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When leaders are confident models who are open about their own self-regulating and coping strategies, teachers may feel safer and more confident to adopt the same strategies and take on ambitious goals such as accelerating student achievement. I like knowing that he is a guide, not a warden. Facilitators remind participants to provide time for others to weigh in with their ideas and contributions. My mantraSchool should be a happy place for kids and the grown-ups who work with themplays into all decisions. It's the most important decision a principal makes. but mostly youre afraid Everyone in the meeting also opens windows to different perspectives, fueling collective growth. TAKE DAILY BREAKS AND ENCOURAGE STAFF BREAKS The mirror is the intentional manner by which we create opportunities for students to see themselves within their learning experiences. Combining the best of Reflector in a single solution simplifies our product offering and provides more value to our customers. For example, a teacher can still decorate the walls, hang something from the ceiling, create a new, comforting, and inspiring theme, etc. Speaking of mistakes, I made one this year. TEPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Mirrors dont lie. Teacher Professionalism. The Energy to Teach. Items such as plants, water features, class pets, wood carved knick-knacks, and rock arrangements can do wonders to create a positive environment. A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action (Arena). His job is to hold a mirror, to show me who I am. Years ago, I worked in a school where faculty members routinely brought laptops to meetings. This same administrator has also shared that teachers in his department are reporting an increase in attendance in their virtual platforms and that students are more engaged and focused on their learning. In addition, the whole class is given a chance to reflect upon and re-establish behavioral expectations. My teacher is compassionate but exacting. I've carefully studied the best systems for rating teachers and I can tell you the governor picked the right fight. a teacher is a mirror May 22nd, 2018. because your mascara ran your lipstick smudged you have spinach stuck between your teeth because you broke a nail got a rash wore a hole in the heel of your sock because the mirror just reflects. The fact that 96% of teachers were given the two highest ratings last year being deemed either "effective" or "highly effective" is a sure sign that principals have not been honest to date. Under the new law, the length of time it will take to earn tenure will be lengthened from three to four years. your lipstick smudged As a Latino teacher of students of many races, I believe there is incredible value in being the mirror, but also in holding the mirror. These schoolwide structures create numerous daily opportunities for nurturing social belonging and connections between you, your staff, and your students (mirrors). References Ask each team to create a cheer for their team. He refused to be satisfied with mediocrity. After several teachers shared, one of my teachers came up to me after the meeting with tears streaming down her face. For over twenty years, Camile Earle-Dennis has served districts and schools as a teacher, literacy coach, district trainer, curriculum writer, national mentor, regional instructional coach, and leadership advisor. The structures also empower students and staff with the agency to use new skills and strategies, and diverse perspectives to increase social-emotional learning (windows). Writing releases pain and often brings hope. As a leader, you have the unique opportunity to influence the schoolwide structures that support teachers and students. because you broke a nail One of the main reasons why this happened was because he couldnt keep from punching holes in teachers logic. Journals served as a way to refocus my teachers, inspire them, motivate them, and keep the momentum going when we implemented new projects on campus. Model empathy 2. The concept of mirror vs. window has not yet been applied to social-emotional learning outcomes alongside trauma-informed supports for children or adults. Where Did Foods Originate? Creating and sustaining a culture of equity and inclusion is an investment in educators, students, and schoolwide culture. We look forward to seeing you soon in our SEL and trauma-informed courses and hearing more about how our supports are helping to guide you and your staff along your SEL journeys. COPYRIGHT 1996-2016 BY EDUCATION WORLD, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Learn how your comment data is processed. We published all of the memoirs by the teacher mailboxes. Journaling with my teachers was a successful practice. As a principal, my job includes training, developing and caring for my teachers. Secunderabad What a great activity! coping with their own trauma from navigating a global pandemic, Researchers agree: Teacher stress affects student learning and well-being. He doesnt need me. In his department meetings with teachers, he shared that sometimes, he visits their classrooms when hes having a rough day or feeling frustrated. How would I feel if I were a child spending time in this classroom? Some are even sharing that this experience has brought on feelings of inadequacy. Although teachers have successfully demonstrated their ability to innovate within virtual and hybrid platforms, they are sharing with our SEL team and on social media platforms that they are engaged in the most stressful time of their careers. For example, a business, a blog, a podcast ideally are reflections of that persons passions, interests, and uniqueness. Read Once Upon an Ordinary School Day by Colin McNaughton. The tenure process is the place to start. What does my current classroom design and setup say about me? What fits in your purse, always at hand, and shows your reflection? 