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Dr. Harrow reassures Steven Grant who then asks if Dr. Harrow believed in Khonshu and Ammit to which Dr. Harrow says that he does not. Ele vive com sua namorada Marlene que conhece sua identidade. In fact, Lockley carried out the murder with a smile, enjoying the moment he shoots Harrow. This is up from 681 million views the week before, and the series as a whole grew in viewership during four of the five weeks following its debut on March 30 (the only small dip came in Week 4). The Cast of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Answer YOUR Questions! En 1998, el escritor Doug Moench, el artista Tommy Edwards, y el entintador Robert Campanella trajeron al hroe muerto de vuelta en una miniserie de cuatro partes. Milagrosamente nenhum deles morreu. [1], Spector decides to leave his father alone, Over time, Spector's rage and aggression manifested into a third alter named Jake Lockley, who had a ruthless demeanor and spoke Spanish as his default language. Khonshu detects Spector and Grant's presence in the living world and strikes a new agreement, repairing their body and resurrecting Moon Knight. [40]Con la ayuda del Doctor Extrao y Mr. Fantstico, el parsito del DemoDuende se retira. O nome Marc Spector mencionado na srie Blade: The Series, Spector descrito como um especialista em lobisomens. Since Spector fronted to shield Grant from his mother's abuse, this convinced Grant that their mother was kind of loving, contrary to the reality that she was abusive and hated him. Awards Moon Knight, Blade, and Ghost Rider Netflix Series In Development? La relacin distanciada de Spector con Marlene termina cuando ella finalmente lo deja por su exmarido cuando se convierte en el Caballero Luna de nuevo. Before long, Grant found himself in an open hallway, where the shadow of a monstrous creature on the wall could be seen closing in. To better understand his character's Dissociative Identity Disorder (also known as DID). Estos fueron reimpresos en Caballero Luna Edicin Especial# 1-3. La versin Ultimate aparece por primera vez en Ultimate Spider-Man# 79 en la historia Warriors. Su retiro se produce despus de una brutal batalla con Bushman. El-Faouly told him that she changed the movie for the fifth time this week while pasting photos and drawings themed with Egyptian mythology on a whiteboard. Se debate en diferentes historias si Spector tiene TID genuino debido a un trauma infantil o si sus sntomas similares son el resultado de un "dao cerebral" causado por su conexin psquica con Khonshu, una conexin que obliga a su personalidad a cambiar entre los cuatro aspectos principales del la naturaleza multifactica del dios de la luna ("el viajero", "el pionero", "el abrazador" y "el defensor de los que viajan de noche"). Esta cifra fue un repintado de una escultura de base (usada para Spider-Man, Daredevil, y muchos otros) e incluy una capa de tela. Spector um dos poucos heris com origem judaica. Ty Templeton, em seguida,se torna o desenhista principal para as edies 194-198.[15]. Originally, Layla and Arthur Harrow wouldn't interact with each other. [17], Nesta Wikipdia, os atalhos de idioma esto na. Por un breve tiempo, Caballero Luna se convirti en un avatar anfitrin de la inmortal Fuerza Fnix, el raptor cosmolgico que gobierna la vida, la muerte y el renacimiento en todo el universo y, potencialmente, en el multiverso. Em Nova York, Spector cria um uniforme prateado para si (em homenagem a Khonshu) e se auto-denomina Cavaleiro da Lua, passando a atuar como vigilante da cidade. Taweret watched in horror as souls began pouring into the Duat without being judged, revealing that Ammit had returned. El-Faouly told Spector that his fake alias would be Rufino Estrada and that they were back from their honeymoon in the Maldives. [60]El comandante Steve Rogers reconoce su estabilidad mental y su trabajo en equipo, por lo que le pide que se una a los Vengadores Secretos para rescatar a un carguero de petrleo de los terroristas. Charlie Huston (scnario), David Finch, Tomm Coker, Mico Suayan (dessins), Marvel Disk Wars: Avengers - Ultimate Heroes, Liste des membres des quipes de Vengeurs,, Personnage de fiction possdant des personnalits multiples, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Article utilisant l'infobox Personnage (fiction), Page pointant vers des bases relatives la bande dessine, Article utilisant le modle Dictionnaires inactif, Page utilisant le modle Autorit inactif, Portail:Fantasy et fantastique/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Aventurier, homme daffaires; ancien chauffeur de taxi, mercenaire, agent de liaison la, Arsenal vari d'armes blanches (bton, matraque, flchettes, etc.) Ele um participante ativo na guerra de gangues entre o Rei Do Crime e o Cabea De Martelo. In the comics, Anton Mogart, aka Midnight Man, first appeared in Moon Knight #3 in January 1981. Comit (The Committee) - Uma organizao secreta de empresrios e financiadores annimos. [20], Iron Man tambin investiga las actividades del Caballero Luna colocndolo bajo estrecha vigilancia. When Grant pressed Harrow on the moral implications of his plan, as that would include children getting killed, Harrow threatened him with the Staff of Ammit. O personagem estreou em Werewolf by Night n 32 (agosto de 1975), escrito por Doug Moench com arte de Don Perlin, como um vilo contratado pelo Comit para capturar o personagem-ttulo para eles[1] em uma histria de duas partes, continuando na edio seguinte, onde ele eventualmente tem uma mudana de corao e ajuda o Lobisomem a escapar, lutando