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Al-hanbali, Al-ja'fari, Al-maliki, Al-shafi'i. - KREET-uhn] * [ Crete] * [ (Caphtor in some Bibles) - Crete - Amos 9:7 (h3731); Acts 27:12 (g2914) - KREET] * [ Cretian - ("Cretans" in NW) - Titus 1:12 KJ (g2912) - KREE-shuhn] * [ Crispus - Cris'pus - Acts 18:8 (g2921) - KRIS-puhs] * [ Croesus* - - it "Cyrus" - KREE-suhs] * [ crucible] * [ (fining-pot, furnace, heating pot, refining pot in some Bibles) - ("refining pot" in NW) - Proverbs 27:21 By, GW, HNV, WEB (h3564) - KROO-suh-buhl] * [ crucifix* - - w97 2/1 14 - KROO-suh-fiks'] * [ crucifixion*] * [ (sometimes capitalized) - - w90 2/15 13 - kroo'suh-FIK-shuhn] * [ crucify - ("impale" in NW) - Luke 23:21 KJ (g4717) - KROO-suh-fi] * [ crux*] * [ (pl. For people named Benjamin, see, https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3225/kjv/wlc/0-1/, "Genesis - Chapter 35 (Parshah Vayishlach) - Genesis - Torah - Bible", "Book of Jubilees: The Book of Jubilees: The Wives of Jacob's Sons (xxxiv. It is argued that sins are necessary for prophets, so they can show the people how to repent. Bere`shith') - Genesis 1:1 ftn. Aaron EHR-uhn, Abana AB-uh-nuh, Abba AB-uh, Abednego uh-BEHD-nee-go, Abel-Keramin AY-b'l-KEHR-uh-mihn, Abel-Meholah AY-b'l-mee-HO-lah, Abiathar uh-BAI-uh-ther, Abiel AY-bee-ehl, Abiezrite ay-bai-EHZ-rait, Abijah ab-uh-LEE-neh, Abilene uh-BAI-dzhuh, Abimelech uh-BIHM-uh-lehk, Abinadab uh-BIHN-uh-dab, Abishai uh-BIH SH-ay-ai, Abiud uh-BAI-uhd, Abraham AY-bruh-ham, Abram AY-bruh-ham, Absalom AB-suh-luhm, Abyss uh-BIHS, Acacia uh-KAY-shuh, Achaia uh-KAY-yuh, Achbor AK-bawr, Achim AY-kihm, Aeneas uh-NEE-uhs, Agabus AG-uh-buhs, Agag AY-gag, Agrippa uh-GRIH-puh, Ahab AY-hab, Ahasuerus ay-HAS-eeoo-EHR-uhs, Ahaz AY-haz, Ahaziah ay-haz-AI-uh, Ahijah Ahiah uh-HAI-dzhuh, Ahikam uh-HAI-kam, Ahiqar Ahikar uh-hee-KAR, Ai AY-ee, Alexandria al-ehg-ZAN-dree-uh, Alleluia ah-lay-LOO-yuh, Aloes AL-oz, Alpha AHL-fuh, Alphaeus AL-fee-uhs, Amalek AM-uh-lehk, Amalekites AM-uh-luh-kaits, Amaziah am-uh-ZAI-uh, Amen ah-MEHN, Amittai uh-MIH-tai, Amminadab ah-MIHN-uh-dab, Ammonite AM-uh-nait, Amorite AM-uh-rait, Amos AY-muhs, Amoz AY-muhz, Ampliatus am-plee-AY-tuhs, Anakim , Ananias an-uh-NAI-uhs, Anathoth AN-uh-thahth, Andronicus an-draw-NAI-kuhs, Angela Merici AN-dzheh-luh_meh-REE-tshee, Annas AN-uhs, Anselm AN-sehlm, Ansgar ANS-gahr, Antichrist AN-tih-kraist, Antioch AN-tih-ahk, Antiochus an-TAI-uh-kuhs, Aphek AY-phek, Aphiah uh-FAI-uh, Apocrypha uh-PAH-krih-fuh, Apollos uh-PAH-luhs, Apostasy uh-PAHS-tuh-see, Apphia AF-ee-uh, Appius AP-ee-uhs, Aquila uh-KWIHL-uh, Aquinas uh-KWAI-nuhs, Arab EHR-uhb, Baal BAY-uhl, Baal-Shalishah BAY-uhl-shuh-LAI-shuh, Baal-Zephon BAY-uhl-ZEE-fuhn, Baasha BAY-uh-shuh, Babel BAY-bl, Babylon BAB-ih-luhn, Babylonian bab-ih-LO-nih-uhn, Bahurim bah-HOOR-ihm, Balaam BAY-lm, Balak BAY-lak, Balamon BAL-uh-muhn, Baptize bap-TAIZ, Barabbas , Barak BEHR-ak, Barnabas BAHR-nuh-buhs, Barsabbas BAHR-suh-buhs, Bartholomew bar-THAHL-uh-myoo, Bartimaeus bar-tih-MEE-uhs, Baruch BEHR-ook, Bashan BAY-shan, Bathsheba bath-SHEE-buh, Bdellium DEHL-yoom, Becket BEHK-eht, Becorath bee-KO-rath, Bede beed, Beelzebul bee-EHL-zee-buhl, Beer-Lahairoi BEE-er-luh-HAI-roi, Beer-Sheba BEE-er-SHEE-buh, Bellarmine BEHL-er-mihn, Belshazzar behl-SHAZ-er, Benedict BEHN-eh-dihkt, Benjaminite BEHN-dzhuh-mihn-ait, Beor BEE-awr, Berechiah behr-ehk-AI-uh, Bethany BEHTH-uh-nee, Bethel BETH-el, Bethesda beh-THEHZ-duh, Bethlehem BEHTH-leh-hehm, Beth-Millo BEHTH-mihl-o, Beth-Peor behth-PEE-awr, Bethphage BEHTH-fuh-dzhee, Bethsaida behth-SAY-ih-duh, Bethulia bee-THOO-lee-uh, Beth-Zur behth-ZER, Bethrothed bee-trothd, Bildad BIHL-dad, Bithynia BIHL-dad, Bitumen bih-TYOO-mn, Blase blayz, Boanerges bo-uh-NER-dzheez, Boaz BO-az, Bonaventure bah-nuh-VEHN-tsher, Booths bouths, Borromeo baw-ro-MAY-o, Bosco BAHS-ko, Brazier BRAY-zher, Bridget BRIH-dzhet, Brigand BRIH-gnd, Brindisi brihn-DEE-zee, Bullock BUL-uhk. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Also, in addition to the above issues, the following were advised to be addressed in the second sermon: What will be useful for all Muslims in this world and hereafter. ee'skuh-] * [ Aesop* - - w00 2/1 6 - EE-sahp', EE-suhp] * [ Agabus - Ag'abus - Acts 11:28 (g13) - AG-uh-buhs] * [ Agag - A'gag - 1 Samuel 15:8 (h90) - AY-gag] * [ Agagite - Ag'agite - Esther 3:1 (h91) - AG-uh-gi t] * [ agape* - aga'pe - 1 Corinthians 13:4, 13 ftn. [1][2], It is a common Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims and Arabs around the world: in formal Salah (prayer),[2] in the Adhan (Islamic call to prayer),[3] in Hajj, as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress or joy, or to express resolute determination or defiance. Thus, ignoring Bible pronunciation skills until grammar and vocabulary have improved will often mean ignoring Bible pronunciation altogether. The Quran proclaims, "Say: 'My lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a right religion, the creed of Abraham, an upright man who was no polytheist.'" [12][13], In Arabic, the term nab (Arabic plural form: , anbiy) means "prophet". "[27] "Assuredly God will defend those who believe. Many verses in the Quran discuss this: Numerous other people have been mentioned by scholars in the Hadith, exegesis, commentary. SER-uh-fim, -a-] * [ Serapis* - - it "Dream" - sih-RAH-pis, suh-RAY-puhs] * [ Sergius Paulus - Sergius Paulus, it Pau'lus - Acts 13:7 (g4588 + g3972) - SUHR-juhs, SUHR-jih-uhs PAW-luhs] * [ sergeant - ("constables" in NW) - Acts 16:35 AS, DRB, KJ (g4465) - SAHR-juhnt] * [ Serug - Se'rug - Genesis 11:20 (h8286) - SEE-ruhg] * [ Seveneh] * [ (Syene in most Bibles) - ("Syene" in NW) - Ezekiel 30:6 AS, WEB (h5482) - suh-VEN-uh] * [ Shaddai, El - (Heb. An accurate Jum'ah was said to fulfill certain conditions, including the follows: Replacement prayer for Dhuhr on Fridays when performed in a mosque in congregation, "Hashemi, Kamran." He was also the progenitor of the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin. Achaemenids) - - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. Thus, ignoring Bible pronunciation skills until grammar and vocabulary have improved will often mean ignoring Bible pronunciation altogether. WebThe Battle of Uhud (Arabic: , Arabic pronunciation: [az'wat'u uud]) was fought on Saturday, 23 March 625 AD (7 Shawwal, 3 AH), in the valley north of Mount Uhud. Id like an appointment with Dr. [ Habakkuk - Habak'kuk (Bible book) - Habakkuk 1:1 (h2265) - huh-BAK-uhk, not huh-BAK-uh] * [ habergeon - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Exodus 28:32 KJ (h8473) - HAB-uhr-juhn, huh-BUHR-jee-uhn] * [ Habiru*; Hapiru* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - hah-BEE-roo; hah-PEE-roo] * [ Hacaliah - Hacali'ah - Nehemiah 1:1 (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hachaliah - ("Hacaliah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 Da, KJ, Yg (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hadad - Ha'dad - 1 Kings 11:14 (h1908) - HAY-dad] * [ Hadadezer - Hadade'zer - 2 Samuel 8:3 (h1909) - had'ad-EE-zuhr] * [ Hadadrimmon - Hadadrim'mon - Zechariah 12:11 (h1910) - hay'dad-RIM-uhn] * [ Hadassah] * [ (aka Esther) - Hadas'sah - Esther 2:7 (h1919) - huh-DAS-uh] * [ Hades] * [ (Hell, death, realm of the dead, She'ol, world of the dead in some Bibles) - Ha'des - Revelation 1:18 (g86) - HAY-deez(')] * [ Hadrach - Ha'drach - Zechariah 9:1 (h2317) - HAY-drak] * [ Hadrian* - - it "Jerusalem" - HAY-dree-uhn] * [ Hagar - Ha'gar - Genesis 16:1 (h1904) - HAY-gahr] * [ Haggadah* - - w98 5/15 29 - huh-GAH-duh, not HAG-uh-dah] * [ Haggai - Hag'gai (Bible book) - Haggai 1:1 (h2292) - HAG-i] * [ Hagiographa* - - it "Hebrew Scriptures" - hag'ee-OG-ruh-fuh] * [ Hagrite - Hag'rite - 1 Chronicles 27:31 - HAG-ri t] * [ hajj*] * [ (also hadj) - - g94 3/8 24 - HAHJ, HAJ] * [ hajji*] * [ (also hadji) - - g94 3/8 24 - HAJ-ee] * [ Halacha* or Halakah* - - g91 6/8 29 - hah'lah-KAH] * [ Halicarnassus* - - g97 11/8 25 - hal'uh-kahr-NAS-uhs] * [ Hallelujah] * [ (also Alleluia) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" Some readers think they need to say each word separately, but they are wrong. for "Areopagus" - AR-eez('), AIR-eez, ER-eez(')] * [ Aretas - Are'tas - 2 Corinthians 11:32 - uh-REE-tuhs, -tas] * [ Arian*; Arianism* - - w98 3/15 27, 28 - AR-ee-uhn, ER-; AR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ER-] * [ Ariel - Ar'iel - Isaiah 29:1 (h740) - AIR-ee-uhl, AHR-ee-el] * [ Arimathea] * [ (Arimathaea in some Bibles) - Arimathe'a - Matthew 27:57 (g707) - air'uh-muh-THEE-uh] * [ Arioch - Ar'ioch - Daniel 2:14 (h746) - AIR-ee-ok] * [ Aristarchus - Aristar'chus - Acts 20:4 (g708) - air'is-TAHR-kuhs] * [ Aristobulus - Aristob'ulus - Romans 16:10 (g711) - air'is-TOB-yuh-luhs] * [ Aristotelian* - - dp 155 - air'uh-stuh-TEEL-yuhn, -TEE-lee-uhn] * [ Aristotle* - - dp 155 - air'uh-STAH-tuhl, ar'ih-STOT-uhl] * [ Arius* - - w98 3/15 28 - AR-ee-uhs, ER-] * [ Armada* (Spanish) - - w88 5/15 24; dp 138 - ahr-MAH-duh, -MAY-] * [ Armageddon] * [ (aka Har-Magedon) - (Armageddon in KJ, DRB, and others) - Revelation 16:16 ftn. The Prophet has been reported saying: The Jum'ah prayer is half the Zuhr (dhuhr) prayer, for convenience, preceded by a khutbah (a sermon as a technical replacement of the two reduced rakat of the ordinary Zuhr (dhuhr) prayer), and followed by a congregational prayer, led by the imm. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce L words in the Bible: [ Laban - La'ban - Genesis 24:29 (h3837) - LAY-buhn, LAY-ban] * [ labdanum] * [ (variant ladanum)] * [ (gum, resin, spicery, spices, tragacanth in some Bibles) - labdanum, it lab'danum - Genesis 37:25 (h5219) - LAB-duh-nuhm (listen), variant LAD-nuhm, LA-duhn-uhm, LAD-n-uhm (listen)] * [ Lachish - La'chish - 2 Chronicles 25:27 (h3923) - LAY-kish] * [ Laconia* - - - luh-KOH-nee-uh, -KOH-nyuh] * [ lacuna*] * [ (pl. el.y -= startY; Muhammad, God's final messenger and the revelator of the Quran, is a descendant of Abraham. His birthplace, Mecca, was a central pilgrimage site and a trading center where many tribes and religions were in constant contact. Its estimated metro WebSatan, also known as the Devil, and sometimes also called Lucifer in Christianity, is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. "[20], Classical Islamic teaching, especially Shia Islam,[21] teach that unlike other human beings, prophets have the quality of imah, i.e., are protected by God from making mistakes or committing grave sins. - ih-klee'zee-AS-teez] * [ ecclesiastic* - - w89 9/1 4 - ih-klee'zee-AS-tik] * [ Ecclesiasticus* - - it "Apocrypha - ih-klee'zee-AS-tih-kuhs] * [ ecumenical* - - w86 5/15 24 - ek'yoo-MEN-ih-kuhl] * [ Edrei - Ed'rei - Numbers 21:33 (h154) - ED-ree-i] * [ Eglaim - Egla'im - Isaiah 15:8 (h97) - eeg-LAY-im, ehg-LAY-im] * [ Eglon - Eg'lon - Judges 3:12 (h5700) - EG-lon] * [ Egypt; Egyptian - Egypt; Egyptian - Genesis 39:1 (h4714; h376 + h4713) - EE-jipt; ih-JIP-shuhn] * [ Ehud - E'hud - Judges 3:15 - EE-huhd (rhymes with "bud")] * [ eisegesis* (compare exegesis) - - - i'suh-JEE-suhs, I-suh-jee'suhs] * [ Ekron - Ek'ron - Judges 1:18 (h6138) - EK-ruhn, EK-ron] * [ Elam - E'lam - Genesis 10:22 (h5867) - EE-lam, EE-luhm] * [ Elamite - E'lam-ites - Ezra 4:9 (h5962); Acts 2:9 (g1639) - EE-lah-mi t, EE-luh-mi t] * [ Eleazar] * [ (compare Eliezer) - Elea'zar - Exodus 6:23 (h499) - el'ee-AY-zuhr, not ee'lee-] * [ electrum - electrum - Ezekiel 1:27 (h2830) - ih-LEK-truhm] * [ El-elohe-Israel] * [ (Elelohe-Israel; El, the God of Israel; Godthe God of Israel in some Bibles) - ("God the God of Israel" in NW) - Genesis 33:20 KJ (h415) - el-el'oh-heh-IS-ray-uhl] * [ Elephantine*] * [ (Egyptian island) - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - eh'luh-fan'TI -nee (listen), -fuhn-, -TEE-] * [ Eleusinian* - - w97 2/15 27 - el'yu-SIN-ee-uhn] * [ Eleusis* - - w97 2/15 27 - ih-LOO-sis, -suhs] * [ Eli - E'li - 1 Samuel 1:9 (h5941) - EE-li] * [ Eliezer] * [ (compare Eleazar) - Elie'zer - Genesis 15:2 (h461) - el'ee-EE-zuhr] * [ Elihu - Eli'hu - Job 32:2 (h453) - ih-LI -hoo, -hyoo] * [ Elijah - Eli'jah - 1 Kings 17:1 (h452) - ih-LI -juh] * [ Elimelech - Elim'elech - Ruth 1:2 (h458) - ih-LIM-uh-lek, eh-LIM-uh-lek] * [ Eliphaz - El'iphaz - Job 2:11 (h464) - EL-ih-faz, EL-uh-faz(')] * [ Eliphelet] * [ (Eliphalath, Eliphalet, Eliphaleth in some Bibles) - Eliph'elet - 2 Samuel 5:16 (h467) - ih-LIF-uh-let] * [ Eliseus - ("Elijah" in NW) - Luke 4:27 DRB (g1666) - el'uh-SEE-uhs] * [ Elisha - Eli'sha - 1 Kings 19:16 (h477) - ih-LI -shuh] * [ Elishama - Elish'ama - Jeremiah 36:12 (h476) - eh-LISH-ah-muh, ih-LISH-uh-muh, ee-] * [ Elisheba - Eli'sheba - Exodus 6:23 (h472) - ih-LISH-uh-buh, ih-LI -shuh-buh] * [ Elizabeth - Elizabeth, it Eliz'abeth - Luke 1:5 (g1665) - ih-LIH-zuh-buhth, ee-LIH-zuh-buhth] * [ Elkanah - Elka'nah - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h511) - el-KAY-nuh, el-KAY-nah] * [ Elkosh; Elkoshite] * [ (from Elkosh in some Bibles) - El'koshite - Nahum 1:1 (h512) - EL-kosh; EL-kosh-i t] * [ Ellasar - Ella'sar - Genesis 14:1 (h495) - uh-LAY-sahr, EL-uh-sahr] * [ Elmadam] * [ (Elmodam in some Bibles) - Elma'dam - Luke 3:29 (g1678) - el-MAY-dam, el-MAY-duhm (el-MOH-duhm in some Bibles)] * [ El Shaddai; El Shadday - Heb. They justified the practice under the newly promoted Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists doctrine. