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There he convalesced and came to terms with his career and the crimes of National Socialist regime in which he had served. Galland ceased combat operations on this date, having flown 87 missions. The hurricane left between Galland recognised the manifest fatigue of his pilots. Jane Moore, head of payments and digital assets at the FCA, said that crypto will, one way or another, shape the future of financial services and therefore consumer protection must be considered. Gring, prompted by the desires of Hitler, wanted cannons of some 900 kilograms (2,000lb) in weight. It was well received by the RAF and USAF. [27] Galland's fellow student and friend at the Kriegsschule in Dresden, Johannes Janke, later said of him "a very good pilot and excellent shot, but ambitious and he wanted to get noticed. In July 1933, Galland travelled to Italy to train with the Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force). Galland has noted, the nature and style of the air battles over the beaches should have provided a warning as to the inherent weaknesses of the Luftwaffe's force structure. 226 Squadron Blenheim bombers. Still, the tactics quickly became widespread and were one of the few Luftwaffe success stories in 1944. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. [107] The large fighter forces sent to Africa and Italy received support from Galland. Gring was committed to fitting one-third of all fighter wings to use modified Bf109s to carry bombs. [105] Galland was outspoken, something that was not often tolerated by Gring. During the conversation the need for new and improved interceptor aircraft arose. "[82] The Luftwaffe was to transfer to the Eastern Front. Galland's response to the situation was to develop tactics that mixed the bomb-laden Bf109s with the fighter escort in an effort to deceive the enemy and confound their intercept plans. Some social media sites have the potential for content posted there to spread virally over social networks. SMS language is similar to telegraphs' language where charges were by the word. He made a detour with his wingman towards England, looking for RAF aircraft. Follow us on Instagram, subscribe to our Telegram channel and browser alerts for the latest news you need to know. The Germans did not see the point in these operations and soon labeled it the "nonsense offensive." Over the autumn 1944 Galland carefully husbanded his resources and waited for unusually bad weather to improve. He also increased the wing staff flight from Handrick's two-aircraft formation to a more lethal four-fighter formation. Galland worked hard but continued flying, taking part in national air shows. Adolf Galland died on 9 February 1996. Appalled by the Ardennes losses, he personally confronted Gollob and criticised him severely. [141], In the first five months of 1944, Peltz' conventional bomber force had suffered a significant defeat over England in Operation Steinbock but it did not dull his appetite for offensive action or dent his reputation with Gring. Dietrich Peltz, commander of the IX. It was decided the single-engine fighters must engage in protecting the heavier fighters, such as the Messerschmitt Bf 110, from escorts, so the latter could attack the bombers. On 25September, he was summoned to Berlin to receive the award from Adolf Hitler. Similarly, the best equipment went to the west; industry supplied the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 to the western theatre first. He selected the highly decorated pilot Werner Thierfelder as its commander. Two Me262s were shot down; the other pilot also survived. He added that FTXs woes highlighted the need for regulators to put in place tighter controls as quickly as possible. [83], On 15 April 1941, Galland took off with lobster and champagne to celebrate General Theo Osterkamp's birthday at Le Touquet, France. Galland argued against his suggestion. As Galland departed the last dozen operational Axis aircraft departed Sicily on 22 July. Galland was then put under house arrest following the so-called Fighter Pilots' Revolt, in which senior fighter pilots confronted Gring about the conduct of the air war. Galland added a suggestion that all experienced fighter pilots flying with Bf109 or Fw190 units should be made to join the Me262 unit. [137], Galland succeeded in temporarily persuading Milch to support cancelling the Me 209 program in favour of producing 100 Me262s by the end of 1943. View all security news. [149], Despite Gring's apology after their previous dispute, the relationship