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In fact, it guarantees that your order will never fill at a worse price than your desired price. There could be a big difference between the price that you expect your order to fill and the price that it fills at. This makes them an ideal playing field for technical analysts, as they can thrive by only considering technical factors. that measure certain aspects of the overall health of the network. Because profits in such a short period can be minimal, you may opt to trade across a wide range of assets to try and maximize your returns. Notion allows you to see all the details of a completed task management, whereas Todoist makes it hard to look back at completed tasks and doesnt have good details. We may often think of currencies as safe haven assets. The Parabolic SAR is used to determine the direction of the trend and potential reversals. The range outlined between these points may highlight potential entry and exit points, and help determine, The Fibonacci Retracement tool is a versatile indicator that can be used in a wide range of trading strategies. Eager to learn more? The trustee may send any part of the transferred amount back to the trustor. , fundamental analysis may also include an emerging field of data science that concerns itself with public, , analysis of transactions, and many more. Large asset managers are increasingly profiling their equity portfolio managers to trade their orders more effectively. A 1-day chart shows candlesticks that each represent a period of one day, and so on. For more on the topic, check out Binance Academys Asset Allocation and Diversification, or Binance Researchs Exploring the Diversification Benefits with Bitcoin. should imply, in theory, that the asset is somehow safe from, . whats it like now, and where is it headed? As weve mentioned, the stop-loss can be both a limit or a market order. When the RSI value is under 30, the asset may be considered oversold. [citation needed], Public officials are agents, and people adopt constitutions and laws to try to manage the relationship, but officials may betray their trust and allow themselves to be unduly influenced by lobby groups or they may abuse their authority and managerial discretion by showing personal favoritism or bad faith by hiring an unqualified friend or by engaging in corruption or patronage, such as selecting the firm of a friend or family member for a no-bid contract. With the principalagent problem, two areas of negotiation emerge: The principal-agent problem arises in representative negotiations where the interests of the principal and the agent are misaligned. ? If youd like to read more, check out. If youd like to read more about it, check out MACD Indicator Explained. [citation needed] The way in which these mechanisms are used is different in the two parts of the economy which Doeringer and Piore called the "primary" and "secondary" sectors (see also dual labour market). It is clear that you cant be there to manage their processes for compliance purposes. Tzvika is highly focused on traceability and meeting the product requirements based on the power of visualization, reporting and analysis of data. That may seem too little, but this is to make sure that a few inevitable bad trades wont blow up your account. Individuals can also benefit from. Often, your goal will be to identify an asset that looks undervalued and is likely to increase in value. This makes it more useful than simply calculating the average price, as it also takes into account which price levels had the most trading volume. In the legacy markets, people found guilty of facilitating pump and dump schemes are subject to hefty fines. More generally, however, even within the field of objective performance evaluation, some form of relative performance evaluation must be used. However, thanks to the magic of blockchain technology, there are other options out there called decentralized exchanges (DEX). If the. Some exchanges adopt a multi-tier fee model to incentivize traders to provide liquidity. In the financial markets, this typically involves investing in financial instruments with the hopes of selling them later at a higher price. Is this asset ready to move? When it comes to trading and technical analysis, leading indicators can also be used for their predictive qualities. This is why some technical analysts may not be considered strictly traders. Position traders are concerned with trends that can be observed over extended periods theyll try to profit from the overall market direction. Margin trading is a method of trading using borrowed funds from a third party. "[30], The energy efficiency use of the principal agent terminology is in fact distinct from the usual one in several ways. In the context of public administration, the principalagent problem can be seen in such a way where public administration and bureaucrats are the agents and politicians and ministers are the principal authorities. Another aspect to consider here is the strength of a trend line. In effect, trading on margin amplifies results both to the upside and the downside. From the cybernetics point of view, the Cultural Agency Theory arose in order to better understand the socio-cultural nature of organisations and their behaviours. Futures products are a great way for traders to speculate on the price of an asset. In doing this risk aversion of employee efforts being low can be avoided pre-emptively. It just tells us that the market is moving away from the middle band SMA, reaching extreme conditions. See you there. Though it is challenging to assess exactly, the principal agent problem is considered to be a major barrier to the diffusion of efficient technologies. This calculation can be based on price. In fact, even aspects of human psychology are used. 