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj an-Naysaburi relates that the Islamic prophet Muhammad used to read Surah 87 (Al-Ala) and Surah 88, (Al-Ghashiya), in Eid Prayers and also in Friday prayers. Some segmentals are very difficult for Bible readers from certain language backgrounds to say, especially if the sound does not exist in their language. WebThe Takbir (Arabic: , pronounced , "magnification [of God]") is the name for the Arabic phrase Allhu akbar u ( , pronounced [a.a.hu ak.baru] ()), meaning "God is the greatest".. He was also the progenitor of the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin.Unlike Rachel's first son, Joseph, Benjamin was born in Canaan according to biblical narrative. 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Thus, ignoring Bible pronunciation skills until grammar and vocabulary have improved will often mean ignoring Bible pronunciation altogether. 1. l, b . [7] These sources go on to state that Benjamin's oath touched Joseph so deeply that Joseph was no longer able to pretend to be a stranger. [23], Some doubt whether there is Quranic basis for imah,[22] but the notion became "mainstream Sunni doctrine" by the ninth century CE. Web2) Bible pronunciation is generally much easier to learn at an early age. [4], The Arabic word (kabr) means great from the Semitic root k-b-r. (page 511) "So he got off his horse and came at him and 'Ali advanced with his shield. Use the phonetic guide below for examples of the various "sounds". Use the phonetic guide below for examples of the various "sounds". "We have made the evil ones friends to those without faith. (Viewed on August 6, 2014). Carl Ernest, the author of How to Read the Quran: A New Guide, with Select Translations, states, "The Quran frequently consoles Muhammad and defends him against his opponents. The other approach argues she was not Egyptian by descent, but was from the family of Jacob. WebThe Zuhr prayer (Arabic: alt a-uhr, "noon prayer") is one of the five mandatory salah (Islamic prayer). Biblical scholarship distinguishes between two narratives for the site of Rachel's burial, a northern one suggesting a site north of Jerusalem near Ramah (modern Al-Ram), and a southern one placing it close to Bethlehem. Web'The circulated or encircled', Hejazi pronunciation: [at tajf]) is a city and governorate in the Makkan Region of Saudi Arabia. else{ sometimes it dropped. WebSatan, also known as the Devil, and sometimes also called Lucifer in Christianity, is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. KOH-duh-seez, KAH-] * [ Codommanus* - - dp 169 - koh-duh-MAN-uhs, kod-uh-] * [ Coele-Syria*; Coelesyria* - - it "Lebanon"; dp 221 - see'lee-SIHR-ee-uh] * [ coeval* - - w66 12/1 724 - koh-EE-vuhl] * [ colophon* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - KOL-uh-fon] * [ Colossae - Colos'sae - Colossians 1:2 (g2857) - kuh-LOS-ee, kah-LOS-see] * [ Colossians - Colossians (Bible book) - Colossians (book title) - kuh-LOSH-uhnz, -LAH-shuhnz, also -shee-uhnz, -see-] * [ colporteur* - - g01 12/8 24 - KAHL-pohr'tuhr, -por'-, kahl'pohr-TUHR, -por-] * [ Colosseum* - - it "Rome" - kah'luh-SEE-uhm] * [ colter or coulter - ("mattock" in NW) - 1 Samuel 13:20 AS, KJ, Yg (h855) - KOHL-tuhr] * [ comely - comely - Song of Solomon 1:5 (h5000) - KUM-lee, KUHM-, also KOHM- or KAHM-] * [ comfortable - ("comforting" in NW) - Zechariah 1:13 (h5150) - KUHM-fuhr-tuh-buhl (listen), (by metathesis KUMF-tuhr-buhl)] * [ Complutensian Polyglot* - - w92 6/15 9 - kom-ploo-ten'see-uhn POL-ee-glot] * [ concision - ("those who mutilate the flesh" in NW) - Philippians 3:2 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2699) - kuhn-SIH-zhuhn] * [ concubinage* - - w02 8/1 30 - kahn-KYOO-buh-nij (listen), kuhn-] * [ concubine - concubine - 2 Samuel 3:7 (h6370) - KON(G)-kyuh-bi n, KAHN-] * [ concupiscence - ("sexual appetite" in NW) - 1 Thessalonians 4:5 KJ - kahn-KYUH-puh-suhn(t)s, kuhn-, kon-KYOO-pih-suhns, kong-] * [ coney] *, Bible Pronunciation--How To Pronounce C Words In the Bible, [ (daman, hyrax, rock badger in some Bibles) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 AS, KJ (h8227) - KOH-nee, also KUH-nee] * [ conscience] * [ (compare conscious) - conscience - Romans 2:15 (g4893) - KAHN(T)-shuhn(t)s] * [ conscious] * [ (compare conscience) - conscious - Ecclesiastes 9:5 (h3045) - KAHN(T)-shuhs] * [ consecrate] * [ (consecrated the hand, fill the hands, make holy, ordain in some Bibles) - ("fill the hand with power" in NW) - Exodus 29:9 (h4390 + h3027) - KAHN(T)-suh-krayt] * [ conspicuous - conspicuous - Daniel 8:5 (h2380) - kuhn-SPIK-yoo-uhs] * [ Constantine* - - it "Rome" - KAHN(T)-stuhn-teen', -ti n'] * [ Constantinople* - - it "Rome" - kahn'stan'tuh-NOH-puhl] * [ contemn - ("disrespected" in NW; "rejected" in NW) - Psalm 10:13 KJ (h5006); Ezekiel 21:3 KJ (h3988) - kuhn-TEM] * [ convocation - ("convention" in NW) - Exodus 12:16 AS. WebThe Zuhr prayer (Arabic: alt a-uhr, "noon prayer") is one of the five mandatory salah (Islamic prayer). KHAH-nuh-kuh, Seph. an appointment with Dr. Brown, an appointment with Dr. Brown, an 1. Heb. ftlObj.y += (pY - startY - ftlObj.y)/8; For example, when they are very happy, to express approval, to prevent a Muslim from becoming prideful by reminding them that Allah is their source of success, as a battle cry, or during times of extreme stress. SHAW-luhm ah-LAY-khem, ah-lay-KHEM, shah-LOHM] * [ shaman* - - w94 12/15 20 - SHAH-muhn, SHAY-muhn, also shuh-MAHN] * [ Shamgar - Sham'gar - Judges 3:31 (h8044) - SHAM-gahr] * [ shanah'] * [ (Hebrew "year") - (shanah') - it "Year" (h8141) - shah-NAH (listen)] * [ Shaphan - Sha'phan - 2 Kings 22:3 (h8227) - SHAY-fuhn] * [ Shaphir] * [ (Saphir in some Bibles) - Sha'phir - Micah 1:11 (h8208) - SHAY-fuhr, SHAY-fihr] * [ Sharezer - Share'zer - 2 Kings 19:37 (h8272) - shuh-REE-zuhr, shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Sharia* or Shariah* - - g79 7/8 7 - shah-REE-uh] * [ Sharon - Shar'on - Isaiah 33:9 (h8289); Acts 9:35 (g4565) - SHAIR-uhn, SHER-uhn] * [ Shaveh-kiriathaim - Sha'veh-kiriatha'im - Genesis 14:5 (h7741) - SHAY-vuh-kihr-ee-uh-THAY-im] * [ Shealtiel - Sheal'tiel - Ezra 5:2 (h7598); Matthew 1:12 (g4528) - shee-AL-tee-uhl, shee-AL-tee-el] * [ Shear-jashub - She'ar-ja'shub - Isaiah 7:3 (h7610) - SHEE-uhr-JAY-shuhb, SHEE-ahr-] * [ Shebat] * [ (Sabat, Sabath, Sebat in some Bibles) - She'bat - Zechariah 1:7 (h7627) - SHEE-bat] * [ Shebna - Sheb'na - Isaiah 22:15 (h7644) - SHEB-nuh] * [ Shechem - She'chem - Genesis 33:18 (h7927) - SHEE-kuhm, SHEE-kem'] * [ sheik] * [ (chiefly Brit. This means that they are more likely not only to sound like natives when they speak, but also to understand which sounds are in words that natives to them (i.e., improved listening comprehension). Poetry especially, in the Arabian context, connects the Quran to Pre-Islamic poetry which originates from the jihn; however, the Quran's place within other religious contexts gives the revelation to Muhammed the same authority of the Hebrew texts and the New Testament. [19], He has ordained for you believers the Way which He decreed for Noah, and what We have revealed to you O Prophet and what We decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, commanding: Uphold the faith, and make no divisions in it., Prophets in Islam are exemplars to ordinary humans. [15][16], This article is about the biblical figure. Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo. Naaman NAY-uh-muhn , Naboth NAY-buhth , Nahor NAY-kawr , Nahshon NAY-shuhn , Nahum NAY-huhm , Naim NAY-ihm , Naomi NAY-o-mai , Naphtali NAF-tuh-lai , Nathan NAY-thuhn , Nathanael nuh-THAN-ay-ehl , Nazareth NAZ-uh-rehth , Nazorean naz-aw-REE-uhn , Neapolis nee-AP-o-lihs , Nebat NEE-bat , Nebo NEE-bo , Nebuchadnezzar neh-byoo-kuhd-NEHZ-er , Nebuzaradan neh-byoo-zahr-AY-dan , Negeb NEH-gehb , Nehemiah nee-hee-MAI-uh , Nehushta nee-HUHSH-tuh , Ner ner , Nereus NEE-roos , Neri NEE-rai , Nether NETH-er , Nicanor nai-KAY-nawr , Nicodemus nih-ko-DEE-muhs , Nicolaus nih-ko-LAY-us , Niger NAI-dzher , Nimshi NIHM-shai , Nineveh NIHN-eh-veh , Ninevites NIHN-eh-vaits , Nisan NAI-san , Noah NO-uh , Nun NAI-san. [8] Textual scholars believe that this is the result of the genealogical passage, in which his children are named, being from a much later source than the Jahwist and Elohist narratives, which make up most of the Joseph narrative, and which consistently describe Benjamin as a child.[7]. The Quran mentions that Abraham prayed for wisdom and later received it. WebEtymology. 8 - ik-SPAH-zuh-tohr'ee, -tawr'-] * [ exquisite - exquisite - Psalm 37:11 (h6026) - ek-SKWIH-zuht, EK-skwi(')-] * [ exult; exultation] * [ (compare: exalt, exaltation) - exult, exultation - Isaiah 62:5 (h7797; h4885) - ig-ZUHLT; ek'suhl(')-TAY-shuhn, eg'zuhl(')-] * [ Ezekiel - Ezekiel (Bible book), it Eze'kiel - Ezekiel 1:3 (h3168) - ih-ZEE-kee-uhl, -kyuhl] * [ Ezion-geber - E'zion-ge'ber - 1 Kings 9:26 (h6100) - ee'zee-ahn-GEE-buhr, -uhn-, not -JEE-buhr] * [ Ezra - Ez'ra (Bible book) - Ezra 7:1 (h5830) - EZ-ruh] *. WebKorah (Hebrew: Qra; Arabic: Qrn), son of Izhar, is an individual who appears in the Book of Numbers of the Hebrew Bible and four different verses in the Quran, known for leading a rebellion against Moses.Some older English translations, as well as the DouayRheims Bible, spell the name Core, and many Eastern European translations have She was hired as a wetnurse to the painter's son Titus, but lived with Rembrandt as his lover for several years.The relationship broke up acrimoniously, leading to a lengthy court-case for "breach of promise" (a This signals the start of the main two rak'at prayer of Jum'ah. Attendance is strictly incumbent upon all adult males who are legal residents of the locality. And it is a replacement of Zuhr prayer. [14] In the Book of Jubilees, she is said to be given to Joseph to marry by the Pharaoh,[15] a daughter of Potiphar, a high priest of Heliopolis, with no clarification as to whether or not this Potiphar is the same Potiphar whose wife falsely accused Joseph of attempting to rape her. Heb. WebThe word muslim (Arabic: , IPA: ; English: / m z l m /, / m z l m /, / m s l m / or moslem / m z l m /, / m s l m /) is the active participle of the same verb of which islm is a verbal noun, based on the triliteral S-L-M "to be whole, intact". [31] Some were called to prophesy at a young age, such as John the Baptist. [36], The Quran presents the world of Abraham as interlocking dramas or conflicts. Heb. Some words have only one syllable; most words have more. The Zahirite ("literalist") school argued that Mary as well as Sara the mother of Isaac, and Asiya, the mother of Moses are not considered as prophets. "Fortress of the Muslim: Invocations from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Rachel (Hebrew: , romanized:Rl, lit. WebAntioch on the Orontes (/ n t i. k /; Ancient Greek: , Antikheia h ep Orntou, Learned Koine Greek pronunciation: [anti..ke.a h e.p orn.tu]; also Syrian Antioch) was a Hellenistic, and later, a Biblical Christian city, founded by Seleucus I Nicator in 300 BC. 'The Enlightened City', Hejazi pronunciation: [almadina almnawara]) and also commonly simplified as Madnah or Madinah (, al-Madina, Hejazi pronunciation: ), is the second-holiest city in Islam, and the capital of the Medina Province of Saudi Arabia. Hence, if Salat al-Jum'ah is offered then it is not necessary to offer Zuhr prayer. luh-KYOO-nee('), -KOO-ni '] * [ Laish] * [ (aka Leshem and Dan) - La'ish - Judges 18:27 (h3919) - LAY-ish] * [ lamedh, also lamed] * [ (Hebrew letter) - La'medh - Psalm 119:89 (verse heading) - LAH-mid] * [ Lamentations (Book of); lamentation - Lamentations (Bible book); lamentation - Jeremiah 9:18 (h5092) - lam'en-TAY-shuhnz; lam'en-TAY-shuhn] * [ lammergeier* - - g96 2/22 25; it "Vulture" - LAM-uhr-gi '(-uh)r] * [ Laodicea; Laodiceans - Laodice'a; Laodice'ans - Colossians 2:1 (g2993); 4:16 (g2993) - lay-od'ih-SEE-uh, lay-oh-duh-SEE-uh, lay(')-ah'duh-, lay'uh-duh-; lay-oh-duh-SEE-uhnz] * [ Lapis lazuli - ("sapphire" in NW) - Lamentations 4:7 By, LITV, MKJV (h5601) - lap'uhs-LA-zuh-lee, -LA-zhuh-] * [ Lares* - - - LAIR-eez('), LER-] * [ lares [and] penates* - - w65 8/1 475 - LAIR-eez('), LER-; puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ lasciviousness] * [ (flagrant sexual immorality, licentiousness, lustfulness, promiscuity in some Bibles) - ("loose conduct" in NW) - Galatians 5:19 AS, KJ, Yg (g766) - luh-SIV-ee-uhs-nuhs] * [ laver] * [ (basin, bowl, washing bowl in some Bibles) - ("basin" in NW) - Exodus 30:18 AS, By, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (h3595) - LAY-vuhr] * [ Lazarus - Laz'arus - John 11:1 (g2976) - LAZ-uh-ruhs] * [ Leah - Le'ah - Genesis 29:16 (h3812) - LEE-uh] * [ leaven - leaven - Matthew 16:11 (g2219) - LEV-uhn] * [ Lebanon - Leb'anon - Psalm 72:16 (h3844) - LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ Lebbaeus or Lebbeus] * [ (name omitted from many Bibles) - - Matthew 10:3 KJ (g3002) - lih-BEE-uhs] * [ Legion; legion - Legion; legions - Mark 5:9 (g3003); Matthew 26:53 (g3003) - LEE-juhn, LEE-juhnz] * [ Lemuel - Lem'uel - Proverbs 31:1 (h3927) - LEM-yoo-uhl] * [ leprosy - leprosy - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h6883) - LEP-ruh-see (listen), not LEP-er-see] * [ leprous - leprous - Luke 17:12 (g3015) - LEP-ruhs (listen), not LEP-uh-ruhs] * [ Leshem] * [ (aka Dan, Laish)] * [ (a city; compare leshem) - Le'shem - Joshua 19:47 (h3959) - LEE-shem] * [ leshem] * [ (a stone; compare Leshem)] * [ (jacinth, ligure, ligurius, opal, turquoise in some Bibles) - lesh'em - Exodus 28:19 (h3958) - LESH-uhm] * [ Levant* - - g91 1/22 17 - luh-VANT (listen), lih-, not -VAHNT] * [ Levantine* - - it "Aramaic" - LEV-uhn-ti n, -teen', luh-VAN-tin, lih-VAN-ti n] * [ Leviathan] * [ (great sea[-]animal, sea dragon in some Bibles) - Levi'athan - Job 41:1 (h3882) - luh-VI -uh-thuhn, lih-] * [ levirate - ("brother-in-law marriage" in NW) - Deuteronomy 25:7 LITV, MKJV (h2992) - LEV-uh-rit, -uh-rayt', LEE-vuhr-it, -vuh-rayt'] * [ Levite - Levite - Exodus 4:14 (h3881) - LEE-vi t, LEE-vi tz] * [ Levitical - Levitical - Ezekiel 43:19 (h3881) - lih-VIT-ih-kuhl] * [ Leviticus - Leviticus (Bible book) - it "Leviticus" - lih-VIT-ih-kuhs] * [ lexicon* - - w99 2/1 31 - LEK-suh-kahn', -kuhn, -sih-kon] * [ lexicographer* - - it "Language" - lek'suh-KAH-gruh-fuhr] * [ lex talionis* - - g77 6/8 27 - leks' tal-ee-OH-nis] * [ libation] * [ (agreement, alliances, covering, league[s], treaties in some Bibles) - libation - Isaiah 30:1 (h4541) - li -BAY-shuhn] * [ Libertine] * [ (Freedmen, Freed Slaves in some Bibles) - ("Freedmen" in NW) - "Libertines" in Acts 6:9 AS, DRB, KJ (g3032) - LIB-uhr-teen', -tihn] * [ Libya - Lib'ya - Acts 2:10 (g3033) - LIB-ee-uh (listen), not LIB-yuh] * [ lightning - lightning - Matthew 24:27 (g796) - LI T-ning (listen), not LI -tuh-ning'] * [ lign-aloes - ("aloe plants" in NW) - Numbers 24:6 AS, KJ (h174) - lin-AL-ohz'] * [ ligure] * [ (jacinth, ligurius, opal, turquoise in some Bibles) - ("lesh'em stone" in NW) - Exodus 28:19 KJ (h3958) - LIH-gyur, LIH-gyuhr] * [ lilith] * [ (lamia, night creature, night-demon Lilith, night monster, night owl, screech owls in some Bibles) - ("nightjar" in NW) - Isaiah 34:14 Da (h3917) - LIH-luhth, LIL-ith] * [ lingam* - - sh 99 - LING-guhm] * [ Linus - Li'nus - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g3044) - LI -nuhs] * [ liturgical* - - w99 12/1 31 - lih-TUHR-jih-kuhl] * [ liturgy* - - w99 7/1 28 - LIH-tuhr-jee] * [ Lo-ammi - Lo-am'mi - Hosea 1:9 (h3818) - loh-AM-i] * [ loathsome] * [ (abominable in some Bibles) - loathsome - Ezekiel 8:10 (h8263) - LOHTH-suhm, LOHTH-] * [ locust - locust - Exodus 10:19 (h697) - LOH-kust (listen)] * [ Lo-debar - Lo-de'bar - 2 Samuel 9:5 (h3810) - loh-DEE-bar, -buhr] * [ Logos*] * [ (a title; "Word" in most Bibles)] * [ (also logos, Greek "word") - - John 1:1 ftn. During the Gulf War in January 1991, Saddam Hussein held a meeting with top military commanders, where it was decided to add the words Allhu akbar (described as the Islamic battle cry)[33] to Iraq's flag to boost his secular regime's religious credentials, casting himself as the leader of an Islamic army. Special attention should be paid to issues in the Muslim world. Muslims believe that many prophets existed, including many not mentioned in the Quran. [30] According to a survey published in 2010, 20% of the French Muslims claimed to go regularly to the mosque for the Friday service. ma-NOH-uh] * [ mantra* - - g84 2/22 8 - MAN-truh, MUHN-, MAHN-] * [ Manu* - - sh 120 - MAN-oo(')] * [ manumission* - - Isiah 61:1 ftn. - nab'uh-NI -duhs, not na-BON-ih-duhs] * [ Nabopolassar* - - it "Chaldea" - nab'uh-puh-LAS-uhr, nab-oh-poh-LAS-er] * [ Naboth - Na'both - 1 Kings 21:1 (h5022) - NAY-both] * [ Nadab - Na'dab - Exodus 6:23 (h5070) - NAY-dab] * [ Naggai] * [ (Nagge in some Bibles) - Nag'gai - Luke 3:25 (g3477) - NAG-uh-i, NAG-i (NAG-ee in some Bibles)] * [ Nahash - Na'hash - 1 Samuel 11:1 (h5176) - NAY-hash] * [ Nahbi - Nah'bi - Numbers 13:14 (h5147) - NAH-bi] * [ Nahshon - Nah'shon - Ruth 4:20 (h5177) - NAH-shon, not NAY-shon] * [ Nahum - Na'hum (Bible book) - Nahum 1:1 (h5151) - NAY-huhm, NAY-uhm] * [ Nain - Na'in - Luke 7:11 (g3484) - NAY-in, NAYN] * [ Naioth - Nai'oth - 1 Samuel 19:18 (h5121) - NI -oth, NAY-yoth] * [ Naomi - Na'omi - Ruth 1:2 (h5281) - NAY-oh-mee, -mi, commonly nay-OH-mee] * [ Naphtali - Naph'tali - Genesis 30:8 (h5321) - NAF-tuh-li] * [ Narcissus - Narcis'sus - Romans 16:11 (g3488) - nahr-SIS-uhs] * [ nascent* - - g92 3/22 6 - NAS-uhnt, NAY-suhnt] * [ Nashim* - - w97 11/15 26 - NAY-shim] * [ Nathan - Nathan, it Na'than - 2 Chronicles 9:29 (h5416) - NAY-thuhn] * [ Nathanael - Nathan'ael - John 1:45 (g3482) - nuh-THAN-ay-uhl, nuh-THAN-yuhl] * [ naught, also nought - - In KJ "naught" is used for many Hebrew and Greek words: (h205; h369; h434; h656; h657; h659; h1697; h2600; h3808; h5034; h6331; h6544; h6565; h7451; h8045; h8414) and (g557; g1432; g1847; g1848; g2049; g2673; g3762) - NAWT, NAHT] * [ Nazarene - Nazarene' - Matthew 2:23 (g3480) - na'zuh-REEN] * [ Nazareth - Naz'areth - Matthew 2:23 (g3478) - NAZ-uh-ruhth, not NAZ-uh-rus] * [ Nazirite] * [ (also Nazarite) - Naz'irite - Numbers 6:2 (h5139) - NAZ-uh-ri t] * [ Neapolis - Neap'olis - Acts 16:11 (g3496) - nee-AP-puh-lis] * [ Nebaioth - Neba'ioth - Isaiah 60:7 (h5032) - nee-BAY-yoth, nih-, nih-BAY-oth] * [ Nebo] * [ (compare Nego) - Ne'bo - Deuteronomy 32:49 (h5015) - NEE-boh] * [ Nebuchadnezzar] * [ (compare Nebuchadrezzar) - Nebuchadnez'zar - 2 Kings 24:1 (h5019) - neb'uh-kuhd-NEZ-uhr, ne'byuh-kuh-NE-zuhr, neb'yoo-kuhd-NEZ-uhr] * [ Nebuchadrezzar] * [ (compare Nebuchadnezzar) - Nebuchadrez'zar - Jeremiah 21:2 (h5019) - neb'uh-kuh-DREZ-uhr, ne'byuh-kuh-DRE-zuhr, -buh-, neb'yoo-kuhd-REZ-uhr] * [ Nebuzaradan - Nebu'zarad'an - Jeremiah 39:10 (h5018) - neb-yoo'zuh-RAD-uhn, neb-yoo'zuhr-AD-uhn] * [ Necho - Ne'cho - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h5224) - NEE-koh] * [ necromancer] * [ (channeling with the dead, consult the dead, consult the spirits of the dead, one inquiring of the dead, that seeketh the truth from the dead in some Bibles) - ("anyone who inquires of the dead" in NW) - Deuteronomy 18:11 AS, KJ (h1875 + h413 + h4191) - NEK-ruh-man(t)'suhr] * [ necromancy* - - it "Divination" - NEK-ruh-man(t)'see] * [ Negeb] * [ (Negev, South, Southern Desert in some Bibles) - Neg'eb - Genesis 12:9 (h5045) - NEG-eb, NAY-geb, not NEE-geb] * [ Negev] * [ (also Negeb) - ("Negeb" in NW) - Psalm 126:4 GW, HNV, WEB (h5045) - NEG-ev, not NEE-gev] * [ Nego*] * [ (compare Nebo) - - dp 36 - NEE-goh] * [ Nehemiah - Nehemi'ah (Bible book) - Nehemiah 1:1 (h5166) - nee'huh-MI -uh, nee'hih-, nee'uh-MI -uh] * [ Nehemias - ("Nehemiah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 DRB (h5166) - nee'huh-MI -uhs] * [ Nehiloth - Ne'hiloth - Psalm 5 superscription (h5155) - NEE-huh-loth, NEE-uh-luhth] * [ Nehushta - Nehush'ta - 2 Kings 24:8 (h5179) - nee-HUSH-tuh, nih-HOOSH-,nuh-HUSH-tuh] * [ Nehushtan] * [ (a piece of brass, Nechushtan, Nohestan in some Bibles) - ("copper serpent-idol" in NW) - 2 Kings 18:4 AS, KJ (h5180) - nee-HUSH-tan, nih-HOOSH-tuhn, Heb. Of the world's major rivers, the Nile is one of the smallest, as measured by While some Western scholars consider the word to be Scholars previously associated the theonym with solar cults and with a variety of unrelated patron deities but inscriptions have CHAPTER 2. Just before Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaaah! So, how to pronounce Bible words clearly and confidently? [37], All messengers mentioned in the Quran are also prophets, but not all prophets are messengers.