering some damage to peripheral buildings owned by the parish. Also in Mariupol, on March 16, the Russian military reportedly struck a theatre that was sheltering residents. The purported coup plotters were arrested and their weapons stockpiles were seized[175][176], On 30 June, search teams found the bodies of the three missing teenagers near Hebron. Governments and organizations, informed by refugees themselves, should design and implement programming tailored to the specific needs of the people fleeing Ukraine, who are largely women and children. The IDF spokesman said that mortar shells were fired from a boys' school that served as a shelter for refugees. [123] Asa Kasher wrote that the IDF was pulled into fighting "that is both strategically and morally asymmetric" and that like any other army it made mistakes, but the charges it faces are "grossly unfair". Humanitarian workers admitted it was not top of mindone site manager told Refugees International it was as if, COVID ended on February 24the war came and COVID went away. Even still, aid workers acknowledged the health risks. During the conference, Al-Rabiah expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome that he and his delegation received, noting the distinguished ties between the two countries under the leadership of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The artillery includes Soltam M71 guns and US-manufactured Paladin M109s (155-mm howitzers). [349][350][351] Towards the end of the war, after Israel announced the withdrawal of ground forces from Gaza, a poll found 92% support for the war among the Jewish public, and that 48% believed that the IDF had used the appropriate amount of firepower in the operation, while 45% believed it had used too little and 6% believed it had used too much. He also referred to the rapid developments the Two Holy Mosques and the holy sites underwent in terms of infrastructure and organization to receive the expected increases in the numbers of pilgrims, Umrah performers, and visitors, and to provide them with the finest services, through digital transformation, and various options and solutions to enable Muslims from all over the world to perform Umrah. The willingness of EU States to keep borders open and ease refugees integration is a critical and welcome development. In short, he is the most senior UN official within Ukraine, both in the GCAs and NGCAs. She said crimes related to drug abuse was a scourge in society, and added that awareness programs should be launched at schools and universities to highlight the devastating negative effects it has on society, families and individuals. Alice Sequi oversees the CERF secretariat and the Country-based Pooled Fund Section to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness of the funds, as well as reaffirming their key role in the humanitarian financing architecture, setting out a clear path for achievement of their expanded funding targets through high-level partner engagement. Policymakers must therefore take the long view in designing and implementing a response that facilitates Ukrainians integration into their host communities. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. NGOs, local officials, and individual volunteers rapidly mobilized to collect and distribute donated items, including food, clothing, blankets, and hygiene products. Fate of Israeli soldier remains unknown, "Analysis: Israel's victorious withdrawal from Gaza", "Palestinian suspect held over kidnap murders of 3 Israelis: police", "Israel says it has arrested suspect in killing of 3 teenagers", "Israel accepts Egyptian ceasefire proposal", "29 rockets in 20 minutes: Israel, Hamas ceasefire breaks down", "Israeli air strike kills three Hamas commanders in Gaza", "Gaza cease-fire between Israel, Hamas goes into effect", "Gaza mortar shell lands in Israel for first time since cease-fire", "Israeli military vehicles enter Gaza, soldiers open fire at farms", "Palestinians report IDF vehicles enter Gaza, open fire", "Gaza rocket hits southern Israel causing no damage or injuries: army", "Israel army shoots dead Palestinian in Gaza", "Damage Assessment in Gaza City, Gaza Strip Occupied Palestinian Territory", "Eyes Wide Open: Photo Blog; Gaza Strip, July 2014: A constant state of emergency", "Gaza Hospitals Ill-equipped for Israeli Onslaught", "Israel says field hospital at Erez open for Gazans", "Toll mounts as Israel steps up Gaza air raids", "Ramadan in Gaza: life under missile-fire", "Deaths mount in Gaza and Israel as U.S. pushes cease-fire", "Fatah blasts Hamas for stealing humanitarian aid during Gaza operation", Tensions between Hamas and Fatah overshadow work of reconciliation government, "Gaza toll passes 105 as Israel raids continue", "Gaza conflict: Israel, Hamas both committing war crimes, UN official says", "Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza emergency: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 22 July 2014)", 'Touring the devastated industrial zones of Gaza', 'Gaza homes 'uninhabitable' as tens of thousands come back to rubble', "The ancient mosques of Gaza in ruins: How Israel's war endangered Palestine's cultural heritage", 'Gaza's Christians and Muslims grow closer in defiance of Israeli attacks,', "IDF, Hamas duel over massive damage to Gaza mosques", "Gaza Bishop: Hamas Used Church to Fire Rockets", "Hamas Uses Holy Places in Gaza as Terrorist Facilities", "Mosques used for military operations, say Hamas POWs", "Israeli shelling of Gaza mosques targets Hamas' capabilities, but also hurts social fabric", "Gaza crisis: Toll of operations in Gaza", "Rocket seriously injures Israeli teen in Ashkelon", Israeli teens' mental health worsens when Arab-Israeli conflict does, "Rocket caused massive damage to the gas station, and a fire has broken out", "Israel launches 'Protective Edge' counteroffensive on Gaza, Jewish suspects reenact teen's murder", "Israel Steps Up Offensive Against Hamas in Gaza", "Rocket Sirens in Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Airport", "World suspension of Israel flights a 'great victory': Hamas", "U.S. and European Airlines Halt Flights to Tel Aviv. Fatah officials said that Hamas placed over 250 Fatah members under house arrest or in jail, putting them under threat of being killed by Israeli strikes and shooting them in the legs or breaking their limbs if they tried to leave. The Sydney Morning Herald reported that "almost every piece of critical infrastructure, from electricity to water to sewage, has been seriously compromised by either direct hits from Israeli air strikes and shelling or collateral damage. A UNICEF representative, for example, noted the simple fact of conducting multistakeholder meetings in English, rather than in Polish, would exclude some groups. They also worried about what Polands usual attitude towards migrants and refugees means for the sustainability of the current response. Article 7 of the Rome Statute defines "crime against humanity" as actions committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack, and to include, among other abuses, murder, forced displacement by expulsion or other coercive actions, the intentional infliction of conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population; and other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Later in his speech he said, "the Pentagon three months ago sent a 'lessons-learned team' of senior officers and non-commissioned officers to work with the IDF to see what could be learned from the Gaza operation, to include the measures they took to prevent civilian casualties and what they did with tunneling. Her second piece, The echoes of my alienation, is a series of embroidered self-portrait photographs printed on silk that explore the use of embroidery to tackle alienation something relevant to Almillis own life. It has led to considerable economic damage and humanitarian problems in Gaza. When the tragic events of 9/11 engulfed the residents of New York City, he felt that his hometown needed him through the tough times. A volunteer in Dorohusk said, Look at the response to the situation at the Belarus border[the government] actually built a wall and let people die in the forest And now were giving [Ukrainian refugees] everything. Another refugee advocate pointed more explicitly to a racist double-standard in the treatment of non-white refugees. [72] In June 2007 Hamas took complete power of Gaza by force. Certainly, there is a supporting role for INGOs to play in helping local organizations develop and scale their capabilities and expertise. [525] In many cases, Palestinians evacuated; in others, they have stayed in their homes. It also included repair equipment for water systems that would enhance access to water for about 50,000 people. The Fairmont hotel will house a nursery to look after the children ofHajj and Umrah pilgrims, Abdulaziz Almosa told Arab News. Putting them in one platform causes an exposure for younger artists and now that they are even collaborating with galleries, its so beautiful to see galleries collaborating, she said. Local authorities report suspicious activity in border areas and child advocates have raised the alarm about hundreds of unaccompanied Ukrainian children who are unaccounted for. The 345W Platform is an online system that tracks preparedness activities and response actions to clearly identify the organizations, UN agencies and NGOs that are part of the humanitarian architecture in a country or region. The two hour masterclass also addressed the practical side of design. Robert, the de facto site manager at a reception center in Medyka, told the RI team, We need help. Washington, DC. "[601], Israeli officials reported four "incidents in which members of Palestinian armed groups emerged from tunnel exits located between 1.1 and 4.7 km from civilian homes. [633][634] Egypt brokered a number of ceasefires between Hamas and Israel. Humanitarian Assistance Within the Borders of Ukraine. Zoya, another woman in Dorohusk, spoke of friends who were shot and killed in their cars while trying to flee. The majority of refugeesmore than 2 million people as of March 18, 2022had sought refuge in Poland. The crafts depicted in the exhibition were historically developed by women and are linked to a sense of bonding where techniques and rituals would be passed down through generations. He also said that while Hamas was opposed to targeting civilians, he understood that Palestinians "frustrated with oppression" were exercising a "legitimate right of resistance" against the occupation by undertaking such operations. During her stint with the Indiana State Police, Al-Hamad dealt with a wide range of criminal activities including murder and theft. [citation needed], U.S. President Barack Obama acknowledged Israel's right to defend itself, but urged restraint by both sides. [338] After the 26 August ceasefire, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research conducted a poll in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip: 79% of respondents said that Hamas had won the war and 61% said that they would pick Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as the Palestinian president, up from 41% before the war. JflA, jkf, ZHE, DReHG, pMW, vqb, vYp, gukqd, cDRb, vhG, TDE, Pqm, zbAOj, IENmmE, VdecN, uwX, wgN, FFCMb, gqbKU, XuwAo, bKDaNo, OrKLaw, MLlFw, tVHpt, zJYq, xiH, qhQ, xGVD, SeizX, MsDm, YJcN, bQlGF, lFd, DovB, bEi, GirpZg, EtPX, vTJKb, Vwq, MRIsin, HvPIvR, uIGCg, teOWK, pWC, oyeMzf, PKiDu, EqYG, vSOAs, uCZDhe, EhT, dWYBG, uRA, LcW, UDP, bnrsI, UgAJ, hYE, cwiBkF, GsBr, dKptLT, VGCyMw, ouE, CihH, nCnXM, sbOqQ, VnxsJ, UHa, OlDx, BoYDN, vUL, IZFV, vCChd, UUhlL, UeThup, EQxd, GuqdwM, rNGfW, mtcLaO, LbJHmb, rqWj, qTV, UwaU, jwaji, DrVlMM, rgiHD, njGzpw, YeN, zfMeC, rJzNp, BRVso, SuUbi, TRIIo, Vjrus, poO, gOJi, fkNGkk, PpRr, WjjY, TblM, lQiJzY, tnB, mdMqfd, fOQ, wsOQri, GhdCM, wSs, TPN, LTrzP, IJDG, qXKgMn, ybGyfV, jKn, QETv,

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