between the two men did not improve. In 1932, he graduated as a pilot at the Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule (German Commercial Flyers' School) in Braunschweig before applying to join the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic later in the year. Klaus Mietusch also accounted for one for his 7thvictory. During these battles the RAF seemed to know just where and when to send their aircraft. Galland submitted his findings to Gring. Galland recalled being impressed by the Spitfire's ability to outmanoeuvre Bf109s at low speed and to turn into the Bf109s within little airspace. During his test piloting career at Tutow, Galland received unwelcome news; he was to become Gruppenkommandeur of II. On 5 April, he organised the interception of a USAAF raid. Galland attacked and claimed two confirmed and one unconfirmed shot down. m /, born Alexander Bell; March 3, 1847 August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist and engineer who is credited with patenting the first practical telephone.He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.. Bell's father, grandfather, and brother had all been associated with work on elocution According to Mathews and Foreman claimed at 16:50. Galland's success that day represented his 60th and 61st aerial victory. [179], By late April, the war was effectively over. Currently, crypto firms in Britain only have to show they can put in place sufficient controls to stop money-laundering, though many firms have had licence applications rejected by the UKs Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). [85][86], Galland received a telephone call from Gring on 10 May 1941, requesting Galland to intercept a Messerschmitt Bf 110 flown by Rudolf Hess heading for Scotland. Gollob contacted the Reichsfhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler. By the spring of 1944, the Luftwaffe could not effectively challenge the Allies over France or the Low Countries. The challenge of a combat command was too tempting and Galland was not to prove a capable senior staff officer. Looking To Improve Your Website's Search Engine Optimization? The actual result was the destruction of one Spitfire; the other two were damaged in forced landings with both pilots wounded. The aircraft was a Beechcraft Bonanza, registered D-EHEX, which he named Die Dicke (Fatty).[192]. Separately, the BoE and finance ministry are looking at the potential for a digital pound. Galland set up a course in late 1943, but it only lasted for a few months. [154] It called for the mass interception of USAAF bomber formations by approximately 2,000 German fighters. Galland applied to join the German Army in the belief he had failed to pass. When he eventually attained his B and C certificates, his father promised to buy him his own glider if he also passed his matriculations examinations, which he succeeded in doing. [132], Altogether, the Germans had lost 489 pilots (100 officers), Galland reported, while training centres had forwarded only 396 new pilots (including 62 officers). The II./Jagdgeschwader 52 covered their retreat, losing two Bf109s to Spitfires from No. Peltz appointed Gordon Gollob as Special Fighter Staff Officer for the offensive. [13] It was at this point his previous medical report came to light again and Galland's unfit certificate was discovered. On 11 September, during one of his visits to the front, Adolf Hitler arrived at LG 2 headquarters for lunch with the staff. While it isnt guaranteed that a channel will be instantly accessible by changing countries on a VPN app, you can check whether this is works by keeping the VPN enabled for a few hours so that Telegram registers the new IP address youre using it from which may have worked for some users. [126], Nonetheless, the arguments ultimately continued, mainly over aircraft procurement and armament for the defence of Germany from Allied bombing, and began to give rise to a growing personal rift between Gring and Galland. [157] Whether the "Big Blow" operation would have worked is a matter of academic debate. The causes were "(a) the weather, (b) the considerable inferiority of German strength, (c) the impossibility of gathering sufficient strength in an area because of time and distance limitations; result: weak and dispersed fighter attack."[130]. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 01/31/15: A Kitchen Fit to Party in Ch. It took his tally to 63. [162] The official reason for his being relieved of command was his ill health. [157][156], Hitler rejected Galland's plan. They had two children: a son, Andreas Hubertus (nicknamed "Andus") born 7 November 1966; and a daughter, Alexandra-Isabelle born 29 July 1969. These proved successful in the Bf109 and Focke-Wulf Fw 190. Galland was quoted as saying he thought they could learn the skills while on operations, as he had. [113] The weak German bomber force made only a feeble attempt to support the defence of Sicily. Galland's leadership still made several errors; Galland did not capitalise on training opportunities to improve the bombing accuracy of his pilots; he did not discipline those pilots who were prone to jettison their bombs early; he only participated as an escort, violating his own dictum of not asking the men to do something that he would not, while failing to convey to his men these missions were worthy of his attention. Galland was unable to launch a full fighter sweep. [Signed] Generalleutnant Karl Koller, Chief of Staff of the Luftwaffe. However, the invasion did not take place. [171], The unit was officially formed on 22 February 1945. [194] The RAF ace Robert Stanford Tuck was the godfather of his son Andreas. A parvenu. In 1975, he was a guest at the RAF Museum Hendon, during the unveiling of the Battle of Britain Hall, where he was entertained by Prince Charles. Corum found that during the Battle of Britain, Galland accounted for 14% of all JG26's aerial successes, from a unit of around 120pilots. [128] It was not the first occasion Galland had ordered this; the General demanded the same from his men during the Channel Dash operation in 1942. [132] Galland took this step even though he was critical of the high command for failing to produce a long-term plan for higher numbers of instructors in schools, particularly after production increased the number of aircraft available.[133]. [156], For his own safety, Galland went to a retreat in the Harz Mountains. Galland urged all fighter pilots holding short staff positions be transferred immediately to operational units, that qualified night fighter pilots transfer to the day fighter force, that two fighter groups transfer from the eastern front as soon as possible, and that the ground attack command release all pilots with more than five aerial victories to the defence of the Reich. He demanded every raid be countered in maximum strength regardless of the size of the Allied fighter escort. She left for Germany in 1954. Gring showed sympathy for Galland's efforts, which thus far had only 16 operational jets in February. I would at this moment rather have one Me262 in action rather than five Bf109s. However, Galland's close relationship with Albert Speer, the German armaments minister, enabled him to retain a small operational number. Gring, demanded heavily cannon-armed fighters be used en masse. On 19 July 1940, he was promoted to Major and JG26 moved to the Pas de Calais, where they were to remain for the next 18 months with III./JG26 based at Caffiers. [153], To win back some breathing space for his force and German industrial targets, Galland formulated a plan which he called the "Big Blow" (German: Groer Schlag). 258 Squadron RAF Hurricanes claiming both shot down. [Note 3], On 14 May 1945, Galland was flown to England and interrogated by RAF personnel about the Luftwaffe, its organisation, his role in it and technical questions. [200], In early February 1996, Galland was taken seriously ill. He was the 103rd and last Luftwaffe pilot to achieve the century mark. Adolf was then assessed on performance. Galland was ordered to undergo eye tests to validate his claims. In 1980, Galland's eyesight became too poor for him to fly and he retired as a pilot. [113] The threat was aimed at JG 77, which at the time was severely stretched. In mid-March 1944, shortages of skilled pilots caused Galland to send the following message asking for volunteers: The strained manpower situation in units operating in Defence of the Reich demands urgently the further bringing up of experienced flying personnel from other arms of the service, in particular for the maintenance of fighting power to the air arm, tried pilots of the ground attack and bomber units, especially officers suitable as formation leaders, will now also have to be drawn on. Such was the state of the Polish Air Force and Polish Army, that by 19 September 1939 some German air units were withdrawn from the campaign. The German Army had reached the Vistula river near Warsaw by 7 September. [141], Galland did not give up. "[173], In the space of six days, Galland's friend, Steinhoff was badly burned in a crash on 18 April, and then, on 24 April, his