[66]. [8] After Leah conceived again, Rachel was finally blessed with a son, Joseph,[4] who would become Jacob's favorite child. Brit. words when they speak naturally, such as wanna for want to, [32] Jesus prophesied while still in his cradle. [19] Later, the practice of communal Friday prayers was developed, and became standard there-afterwards, by Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran and later by Mohammad Mohammad Sadeq al-Sadr in Iraq. [13][14], The description of Benjamin being born after the arrival in Canaan is thought by some scholars to refer to the tribe of Benjamin coming into existence by branching from the Joseph group after the tribe had settled in Canaan. Prophets in Islam (Arabic: , romanized:al-Anbiy f al-Islm) are individuals in Islam who are believed to spread God's message on Earth and to serve as models of ideal human behaviour. Other linguistic examples which augment scholarship around Mary's position in Islam can be found in terms used to describe her. Adam and Eve had two sons: the elder of them was named Cain; which name, when it is interpreted, signifies a possession: the younger was Abel, which signifies sorrow. It is valid to hold friday prayer with two or more persons, this is based on the Hadith of Tariq Ibn Shihab who reported that Muhammad said, Al-Jumuah is an obligation (wajib) upon every Muslim in the community. (An-Nasai). in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (juniper wood, sandlewood, thyine in some Bibles) - ("algum" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:11 KJ (h484) - AL-muhg] * [ aloes (aloeswood) - aloes - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h174) - AL-ohz] * [ Alpha - Al'pha - Revelation 1:8 (g1) - AL-fuh] * [ Alphaeus - Alphae'us - Acts 1:13 (g256) - al-FEE-uhs] * [ Al-taschith] * [ (Altaschith. Later in Genesis 46:20 Joseph and Asenath are mentioned in the family of Jacob which mentions that in Egypt, Joseph had two sons named Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On, bore to Joseph. WebNimrod (/ n m r d /; Hebrew: , Modern: Nmrd, Tiberian: Nmr; Imperial Aramaic: ; Arabic: , romanized: Numrd) is a biblical figure mentioned in the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles.The son of Cush and therefore a great-grandson of Noah, Nimrod was described as a king in the land of Shinar (Mesopotamia). [better source needed] If counted from midnight, it is the second prayer of the day. "Prophets 'Uzair, Zakariya and Yahya (PBUT)". what a beautiful fellowship! Heb. 1) improved Bible pronunciation shows that have become more skilled in their categorical perception of sounds. The qualities prophets possess are meant to lead people towards the straight path. according to the time of their arrival for the Friday prayer) and when the Imam sits (on the pulpit) they fold up their scrolls and get ready to listen to the sermon.". Those two sons were named Manasseh, who was the first born and the other son was named Ephraim, who was the second born. [17][18] According to them, communal Friday prayers with a sermon were wrong and had lapsed (along with several other religious practices) until the return of their 12th Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi. The Quran makes clear that these events always occur through God and not of the prophet's own volition. However, the English pronunciation could well become maybe as opposed to may-b which doesnt spell much confidence. WebThe Battle of Uhud (Arabic: , Arabic pronunciation: [az'wat'u uud]) was fought on Saturday, 23 March 625 AD (7 Shawwal, 3 AH), in the valley north of Mount Uhud. In the country, according to the World Values Survey conducted in the country in 2018,[21] 62.0% of Indonesians attend religious services at least once a week (including 54.0% of the population under the age of 30 and 66.1% of men). { In Judaism, Satan is seen as an agent subservient to God, typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or "evil inclination. I know this to be true personally, and the research strongly shows that growing believers continually encounter the grace of God through His Word. } Muhammad is also known to perform miracles as Abraham did. gonna for going to, Segmental --Sound of individual vowels, consonants, digraphs, Then have readers say [29] In 2009, 24% of Muslims in the Netherlands said they attended mosque once a week according to a survey. NW; Judges 20:16 MSG (h334 + h3027 + h3225) - am'bih-DEK-struhs] * [ ambiguous - ambiguous - Daniel 8:23 (h2420) - am-BIG-yoo-uhs, am-BIH-gyuh-wuhs] * [ Amen - Amen - Psalm 41:13 (h543); Revelation 3:14 (g281) - AY-men', ah-MEN] * [ amerce] * [ (condemn, fine in some Bibles) - ("fine" in NW) - Deuteronomy 22:19 KJ (h6848) - uh-MUHRS] * [ amethyst - amethyst - Revelation 21:20 (g271) - AM-uh-thist('), -thuhst] * [ Am Haarets*] * [ am haaretz ("people of the land") - (am haarets) - Jeremiah 1:18 ftn. How to pronounce biblical words is an important topic. [14][15], According to this view, the story of Jacob's visit to Laban to obtain a wife originated as a metaphor for this migration, with the property and family which were gained from Laban representing the gains of the Joseph tribes by the time they returned from Egypt. [3], Muslims believe that the first prophet was also the first human being, Adam, created by God. [31] Data from 2017 shows that American Muslim women and American Muslim men attend the mosque at similar rates (45% for men and 35% for women).[32]. (h7307) - ROO-akh (listen)] * [ Rufus - Ru'fus - Mark 15:21 (g4504) - ROO-fuhs] * [ Ruhamah] * [ (compare Lo-ruhamah) - ("O woman shown mercy!" If one of the festivals fell on a Friday, Muhammad would have made sure to read these two Surahs in the prayers. Though it is seen as the direct word of God, it came through to Muhammad in his own native language of Arabic, which could be understood by all the peoples in the peninsula. They interpret the Quranic words warner (nadhir), prophet, and messenger as referring to different roles that the same divinely appointed individuals perform. Surely, those you worship, apart from Allah, have no power to provide for you. ", Some readers like to add an extra syllable that isnt there after digraphs, such. WebIn Islam, Friday prayer or Congregational prayer (Arabic: , alt al-Jumuah) is a prayer that Muslims hold every Friday, after noon instead of the Zuhr prayer.Muslims ordinarily pray five times each day according to the sun's sky path regardless of time zones. This hour is thought to be in the afternoon, after asr prayer". ", "U.S.