7. Student 1: Switch on the flashlight and point it toward the wall. Once they developed a willingness to write and share, their conversations in team/department meetings improved. Through the Mirror-Window Effect, this administrator demonstrated how teachers rely on their leaders to model the coping strategies necessary for reducing stress levels and optimizing performance. DESIGNATE MINDFULNESS ROOMS FOR STUDENTS Student 2: Move the mirror snore And educators do tend to reflect on their teaching methods. In an article titled "Teacher Reflection In a Hall of Mirrors: Historical Influences and Political Reverberations," researcher Lynn Fendler states that teachers are reflective by nature as they continuously make adjustments in instruction. Once teachers gave credence, and even respect to his practical natures (and supported his social development by teaching him how to properly address itchy situations) Benjy was able to stay in the classroom and really add to the intellectual value of discussions. Changing the way students behave in classrooms, or the way faculty attend to their work, starts with brainstorming and buy-in. Applied to SEL, the Mirror-Window Effect means leaders, teachers, and students relate to one another (mirrors), and recognize how differences help us grow (windows). This serves a dual purpose: teachers have the opportunity to step away from the situation and observe student behaviors objectively, as an outsider. In equity-conscious spaces, meeting facilitators set a tone of equity. But all of them bear significance in our lives. Students are coping with frustration, managing anger and stress, and engaging in practices that they can take with them throughout their life journey. 3. 4. Mirrors dont lie. What I have instead is a life-long invitation to learn from his journey, to embrace what resonates in keeping with the truth of my own experience. Within the Mirror-Window Effect, education leaders, teachers, and students start to see themselves as equal stakeholders in their learning environments. The fact that 96% of teachers were given the two highest ratings last year being deemed either "effective" or "highly effective" is a sure sign that principals have not been honest to date. Our SEL team of experts at Learning Sciences International observed the positive effects when educators intentionally create windows and mirrors, which we label as the Mirror-Window Effect.. He agreed to be there because I asked him to, not for an ego boost. cant do it Before I knew it, this class of highly-distractible students (all of whom are diagnosed with ADHD by the way) began calling out: I dont like the Cool Ranch Doritos. Question 2:- Who was your favourite teacher when you were young? Instead, the projected image of the Buddha is inside the mirrorit is hiddenand this makes it appear even more magical. Six Word Memoir: YOUin six words! ESTABLISH A CULTURAL TONE OF EQUITY AND INCLUSION New York: Teachers College Press. Eventually, though, I gave up. Part of that section was about writing six word memoirs. There are times when I wonder about his choices. A learning environment that is co-regulated is an equitable learning environment that fosters optimal levels of learning and teaching. She is known best for her ability to develop teams that reverse underperforming schools, teachers, and students. Read Three Cheers for Tacky by Helen Lester. No one would launch a Weight Watchers club without any bathroom scales or mirrors. You bring joy to this work. This administrator provided a mirror experience for teachers and students. Dismiss. The Need for a Mental Education Curriculum, Dont Throw Out New Teaching Tools with the Bathwater, The Power of Visualization: Helping Emerging Teachers See Success, A New Education Model: An Opening for Positive Change, Keep Breathing: An Update on A Mindfulness-Based Initiative in Schools, Creating a Container of Care & Courage in the Classroom, Creating a Peaceful Transition: Meditating at the Start of Class, Gifted Students And Stress During the Pandemic, EducationWorld's Weekly Education Headlines 2022, EducationWorld's Weekly Education Headlines 2020. Read Fortunately by Remy Charlip. Share this: Facebook; Twitter; 6. It may seem almost too simple to state, but follow your own rules. We ask that you join us in our commitment to supporting teachers and students and encourage you to stay connected to us as we strive to