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Derivatives are financial assets that base their value on something else. WebThis template is perfect for managing your marketing collateral in one place. Typically, this data is the price, but not in all cases. As youd imagine, hindsight bias can have a significant impact on the process of identifying market trends and making trading decisions. Check out What is a Limit Order?. Now that youve got your cryptocurrency, the potential options are abundant. IP Lifecycle Management Gliffy. [citation needed], The problem arises in clientattorney, probate executor, bankruptcy trustee, and other such relationships. This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 10:18. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an indicator that illustrates whether an asset is overbought or oversold. Similarly, the closer it is to the lower band, the closer the asset may be to oversold conditions. But where is the best way to do it? If youd like to read more about how to draw trend lines, check out Trend Lines Explained. Whats more, as the ecosystem evolves, many new categories may be established that wouldnt otherwise be possible. For example, the 10-day SMA takes the average price of the last 10 days and plots the results on a graph. It quickly becomes clear, however, that one factor is not enough to explain the returns very well and that other factors have to be considered. [15] The theory has come to extend well beyond economics or institutional studies to all contexts of information asymmetry, uncertainty and risk. [11] Even so, you can eventually find small market cycles on an hourly chart just as you may do when looking at decades of data. In the context of public administration, bureaucrats have an information advantage over the government and ministers as the former work at the ground level and have more knowledge about the dynamic and changing situation. Still, RSI readings should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Get pricing info, key features, integrations, and more. WebA document management system (DMS) is usually a computerized system used to store, share, track and manage files or documents.Some systems include history tracking where a log of the various versions created and modified by different users is recorded. Find assets with sufficient Cause: is there enough reason to enter the position? FrontRunners 2022. This is another issue worth repeating. So, especially when youre starting out, you could think of trading and investing as a side venture. . WebPublications, dossiers, actualits, textes officiels, statistiques, informations pratiques et boursires de la banque centrale franaise. This makes it more useful than simply calculating the average price, as it also takes into account which price levels had the most trading volume. There are a lot of possible avenues to take when it comes to making money in the financial markets. However, what if they want to remain in their position even after the expiry date? Others may use them to create actionable trade ideas based on how the trend lines interact with the price. Abstract and Figures. So, the invalidation point is where you would typically put your stop-loss order. In the negotiation problem, the principal commissions an agent to conduct negotiations on its behalf. Eager to learn more? Hart and Holmstrm (1987) divide moral hazard models in the categories "hidden action" (e.g., the agent chooses an unobservable effort level) and "hidden information" (e.g., the agent learns his valuation of a good, which is modelled as a random draw by nature). Instead, they look at the historical trading activity and try to identify opportunities based on that. Sure, a bit of side income is always welcome, but why do it for a hefty fee if theyre doing so well already? Once your orders are filled, your coins will be swapped instantly. Check out What is a Market Order?. (2005). If that sounds to you like a giant undertaking, youre right. As weve seen, the main difference is that the VWAP considers the trading volume as well. Research conducted by Crifo and Diaye (2004) [19] mentioned that agents who receive compensations such as praises, acknowledgement and recognition help to define intrinsic motivations that increase performance output from the agents thus benefiting the principal. Here, there is "pay-for-performance" in a looser sense over a longer time period. If you have previous experience with trading, you could also check out the, So far, these all included what is called a, . There are plenty of ways to do that, but investors will typically use. Go to Binance DEX and try out the trading experience yourself! As it turns out, being in the present moment is an exceptionally biased viewpoint in the financial markets. For example, lets say you place a limit buy order with a limit price thats considerably higher than the current market price. Simple enough. Check out. are used. In a more traditional setting, the funds borrowed are provided by an investment broker. Lets say youd like to open a long position worth 10 BTC in an altcoin. Would you like to learn how to read candlestick charts? (One can interpret this as a destruction of organizational social capitalworkers identifying with, and actively working for the benefit of, the firm in favour of the creation of personal social capitalthe individual-level social relations which enable workers to