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Along the way, she recounts the stories and myths behind the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, its development under Julius and Augustus Caesar, and what the experience of watching the games at the Colosseum was actually like. The sites recommend themselves. A popular Colosseum night tour, here you can really experience the famous amphitheater with very little crowds. Times vary. Find here the best tours of the Colosseum in Rome. c = c.replace(/tie-no-js/, 'tie-js'); HappyForms = {}; 2022 Rome Actually. Choose the experience that better fits your needs and travel preferences. 2020. Hundreds of men worked tirelessly to move props and animals from the underground chambers to the elevator. After that, you can use the card to get discounts at many other museums and attractions, including must-visit sites like the Galleria Borghese and Capitoline Museums. Rome: Colosseum Guided Tour with Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. If you are at all interested in Romes history, be sure to book a Colosseum dungeons tour that includes a visit to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. If car travel is best, youll want to take a taxi. Legend has it that this is the spot where Remus and Romulus were found by the she-wolf and where they battled to decide who would have the privilege of building their own town. From the balcony on the second level you will have a breathtaking view of the Ancient City. Amazing tour of the Colosseum, The guide was brilliant, there were . Such Roman engineering work was commissioned in 72 A.D by Emperor Vespasian. The Best Colosseum Tours of 2022 Best Comprehensive Tour: Timeless Tales of Gods and Laymen by Imago Artis Travel Best Budget Tour: Rick Steve's Colosseum Audio Tour Best Small Group Tour: Colosseum Tour with Arena Floor, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill via GetYourGuide Pinocchio Tours has an offering specifically designed for kids, with games and visual aids that will make history come alive. One of the best reasons to invest in a tour of the Colosseum is that your guide will also be able to explain the different areas of the structure that you visit. A 100-minute bus ticket is quite affordable, as is the day pass. 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When standing in line to purchase a general admission ticket to the Colosseum, you may be waiting for quite a while. Her knowledge made the tour so interesting. Plus, tick off the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill on a walking tour. /* ]]> */ Discover the fascinating facts on gladiators' combat and backstage area by the professional local guide. READ MORE: Check out my detailed post for more tips on the best way to visit the Colosseum and enjoy your experience. The Colosseum has changed its admission policy to ensure that only 3,000 people are allowed within the amphitheater at any given time, meaning much less crowding during busy periods. To visit Italy, you must have a valid passport that has at least six months remaining before expiration. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} This is another Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine tour. Close to the Circus Maximus, this is an extremely fascinating place and one of my favourite underground sites in Rome. This means the airport is usually very crowded. Also known as Amphitheatre Flavium, it was built around 70AD. With a maximum of 24 people, enjoy the lesser-busy parts of the Colosseum, where not many visitors get access to as a certified guide is required. Check out our detailed guide of the top Rome attractions. Your skip-the-line access will get into the Colosseum as your guide recounts the history of the most iconic structure of ancient Rome. With a small group and individual headsets, youll find it easier to get around sites and hear interesting stories from your guide. There is no shortage of luxury hotels in Rome, however. It's a long time under the hot Italian sun so please come prepared. The official tour costs 25, so be wary of resellers that charge a premium for this tour and book instead on the official website. 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