brevemente ao lado dele. LOS ANGELES Octavia Spencer was tearing up from the get-go Thursday at her Hollywood Walk of Fame Star ceremony on Hollywood Boulevard, where genuine love for the actor was in the air at a level rarely seen at such events. WebA Song of Ice and Fire Ser. Durante el tiempo que Caballero Luna adopt armas doradas y de marfil (que simbolizan su estatus como el Puo de Khonshu), su fuerza, resistencia y reflejos aumentaron dependiendo de las fases de la luna, operando a un nivel sobrehumano durante una noche de luna llena. J que seu pai era um rabino checo que fugiu da perseguio aos judeus na Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Caballero Luna recibe drogas psicodlicas y finalmente se ve obligado a enfrentarse con el Rey Sol. [4] Em 1999, Moench e o desenhista Mark Texeira trabalharam juntos em outra minissrie de quatro partes chamada "High Strangeness", que foi nomeada para o Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award na categoria minissrie favorita. [2] He also made acquaintances with the street performer posing as a golden living statue Bertrand Crawley, having conversations with him from time to time, though Crawley did not respond to him. Appearances After being trapped inside an upper room, Grant was thrown out of the window by the jackal, which was invisible to all except Grant. Marvel Cinematic Universe Grant finally agreed to Spector's request as the lights of the bathroom began to flicker and hieroglyphics flashed on the walls. It was shot in Budapest and Szentendre in Hungary; at Pinewood Studios in England; in Wadi Rum in Jordan; and in Atlanta and Los Angeles, USA. Auparavant: force, endurance et agilit accrues, selon le cycle lunaire, (fr) Frankenstein no9(1er trimestre 1978, avec Marvel Spotlight (vol. La del millonario empresario Steven Grant, para comprar una finca espaciosa, hacer su traje y su variado equipamiento para luchar contra el crimen, y la del taxista Jake Lockley, para permanecer en contacto con la calle y el elemento criminal. Kevin FeigeLouis D'EspositoVictoria AlonsoBrad WinderbaumGrant CurtisOscar IsaacMohamed DiabJeremy Slater Additionally, Grant would occasionally regain control of the body before Spector could return home, leading Grant to believe that he was suffering from sleepwalking. By the time they settled, Spector called the medicine amazing. Gods and Monsters Ceux-ci se rfugient dans le tombeau du pharaon Seti. This was demonstrated best when Spector chose to abandon Layla rather than communicating to her about his tough past with his mother, his dissociative disorder, and his situation with Khonshu, in fear of endangering her or hurting her feelings. [73]Caballero Luna y Buck toman represalias y la atacan. Spector expressed his anger at his mother, stating that Elias should have helped her years ago, and explained that was why he had to leave. Khonshu luego elimin este poder de Caballero Luna como castigo por la desobediencia y nunca lo devolvi. Grant screamed in fear and then fled outside the building. Spector was brought to Cairo, Egypt by Khonshu so that they could find the tomb of Ammit before Harrow could. Francs (Frenchie) - Jean Paul Duchamp um amigo de Marc Spector desde a poca que os dois eram mercenrios e se revoltaram contra a crueldade de Bushman. [6], On August 23, 2019, at D23 Expo 2019, Kevin Feige announced that Marvel Studios was developing a limited television series centered on Moon Knight for Disney+. Running Time The Ennead then summoned Harrow to the Chamber of the Gods. Original Run He greeted her, awkwardly, and was surprised that they were back on the fifth floor when she got off. After a waiter came to get his order, he decided to call her and found out that he had missed his date with her two days ago. [76]Durante la siguiente escaramuza iniciada por Frenzy, el Caballero Luna engaa a Gambito para que dae su armadura, permitiendo al Caballero Luna agarrar a Rogue con su mano desnuda y volverla loca con sus mltiples personalidades. With that, the Ennead concluded the meeting, letting Harrow leave. Esta historia ve el regreso del clsico villano del Caballero Luna el Espectro Negro. Grant and Layla El-Faouly then walked on foot through the narrow gauge and made it to a larger opening. Despus de hablar con los alter ego reprimidos de Spector, Jake Lockley y Steven Grant, el psiquiatra comienza el proceso de rechazarlo, lo que sugiere prisin futura. However, he was suddenly hit by a car. Daredevil aparentemente puede ver la aparicin y lo deja. However, he then suddenly lost control as Grant fronted. Spector breaks down crying in utter agony. Steven Grant then falls backwards. El ejrcito de Bushman pronto ataca Nueva York al volar una lnea de gasolina. Moon Knight leaps across building rooftops, Mr. Knight fighting disciples with his staffs, Grant assembles fragments into a star map. [71]Pronto, sin embargo, Nefaria contraataca, y Echo es asesinada. Esta historia tambin representa el primer contacto del Caballero Luna con otros hroes de Marvel desde su regreso. Tambin aparece en House of M: Avengers vestido con su traje. [9][10] com Huston atuando como conselheiro de enredo de acordo com Benson em uma entrevista publicada em trechos publicadas em uma pgina em vrias revista da Marvel da Marvel do final de 2007 a incio de 2008. WebThe story of Steve and Sam's epic bromance, and how Steve passed the torch to Sam officially making him Captain America! Magazine e Marvel Preview, recebendo cores e publicada no formato comic book, ao contrrio de seu formato magazine original. Get rewarded for doing what you already do as a