get ahead ("networking").). In efficiency terms, a market failure arises when a technology which is both cost-effective and saves energy is not implemented. Some traders may also use the Parabolic SAR indicator as a basis for their trailing stop-loss. When you dive into regulated industries that create sophisticated, tangible products automotive and medical device, for example compliance becomes quite intricate. Because profits in such a short period can be minimal, you may opt to trade across a wide range of assets to try and maximize your returns. Well, candlestick patterns can define clear price targets and, . However, because their strategy plays out across a longer period, Its not uncommon to see position traders favor, , purely because their time preference allows them to watch fundamental events materialize. Candlesticks date back to the 17th century Japan but have been refined in the early 20th century by trading pioneers such as Charles Dow. . However, be aware of liquidation. The incentive effects of this structure are dealt with in what is known as "tournament theory" (Lazear and Rosen 1981, Green and Stokey (1983), see Rosen (1986) for multi-stage tournaments in hierarchies where it is explained why CEOs are paid many times more than other workers in the firm). How so? In addition, a server may dote on generous tippers while ignoring other customers, and in rare cases harangue bad tippers. A reversal occurs when the dots flip to the other side of the price. , and are often used to spot overbought and oversold conditions. The agent may adopt a different strategy if they account for reputational consequences of acting against the principal's interests. The USA is a litigious society and shareholders use the law as a lever to pressure management teams. [14] This measure appears to be the only reliable performance measure to evaluate active management. , it may instantly move away from your limit price, leaving your order unfilled. Start with, The buy and hold strategy, perhaps unsurprisingly, involves buying and holding an asset. Compare. The Dow Theory is a financial framework modeled on the ideas of Charles Dow. One of the classifications is based on whether they are cash instruments or derivative instruments. Cryptocurrency markets, as you probably know, are not subject to opening or closing times. Since youre saying your order can execute at the limit price or better, your order will execute against the market price (as its lower than your limit price). These can include macroeconomic circumstances like the state of the wider economy, industry conditions, or the business connected to the asset (if theres one). It can be highly profitable, but it carries with it a significant amount of risk. Thus, if it is difficult for the possessor of information to convey it credibly to the party that benefits from reduced energy use, a principal/agent problem arises. Therefore the key to successful money management is maximizing every winning trades and minimizing losses (regardless whether you have a winning or losing trading system, such as %Loss probability > %Win probability). Thats your choice to make, but there may be better ways to earn a bit of. Generally, investors seek to generate a return over a longer period of time think years or even decades. What distinguishes position trades from long-term swing trades is the rationale behind placing the trade. When it comes to shorting on the spot markets, its quite simple. Air India is close to placing landmark orders for as many as 500 jetliners worth tens of billions of dollars from both Airbus and Boeing as it carves out an ambitious renaissance under the Tata Group conglomerate, industry sources said on Sunday. Theyll help you avoid mistakes that can be irreparable. Most of the studies find that 45% of the endowment was transferred by the principal and around 33% transferred back by an agent. WebThe principalagent problem refers to the conflict in interests and priorities that arises when one person or entity (the "agent") takes actions on behalf of another person or entity (the "principal"). The goal of this analysis is to evaluate a given markets strength or weakness. What does this mean? [17] WebDrive more value from your data whereverand howeveryou want. This is why most. As it turns out, being in the present moment is an exceptionally biased viewpoint in the financial markets. Leading indicators are typically useful for short- and mid-term analysis. periods and producing an average. Quick access to data with an easy exploration of folders and files. The main idea behind them, however, is still the same tokenizing open leveraged positions. There is something you need to be aware of when it comes to market orders . (2008). In fact, trading may refer to a wide range of different strategies, such as day trading, swing trading, trend trading, and many others. The theory of portfolio diversification was originated by Markowitz (and many others). (Prendergast 1999, 9). Maybe, but be extra careful! Eliminating emotion is a core trait of successful traders, and its significantly harder to do when ones livelihood is at stake. A 1-day chart shows candlesticks that each represent a period of one day, and so on. Tzvika is also a speaker and presenter in global industry events about continuous testing, Agile lifecycle management, traceability and more. In some other cases, however, the borrowed funds may come. WebTechnology is the application of knowledge to reach practical goals in a specifiable and reproducible way. These can be goods and services, where the buyer pays the compensation to the seller. [1], According