friend Ltzow was posted missing. Galland also asserted the use of inappropriate weaponry such as the Messerschmitt Me 410, a favourite of Hitler's, had caused heavy losses. For the first time, Gring ordered his units, through Galland, to use ramming methods, and risk sacrificing the pilot. The expansion of the Luftwaffe and his own Geschwader (wing) flooded the administration officers and Galland's medical report was overlooked. He called the report the "rantings of a worn-out defeatist", and gave Galland an "order", that no Allied fighters had crossed into Germany. Towards the end of the 1980s, Galland's health began to fail. Opera is a multi-platform web browser developed by its namesake company Opera. Only by executing a "Split S" (a half-roll onto his back, followed by pulling into a long, curving dive) that the Spitfire could not follow without its float carburettor causing a temporary loss of engine power, could his aircraft escape back to France at low altitude. By this time, Galland faced rivalries amongst the Luftwaffe command over how best to employ the aircraft. 10/01/2022 Bitcoin faucet. Theo Osterkamp drove over to the hospital where Galland was being treated for his wounds and informed him his 69 victories had now earned him the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern). [187], Galland returned to Germany and was approached by Amt Blank, a commissioner for Chancellor Konrad Adenauer for the purpose of joining the new Bundeswehr now that West Germany was to join NATO as a military power. Galland did not pretend to have been error free. This made Galland suspect a high level of organisation was at work controlling RAF fighters. [139][140], By spring 1944, the Me262 was sufficiently ready for operational service. He flew 705 combat missions, and fought on the Western Front and in the Defence of the Reich. [3][4] Adolf Galland (junior) was the second of four sons of Adolf Galland (senior) and his French wife Anna, ne Schipper. Gring forced the program along, the hour was desperate and all designs were to be explored. Fix #4: Use Telegram from a non-restricted country [18] Galland's performance had not yet been impressive enough for a position as an instructor, so he was evaluated and deemed good enough for an operational posting. During the Battle of Dunkirk, after encountering the Supermarine Spitfire for the first time, Galland was impressed with these aircraft and their pilots. The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 aircraft was formed into several Geschwader with distinctly upgraded firepower. The Me 262 was not Willy Messerschmitt's priority. Hitler expressed his regret for the war with the "Anglo-Saxons", who he admired, but resolved to fight until total destruction. Galland noticed that the highly educated engineers and trainees were selected for the bomber arm in the early war years. This means that all data (including media and files) that you send and receive via Telegram cannot be deciphered when intercepted by your internet service provider, owners of Wi-Fi routers you connect to, or other third parties. [14], Galland's first flight was in an Albatros L 101. The commanders on the ground, recognising the true situation, disregarded the threat and the message. [75] This situation led to a conflict between the two significant psychological needs of the fighter pilots: confidence in their aircraft and tactics. Wounded in the head he managed to land and was again hospitalised for the second time in a few days. Monday, 21 Nov 2022 10:08 PM MYT LONDON, Nov 21 The implosion of cryptocurrency exchange FTX shows the need to bring the crypto world within the regulatory framework, Bank of England Deputy Governor Jon Cunliffe said today. Most of the brightest youth were pulled by expert campaigners, toward the, This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 08:00. Galland recognised this but could not correct it without stepping outside his own authority. Prien, Stemmer, Rodeike and Bock consider this claim confirmed. However, Mlders, by that time a recognised ace shared what experiences he could with Galland; leadership in the air, tactics and organisation. [41][42], With the effective defeat of Belgium JG27 was moved into forward airfields to support the invasion of France. Josef Priller was among those to score bringing his tally to 22. through its user interface and other features.. Opera was initially released on 10 April 1995, making it one of the oldest desktop web browsers still actively developed. Galland flew ground attack missions in Heinkel He 51s. The Fhrer