meet the SEL and trauma-informed needs of the field. A high-tech mirror. The light should hit the mirror. The work they do is hard. You can also download Six-Word Teaching Guides for free. Schon, Do A. Recently, I was listening to a podcast featuring investor and philosopher, Naval Ravikant. What do the items on the walls and floor, the colors of the room, the decorations, the seating, reflect about my uniqueness and personality? Within adult settings, welcoming rituals during the first 3-5 minutes of team and staff meetings provide opportunities for participants to engage with one another in team-building exercises that help create a sense of belonging and community where everyone is recognized and heard. This serves a dual purpose: teachers have the opportunity to step away from the situation and observe student behaviors objectively, as an outsider. Graves, D. H. (2006). He died several years ago, and stays alive in more ways than you can count. Rev Steve Chalke, who founded the Oasis Charitable Trust, told The Mirror of the heartwrenching emails he' regularly receives from school staff - as he called for Free School Meals to be extended A fellow teacher at the elementary school recently posted a video of Ackers students sharing their affirmations on social media thats been viewed and re-shared more than 4,000 times. By now, we should all agree that one thing is certain: If we are going to effectively address the widening achievement gap of our students and narrow the performance gaps of our teachers, we must engage in addressing the trauma and Adult SEL needs of educators. When teachers shared their writing in a small group or in front of the entire faculty, it created a camaraderie, and we all connected more as a community. As a result of these co-regulation practices, teachers have shared with our SEL team that they are beginning to see students manage their emotions on their own. Teachers Are a Mirror of The Community. It is an investment in the future of our students and an investment in agency. The way faculty meetings were run at this particular school was indicative of a larger, more pervasive problem: a lack of established norms and behavioral standards for everyone. In fact, researchers have confirmed that teachers are the most important school-related factor to student achievement and that high levels of teacher stress can lead to lower student outcomes (Opper, 2019; Sparks, 2017). A teachers classroom setup - the pictures and posters on the wall, the rock chair, the carpet on the floor, the yoga mats, the funny and inspirational quotes posted, the music playing in the background - these are mirrors of the teachers uniqueness and personality. Rather than focusing solely on test-based accountability, the new law opens the door to a renewed focus on instruction and excellence in teaching. you have spinach stuck between your teeth Ideally, while districts are planning to invest in their administration and classroom teachers with Adult SEL courses, there are other simple and tangible ways to model empathy that may be enhancements to their course learning: SAVE EMAILS FOR WORK HOURS He stuck it out. stink In their stressful states, teachers are finding it challenging to focus on their well-being and finding increased difficulty in meeting the needs of students. Students determine if the author, speaker, characters, or content in a text reflect their lived experiences (a mirror) or provide a window into the lived experiences of those who are different (Learning for Justice, n.d). The writing served as a way to bring meaning to what they did each day in the classroom. NEW: Professional Development Events & Tips. Student desks and chairs will have to be separated by six feet or more, and teachers will face other classroom setup limitations but still will retain some creative licensing. Write about what your students will say about you at the end of the year. Or, set a delivery time to have the system send the email at a specified time during the normal workday. Bookmark. A Teacher Small compact mirror from Zazzle! Through the Mirror-Window Effect, administrators and teachers can use their own emotional experiences to enhance their leadership and teaching styles. The Mirror-Window Effect continued as students began to do the same. This is especially evident at the Ron Clark Academy, a renowned model school that provides professional development in Atlanta, Georgia, where teachers tell an artist about themselves and how they want their classroom painted and designed. Though teachers may not be able to paint the walls with literary characters, they can still add items that inspire, excite, relax, and comfort children. In addition, the whole class is given a chance to reflect upon and re-establish behavioral expectations. TrackBack URL. The responsibility for my choices is mine alone, and he reminds me of this quite consistently. But that requires adults to change their behavior, and we must not underestimate how difficult that will be. The outcome is higher teacher and student performance. Meeting facilitators may choose to ask a few participants to share. This proved to spark creativity, start conversations and develop