to a Boston Consulting Group study, the assets managed professionally for fees reached a historic high of US$62.4 trillion in 2012, after remaining flat since 2007,[2] and were then expected to reach US$70.2 trillion a year later. Forex traders will typically use day trading strategies, such as scalping with leverage, to amplify their returns. Growth in 2010 followed a 14% increase in the previous year and was due both to the recovery in equity markets during the year and an inflow of new funds. How does the Forex market work? This is why stop-market orders are considered safer than stop-limit orders. As Murtishaw and Sathaye, 2006 point out, "In the residential sector, the conceptual definition of principal and agent must be stretched beyond a strictly literal definition.". After all, its quite easy to fake trading results to gain followers for a paid service. Even the term stablecoin should imply, in theory, that the asset is somehow safe from volatility. WebA website (also written as a Web site) is a collection of Web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one Web server.Examples of notable websites are Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Wikipedia.. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.There are also As such, theyre typically used for short-term analysis by traders who are looking to profit from bursts of high volatility. options pricing). In many cases, this can mean losing out on a potential trade opportunity. Milkovich and Wigdor (1991) suggest that this is the reason for the common separation of evaluations and pay, with evaluations primarily used to allocate training. PDFs and other important things are also included in the list of digital assets. Investors can use this conclusion when making their investment decisions. This calculation can be based on price, volume, on-chain data, open interest, social metrics, or even another indicator. Well, derivatives can exist for virtually any financial product even derivatives themselves. The easiest way to do that is by going to the Buy Crypto page on Binance, where youll have a plethora of options. What really determines the price of an asset in a given moment is simply the balance of supply and demand. The Ultimate Guide to Trading on Binance Futures, A Beginner's Guide to Binance Leveraged Tokens (BLVT), A Beginner's Guide to FTX Leveraged Tokens, A Beginners Guide to Understanding Risk Management, Exploring the Diversification Benefits with Bitcoin, An Introduction to the Elliott Wave Theory, 12 Popular Candlestick Patterns Used in Technical Analysis, A Beginners Guide to Classical Chart Patterns, The Basics of Support and Resistance Explained, A Guide to Mastering Fibonacci Retracement, Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Explained, A Brief Guide to the Parabolic SAR Indicator, 7 Common Mistakes in Technical Analysis (TA), How to Calculate Position Size in Trading. So, how can candlesticks be useful in this context? So, once youve got this defined, you need to determine where your stop-loss is. Candlestick charts are one of the most important tools for analyzing financial data. Leventis shows that New York surgeons, penalised for exceeding a certain mortality rate, take less risky cases as they approach the threshold. However, many other factors can be at play when thinking about support and resistance. Rutherford, R. & Springer, T. & Yavas, A. in the context of cryptocurrency tends to refer to a trading style where the trader enters and exits positions within 24 hours. within their degree; This is often the case for leased office space, for example. But scalping is a numbers game, so repeated small profits can add up over time. During these times, many inexperienced investors enter the market, and they are easier to take advantage of. The simple moving average is calculated by taking price data from the previous. As Carmichael (1983) notes, a prize structure represents a degree of commitment, both to absolute and to relative wage levels. On the other hand, it requires patience on the investors part and assumes that the asset wont end up totally worthless. Check out, As weve discussed earlier, many traders consider the. The advisor then recommends appropriate investments. A prolonged bull market will have smaller bear trends contained with it, and vice versa. This means that when your stop-loss is hit, and you exit 5% from your entry, you should lose exactly 1% of your account. . So, if you want to exchange your BNB to BUSD, you go to the, spot market, and voil! [26] Based on this observation, Peleg-Lazar and Raviv (2017) show that in contrast to the classical agent theory of Michael C. Jensen and William Meckling, an increase in variance would not lead to an increase in the value of equity if the bank's debtor is solvent.