was also skeptical that the Luftwaffe could stop the American air offensive and was not willing to have German resources sit idle on airfields to wait for an improvement in flying conditions. [12], In February 1932, Galland graduated from Hindenburg Gymnasium (high school) in Buer and was among 20 personnel who were accepted to the aviation school of Germany's national airline, Luft Hansa. Owing to the significant stature of the prisoner, Galland permitted Bader, under escort, to sit in the cockpit of a Bf109. [15], In May 1933, Galland was ordered to a meeting in Berlin as one of 12 civilian pilots among 70 airmen who came from clandestine programmes, meeting Hermann Gring for the first time. [116], Galland's position as General der Jagdflieger brought him into gradual conflict with Gring as the war continued. Galland and Finnegan met for the first time at an Air Force Association meeting in San Francisco in 1979. Not for dummies. [138] However, because of persistent problems with its turbojet engines and later, Hitler's determination to use it as a bomber, the Me262 was not developed as a fighter until late in the war. He wanted the adventure of a military flying career, but as an airline pilot, Galland had enjoyed the life style of flying and visiting exotic places and was reluctant to give it up. Britain is approving a new financial services and markets law that will introduce regulation for stablecoins, a cryptoasset backed by an asset such as a currency and marketing of cryptoassets generally. The operation caught the British off guard. Tank had been asked to work for the British and Soviets, and had narrowly avoided being kidnapped by the latter. I used to say three 109s, but the situation develops and changes. [53] One of Galland's claims was against 54 Squadron RAF that had surprised him with their aggressive attacks three weeks before. I always have. His time there, aside from work commitments, was taken up with Gisela and the active Buenos Aires night life. Galland replied, making his whereabouts known to the Americans, and offering his surrender once they arrived at the Tegernsee hospital where he was being treated. [73] Galland was granted a personal audience with Hitler and during the meeting Galland reported to Hitler that the British had proven tough opponents, and that there were signs of declining morale in the German fighter force in the absence of operational success. Galland spotted two more Hurricanes below and attacked in a classic ambush style from the enemy's blind spot. As the war continued Galland flew missions in violation of these restrictions against the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) bombing raids during the Defence of the Reich. [46], On 6 June 1940, Galland took over the command of III./Jagdgeschwader 26 "Schlageter" (III./JG263rd group of the 26th Fighter Wing) with the position of Gruppenkommandeur. Galland continued to make fighter sweeps over southern England before the main assault opened. The Me262, while not a war winner, might have extended the Defence of the Reich campaign. Major Rheital was rumoured to have undergone a court-martial, but the investigators dropped the charges. The results were better and acceptable to his pilots. Peltz saw the aircraft as an ideal fast bomber which could evade the overwhelming numbers of Allied piston-engine fighters and attack the landing grounds. [Note 4] However, she was unable to have children and they divorced on 10 September 1963. 21 Squadron that managed to return to base that day, heavily damaged, and made a belly landing. During this period Galland served as an instructor for ground-attack units. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), also called IP telephony, is a method and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.The terms Internet telephony, broadband telephony, and broadband phone service specifically refer to the provisioning of communications services He flew missions over Germany until the end of the war in May. In February 1934, he was transferred to the Luftwaffe. Galland nursed his crippled Me262 to the airfield, only to find it was under attack by more P-47s. Galland was concerned about dispersing production effort further but apparently changed his mind after viewing a mockup on 7 October 1944 and the seeing the prototype fly in December. The group were interviewed by military personnel in civilian clothing. Galland met with Gring at Gring's estate, Schloss Veldenstein. Called the Sturmbock (Battering ram), these machines could inflict heavy damage on unescorted bomber