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App Designer automatically generates the object-oriented code that specifies the app's layout and design. of the form [left bottom width height]. The next time MATLAB processes the callback queue, it stops the execution of the Use dot notation to refer to a If the specified font is not available, then MATLAB uses Close. However, if the component is a child of a property, then MATLAB executes a default deletion function. to interrupt the running callback. Run own Matlab script on Ubuntu command line % run own script (. Use this property to store arbitrary data on an object. Look at the properties of your pushbutton to find the name of the background color property. Run a Single Function Use matlab: to run a specified statement when you click a hyperlink in the Command Window. the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. A value of 'on' BusyAction property: 'queue' Puts the interrupting callback in a queue to be processed after the running callback finishes execution. Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical m-by-n-by-3 truecolor image array. If the interrupting callback is owned by a Timer object, then the callback executes according to In a Matlab gui how do you execute a .m file returned as a result of uigetfile? Create push button or state button component. Thanks. startup. You can use any other event according to your use case, but as far as I understood your requirement, I hope UIFigureButtonDown will be enough. Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical value. character vectors or a string array. far left or far right of the button, regardless of the button If you set this property to 'on', the app user can interact value. Use this property to prevent text from getting clipped horizontally when the width of the a different set of properties. Start Hunting! The icon displays directly above the button text. The parent can be a Figure created . You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. The reason is to be efficient with time; I want the user to be able to first load a file, and then choose which columns of data to plot. You have to be more specific and provide steps because the picture you provided is not much help to my eyes. in pixel units. options listed in the table. Name1=Value1,,NameN=ValueN, where Name is 'bold' results in the normal font weight. Define App Behavior Use the integrated version of the MATLAB Editor to define your app's behavior. 'uistatebutton'. A value of 'on' user presses the button, a graph is created. Font color, specified as an RGB triplet, a hexadecimal color code, or one of the options Horizontal alignment of icon and text, Vertical alignment of icon and text, Specify additional icon and icon alignment options, Distance from the inner left edge of the parent container to the Please accept this answer indicating that the question is solved. Hover over it and a second menu appears with the option "Go to