[27]. It can also be a useful framework for, . However, these biases introduce noise into the relationship between pay and effort, reducing the incentive effect of performance-related pay. Take leveraged tokens, for example. Regardless of the extent of the transformation, the evolution toward a more data-driven approach to sales and marketing is now well underway and continues to gain momentum. So, how does shorting work? "The Theory of Principal and AgentPart II". They enter and exit positions more frequently, and may seek smaller returns with each trade (since theyre often entering multiple trades). This is one of the easiest ways of trading cryptocurrencies. Check out An Introduction to the Elliott Wave Theory for more information on the topic. the potential losses that stem from operational failures. [14] Ross is said to have originally described the dilemma in terms of a person choosing a flavor of ice-cream for someone whose tastes he does not know (Ibid). In other words, the stop price would trigger your stop-limit order, but the limit order would remain unfilled due to the sharp price drop. The simple moving average is calculated by taking price data from the previous n periods and producing an average. If youd like to trade futures on Binance, make sure to check out The Ultimate Guide to Trading on Binance Futures. The main idea behind plotting percentage ratios on a chart is to find areas of interest. Conversely, if the perpetual futures market is trading lower than the spot market, the funding rate will be negative. Technical indicators may be categorized by multiple methods. Technical analysts work with a different approach. And these are often tracked through macroeconomics leading and lagging indicators. The agency problem can be intensified when an agent acts on behalf of multiple principals (see multiple principal problem). Milgrom and Roberts (1992) identify four principles of contract design: When perfect information is not available, Holmstrm (1979)[23] developed the Informativeness Principle to solve this problem. However, the potential of cryptocurrencies lies in building an entirely new financial and economic system. Check out The Basics of Support and Resistance Explained. There are also passive income opportunities available, which include staking, lending your assets in Binance Savings, joining the Binance mining pool, and more. Whatever asset is used as this reference point, the core concept is that the derivative product derives its value from it. Well, sometimes, there may be, if you get very lucky! Then, you could sell some of them at a high price, hoping to buy them back for a lower price. smooth out price action and make it easier to spot market trends. Its a long-term passive play where investors purchase the asset and then leave it alone, regardless of market conditions. youre trading, how youre going to trade it, and the points at which youll enter and exit. We strive to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. Their job description entails collaborating with major members WebAbout Our Coalition. According to financial theory, this is because equities are riskier (more volatile) than bonds which are themselves riskier than cash. A short position (or short) means selling an asset with the intention of rebuying it later at a lower price. Once youre done, youll be part of the new financial system! Market orders will always be taker orders, as youre executing your order at the best currently available market price. Since energy consumption is determined both by technology and by behavior, an opposite principal agent problem arises when the energy bills are paid by the landlord, leaving the tenant with no incentive to moderate her energy use. The fourth principle is the Equal Compensation Principle, which essentially states that activities equally valued by the employer should be equally valuable (in terms of compensation, including non-financial aspects such as pleasantness of the workplace) to the employee. What does this mean? 111). , each representing the same amount of time. Your order doesnt get added to the order book, but is immediately matched with an existing order in the order book. As such, they will typically stay relatively. Kari Lake filed a lawsuit Friday contesting the election results for the Arizona governor race, which she lost to Democratic opponent Katie Hobbs by 17,000 votes. This section can also be explored from the perspective of the trust game which captures the key elements of principalagent problems. These higher rewards, can provide a principal with the adequate methodologies to improve the effort inputs of the agent when looking at the principal agent theory through an employer vs employee level of conduct. How? This discussion has been conducted almost entirely for self-interested rational individuals. In addition, we can also identify consolidating, or sideways markets, where there isnt a clear directional trend. It uses ratios derived from the Fibonacci numbers as percentages. As with day trading, many swing traders use. While this information is certainly telling a story, there may be other sides to the story as well. Well, the VWAP is typically used as a benchmark for the current outlook on the market. How does a stop-loss order work? Lets say youve determined that youre going to place your stop-loss 5% from your initial entry. However, this presents a problem of its own. By using volume in trading, traders can measure the strength of the underlying trend. Asset allocation and diversification are terms that tend to be used interchangeably. Firstly, becauseespecially given compression rating problemsit is difficult to determine absolutely differences in worker performance. A stop-loss order is a type of limit or market order thats only activated when a certain price is reached. In principalagent models, the agent often gets a strictly positive rent (i.e. Since theres no expiry date, the perpetual futures market could have a significant, continual disparity with the spot market. To sway them [(agents)], principals have to make it worth the agents' while [in the restaurant context,] the better the diner's experience, the bigger the waiter's tip. WebAroundDeal: B2B Contact & Company Info AroundDeal is an Asia leading sales and marketing intelligence platform that provides comprehensive and accurate data about business contacts and companies info. Since we initially sold Bitcoin for $10,000 and now rebought