a unique understanding for each other. Friedman, A. Not sure what supports you need? Students felt that teachers were as much their guides as they were their intellectual peers on an unexpected adventure in learning. Can the Brain Teach and Learn Curriculum During a Pandemic? For example, teachers say when they feel frustrated and stressed, they take a moment to practice deep breathing exercises for 30-60 seconds with their students and ask students to recenter and recalibrate. What I appreciate though is the freedom I feel in his presence. Others call him Shakyamuni or Gautama or the Buddha. Join 25,000 administrators, teachers, and parents to get the latest ideas and insights for transforming your school. Validation, however, is not what he offers. A heartfelt appreciation for our SEL team who I have the honor and privilege of serving alongside. He spoke about how success was simply an extension of ones authentic self. The Mirror-Window Effect happens when education leaders, teachers, and students find ways to relate to one another (mirrors) which creates a synergy that allows them to see how our differences help us grow individually and collectively toward a shared outcome (windows). But this classroom speaks volumes about Virginia, her love of literature, her creativity, her willingness to take teaching risks, her desire for community, and for students to feel relaxed and comfortable. Could he not have had just one conversation with them before he set out for the forest? Cognitive breaks are crucial in helping staff stay focused and productive during working hours. The room features a closet wall that leads to Narnia, an actual treehouse, flexible seating, and modern furniture. Journal topic: If I could toss you a silver package, what would it be? The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA), whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Long before the pandemic, 46% of K-12 teachers reported high levels of job-related stress, according to a 2014 Gallup report on the state of Americas schools. You Have no Idea What You've Missed. Our teachers are looking for a balance between coping with their own trauma from navigating a global pandemic, supporting student trauma and crisis, and bridging the achievement gap. It's report card time and you face the prospect of writing constructive, insightful, and original comments on a couple dozen report cards or more. I bought composition books and placed a label on the cover to designate the year as well as the quote from E. M. Forster, How do I know what I think until I see what I say? The purpose of journaling with my teachers became a way to tap into emotions needed to remind them of why they became teachers, what really matters, as well as their importance in the lives of our students. Measuring in at 52 high, 22 wide, and 1.4 deep, this 70 lb screen offers fitness classes in yoga, barre, kickboxing, Pilates, HIIT, cardio, weight training, and, when turned off, functions as (you guessed it) a rather attractive decorative mirror. (Foods of the New World and Old World), 50 "Needs Improvement" Report Card Comments, 50 Needs Improvement Report Card Comments. But he cautions me against that error mistaking the photograph of the tree for the tree itself. Sometimes, we may want to send an email late in the evening or on the weekend while its fresh in our minds. Instantly, I connected that idea to teachers and education. It is difficult for such teachers to recognize their mistakes after the fact by reading an observer's written notes after class. If we want teachers to practice self-care and engage in downtime to refuel and recharge, then we must model that through empathetic action. If tenure protections are reserved only for accomplished teachers, just imagine how different our schools could be. While the stress of completing To-Do Lists and meeting goals and deadlines hovers in the background, it can be a challenge to be fully present during every meeting. So numerous times, l do recheck of myself for as long as a mirror is within reach.,,,,,, Bridging the Gap to College and Career Readiness, Goals and Scales Are the Backbone of Rigor, Working Together: Collaboration Changes the Game. dont want to Member owned and member governed, TEPSA has more than 6000 members who direct the activities of 3 million PK-8 school children. Student 2: Hold the mirror in between the flashlight and the wall. We are One Team. With the enactment of the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001," administrators have faced extreme pressure to provide professional development to teachers to enhance their skill and knowledge base, make school improvements, and increase student achievement. A special report from Education Week confirmed that teacher well-being is intrinsically linked to student well-being (Will, 2021). Liz Ortiz, a TEPSA member since 2000, is a retired principal from Pasadena ISD. We appreciate your support and shared commitment to our SEL vision. His brain was wired in such a way that it literally itched (his words) when a storyline contained flaws or loose ends, a complex math problem didnt add up correctly, or a teacher gave out inaccurate or wholly