fan., Earn points for what you already do as a Marvel fan and redeem for cool rewards as a, (Points/Rewards program available to U.S. residents only. Huston acept que los dos personajes tenan sus similitudes, pero resalt las diferencias de origen, motivos y personalidad. While Taweret tried to find the words in her parcels to say, Spector was struggling to process he was deceased. Unbeknownst to Spector and Grant, that person was Lockley, their mysterious third alter. La idea de convertir a 'Ronin' en el personaje principal se hace por las personalidades de Steven Grant y Marc Spector, que se oponen a la persona Caballero Luna y las preocupaciones de la persona de la pequea nia. 2022. Magazine, onde o personagem foi desenhado pela primeira vez por Bill Sienkiewicz nas edies 13-15, 17-18 e 20, bem como uma histria em preto e branco na revista Marvel Preview n 21. Despite managing to gain a form of balance after finding love in the form of his wife, Layla El-Faouly, Spector continued to develop a greater self-hatred over time. He then muttered apologies as he blamed himself for Randall Spector's death and cradled his kippah, weeping in psychological pain. Spector runs through the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital, He then broke the window on the door with his elbow and exited the room, only to be grabbed back inside by Fitzgerald and Kennedy. Tambin cre mltiples identidades, sobre todo la del millonario Steven Grant, para distanciarse de su pasado mercenario, el conductor de taxi llamado Jake Lockley, para permanecer en contacto con la calle y el elemento criminal y el consultor adecuado, el Sr. Knight. O Cavaleiro da Lua (Moon Knight) tambm recebeu uma mesa exclusiva no jogo Pinball FX 2, para as plataformas Xbox 360 e Playstation 3. Appointed as Khonshu's fist and high priest, Moon Knight enacts justice to protect those who travel at night. He became one of Moon Knight's adversaries after Moon Knight prevented him from stealing a rare Monet oil painting and threw him into the river. As a result, Grant become far more confident and vocal, becoming strong enough to help Marc understand that his mother was wrong about him, and he should forgive himself for his mistake as a child. Grant trying to hide in an Austrian village. Khonshu then appeared and told Grant to follow his lead. He ignored Harrow's pleas to calm down and crawled away, noticing ancient Egyptian themed items and shouting at Harrow to stay away. Markham tambm descobre ter habilidades psquicas altamente destrutivas e passa a se chamar Morfeu. Moon Knight is an American web television series based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. Il y a une discussion avec le Punisher et aussi avec un psychologue devant juger si Moon Knight est un psychopathe. El ttulo correcto de la historia, "Alta Extraeza", apareci en la portada de cada nmero. After escaping, Spector and Layla El-Faouly escaped into the desert. Depois de derrotarem Bushman os dois voltaram pros Estados Unidos e permaceneram muito tempo juntos, apesar de Marlene nunca ter se acostumado com as mltiplas personalidades de Spector. Marvel's Midnight Suns. Esta pgina foi editada pela ltima vez s 03h33min de 3 de dezembro de 2022. After remembering his date with Dylan, he quickly got changed into nice clothes and cleaned himself up. Caballero Luna por primera vez encontr a la Gata Negra. Spector looked at his reflection and tried to call out for Grant, but he was not present. In the comics, Midnight Man wears a caped dark blue costume that resembles Moon Knight's white costume. La historia siguiente, "Sol de Medianoche", se lleva a cabo durante Civil War y sigue al Caballero Luna, quien investiga una serie de asesinatos perpetrados por Medianoche, su compaero anterior. [5], In April 2018, Kevin Feige revealed that Moon Knight was one of the characters being discussed for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. No episdio 24, da temporada 4 do desenho Ultimate Homem-Aranha, chamado The Moon Knight Before Christmas, o cavaleiro aparece para ajudar o aracndio a enfrentar a filha de Mystrio. Moon Knight (and Mr. Knight, as well) confront him, as Khonshu fights the monstrous Ammit. Steven Grant appears and asks for how long will their work continue. Despite being frustrated with people constantly mistreating him, Grant rarely stands up to them and instead passively accepts the abuse. Soundtracks, For the scenes where Steven and Marc interact with each other, rather than have, Arthur Harrow, the main villain in the show, was a minor character who appeared in just one issue of the "Moon Knight" comics, the second issue of Volume 2, which was published in April 1985. morto por Noturno ao ser jogado num poo de espinhos. Rise up against Lilith and her forces December 2, 2022. WebA New World Created By Hidetaka Miyazaki And George R. R. Martin. El Caballero Luna tambin ha aparecido en una serie reciente de la lnea Marvel Legends. Em "Abra-Catastrophy" episdio da srie de desenho animado Os Padrinhos Mgicos, Timmy Turner usa um saco de Papai Noel e lembra o Cavaleiro da Lua. Depois de 5 anos ele encontrou uma cmara secreta contendo vrias riquezas e uma esttua de Khonshu o deus egpcio da lua e da vingana. Finishing his snack, Grant thanked Crawley before bidding him farewell, placing a tip in his hat as he walked away.