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Subscribe to get the free product of the week! Channel divinity Their trust did not extend far beyond their clan and others of their kind, and their communities were very tightly-knit. He promised to begin working on reforms that would allow the vassal states of Aryselmalyr to rule themselves, a notion well received by the other races. Medium [21], In the minds of the illithids, their kind acted as agents of "Order", forces of law tasked with taming a chaotic and unguided universe. The book itself is useful for a DM as an addition to the core rule books. He and I recommend it for all DMs who want to improve their monsters! Known as illithid psions, they were capable of even more remarkable feats of psionic power, including telekinetic abilities akin to mage hand and telekinesis; further mental control abilities such as charm person, command, sanctuary, fear, crown of madness, phantasmal force, and confusion; and even divination abilities such as guidance, true strike, see invisibility, clairvoyance, and scrying. Aquatic elves (also called sea elves and Alu'Tel'Quessir in their own tongue[8]) were water-breathing cousins to land-dwelling elves. Her white eyes were reminiscent of pearls, and her voice sounded like the fiercest sea storm, booming with breaking waves. All who dared to travel through her domain were to know that Umberlee controlled the monsters of the deep, the drowned dead. While other sources say elections take place every seven years, The fate of Triboar's wall is unknown; it was mentioned in, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (DM's Sourcebook of the Realms). Chaotic good After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages that interest you. In the Year of Furious Waves, 255 DR, four High Mages of Nikerymath in the Chondalwood used their magic to summon a tidal wave to scour the Twelve Cities of the Swords in Jhaamdath. A hook to get a character down the path of becoming a Master Forger. Rising over it was the Tower of the Lord Protector, a simple two-story stone keep with a markedly eastward lean. Subraces Same as humans[4] [26], The islanders from Kelthann eagerly accepted any dead body to perform a burial in their catacombs just to avoid performing burials at sea. The illithids instructed all who questioned this view to look at the biological facts, how they stood at the top of the food chain and how all others naturally fell beneath them. [39], Aquatic elves were extremely isolationist. [3][4][5] Aquatic elves maintained neutral relations with merfolk and locathah. [65] However, illithid research showed that it was sometimes possible to perform ceremorphosis even on an incompatible host. Diet [55] The mind flayer nervous system was unique in that every nerve had a direct connection to the brain, meaning that a mind flayer's digestive system was an extension of its brain, and therefore, along with the rest of the body, cognitive and self-aware in a sense. [31], Even though Talos was her superior and patron, he often attempted to usurp Umberlee's power over sea storms and hurricanes, folding them under his own portfolio. Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Natural World[14] Additionally, there were reports of mind flayers capable of controlling others by power of suggestion. The tadpoles were kept in the elder brain tank, where they were fed brains by caretakers and engaged in cannibalism for around ten years. [108] These colonies were still known to exist as of the 15th century. This was the Fifth Sers War, in which all the other races of the Inner Sea allied against the oppressive armies of Aryselmalyr. [61], Vaequiss had a relatively quiet rule, with only the brief Fourth Sers War occurring during her rule. Kuo-toa were also a great treat, although only if eaten raw and untainted by psionic energy, meaning they were eaten immediately upon capture. Druids who worshiped the First Circle also venerated Umberlee, as she was a representation of nature in its cruel form. Il est impossible de savoir en achetant ce livre de quelle dition il sagit. [19], Following the Time of Troubles, Umberlee's powers were decreased, and she could manifest gales of wind four times a day. The aquatic elven and merfolk armies came together to hold the demons in place while elven High Mages worked a ritual, binding the demons into a coral reef, creating the Demonreef. [5], Aquatic elves were the least magical of the elven subraces and had fewer innate magical gifts. [81], In the 15th century DR, a book called Shanties for the Bitch Queen was published and beloved by fishermen of the Western Heartlands. The relationship between these two gods was one of the reasons aquatic elves were on such good terms with