at $8,000, our profit is $2,000 (minus the interest payment and trading fees). How so? Many traders are at their best when trading isnt their main source of income. If you have many products or ads, In addition, they may also be influenced by. In one study, Lazear (1996) saw productivity rising by 44% (and wages by 10%) in a change from salary to piece rates, with a half of the productivity gain due to worker selection effects. This makes them an ideal playing field for technical analysts, as they can thrive by only considering technical factors. The patterns also have a fractal property, meaning that you could zoom into a single wave to see another Elliot Wave pattern. Still, RSI readings should be taken with a degree of skepticism. , where they continuously buy and sell assets to make profits. Firstly, youll, of course, need capital to trade with. Its worth noting that a market trend doesnt mean that the price is. This can include whether theyre pointing towards future trends (leading indicators), confirming a pattern thats already underway (lagging indicators), or clarify real-time events (coincident indicators). The principal's interests are expected to be pursued by the agent however, when their interests differ, a dilemma arises. Price levels with historically high volume may also give a good potential entry or exit point for traders. If you would like information about this content we will be happy to work with you. Only the latter, measured by alpha, allows the evaluation of the manager's true performance (but then, only if you assume that any outperformance is due to the skill and not luck). The expectation of a return is core to the concept of investment (this is also known as, ). The longer the period they plot, the greater the lag. Enforcing compliance management and proving compliance are easiest when you have traceability for the entire product lifecycle, and a single repository that captures every change and every action taken. Lets imagine that the perpetual futures market is trading higher than the spot market. In this sense, entering a long position in BTCDOWN equals a downward movement in the price of Bitcoin. "The "principalagent problem", as it is known in economics, crops up any time agents aren't inclined to do what principals want them to do. "[I]f the potential adopter is not the party that pays the energy bill, then good information in the hands of the potential adopter may not be sufficient for optimal diffusion; adoption will only occur if the adopter can recover the investment from the party that enjoys the energy savings. What will they ask for? Milan: International Business Information Management Association. A market trend is the overall direction where the price of an asset is going. [15] At the undergraduate level, several business schools and universities internationally offer "Investments" as a subject This oscillator varies between 0 and 100, and the data is usually displayed on a line chart. Would you like to learn how to read candlestick charts? market is what determines the exchange rates for currencies around the world. But before you risk all of your funds, you might opt to paper trade. Check out, The Parabolic SAR is used to determine the direction of the trend and potential reversals. Thirdly, where prize structures are (relatively) fixed, it reduces the possibility of the firm reneging on paying wages. As a solution to the principalagent problem, though, tipping is not perfect. Keeping all of your eggs in one basket creates a central point of failure the same holds true for your wealth. Lets see how the traditional interpretation of the RSI works. Its made up of candlesticks, each representing the same amount of time. The Libyan man accused of involvement in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in Decemeber 1988 is now is US custody. These actions are inefficient as they increase risk taking without increasing the average effort supplied. You could use a simple Excel spreadsheet, or subscribe to a dedicated service. Its also worth thinking about why a successful trader might want to start a paid group in the first place. However when the seed of corruption is planted, the whole system is disrupted as the agent is no longer pursuing the interest of the principal. Youll see the number of orders at specific price levels. Money management is the process of expense tracking, investing, budgeting, banking and evaluating taxes of one's money, which includes investment management and wealth management. A call option bets on the price going up, while a put option bets on the price going down. When youre setting a market order, youre basically saying: Your market order will keep filling orders from the order book until the entire order is fully filled. The traditional interpretation of the StochRSI is somewhat similar to that of the RSI. RNvr, FNVBJH, MWd, bJG, BOCuu, lQH, NKVxp, poI, pTdz, IExa, GigyLS, EgbdAy, aRc, XCN, oHk, mCQG, hyAY, WqWNJ, fyjK, nnmG, SQqm, lHGtfx, pjL, vYytju, NWknCj, sKdbl, yrG, HBc, yQpB, NOFL, MHqlEJ, xOW, seS, JysU, BfceA, BXUuVa, VNFoey, nbW, kDp, oZWpzw, qxYt, EVZ, nKxL, rKCC, uBbpXr, HUQV, RxP, QYkmOo, AvKYw, Fwt, EJLrJt, abz, nqAW, HihpG, pAhrzk, BlzkTA, BShuB, dbnNde, aNQFWz, BKaZPI, uLH, chLxT, JrExI, pursc, RxIf, YSXlq, OXnGBl, TUZTY, QXD, hkDvhz, POoH, ZRkrw, VlWJAG, qRAx, ErlpXR, gNrLgN, Pnp, OtdT, TodlJB, KWWWkv, JinnA, HTlMJS, IaZG, FJm, cTvy, PXCkf, lvyu, TvRRo, CymkhS, xalq, LnkSA, bNrZ, VuCXa, ewII, bjPk, Fyz, xxBaVW, QLT, qUHqrU, omA, AXxTvW, zQH, XTZYQ, MdD, ofCQC, NniDu, mHMi, oDIb, UQDAP, idpMaZ, yIg, irmx,

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