[7]. Nesta misso, eles procuravam o antigo templo do deus egpcio Khonshu (ou Konshu), o deus da Lua. Lockley, adquiri aliados civiles, tales como Bertrand Crawley y Gena Landers y sus hijos. Moon Knight premiered on March 30, 2022, and ran for six episodes, concluding on May 4. However, he was stopped by Khonshu, the Egyptian God of the Moon who resided in the temple. Durante la escaramuza en la cubierta, Caballero Luna puede asegurar a los rehenes, sin matar a ningn terrorista. Grant attempting to relinquish the scarab, Harrow requested Grant to hand over the scarab, and though Grant was willing to comply, the voice impeded his attempts to surrender the scarab to Harrow. El Caballero Luna es referenciado indirectamente en Captain America: The Winter Soldier cuando se le pregunta a Jasper Sitwell sobre amenazas para la organizacin Hydra, ste menciona a un comentarista de El Cairo. Marc acepta y a la maana siguiente ya no tena sus heridas y regresa a Estados Unidos con Jean-Paul Duchamp y Marlene Alraune. Connections Steven Grant asks Dr. Harrow if this is what reality looks like. Second Marvel production to show a land of the dead (Egyptian Duat), after, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. While Harrow explained his philosophy about living in a psychic world, Spector took glances at Harrow's cane, a reflection of Harrow's shoes in a mirror and a fly on his hand. [14] A srie terminou em 31 de maio de 2017 aps 14 edies antes de ser relanada com a iniciativa corporativa chamada Marvel Legacy. Khonshu afirma que cre una conexin psquica con Spector, Grant y Lockley cuando este ltimo era joven, dcadas antes de que se convirtieran en Caballero Luna. Recentemente, Wilde voltou e se declarou o novo arqui-inimigo do Cavaleiro da Lua. Khonshu mismo se le aparece a Spector y entra en su cuerpo, dndole las mismas capacidades lunares que tena anteriormente.[27]. Spector teve um caso com a super herona Eco. Spector, confused, tried to speak, but he only moaned, making El-Faouly think she startled him. Shortly after the ushabti was recovered, Grant looked at, proud that he had found it before anyone else could. [95]Estos incluan bolas, dardos dorados en forma de escarabajo, un bmeran de marfil, hierros arrojadizos, un garfio de lazo en forma de hacha y un arma contundente dorada en forma de ankh que brillaba en presencia de peligro. WebSoftware is an essential driver for the digitalization of societies and industries. While preparing their harnesses to descend down, El-Faouly remarked that Grant smelled like Spector and moved in to kiss him. [7] This made him often imagine himself killing Kraft out of frustration. Spector tambin ha desarrollado tres nuevas personalidades mltiples basadas en Spider-Man, Wolverine, y el Capitn Amrica original que ayudan a guiarlo. Esta saga tambin tiene un papel importante para Tony Stark, como la cabeza de la iniciativa, y disidente principal del vigilantismo del Caballero Luna. En ocasiones, tambin ha utilizado nunchaku y un arco compuesto. Durante a lua cheia, por exemplo,o Cavaleiro da Lua tem suas habilidades incrvelmente ampliadas, podendo, por exemplo, suportar um peso de duas toneladas e se tornar quase invisvel. Quotes Madame Mscara est a punto de vencer al Caballero Luna, pero en ese momento desarrolla una personalidad Echo, que le dice que no la deje morir en vano. In there, Spector woke up sitting on a wheelchair in the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital common room, heavily sedated. In an interview with the Egyptian website Fil Fan on March 20, 2022, director. Marlene mais forte e gil que uma mulher normal, tambm uma habilidosa atiradora, ginasta e combatente individual. Caballero Luna evita el asesinato, pero se entera de que el hombre era un mafioso ucraniano que secuestr a nios de familias que no vendieron sus propiedades a su empresa de bienes races. Grant agreed with the voice, asking where he was, though the voice only told Grant to surrender his body to Marc, much to Grant's confusion. Kraft called Grant useless and told him to do his job, to sell gift shop merchandise to children, before walking away, leaving Grant alone to set up a display of items. To his surprise, Layla El-Faouly arrived and revealed she had it. [32], Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Official Trailer - Disney+, Big Game TV Spot - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Secret Agent - Marvel Studios' Moon Knight - Disney+, Choice - Marvel Studios' Moon Knight - Disney+, Protect - Marvel Studios' Moon Knight - Disney+, Skills - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Here We Go - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Welcome the Knight - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Remember - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Smash - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Secret - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Truth - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Perfect - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Phenomenon - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, "Contact Lens" Official Clip - Marvel Studios' Moon Knight - Disney+, "Summon the Suit" Official Clip - Marvel Studios' Moon Knight - Disney+, Give Me Control Official Clip - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, Introducing Moon Knight Featurette - Marvel Studio' Moon Knight - Disney+, What Makes Moon Knight Featurette - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+, World Builders Featurette - Marvel Studios Moon Knight - Disney+. This location varies with each episode. Spector was then met by Layla El-Faouly, who told him since he wasn't Egyptian, he wasn't having success in asking questions. When Spector regained consciousness, he was on top of another rooftop having murdered other older of the two. WebFormal theory. Previous It is part of Phase Four of the MCU. Experience some growing pains with Deadpool, meet Tiger Division, witness an all-new Secret Invasion, and more in this week's comics! Ms tarde aparece en el nmero 2 de la miniserie de Great Lakes Avengers donde Doorman ofreci reclutarlo en el GLA, pero inmediatamente rechaza la oferta.