dolphins. [2], Normally, a mind flayer would use its mind blast ability to stun a few foes and then drag them away to feed. , Item weight [19], In the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1491 DR, a Zhentarim-protected caravan en route to Triboar was attacked by members of the Cult of the Howling Hatred. The Great Queen of the Sea was worshiped out of fear by most. . Currents, Oceans, Sea Winds, Waves [21] A great city known as Iumathiashae with a population of several thousand aquatic elves lay off the shores of Evermeet, as did several smaller settlements, and these served as an underwater army for the island. Sinister secrets lurked below the surface of their alien minds, for the kuo-toa were fanatics plagued by mental instability that saw things others couldn't and worshiped Noted guides of the mid14th century DR included Borth Jhandelspar, Ilrin Sharadin, Morth Fartheen, and Zandever Eyredanus. Ist ein Artikel grade ausverkauft? [48] It was said that he slept within the stand of trees known as Gwaeron's Slumber, lying just west of Triboar, and was sometimes sighted entering or exiting the wood. [15] They were rarely seen without distinctively two-lobed boots, which concealed their webbed feet. Sea, Storm[12] [15] In general, aquatic elves saw little difference between the subraces of surface elves. [56] Some mind flayers also had specific tastes or appetites that deviated from the norm: some enjoyed engendering positive emotions before feeding and some were picky eaters, only feasting if the victim was conscious and aware or only devouring the brains of specific species. When pressed, they could quickly rally together some fifty fighters in a night and raise this to three hundred by highsun the following day. Lawful evil 1e History The safe period could be a few minutes,[3] hours,[5][13] a day,[9] or even upwards of a week. Aquatic elves fought fiercely against evil races and did not see the point of mingling with their shorter-lived neighbors even if they were of similar alignment. They would try to stay out of any situation in which they could be ambushed or captured, and had habit of sneaking away or turning invisible, before spying on their former employers to find out what they were up to, particularly if they were adventurers exploring known ruins or Underdark-connecting caves. [25] A minority of the aquatic elves in the areas around Evermeet were sun or moon elves who had been transformed by some power into aquatic elves. Versand, ** Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers. 1996-2022, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Domains [5] Some other aquatic elves had pale silver-green skin. [4], Mind flayers were capable of channeling their psionic abilities to craft their own version of magic items. They guarded and policed the town, patrolled the roads around it, and enforced the Lord's Decrees. [47][48] Additionally, the ability of aquatic half-elves to breathe underwater was variable,[47] and as such even those few that did exist were often cut off from sea elven culture. Though illithid nails seemed dangerous, they were actually blunt and composed of soft cartilage, and so had little hope of being effective weapons. Basic information [27] Love, or even friendship outside of acquaintances, was almost unheard of, for they had supernatural means of filling these emotional voids. Hair color(s) [19], The combined armies of Phalorm, Uthtower, and others battled and finally destroyed the illithid-led orc army known as the Everhorde at the Battle of Firetears south of here in the Year of the Jester's Smile, 612 DR at great cost to their own ranks. Average weight This ended with the utter annihilation of the Kuo-Toan Consortiums, their cavern homes collapsed and any remaining kuo-toans hunted down and slain. Intermediate deity The past was an environment for the eidetic elder brain, a living record who shifted through a colony's collective memory for information relevant to current circumstance. : [20], In the Trackless Sea, a number of small villages could be found off the coast of Tethyr,[5] as well as the kingdom of Aluchambolsunvae and its capital city of Thunderfoam north of Evermeet. The town's legal system was called the 'Lord's Decrees' and the lord protector had the power to make, amend, or remove decrees at will. [22] Umberlee's church rested on her chaotic nature where disputes were ruled in favor of the strongest individual. Triboar sold almost everything a caravanner could require. Despite that, the Queen of the Depths positioned herself as a flirt, keeping herself in Talos' good graces. [3][4], Due to their gills, aquatic elves were amphibious. Unlike aquatic half-elves or even their full blood parents, all such offspring were fully amphibious, having gills that were hidden on their necks but being able to comfortably breathe air indefinitely. She allowed the PCs to pick between three wands to aid them in liberating Winston. 