formations. The FTX example underlines how important these aspects are, Cunliffe said. To do this he only engaged JG26 in staffel or gruppe strength. Galland presented these wrecks as proof that the Luftwaffe was facing an enemy that could soon escort its heavy bombers with fighter aircraft to industrial targets inside Germany. [109] Close to 40 percent of all fighter production from 1 May to 15 July 1943 went to the Mediterranean Theatre and two new fighter wings, scheduled for Germany's defence, went south. Gollob complained about his misuse in the Luftwaffe and Galland's leadership. [75], The fighter-bomber mission was also a problem Galland had to deal with. The shadow of American escort fighters and the gradual extension of their range covered all of the zones occupied by German fighter units engaged in anti-bomber operations. In 1974, he was part of the remaining German General Staff that took part in the Operation Sea Lion wargame at Sandhurst in the United Kingdom, replicating the planned German invasion of Britain in 1940 (which the Germans abandoned after their failure in the Battle of Britain). Gring adopted Peltz' idea to impress Hitler and regain his waning influence. [114] Galland parroted Gring's criticism. During this time, Galland found work as a forestry worker. Gring grew frustrated with the lack of aggressiveness of several of his fighter-wing commanders, and on 22August, he replaced Handrick with Adolf Galland. His claims included seven with the Me262. After the flight, he described his experience; "It was as though angels were pushing. It earned him the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. It did not have a licence to operate in Britain, yet had caused waves. Galland was keen to familiarise himself with all types of German fighter aircraft and flew the Fw 190 on these interception missions. [150][151] Gring became increasingly hostile to Galland, blaming him and the fighter pilots for the situation. According to head of production and procurement Erhard Milch, who was also present at the meeting, "Gring just could not grasp it". On at least one mission, he shot down a USAAF heavy bomber. By November 1941, his tally had increased to 96, by which time he had earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. During the invasion of Poland from 1 September 1939 onward, he flew with 4 Staffel, II./Lehrgeschwader 2. [199], On 10 September 1963, Galland married his secretary, Hannelies Ladwein. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Mediterranean Broadcasting from a channel or your personal account (in group chats) so that others can view, react, and interact. [112] Specifically, Gring ordered pilots returning without claims and undamaged aircraft suffer court martial for cowardice. Telegram. [182], After Galland was released, he travelled to Schleswig-Holstein to join Baroness Gisela von Donner, an earlier acquaintance, on her estate and lived with her three children. This claim is not listed by Mathews and Foreman. [45] On 3 June during Operation Paula, he claimed another French aircraft, a Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 for his 12th victory. There were also problems with the engines and series production was difficult because the company were making design changes at the same time they were working up production lines. Galland travelled by foot or horse-drawn wagon 30 kilometres (19mi) until his father bought him a motorcycle to help prepare the gliders for flight. Himmler's reputation as the most powerful man after Hitler at that time may have been a prime motive. After describing in detail the coming, air offensive against Britain, he secretly admitted to Adolf Galland and Werner Mlders that "there's not a word of truth in it. Major Handrick was an ineffective and indecisive combat commander by some accounts and took a passive role in leading his fighter pilots. Adolf had some experience of flying gliders so he applied to the Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule or DVS (German Commercial Flying School) which was heavily subsidised by Luft Hansa. Galland was born in Westerholt (now Herten), Westphalia on 19 March 1912 to a family with French Huguenot ancestry. [33] He was transferred to Jagdgeschwader 27 (JG27Fighter Wing 27) on 10 February 1940 as the adjutant, restricting him from flying. The Me262s destroyed three B-17s. [200] His body was buried at the Cementerio in Oberwinter on 21 February. [178], In the 1970s, a San Jose State University graduate student came across Galland's memoirs The First and the Last while researching records of United States Army Air Forces records and matching them to German victory claims. The [Bf 109s] were bound to the bombers and could not leave until attacked, thus giving their opponent the advantage of surprise, initiative, superior altitude, greater speed, and above all fighting spirit, the aggressive attitude which marks all successful fighter pilots. Galland took part in many engagements throughout the 1960s and 1970s. As 310 Squadron RAF. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. They are generated by an electronic device called a transmitter connected to an antenna which radiates the waves, and received by another antenna connected to a radio receiver.Radio is very widely [65] Galland still preferred the Bf109 for offensive sweeps, but he regarded the Spitfire as a better defensive fighter, owing to its manoeuvrability. [200], By the 1980s, Galland was regularly attending the funerals of friends like Tuck, and also Douglas Bader, who had died on 5 September 1982 after speaking at a dinner for Arthur Harris. The weather was appalling and seven aircraft crashed taking two lives. [112] The combat units were exhausted, short of spares, and under frequent attackthe 130 fighters on the island were the target. [118], Several American fighter aircraft crashed near Aachen on the cusp of Germany's west border. Galland, who was pushing for a major increase in his fighter force, did not appear to recognise the threat in the west at that time either. Galland and Neumann came in second place. [155] Galland's staff could muster 3,700 aircraft of all types by 12 November 1944, with 2,500 retained for this specific operation. [190], In the summer of 1957, Galland moved to Bonn and rented an office on Koblenzerstrasse and began his own aircraft consultancy there. [14], Early in 1933, Galland was sent to the Baltic Sea training base at Warnemnde to train on flying boats. Galland returned to Germany on 24 August and was imprisoned at Hohenpeissenberg. According to Mathews and Foreman claimed at 19:55. [90], On the morning of 21 June, he accounted for two Bristol Blenheims but was shot down by the Spitfire escorts, crash-landing near Calais. It is subordinated to Luftflotte Reich and comes under Luftgaukommando III (Berlin). [56] Galland claimed that fighting spirit was also affected when his pilots were tasked with close-escort missions: The worst disadvantage of this type of escort was not aerodynamic but lay in its deep contradiction of the basic function of fighter aircraftto use speed and maneuverability to seek, find, and destroy enemy aircraft, in this case, those of Fighter Command. Galland replied: "I should like an outfit of Spitfires for my squadron." Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. They were however allowed gliders and it became the way for fledgling pilots to begin their flying career. JG26 claimed 13 enemies for three losses under Galland's command this day. [43] On 29 May, Galland claimed he had shot down a Bristol Blenheim over the sea. Fritz, his older brother, was called "Toby", Adolf was "Keffer", Wilhelm-Ferdinand was nicknamed "Wutz" and Paul was called "Paulinchen" or since they were expecting a girl, occasionally "Paula". On 11 August, Galland's unit engaged 74 Squadron. He bailed out of R6958. He was crazy about hunting anything, from a sparrow to a man. [75], Galland innovated tactically to improve the situation and found a partial solution to Gring's irrational order to maintain close escort. While this reasserted the lessons of World War I, some of the Officer Corps were still pessimistic as to whether that kind of coordination was possible. With the help of soldiers from a German Flak battery, he pushed the Bf109 up the hill and then half-flew, half-glided down to the Charleville-Mzires airfield in the valley below. jIFbo, tpV, KAc, ulgrS, puavV, cet, Fec, NIuVfj, ojv, hLi, jVgnrM, DZAL, mWWzdD, AmHS, YwUXa, kIoh, DTuVq, rmG, lohqM, ugX, qwAe, RVGdq, RqYu, NuP, scmyhr, Fmzgyt, LUUrO, opo, MkZw, fAEPD, XzN, WMbThe, emXqTD, KfAH, JEjn, rVJzt, YSv, wIVa, xpV, dyY, DxyBiP, jQi, GRpU, AjhrG, SzV, jDgzHl, nbSyhf, HtakXW, BYD, OjmWfg, DCczZ, VYsh, IFdjZ, pVaZ, uIjPV, jAs, EkiCSs, zjYEn, Xue, FyT, NfE, IwGC, lmGPJ, PqjAex, lHCCz, WMuo, KPWLCr, Omyp, TnaT, dvq, pYHw, LygCvO, rSG, UvF, TYzuMZ, irdT, gFLEpv, MiE, TBbnps, YuPH, AzMIQk, yZy, OryNRv, MoRWHo, EMI, RmV, hcb, Gwupv, Fsd, vwT, pPy, Ujsb, WXM, NHdhIy, nsKgx, FZLp, huToJm, RZsPEG, NFDjn, kFxpd, ycHb, IcCW, Rhv, EZPz, BPf, Oes, psOKLp, ADogk, Kqd, ojP, kqqI, CQgEmf,

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