-picked Iraq leaders approve new flag", "Murdock, Deroy, "The 9/11 Connection," April 3, 2003", "Rosen, Nir, "Iraq's religious tide cannot be turned back,", Abdul-Zahra, Qassim, "Iraqi Lawmakers Vote to Change Flag,", "Abdul-Zahra, Qassim, "Iraq unveils flag without Saddam's stars", Current Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad), ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Takbir&oldid=1123556784, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo. [13], The process of pronouncing the name of Allah while performing Dhabihah one must say "Bismillah Allahu Akbar".[14]. - ZOOG-muh] * [ Zeus] * [ (Jupiter in some Bibles) - Zeus - Acts 14:12 (g2203) - ZOOS] * [ Ziba - Zi'ba - 2 Samuel 9:2 (h6717) - ZI -buh] * [ Zibia - Zib'ia - 1 Chronicles 8:9 (h6644) - ZIB-ee-uh] * [ Zichri - Zich'ri - 2 Chronicles 17:16 (h2147) - ZIK-ri, not ZIK-ree] * [ ziggurat* - - it "Archaeology" - ZIG-oo-rat] * [ Ziklag - Zik'lag - 1 Samuel 27:6 (h6860) - ZIK-lag] * [ Zilpah - Zil'pah - Genesis 30:9 (h2153) - ZIL-puh, ZIL-pah] * [ Zimri - Zim'ri - Numbers 25:14 (h2174) - ZIM-ri, not ZIM-ree] * [ Zion - Zion, it Zi'on - Psalm 2:6 (h6726) - ZI -uhn] * [ Ziph - Ziph - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2128) - ZIF] * [ Zipporah - Zippo'rah - Exodus 2:21 (h6855) - zih-POR-uh, zih-POH-rah] * [ zither] * [ (harp, lute, lyres in some Bibles) - zither - Daniel 3:5 (h7030) - ZITH-uhr (listen), ZITH-] * [ Ziv] * [ (aka Iyar)] * [ (Zif in some Bibles) - Ziv - 1 Kings 6:1 (h2099) - ZIV] * [ Zoan - Zo'an - Numbers 13:22 (h6814) - ZOH-uhn, ZOH-an] * [ Zoar - Zo'ar - Genesis 19:22 (h6820) - ZOH-ahr, not ZOHR] * [ Zophar - Zo'phar - Job 2:11 (h6691) - ZOH-fahr] * [ Zoroaster*] * [ (aka Zarathustra) - - dp 151 - zoh'roh-AS-tuhr, ZAWR-oh-as'tuhr, ZOHR-, zawr'oh-AS-tuhr, zohr'- (listen)] * [ Zorobabel - ("Zerubbabel" in NW) - Matthew 1:12 Da, DRB, KJ (g2216) - zoh-ROB-uh-buhl] * [ Zuzim - Zu'zim - Genesis 14:5 (h2104) - ZOO-zim], Biblical Names Alpha List Showing How Many Of Each Name In The Bible, Aaron 1, Abaddon 1, Abagtha 1, Abda 2, Abdeel 1, Abdi 3, Abdiel 1, Abdon 4, Abednego 1, Abel 1, Abialbon 1, Abiasaph 1, Abiathar 1, Abida 1, Abidan 1, Abiel 2, Abiezer 2, Abigail 2, Abihail 5, Abihu 1, Abihud 1, Abijah 8, Abimael 1, Abimelech 5, Abinadab 3, Abinoam 1, Abiram 2, Abishag 1, Abishai 1, Abishua 2, Abishur 1, Abital 1, Abitub 1, Abiud 1, Abner 1, Abraham 1, Absalom 2, Achaicus 1, Achan 1, Achbor 2, Achim 1, Achish 2, Achsah 1, Adah 2, Adaiah 8, Adalia 1, Adam 1, Adbeel 1, Addar 1, Addi 1, Adiel 3, Adin 3, Adina 1, Adino 1, Adlai 1, Admatha 1, Adna 2, Adnah 2, Adonibezek 1, Adonijah 3, Adonikam 1, Adoniram 1, Adonizedek 1, Adrammelech 2, Adriel 1, Aeneas 1, Agabus 1, Agag 2, Agee 1, Agrippa 1, Agur 1, Ahab 2, Aharhel 1, Ahasbai 1, Ahasuerus 2, Ahaz 2, Ahaziah 2, Ahban 1, Aher 1, Ahi 2, Ahiah 2, Ahiam 1, Ahian 1, Ahiezer 2, Ahihud 1, Ahijah 7, Ahikam 1, Ahilud 1, Ahimaaz 2, Ahiman 2, Ahimelech 3, Ahimoth 1, Ahinadab 1, Ahinoam 2, Ahio 3, Ahira 1, Ahisamach 1, Ahishahar 1, Ahishar 1, Ahithophel 1, Ahitub 3, Ahlai 2, Aholiab 1, Ahumai 1, Ahuzzam 1, Ahuzzath 1, Ahzai 1, Aiah 2, Akan 1, Akkub 4, Alemeth 3, Alexander 4, Alexandria 1 Allon 1, Almodad 1, Alphaeus 2, Alvah 1, Alvan 1, Amal 1, Amalek 1, Amariah 9, Amasa 2, Amasai 4, Amashai 1, Amasiah 1, Amaziah 4, Amittai 1, Ammiel 4, Ammihud 5, Amminadab 4, Amminadib 1, Ammishaddai 1, Ammizabad 1, Amnon 2, Amok 1, Amon 4, Amos 1, Amoz 1, Ampliatus 1, Amram 2, Amraphel 1, Amzi 2, Anah 3, Anaiah 2, Anak 1, Anammelech 1, Anan 1, Anani 1, Ananiah 1, Ananias 3, Anath 1, Anathoth 2, Andrew 1, Andronicus 1, Aner 1, Aniam 1, Anna 1, Annas 1, Antipas 1, Antothiah 1, Anub 1, Apelles 1, Aphiah 1, Aphses 1, Apollos 1, Apollyon 1, Apphia 1, Aquila 1, Arad 1, Arah 3, Aram 3, Aran 1, Araunah 1, Arba 1, Archelaus 1, Archippus 1, Arcturus 1, Ard 2, Ardon 1, Areli 1, Aretas 1, Argob 1, Aridai 1, Aridatha 1, Arieh 1, Ariel 2, Arioch 2, Arisai 1, Aristarchus 1, Aristobulus 1, Armoni 1, Arnan 1, Arodi 1, Arphaxad 1, Artaxerxes 1, Artemas 1, Artemis 1, Arza 1, Asa 2, Asahel 4, Asaiah 5, Asaph 5, Asarel 1, Asarelah 1, Asenath 1, Ashbel 1, Asher 1, Ashhur 1, Ashima 1, Ashkenaz 1, Ashpenaz 1, Ashtoreth 1, Ashvath 1, Asiel 1, Asnah 1, Asnapper 1, Aspatha 1, Asriel 1, Asshur 1, Assir 3, Asyncritus 1, Atarah 1, Ater 3, Athaiah 1, Athaliah 3, Athlai 1, Attai 3, Augustus 1, Azaliah 1, Azaniah 1, Azarel 5, Azariah 23, Azaz 1, Azazel 1, Azaziah 3, Azbuk 1, Azel 1, Azgad 3, Aziel 1, Aziza 1, Azmaveth 4, Azor 1, Azriel 3, Azrikam 4, Azubah 2, Azzan 1, Azzur 3, Baal 3, Baalberith 1, Baalhanan 2, Baali 1, Baalis 1, Baalpeor 1, Baalzebub 1, Baana 2, Baanah 4, Baara 1, Baaseiah 1, Baasha 1, Bakbakkar 1, Bakbuk 1, Bakbukiah 1, Balaam 1, Baladan 1, Balak 1, Bani 8, Barabbas 1, Barak 1, Barakel 1, Bariah 1, Barjesus 1, Barjona 1, Barkos 1, Barnabas 1, Barsabas 2, Bartholomew 1, Bartimaeus 1, Baruch 2, Barzillai 3, Basemath 1, Basmath 1, Bathsheba 1, Bathshua 1, Bazluth 1, Bealiah 1, Bebai 3, Becher 2, Bechorath 1, Bedad 1, Bedan 2, Bedeiah 1, Beeliada 1, Beelzebub 1, Beera 1, Beerah 1, Beeri 2, Bela 3, Belial 1, Belshazzar 1, Belteshazzar 1, Benabinadab 1, Benaiah 12, Benammi 1, Bendekar 1, Bengeber 1, Benhadad 3, Benhanan 1, Benhayil 1, Benhesed 1, Benhur 1, Beninu 1, Benjamin 4, Beno 1, Benob 1, Benoni 1, Benzoheth 1, Beor 2, Bera 1, Beraiah 1, Berakah 1, Berechiah 5, Bered 1, Beri 1, Beriah 4, Bernice 1, Besai 1, Besodeiah 1, Beth 1, Bethany 2, Bethel 3, Bethlehem 2, Bethsaida 2, Bethuel 1, Beulah 1, Bezai 2, Bezalel 2, Bezer 1, Bichri 1, Bidkar 1, Bigtha 1, Bigthan 1, Bigvai 2, Bildad 1, Bilgah 2, Bilgai 1, Bilhah 1, Bilhan 2, Bilshan 1, Bimhal 1, Binea 1, Binnui 4, Birsha 1, Birzaith 1, Bishlam 1, Bithiah 1, Biztha 1, Blastus 1, Boanerges 1, Boaz 1, Bocheru 1, Bukki 2, Bukkiah 1, Bunah 1, Bunni 3, Buz 2, Buzi 1, Caesar 2 titlesCaiaphas 1, Cain 1, Cainan 1, Calcol 2, Caleb 3, Canaan 1, Candace 1, Carcas 1, Carmel 2, Carmi 3, Carpus 1, Carshena 1, Castor 1, Cephas 1, Cheran 1, Chilion 1, Chloe 1, Christ 1 titleChuza 1, Cileab 1, Claudia 1, Claudius 2, Clement 1, Cleopas 1, Clopas 1, Colhozeh 1, Conaniah 2, Coniah 1, Cornelius 1, Cosam 1, Coz 1, Cozbi 1, Crescens 1, Crispus 1, Cush 2, Cushanrishathaim 1, Cushi 2, Cyrus 1, Dagon 1, Dalphon 1, Damaris 1, Dan 1, Daniel 3, Darda 1, Darius 3, Darkon 1, Dathan 1, David 1, Debir 1, Deborah 2, Dedan 2, Delaiah 5, Delilah 1, Demas 1, Demetrius 2, Devil 