[45]. El villano a sueldo Perfil tiene una capacidad de anlisis sobrehumana que no funciona correctamente en seres con habilidades sobrenaturales/basadas en la magia, y coment que le resultaba doloroso mirar a Marc Spector cada vez que el hroe se pona su disfraz de Caballero Luna. Devant les yeux bahis de Marlene Alraune (fille du docteur Peter Alraune, le responsable d'une expdition archologique de la tombe de Seti), Marc Spector revient lui et affirme avoir rv de Khonsou, le dieu de la Lune et l'excuteur de vengeance de la mythologie gyptienne. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Moon Knight: Meet Marc Spector and Mr. Knight, Moon Knight Writer Reveals Who Set up the Date, Avengers: Infinity War's Ross Marquand on Red Skull Return and Playing Marvel's Moon Knight, In the comics, Moon Knight joined many groups, including the. In the Marvel comics, the Egyptian archaeologist and superhero the Scarlet Scarab was empowered by a ruby scarab. Spector could not withstand recalling his childhood memories, so his eyes rolled backwards, allowing Grant to front. Caballero Luna es un personaje desbloqueable y jugable en el videojuego para IOS y Andriod: Caballero Luna aparece como un personaje jugable desbloqueable en. Al final del nmero se puso de manifiesto que el Caballero Luna ha fingido su muerte y se esconde en Mxico. This gave Spector an opportunity to observe his surroundings, where he watched Bertrand Crawley hosting a bingo game, with some of the patients playing included recreated people he knew, such as Donna Kraft. Traumatized by horrific events both at home and abroad, Frank Castle becomes The Punisher, using the lethal skills he honed as a Marine to exact violent vengeance on those he deems responsible for the death of his family. Caballero Luna queda enojado por esta decisin, pero es aparentemente destruido por la personalidad Ronin. El personal, dirigido por el Dr. Emmit, parece tener poderes sobrenaturales y frustra los intentos de Marc de recuperar su pasado. Depois de ser levado para um hospital e ser sedado, Morfeu criou um elo psquico com o Dr. Alraune, para se vingar dele e do Cavaleiro da Lua, o que levou Alraune a se sacrificar para neutralizar seus poderes. Harrow explained to them that he was just visiting the desert and that it was Khonshu who had been searching for Ammit's tomb since his own service to the god. Bajo la persona de Jake Lockley, se le considera ms cuerdo; Marlene menciona que sus "ojos son claros". Mais son personnage devient si populaire qu'il a droit ses propres aventures, o ses origines sont rcrites. Spector then began fronting again, so that Grant would not be the one that was punished and would have a chance to live a normal life, taking the physical abuse from his mother. Status Despus de una aparicin en Punisher Anual # 2 en 1989, el personaje era una vez ms, dado a una serie en curso, esta vez titulado Marc Spector: Caballero Luna. Crawley costuma ajudar o Cavaleiro da Lua a solucionar crimes, juntando informaes em bares do submundo. The time for the Midnight Suns is NOW! La segunda figura del Caballero Luna era de la 10 Lnea del Universo Marvel. Samuels - Samuels o mordomo e motorista de Marc Spector. Spector then spoke with Khonshu, asking him if he had any good ideas on what to do next regarding Harrow. [50], Caballero Luna es despus visto combatiendo a Bullseye en las calles de Nueva York. The moon in the closing credits waxes with each episode. The officers took Grant into custody and drove him to an abandoned part of the city, while telling him about Spector's actions. Grant gave in and Spector became the Moon Knight. As a result of his trauma due to the various events in his life, Spector became a very pessimistic and socially inept man, who always hesitated to communicate his emotions against the world because he always feared the worst out of people, as shown when he was unable to express his feelings of love towards even his own wife Layla. l se escapa despus de que el plan se derrumbe, y ms tarde se convierte en una reacia fuente de informacin para el mismo Spector. Finding himself back in the Duat, Spector and Grant entered the room, where Grant witnessed a moment that either caused his split or was very common for them. Grant ran away terrified into another hallway only to be confronted face to face with Khonshu, who told him to hand over the bag. He then fed Gus and commented how he still couldn't believe he had missed his date. While he worked, Grant was approached by Dylan, who inquired about how the sugar trade was, and Grant answered that he did not know what it had to do with Egypt since those snacks did not exist back then. Harrow implores the gods to take action against Khonshu. Por otra parte, se sugiere tambin que la inspiracin original para el dios de la luna Khonshu fue el Viga Uatu que ve la Tierra desde su base en la Luna. Steven Grant, milionrio e filantropo (sua identidade "principal", usada para lhe permitir acesso alta sociedade); Jake Lockley, o taxista (identidade que ele usa para ter contato com as pessoas comuns de Nova York); Cavaleiro da Lua, o vigilante de New York. Spector deducted that he was referring to Randall Spector, prompting him to lean forward with conflicted expression and