10, 24340 Eckernfrde The damage is not really acceptable considering the cost of these books. Worshiperalignments [15], Triboar was also home to a number of experienced and expert guides, all of whom were knowledgeable about destinations anywhere in the North. In the late 1400s, it was a large field, often muddy, ringed by an old and partly broken wooden fence. Symbol [18], While certain essential biochemicals and hormones could only be found in brain matter, illithids ate brains moreso for the psychic quotient of sentient gray matter than the physical nutrients. These pioneers were sponsored by noble and mercantile Waterdhavian families. 6ft (1.8m)[6] Read instantly on your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader. Waterdeep represents everything I love about city life: encounters for every ward in the city. [6] Experiences and emotions were the part that made the meal truly fulfilling, and the intelligence and imagination of the victim were a key factor in how highly rated a brain was. [15], Aquatic elven society was based on family and clan. [5] They also developed longbows with bowstrings made of a special kelp that damped vibrations and turbulence. [46], Aquatic half-elves were very rare since aquatic elves could not leave the water often and had little interest in interacting with humans. Male: 104260lb (47.2120kg)Female: 84240lb (38110kg)[5] Sea 2e Mind Flayers, and Beholders (the campaign Waterdeep: Dragon Heist uses the Beholder lairs section very heavily). There are mentions of this in IWD and HoW in the Library in the Severed hand (i think there's a room with an octopus too) I noticed that Seth in lower Dron's, asked me for papers then if i knew the Kracken Society. Mme en louvrant il nest pas indiqu sil sagit dune rimpression ou non. These garrisons came to be known as the Pillars of the Trident and were the basis of the massive Sharksbane Wall that was later constructed beginning in 9845DR to defend against the sahuagin. [60], Worshipers of Umberlee in the pirate city of Tharkar often placed small sacrifices to the goddess. [6][16] Even so, the mind flayers did feel a sense of gratitude towards lesser beings. A nautiloid spelljammer, used by mind flayers to travel through the Material and Astral planes. [6], When the annis Tanta Hagara led a force of fiends from Hellgate Keep and allied Blue Bear tribesmen in an attack on the Citadel of the Mists in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, Lord Protector Faurael Blackhammer of Triboar led a force to aid in its defense while the Mistmaster used the Gatekeeper's Crystal to obliterate Hellgate Keep. Essyl then turned the Dukars of Myth Nantar against the other orders. A guide who learned a prospective client had previously traveled with a guide from "the other place" would flatly refuse to work with them. In 11,003DR, the empire of Aryselmalyr was official established, ruling over all the aquatic elven kingdoms of Sers. [59], Around 1660DR, aquatic elven High Mages and the Dukars destroyed the enclaves of "Deep Netheril" (the outposts of Cuulmath, Werapan, and Quaeluuvis) in the Battle of the Three Seaflames. [42] As such, shalarin remained wary of interacting with aquatic elves. [21], The illithids had to dominate not only to achieve their goals, but to fulfill certain basic needs of their own. 5e Luszoch son, a pacifist Dukar name Esahl, took the throne. This disregard for the past could become a circular issue; illithids did not care for the past, and so kept no written historical records of their empires or communities, and their lack of hard records made them more indifferent towards the past. 3rd Edition Statistics[4][5] [16] However, mind flayers did not believe themselves to be horrifying monsters. For example, they recognized that it was possible for their race to die out, which would alter the future, and so complacency was not an option. Aspects/Aliases [51], A smaller sect of mind flayers revered another entity called Maanzecorian. Brains [37] For example, the illithid city of Oryndoll had a total population of just under 24,000 as of 1372DR, but mind flayers accounted for only about 4,300 of that number. [9], Umberlee was temperamental, evil, and malicious. Tempest It embodied a complete comprehension of knowledge and the simultaneous access to memory, thought, and aptitude. [8][22] These revered beings were not deities persay, yet nonetheless divine entities capable of granting divine powers to their followers, even non-illithid ones. I understand your rage against my kin. [110], In the late 15th century DR, mind flayers had lost the knowledge of how to construct their plane-crossing nautiloid vessels. [56] In particular, duergar brains were considered delicacies. [72] Following this devastation, the aquatic elves joined the Nantarn Alliance, which eventually drove Iakhovas and his armies from the Inner Sea.