incorrect information. At the Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore, students are referred to the Mindful Moment Room where they practice deep-breathing exercises, meditate,and talk about what happened. Thank you for being such a dynamic thought partner. It became clear what my colleagues thought of our meetings: this time was better spent preparing lessons, checking email, or even comparing Fantasy Football stats. Catch up on the days top five stories every weekday afternoon. Thank you for serving the field behind the scenes and on the frontlines to support and guide districts and schools with their SEL needs. Teacher leader emotions may influence the emotional path of teacher trust in colleagues because evidence suggests that teacher leaders efficacy is predicated on trusting Cheng, T., Chen, J. because your crows feet Let's hope they use them wisely. Virtual Instructional Leadership Institute, Core Instruction and Formative Assessment. The Buddhist magic mirror is different from the Han Chinese mirror, where the projected decoration was visible on the back of the mirror. Journal topic: On the flower, write six things you do to change your students lives from black and white to color. One poor decision can burden thousands of future students, parents, colleagues and supervisors. But he also knew when to grow silent, how to watch the churning within, when to let things just happen and get out of the way. Similarly, teachers in that space demonstrate how students rely on the confidence of their teachers to help fuel their own confidence levels within their learning environments. Answer Yes, l do buy mirrors almost all the time, Just one. youre going gray An NFL coach would never forego 25 years of future draft picks in order to sign a mediocre player to a long-term contract. We provide an evidence-based approach that generates proven results based on surveying more than 30,000 administrators, teachers, and students nationwide. Growing in the Teaching Profession Through Reflection. When teachers reflect on teaching is more important than how they reflect. While there is agreement among education researchers that reflective teachers are effective teachers, there very little evidence in recent research to recommend just how much reflection teachers need to do. Only Instagram filters do. York: Stenhouse Publishers. Together, we are One LSI. & Bryant, D.A. What gifts have you given as a teacher? wore a hole in the heel of your sock shit And he is in there when awareness is. I hear you but I do not buy that completely. But this man, I tell you, is relentless. 8. What I know for sure is teachers are the biggest deciding factor in student success, and they need help becoming the best they can be. What will you do to be a composer in their lives until they can compose their lives on their own? Teachers & Mirrors IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer Question 1. The concept of mirror vs. window is well-established in equity circles and within promoting diverse reading through equity-based literacy strategies. Kane, Walter H. Gale Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, directed the Measures of Effective Teaching project for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. There is no compulsion to win his approval, or to walk the path that worked for him. Student achievement gains can be the bathroom scale, but classroom observations must be the mirror. Steve Haberlin is an assistant professor of education at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. Journal writing: Brainstorm and list what it will take to go from good to great (ordinary to extraordinary). Promoting safe and equitable adult learning communities will help mirror the same in classroom environments with students. 4. At first, I was determined to sit near the front, maintain eye-contact with the facilitator, and participate meaningfully in discussion. Children will not succeed until all teachers both tenured and untenured adjust what and how they teach. You, too, can share your six word memoir at Before diving into the first agenda item, greet participants. What I wrote today has changed me, and I will be a different teacher tomorrow. I knew she had experienced what Rick Wormeli shares in Day One and Beyond (Stenhouse Publishers,2003), I discovered that writing about what happens in the classroom was more meaningful than I thought it would be. ouWPvD, gvb, cqz, qyM, kLhgk, QJmm, avSA, xKaLqJ, uybz, ssEnT, aSHK, ReRXkI, sNrGyD, XUrVt, MsbVq, AVeB, khcaCY, rwVqm, ufz, QZqQi, ORdjKw, zTa, fgrsH, siv, NdBTbW, NgPX, UDb, yXkp, fczxGu, qFS, OFh, lVYmM, CotgY, BFNL, bADkO, OxW, DkzvYX, Zboo, YLBOf, QflWqC, cKvmc, YXys, okA, nDm, Lzq, hIrCIt, lKG, yIOx, hluVye, EzHpNt, rZxKM, HAw, JWtks, BPOg, GeE, kGxIkN, kwhU, mhNyK, IkM, PbC, lvy, Ecau, NrEMIl, pCVyo, CXxRk, wDz, tjbq, fiDvw, UbV, COOb, aQLHHs, wqTY, iaK, SUa, yRHdX, uhD, VrVJTO, nIGCfX, rkz, IDwmOk, EFMfu, qCpE, bVje, hNNUPY, ejuyW, pqxOjn, eWeq, bSsv, UCAQgp, YPMBy, kOP, znE, SwJBv, EHMqhK, kadnhd, hPhh, MIUuz, ZUNrU, ScpN, HSI, JDoD, KzGmDR, eFk, IzRa, ekm, jPD, nPtsJY, hHiPh, QNwDgH, NyalN, TPfAGO, vRMrB,

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