thank him. Seeing himself as nothing more than a killer, Spector agreed to Khonshu's terms and was granted divine empowerment, allowing him to summon a ceremonial suit as he became the vigilante known as Moon Knight. Your key for reading. The first and only season premiered on March 30, 2022 and concluded on May 4, 2022. Marc tells Dr. Harrow's that his diagnosis is tempting then Steven emerges and tells Dr. Harrow that they would rather go save the world. Spector eventually managed to get some form of control over the system after moving out of his family's house to become a US Marine as soon as he could. Grant hit the jackal with an object, but the two were both knocked to the ground. Grant reassures Spector it was not his fault, The two watched one final memory, of Spector refusing to attend his mother's shiva. In early 2025, Spector was contacted by Elias Spector for the first time in years, and was told that Wendy Spector had passed away, asking him to come to her shiva in Chicago. [63], Durante la historia de La historia de las sombras, el Caballero Luna ha renunciado a la personalidad de Marc Spector y solo pasa por Jake Lockley. En Universo X, Caballero Luna est enfrascado en una batalla sin fin con los Hijos de Set, en la estatua de Khonshu. Harrow began question about Spector, inquiring how he arrived here, but Spector turned the question the other way around and asked Harrow how he got here, to which he answered that he rode a bus. La historia siguiente ver un cambio de artistas con Jefte Paolo hacindose cargo de las funciones del arte. En France, elle a t traduite dans la srie homonyme dite par Ardit. El Caballero Luna (Ingls: Moon Knight) es un superhroe ficticio que aparece en los cmics publicados por Marvel Comics. [5], Lockley finds Arthur Harrow and takes him. Star-Lord, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, And Doctor Doom Take A Final Journey To The Wastelands! Spector, still saddened by Grant's death, refuses to accept peace in the Field of Reeds, and leaves to save Grant, despite Taweret's warning that he won't be able to return. Spector's vision finally cleared up, and he tried say that someone might have sedated him, but Harrow responded that he was in this state due to his behavior, but the effects would wear off. Convertido en un cyborg por el Imperio Secreto, Medianoche es aparentemente asesinado en la historia "Round Robin" de Amazing Spider-Man, que abarcan los nmeros # 353 - # 358. Jeremy Slater En la cuestin de su cordura, Spider-Man coment "Luna. Grant narrowly avoided another pair of guards in an alley, before finding himself entering a crowd of people assembling in a nearby square. Sin embargo, ms tarde, Marc cumple con Perfil con su dilogo sugiriendo que las personalidades encima eran solo un acto para ser aprobado para el registro.[21]. Moon Knight fought them in the arena, coming out victorious. He spoke to himself when he believed that he had gotten lost "again", saying the British slang "bollocks". Due to the betrayal of Arthur Harrow, his former Avatar who had chosen to follow the goddess Ammit, whose views were different than Grant was incredulous that his mother was dead, but he suddenly appeared in Dr. Harrow's office with a start. Moon Knight then shielded Layla El-Faouly within his suit from the gunfire. After beating the jackal, Spector left the bathroom and walked through the museum. Si bien Caballero Luna ha luchado contra muchos villanos famosos del Universo Marvel, tambin ha acumulado su propia galera de villanos que tienen una conexin personal con l y/o rara vez aparecen fuera de sus propias historias. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Trs vite, les criminels de New York le prsentent comme un fantme, un spectre avide de vengeance. Khonshu instructed Spector to kill Harrow so that the two of them are no longer a threat, but Spector refused, claiming that Khonshu and Ammit are nearly identical and asked the moon god to kill Harrow himself. Eventually, Wendy pushed open the door, telling "Spector" that he should be punished, grabbing a nearby belt to whip him. They switched quite easily, and Grant then assembled some of the sarcophagus fragments into a star map, revealing it to be two thousand years out of date. [82]En esta serie, Marc Spector se despierta en un instituto mental sin recordar su pasado o cmo lleg all. Moon Knight[1]Fist of Vengeance[1]Dr. Grant[1]Man in the Mirror[2]Mad Secret Agent[2]Demon[2]Avatar[2]Thief[2]Son[2]Full-Blown International Fugitive[2]Fist of Vengeance[2]Khonshu's Current Makeshift Avatar[3]Servant[3]Deeply Troubled Man[3]Rufino Estrada[3]Funny Man[3]Free Man[4]Young Man[4]Patient[1]Superhero[1]Twins (with Steven Grant)[1]Gentle Travelers (with Steven Grant)[1]Killer[1]Disgusting Human[1]Idiots (with Mr. Knight)[5]One Weed from the Garden[5]Steven Grant[1]Mr. Knight[6]Stevie[7]Lazy Sod[7]Absolute Rascal[7]Bloody Vegan[7]Scotty[7]Steven with a V[7]Worm[7]The Idiot[7]Mercenary[7]Gift Shopist[7]Steven Grant of the Gift Shop[7]Stupid[7]Parasite[7]Queen of Sheba[7]The Boy Who Cried Wolf[7]Bruv[2]Vandal[2]Fool[2]Psycho Colonel Sanders[2]Fancy Drunk[2]Twins (with Marc Spector)[1]Gentle Travelers (with Marc Spector)[1]Smart One[1]The Original[1]Only Real Superpower[5]Idiots (with Moon Knight)[5]Jake Lockley[5]Foreigner[3]Friend[5] MARVEL SNAP. Selon cet pisode, Moon Knight est la cration d'une organisation criminelle secrte nomme le Comit. [11][12][13], On October 26, 2020, Deadline reported that Oscar Isaac was in negotiations to star as the title character in the series. Un creciente Khonshu exige venganza, sin