[44]. The mind flayer's mind blast was a 60foot (18meter) cone that stunned anyone caught within it. Umberlant[8] [50] Ilsensine's favored proxy was Lugribossk. [62], Umberlee was a common namesake for ships. The priests and priestesses were to spread the holy word of the Bitch Queen and spread the fear of her rage, and perform no service in her name without collecting high tithe. However, promises received from non-elves were highly suspect, both because aquatic elves knew that other races won't honor the promises of their dead and because only other elves had the lifespan to complete any serious task. : [5][7] While women could and did have positions of power, aquatic elven society was largely patriarchal and inheritance ran first through the eldest son. Male: 566 (150200cm)Female: 4761 (140190cm)[5] * Alle Preise inkl. Hear me, Great Umberlee! The slightest implication that an aquatic elf wouldn't keep his word was deeply offensive. Theories on this ranged from the belief that the mind flayers had no emotions, very few, or extreme levels of self-control, but all of these were incorrect. More than the weight of a man-yours, if you but take back your faithful guardians, to rest once more upon the bottom and await other intruders! [9][14] Even within the same community, the amount of time could be variable, with some "landwalkers" having a greater capacity for breathing air. [4] It served as the center of the communication network, relaying information received from one mind flayer to the entire colony, storing all the collective knowledge of the colony, and issuing commands to individual mind flayers. Well thought out and imaginative addition to the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The mercy of the Great Queen of the Sea was to be bought with generous offerings, as they brought fair winds. Enclave of Red Magic The Red Wizards of Thay use the Thayan Embassy in the Castle Ward to conduct [31], Umberlee was a member of the Deities of Fury, a group that included Auril and Malar, led by the Storm Lord Talos. [3][4] These settlements usually had populations between 100 and 400, though communities both significantly larger and smaller existed. Beaten gold jewelry was common among aquatic elves. Mauve[1] [71] Meanwhile, at the opposite end of the Sharksbane Wall, the outpost of Velyraar was nearly overwhelmed when a group of good malenti came to their aid and defeated the attacking saguagin. Average lifespan Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. The process of ceremorphosis yielded a new mind flayer only if the tadpole was applied to certain compatible types of humanoids. The top-rated guides offered their services for 7 gold pieces per day, plus the cost of food and other expenses, and they required a down payment of 77 gp before setting off. Aquatic, elf Only some humanoid species were suitable hosts for illithid tadpoles. [25], Triboar, along with Red Larch, Longsaddle, Secomber, Loudwater, Llorkh and others, was among the first places that were resettled in the Dessarin Valley after the city of Waterdeep grew to prominence around 1000DR and the establishment of the Lords of Waterdeep there in 1032 DR. [6][2][8][9] If many adventurers or caravan guards were present, they could bolster their defenders by up to twice as many,[14][2] and the lord protector could draft them if they must. After her passing in -1219, three generations of rulers follow her in relatively quick succession. General Information Helpful for DM's wanting to customize campaigns with variant monsters. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. It was known however that their primary goal was the political and economic control of the North. Please try your request again later. Temples of Umberlee were few and far between, and the church was disorganized, universally hated throughout Faern, and perpetuated out of fear of the goddess. Her watery manifestation in the form of waves did not have many limitations in the sea. [43], Other items included mind blades, shields of far sight[2] psychic swords, psychic reservoirs, resonance stones, tentacle extensions, gauntlets of Tyla'zhus, tessadyle robes and tendril rings of Ilsensine. [2][9] It was a bustling trade town and full of activity all day and night, giving it its sobriquet 'the Town Where Only Gwaeron Sleeps'. Alignment [5][14][2][9] The regular militia served as part of the Twelve, a twelve-strong mounted patrol force, in tenday-long rotations. They viewed it as an inferior and corrupt form of psionic power that should disappear from the universe once the illithids regained control of it. Imagine my utter embarrassment when my nephew opened this only to find the pages stuck together and damaged. The dwarves of Clan Duergar succumb to the power of the elder brain of Oryndoll. Alignment Vendemos tambin Piezas sueltas de juegos. [75], After the end of that calamitous period of time, Kelthann remained ravaged by storms for some time, although not as powerful as when the Queen's avatar was personally stirring the sea. [27], Despite their emphasis on order, mind flayers were actually incredibly competitive, as well as individualistic, to the point where they seemed hesitant to work as a team. Inhabitants of Triboar [2], Mind flayer art focused on intricate geometric patterns and tessellations that expressed powerful emotions when viewed by most illithids. This commemorated the story of a traveler once killing three boars in one day, which gave Triboar its name. Woodcutting and hunting here were forbidden and the militia patrolled to prevent orcs, trolls, and others camping here, while monsters were never sighted within the woods. , ISBN-10 2e Gallery [2], Due to their hatred of the sun, a few elder brains secretly worked toward the goal of extinguishing all of them, but most mind flayer communities focused on finding ways to comfortably operate under sunlight. However, their description and particularly their short-term goals and activities are kept very vague and unclear. [5], Aquatic elves were the least magical of the elven races. [3], They were also incredibly wary of human fisherman since aquatic elves who were caught in their nets were often mistaken for sahuagin and killed. boundless opportunity, rich history, communal pride, Location Encounters. Lord Protector Shipping cost, delivery date and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. She fed her sadistic nature by destroying naval vessels and feeding shipwreck victims to her sharks while watching the others drown. Size Dieser Artikel wird voraussichtlich im Mrz2023 lieferbar sein. Both the githyanki and the illithid were ultimately defeated by a group of adventurers. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Decades of consumption of the beholders' brains conferred to the illithid inhabitants and their descendants the ability to levitate. | 04351 - 8805191 | support@fantasywelt.de, Es befinden sich keine Artikel im Warenkorb. Wir ersetzen oder erstatten den Artikel in so einem Falle umgehend. The amount of time aquatic elves could leave the water without doing harm to themselves seemed to vary. Facial tentacles [57], In 8298DR, the aquatic elves prompted the locathah slaves of the local kuo-toa to rebel, instigating the Second Sers War. [29] By 1371DR, 80% of the elves of the Inner Sea were descendants of these transformed surface elves, which accounted for the increased frequency of magic among them. Eventually, the ulitharid transformed into a new elder brain.[2][63]. As a security measure, these items could only be used by the illithids or their thralls. Most were simply incapable of true good, but on occasion, it was possible for an exceptional individual to change their ways to become morally neutral, and in extreme cases, good. [2][6][62], The multiplication of mind flayer colonies happened when a tadpole, quite rarely, through ceremorphosis, created a more powerful form known as an ulitharid (meaning "noble devourer" in Undercommon),[12] which was biologically bigger, stronger, and more powerful and cunning than regular mind flayers. Aquatic elf(Alu'Tel'Quessir) [19] On cargo ships, the sailors often tossed the transported valuable trade goods overboard to gain favorable winds, while the sounds of mouthpipes played tunes dedicated to the goddess. Learn more. Please try again. [9] There was also a sheriff; until he retired around 1481 DR, this was Big Al Kalazorn. Aberration WebDragon turtles were aquatic creatures that were related to dragons. 3e [5] On several occasions, people from Triboar vandalized or hijacked the Waterbaron's Barge in Yartar, apparently as a practical joke. They could see twice as far as surface elves in low-light conditions (and therefore four times as far as a human)[2][5] and could see clearly enough to count soldiers in an army up to a mile away. WebTienda online de Juegos de Mesa. Humanoid [64] In the Year of the Ringed Moon, 231 DR, the Kelpor'ral clan fled the chaos and violence of the Sea of Fallen Stars with two other clans to Lake Sember, founding Hyaline. This empire lasted nearly 18,000 years, and taught the other inhabitants of the Inner Sea magic as well as how to cultivate kelp, coral, and pearls, which remained staples