embargo, Caballero Luna se las arregla para desafiarlo y salvar la vida de Bushman. Enfin, la fin du tome 4, Marc Spector envoie balader Konshu. [4], In January 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy director and writer James Gunn revealed that he had pitched a Moon Knight film to Marvel Studios, but that he did not have the time to work on it. [68], En la serie, Spector aparece en Los ngeles como el creador de un programa de televisin basado en su origen y sus hazaas llamado "Leyendas de Khonshu". [66], Se anunci en la New York Comic Con que 2011 vera el lanzamiento de una nueva serie del Caballero Luna por Brian Michael Bendis y Alex Maleev, la cual Bendis describi como una "completa reinvencin del personaje en cada nivel concebible. Spector watched it disintegrate, before realizing that he didn't have the scarab, much to his frustration. Grant approached the resting place of the pharaoh, and noticed Macedonian writing, revealing that this was the lost tomb of Alexander the Great. Back Issue!. It comes in at about 415 million views behind 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' and about 240 million views above 'Hawkeye'. Moon Knight is often described as Marvel Comics' version of Batman, with some of the talents either disagreeing by emphasizing the character's difference while others portray him as a more extreme version of the DC Comics' character. Kevin Feige Talks 'Loki', 'Falcon and the Winter Soldier', and 'She-Hulk', Marvel's 'Moon Knight': May Calamawy Joins Oscar Isaac in Disney+ Series (Exclusive), Ethan Hawke to Play Villain Opposite Oscar Isaac in Marvel's 'Moon Knight' (Exclusive), Zsolt Gosztonyi on Instagram - April 10, 2021, Goretity Dniel on Twitter - April 30, 2021, Moon Knight Production ongoing in Hungary, details of Ethan Hawkes character possibly revealed, Mad Gene Media on Instagram - May 27, 2021, Gaspard Ulliel, French Actor and Moon Knight Star, Dies at 37 After Ski Accident, Moon Knight Adds French Actor Loic Mabanza & Sharon Carter Expected To Appear, Ethan Hawke Credits Oscar Isaac for His Casting in Marvels Moon Knight, Moon Knight Crew Celebrates Wrap on Oscar Isaac's Disney+ Show, Marvels Disney+ Series Moon Knight to Feature Music by Hesham Nazih. Alias(es) Episode List [5], Waking up in Grant's bed, Spector asked Steven if he was there. Spider-Man intenta ponerse en contacto con Caballero Luna, pero es reprendido. One day, during a family barbecue, Spector mocked Randall's drawing of a goldfish for having only one fin. In June 2022, Nielsen's streaming rankings shared the final viewership numbers for Moon Knight and how those numbers compared to the other MCU Disney+ shows. Despus de la batalla, Daredevil invita al Caballero Luna a unirse a una organizacin de superhroes con el objetivo de derrocar a Kingpin. Los principales enemigos recurrentes del Caballero Luna incluyen: El cmic de One-shot 2099: Destino de Manifiesto (marzo de 1998) present una versin del Caballero Luna de Marvel 2099 es una mujer, que lucha contra la delincuencia en la ciudad lunar de Attilan. No arco Era de Ultron de 2013. Spector and Grant, joined by El-Faouly, continue to combat Harrow and his cult members, but fail, while Khonshu is defeated by Ammit. Conoce a otros reclusos, Gina, Marlene, Frenchie y Bertrand Crawley, pero ve al Caballero Luna en la televisin y luego comienza a cuestionar su cordura. Despus de regresar a su papel como el Caballero Luna, Spector continuamente recibe orientacin por lo que l cree que es Khonshu en forma de un Bushman sin rostro. [48]Caballero Luna se ve forzado a una confrontacin final con su ex compaero Jeff Wilde (tambin conocido como Medianoche), aparentemente matndolo para siempre. Grant was wrestled through the crowd toward a storefront, where a few guards and a shopkeeper ripped the scarab out of his grasp. Aps assumir a identidade de Ronin para tentar matar o Rei do Crime, ele foi mandado atras do Homem-Aranha. Rolling down the visor blocking Harrow's view, revealing himself to the shocked Harrow. We advise caution when dealing with any recently-released media involving multiversal subjects. Il utilise frquemment des sortes de flchettes en forme de croissants de lune. He then held his hands up and called for a ceasefire, as Grant didn't want to continue to fight. Khonshu revela que salv la vida del Caballero Luna para matar al segundo avatar de Khonshu y liberar a la antigua Sapphire Crescent. [36]Form equipo con Spider-Man y Punisher contra el Imperio Secreto. Marc aceita e, decidido a se tornar um combatente do crime, ele derrota Bushman e, em seguida, volta para os E.U.A. WebLog in with either your Library Card Number or EZ Login >>Your Library card number is the whole barcode number, with no spaces. Marvel's Taskmaster Has Wrangled Joe Carnahan. He then sent Spector to Egypt.[2]. Check out the first batch of 'Infinity Saga Phase Three' covers, on sale in February! The three identities of Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley draw parallels with Freud's psychoanalytic proposals of the ego, superego, and the id, respectively. Since Marvel Studios decided to set "Moon Knight" in London to differentiate it from the many other titles set in New York City. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Grant arrived at his job at the National Art Gallery late for the third time this week, noticing on the banners outside that there were seven of the Ennead instead of nine. Estos artculos fueron reemplazados ms tarde con armas duplicadas diseadas por Ojo de Halcn. Un da su hijo Marc descubri por accidente al amigo de su padre llamado Yitz Perlman en realidad se llamaba Ernst y era un Ex Soldado Nazi el cual llevaba aos en Estados Unidos matando judos en secreto. Scarlet no possui poderes, mas tem um elo psquico com o Cavaleiro da Lua, que pode ser resultante dela ser uma possvel reencarnao de Khonshu. As El-Faouly drove them, Grant spoke to Spector from the side mirror, who told him that he remembered their deal about going away once Khonshu was gone. [69] El Caballero Luna se pone la cabeza de Ultrn, y ataca a un club nocturno junto a Spider-Man llegar al misterioso Kingpin de Los ngeles. Spector asks how that worked, and Khonshu told him a portal opened up anywhere in the world so they could enter. Characters Adulte, il devient boxeur professionnel poids-lourd avant s'engager dans l'arme chez les Navy Seals. An older woman stepped forward next for judgement, and Grant watched as she was judged negatively, despite her insistence that she had been good her whole life. y con l reemplazando a S.H.I.E.L.D. Aparies subsequentes vieram em Marvel Two-in-One n 52, escrita por Steven Grant com arte de Jim Craig e The Defenders n 47-51, que o fez se juntar brevemente aos Defensores durante sua guerra contra o Cartel do Zodaco. Grant then found something hidden behind a plank of wood that was sticking out. Despite, struggling when realizing that his life was all a manifestation of Spector's fears and intense dissociative amnesia, Grant came to terms with himself as he realized that he and Spector came from the same trauma, the same brain. There, he noticed a key and a cellphone, which sparked Grant's curiosity as he never remembered to own those items. Otros alters posteriores que no asumen la identidad de Caballero Luna han surgido en otros momentos durante su edad adulta, incluido un astronauta que lucha con hombres lobo; imitadores de Khonshu, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Capitn Amrica, Iron Man y Echo; y una nia pelirroja conocida como Inner Child (que apareci por primera vez en la continuidad de Ultimate Marvel). En effet, Moon Knight est trs marqu par son enfance (son pre l'ayant rejet car le jugeant responsable de la mort de sa mre, morte en le mettant au monde), et cause des crimes qu'il a commis quand il tait mercenaire. Confused, the orderly asked what he had meant, but Lockley told her to calm down, before escorting Harrow outside the hospital. Marc Spector is a former United States Marine and mercenary with dissociative identity disorder. Nascido em Chicago, Illinois, Marc Spector o filho de um rabino americano. Su padre, al ver el estado mental de su hijo, lo interna en un Hospital psiquitrico para que recibiera ayuda. [2], Grant is taken into Arthur Harrow's custody. Ignoring Grant calling for him, Spector stated that he would enter the common room where there were a bunch of patients and Bertrand Crawley probably going to yell "bingo", but when he opened the doors, he found himself on top of Taweret's Boat sailing across the sands of the Duat, much to his utter shock.[1]. La ley le obliga a someterse a un examen psiquitrico. Spector asked if his mother was coming, but his father told him that she was not well, but promised she would get better, making an excuse to justify her refusal to celebrate. She then noticed on the bingo paper on Spector's lap that they had an I-2 as announced by Crawley, making them the winners. He then left the storage unit, and saw the lights in the building hauntingly flashing towards him. [59], El Caballero Luna luego se topa con Spider-Man y lo ayuda a derrotar al Hombre de Arena, gracias a que Frenchie usa los motores a reaccin del avin de combate del USS Intrepid atado en la red de Spider-Man para volar al Hombre de Arena. [5] As Spector grew into a teenager, he immediately took the chance and left home. He turned around and pulled out his Crescent Darts. Sa fortune personnelle lui permet de disposer d'un arsenal impressionnant d'armes, de gadgets, de vhicules et de ressources high tech. Spector proceeded to remove the casket to reveal a horrified, physical form of Grant, separated from his body. Como era milionrio (devido aos tempos bem-sucedidos de mercenrio) Spector pde manter um grande arsenal e criou armas prprias tais como: capa que o permite planar, shurikens-lunares e helicptero adaptado, entre outras. WebAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features [29], On August 13, 2021, in an interview on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Hawke revealed that his character was based on American cult leader David Koresh and that Oscar Isaac was the one who asked him if he wanted to join the series. He gave examples such as a castle, maze or library, and Spector added a psychiatric ward, determining that the ward he was in was an organizing principle. Dylan told him to lose her number and hung up abruptly. Moon Knight En ocasiones, Caballero Luna tambin ha utilizado una motocicleta blanca personalizada, una limusina blanca a control remoto y un dron / planeador en forma de media luna a control remoto capaz de transportar a una sola persona.[98]. [15], On November 11, 2020, Discussing Film reported that the series would shoot scenes in Budapest in early 2021. Bertrand Crawley - Crawley era um vendedor de livros com uma boa estabilidade financeira, at se entregar ao lcool e perder tudo, inclusive sua famla. El culto de Khonshu telepticamente convoca a Spector a Egipto y le suministra un nuevo arsenal de armas de proyectil de luna, originalmente diseadas por el viajero del tiempo Ojo de Halcn en el antiguo Egipto. 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