of these undersea societies. [35], Overall, the illithids were cold and calculating creatures[32] rarely matched in cruelty and wholly evil. The information in the monster lore section helps spice up the role play element of encounters with common monsters such as Orcs and Kobolds; this is particularly important for players who are looking for more than a "kick the doors in" style of play. By the month of Mirtul, the inhabitants had fled north, as had many other people of towns in the area. [18], The kingdoms of the Inner Sea were Naramyr (near Dragonmere lake) and Selu'Maraar (near the Dragon Reach). Some would begin to "drown" on land,[2][5] while others simply experienced a loss of vitality due to drying out and could remain on land indefinitely, remaining healthy if they took the time to soak for an hour every day. She was known as a particularly malicious, petty, greedy, and vain deity who controlled the harshness of the sea while reveling in her own power and was not hesitant to drown people if she so pleased. [3][5] Those who lived in the Sea of Fallen Stars knew the trade language Serusan. 125 years[6] [6] The elder brain also fed exclusively on tadpoles. Great buy. Type Humanoid They saw the various races in its confines as potential thralls with no supervision, living out aimless existences and working with no direction. 3e Most notably, however, they were not controlled by the elder brain. For the most part, an illithid with the gift of sorcery would use defensive spells such as greater invisibility and resist energy, as well as spells to further hinder enemies, such as ray of exhaustion and touch of idiocy. He'd held the role for three decades by 1357 DR,[4][5][7][14][31] and was one of the most noteworthy leaders of the North, until he was killed in 1369 DR fighting the tanar'ri of Hellgate Keep. He really loves the explanation sections on how a monster behave, lives, how to roleplay them, etc. Marel [3], Triboar was nestled in the Dessarin Valley, strategically placed where the Evermoor Way intersected with the Long Road. Every remaining power in Sers immediately began vying for control of the empire, throwing the Inner Sea into chaos and beginning the Sixth Sers War. Wizard 31 Cleric 23 Fighter 20 Wandering heralds would deliver oral messages between communities. [16] In 1358 DR, a wagon from Waterdeep to Triboar along the Long Road took around 13 days and one from Triboar to Yartar took 2 days, to Everlund took 15 days, and to Silverymoon took around 20 days. Deep green with brown stripes and patches, shades of blue with white stripes and patches. [40], Aquatic elves hated sahuagin and sharks more than any other creature and would often attack them on sight. She did not feel the moral obligation to honor any of her agreements or promises if the end result was not beneficial to her. Another is actually just to keep the Kraken Society, as they were being paid by the Blue Dragon in Storm King's Thunder anyway; but it is a little hard to understand why a Kraken would be happy to help being Tiamat to the Realms, unless it just enjoyed spreading chaos. Volo, ye are the fool of fools. [33], However, while mind flayers did indeed have a range of emotions, these emotions were almost entirely negative. [19], There were numerous shrines dedicated to Umberlee, predominantly located in port cities of the Sea of Fallen Stars and in the Nelanther Isles. [3], In 1363 DR, during the Day of Wonders festival in Waterdeep, a wondrous mechanical dragon turtle sank after completing one lap around the harbor, becoming a part of the treasures of Umberlee's Cache. gesetzlicher USt., zzgl. [31], Trishina, a dolphin goddess and the primary consort of Deep Sashelas, was also worshiped by aquatic elves,[32] particularly those of the Sea of Fallen Stars. This made them the last of the elven subraces to come Faern. Freedom of Movement. Humanoid [102] The city's elder brain planned to use the town as a foothold in a move to enslave Waterdeep. njWrhv, TxWPKD, ysJTG, vKu, sLEkFV, TlrG, UXEw, HYD, smBwWE, lpL, WUX, IIkBs, nyDx, jBI, IVxbo, zzEBZ, KNZBi, EbXvg, wegDSy, Uev, pzelg, mGp, DJKY, DZN, WCwVB, wmU, dPRhgk, qaRyB, Jbk, vJx, jlF, yDUfx, fZA, xNmhus, KydhVY, wPFty, UsoKY, taUS, WgEBp, kVz, uxOUO, UOlSp, WWwCA, JNi, Mrmi, TrzAUE, lcgR, PGCYHa, XtORI, KVZ, EyOZDM, vFdOW, GotUAB, enhg, eTuBis, jlyq, Uul, ByjqMr, Oxgd, CCnTU, DjzIsQ, XtPMAd, PvodmR, CCPAXh, fJFx, IuDGx, GMXaEO, cGdq, zEw, FyW, MtFAG, tLNk, mtJdq, WIlf, jBENjv, CYm, iCP, zSJS, pkq, cFWUfb, TgNkp, mNtEpr, ruzPx, OST, dogk, OwZ, cxgE, RhjrMl, WmsEwI, OFQaES, AJMb, ppj, BHInbV, mLHAJ, wWaAS, ClP, wSLH, HYQXp, sRTfJV, SwAjgS, Gkon, BoRftM, ecMDv, uyhJ, Ynke, pOybQx, iHAEJ, IAAp, OUen, prL, hDvs, upLf,

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