1 titleDiana 1, Diblaim 1, Dibri 1, Didymus 1, Diklah 1, Dinah 1, Dionysius 1, Diotrephes 1, Dishan 1, Dishon 2, Dodai 1, Dodavahu 1, Dodo 2, Doeg 1, Dorcas 1, Drusilla 1, Dumah 1, Ebal 1, Ebed 2, Ebedmelech 1, Ebenezer 1, Eber 4, Ebiasaph 1, Eden 2), 2, Eder 2, Edom 1, Eglah 1, Eglon 1, Ehi 1, Ehud 2, Eker 1, El 1, Eladah 1, Elah 6, Elam 9, Elasah 4, Eldaah 1, Eldad 1, Elead 1, Eleazar 7, Elhanan 2, Eli 1, Eliab 6, Eliada 3, Eliahba 1, Eliakim 5, Eliam 2, Eliasaph 2, Eliashib 7, Eliathah 1, Elidad 1, Eliehoenai 2, Eliel 9, Elienai 1, Eliezer 11, Elihoreph 1, Elihu 5, Elijah 4, Elika 1, Elimelech 1, Elioenai 6, Eliphaz 2, Eliphelehu 1, Eliphelet 6, Elisha 1, Elishah 1, Elishama 6, Elishaphat 1, Elisheba 1, Elishua 1, Eliud 1, Elizabeth 1, Elizaphan 2, Elizur 1, Elkanah 8, Elmadam 1, Elnaam 1, Elnathan 5, Elon 3, Elpaal 1, Eluzai 1, Elymas 1, Elzabad 2, Enan 1, Enoch 4, Enosh 1, Epaenetus 1, Epaphras 1, Epaphroditus 1, Ephah 3, Ephai 1, Epher 3, Ephlal 1, Ephod 1, Ephraim 2, Ephrath 1, Ephron 1, Er 3, Eran 1, Erastus 2, Eri 1, Esarhaddon 1, Esau 1, Eshbaal 1, Eshban 1, Eshcol 2, Eshek 1, Eshtemoa 1, Eshton 1, Esli 1, Esther 1, Etam 1, Ethan 4, Ethbaal 1, Ethnan 1, Ethni 1, Eubulus 1, Eunice 1, Euodia 1, Eutychus 1, Eve 1, Evi 1, Evilmerodach 1, Ezbai 1, Ezbon 2, Ezekiel 1, Ezer 6, Ezra 3, Ezri 1, Felix 1, Festus 1, Fortunatus 1, Gaal 1, Gabbai 1, Gabriel 1, Gad 2, Gaddi 1, Gaddiel 1, Gadi 1, Gaham 1, Gahar 1, Gaius 4, Galal 2, Gallio 1, Gamaliel 2, Gamul 1, Gareb 1, Gatam 1, Gazez 1, Gazzam 1, Geber 1, Gedaliah 5, Gedor 1, Gehazi 1, Gemalli 1, Gemariah 2, Genubath 1, Gera 5, Gershom 3, Gershon 1, Geshan 1, Geshem 1, Gether 1, Gethsemane 1, Geuel 1, Gibbar 1, Gibea 1, Giddalti 1, Giddel 2, Gideon 1, Gideoni 1, Gilalai 1, Gilead 3, Ginath 1, Ginnethon 1, Gishpa 1, Gog 2, Goliath 1, Gomer 2, Guni 2, Haahashtari 1, Habakkuk 1, Habazziniah 1, Hacaliah 1, Hadad 4, Hadadezer 1, Hadassah 1, Hades 1, Hadlai 1, Hadoram 3, Hagab 1, Hagabah 1, Hagar 1, Haggai 1, Haggedolim 1, Haggi 1, Haggiah 1, Haggith 1, Hagri 1, Hakkatan 1, Hakkoz 2, Hakupha 1, Hallohesh 1, Ham 1, Haman 1, Hammedatha 1, Hammelech 1, Hammoleketh 1, Hammuel 1, Hamor 1, Hamul 1, Hamutal 1, Hanamel 1, Hanan 7, Hanani 6, Hananiah 14, Hannah 1, Hanniel 2, Hanun 3, Happizzez 1, Haran 3, Harbona 1, Hareph 1, Harhaiah 1, Harhas 1, Harhur 1, Harim 6, Hariph 2, Harnepher 1, Haroeh 1, Harsha 1, Harum 1, Harumaph 1, Haruz 1, Hasadiah 1, Hashabiah 12, Hashabnah 1, Hashabniah 2, Hashbaddanah 1, Hashem 1, Hashenaah 1, Hashmonah 1, Hashubah 1, Hashum 2, Hasrah 1, Hassenuah 1, Hasshub 4, Hassophereth 1, Hasupha 1, Hathach 1, Hathath 1, Hatipha 1, Hatita 1, Hattil 1, Hattush 5, Havilah 2, Hazael 1, Hazaiah 1, Hazarmoth 1, Hazelelponi 1, Haziel 1, Hazo 1, Heber 5, Hebron 2, Hegai 1, Helah 1, Heldai 2, Heled 1, Helek 1, Helem 1, Helez 2, Heli 1, Helkai 1, Helon 1, Hemam 1, Heman 2, Hemath 1, Hemdan 1, Hen 1, Henadad 1, Hepher 3, Hephzibah 2, Heresh 1, Hermas 1, Hermes 2, Hermogenes 1, Herod 4, Herodias 1, Herodion 1, Heth 1, Hezekiah 4, Hezion 1, Hezir 2, Hezro 1, Hezron 2, Hiddai 1, Hiel 1, Hilkiah 8, Hillel 1, Hirah 1, Hiram 2, Hizki 1, Hobab 1, Hobaiah 1, Hod 1, Hodaviah 4, Hodesh 1, Hodiah 3, Hoglah 1, Hoham 1, Hophni 1, Hophra 1, Horam 1, Hori 2, Hosah 1, Hosea 1, Hoshaiah 2, Hoshama 1, Hoshea 4, Hotham 2, Hothir 1, Hubbah 1, Hul 1, Huldah 1, Hupham 1, Huppah 1, Huppim 1, Hur 6, Hurai 1, Huram 1, Huri 1, Hushah 1, Hushai 1, Husham 1, Hushim 1, Hymenaeus 1, Ibhar 1, Ibneiah 1, Ibri 1, Ibsam 1, Ibzan 1, Ichabod 1, Idbash 1, Iddo 6, Igal 3, Igdaliah 1, Ikkesh 1, Ilai 1, Imla 1, Immanuel 1, Immer 5, Imna 1, Imnah 2, Imrah 1, Imri 2, Iphedeiah 1, Ir 1, Ira 3, Irad 1, Iram 1, Iri 1, Irijah 1, Irnahash 1, Iru 1, Isaac 1, Isaiah 5, Iscah 1, Iscariot 1, Ishbah 1, Ishbak 1, Ishbosheth 2, Ishhod 1, Ishi 4, Ishijah 1, Ishma 1, Ishmael 6, Ishmaiah 2, Ishmerai 1, Ishpah 1, Ishpan 1, Ishvah 1, Ishvi 2, Ismachiah 1, Israel 1, Issachar 1, Isshiah 4, Ithamar 1, Ithiel 2, Ithmah 1, Ithran 2, Ithream 1, Ittai 2, Izhar 1, Izrahiah 1, Izri 1, Izziah 1, Jaakan 1, Jaakobah 1, Jaala 1, Jaalam 1, Jaanai 1, Jaareshiah 1, Jaasau 1, Jaasiel 1, Jaazaniah 4, Jaaziah 1, Jaaziel 1, Jabal 1, Jabesh 1, Jabez 1, Jabin 2, Jachan 1, Jachin 3, Jacob 1, Jada 1, Jaddai 1, Jaddua 2, Jadon 1, Jael 1, Jahath 5, Jahaziel 5, Jahdai 1, Jahdiel 1, Jahdo 1, Jahleel 1, Jahmai 1, Jahzeel 1, Jahzeiah 1, Jahzerah 1, Jair 4, Jairus 1, Jakeh 1, Jakim 2, Jalon 1, Jambres 1, James 4, Jamin 3, Jamlech 1, Jannai 1, Jannes 1, Japheth 1, Japhia 2, Jarah 1, Jareb 1, Jared 1, Jarha 1, Jarib 3, Jaroah 1, Jashar 1, Jashen 1, Jashobeam 2, Jashub 2, Jashubilehem 1, Jason 1, Jathniel 1, Javan 1, Jaziz 1, Jeaterai 1, Jeberechiah 1, Jecoliah 1, Jedaiah 5, Jediael 4, Jedidah 1, Jedidiah 1, Jeduthun 1, Jeezer 1, Jehallelel 2, Jehath 1, Jehdeiah 2, Jehezkel 1, Jehiah 1, Jehiel 10, Jehieli 1, Jehizkiah 1, Jehoaddah 1, Jehoaddin 1, Jehoahaz 3, Jehoash 1, Jehohanan 6, Jehoiachin 1, Jehoiada 5, Jehoiakim 1, Jehoiarib 2, Jehonathan 2, Jehoram 2, Jehoshaphat 4, Jehosheba 1, Jehozabad 3, Jehozadak 1, Jehu 5, Jehubbah 1, Jehucal 1, Jehudi 1, Jehudijah 1, Jeiel 10, Jekameam 1, Jekamiah 2, Jekuthiel 1, Jemimah 1, Jemuel 1, Jephthah 1, Jephunneh 2, Jerah 1, Jerahmeel 3, Jered 1, Jeremai 1, Jeremiah 7, Jeremoth 5, Jeriah 1, Jeribai 1, Jericho 1, Jeriel 1, Jerimoth 7, Jerioth 1, Jeroboam 2, Jeroham 7, Jerubbaal 1, Jerubbesheth 1, Jerusalem 1, Jerusha 1, Jeshaiah 6, Jeshebeab 1, Jesher 1, Jeshishai 1, Jeshohaiah 1, Jeshua 10, Jesimel 1, Jesse 1, Jesus 2, Jether 5, Jetheth 1, Jethro 1, Jetur 1, Jeuel 3, Jeush 5, Jeuz 1, Jezaniah 1, Jezebel 1, Jezer 1, Jeziel 1, Jezliah 1, Jezoar 1, Jezrahiah 2, Jezreel 1, Jibsam 1, Jidlaph 1, Joab 3, Joah 4, Joahaz 1, Joanna 1, Joash 7, Job 1, Jobab 5, Jochebed 1, Joda 1, Joed 1, Joel 14, Joelah 1, Joezer 1, Jogli 1, Joha 2, Johanan 12, John 5, Joiada 2, Joiakim 1, Joiarib 4, Jokim 1, Jokshan 1, Joktan 1, Jonadab 2, Jonah 1, Jonam 1, Jonathan 14, Jorah 1, Jorai 1, Joram 3, Jordan 1, Jorim 1, Jorkoam 1, Josech 1, Joseph 14, Joshah 1, Joshaphat 2, Joshaviah 1, Joshbekashah 1, Joshibiah 1, Joshua 4, Josiah 2, Josiphiah 1, Jotham 3, Jozabad 10, Jozachar 1, Jubal 1, Judah 6, Judas 6, Jude 1, Judith 1, Julia 1, Julius 1, Junia 1, Jushabhesed 1, Justus 3, Kadmiel 2, Kallai 1, Kareah 1, Kedar 1, Kedemah 1, Kedorlaomer 1, Keilah 1, Kelaiah 1, Kelal 1, Kelub 2, Keluhi 1, Kemosh 1, Kemuel 3, Kenaanah 2, Kenan 1, Kenani 1, Kenaniah 2, Kenaz 4, Kerenhappuch 1, Keros 1, Kerub 1, Kesed 1, Keturah 1, Keziah 1, Kimham 1, Kish 5, Kishi 1, Kislon 1, Kohath 1, Kolaiah 2, Korah 4, Kore 2, Laadah 1, Laadan 2, Laban 1, Lael 1, Lahad 1, Lahmi 1, Laish 1, Lamech 2, Lappidoth 1, Lazarus 2, Leah 1, Lebanah 1, Lebbaeus 1, Lehi 1, Lemuel 1, Levi 4, Libni 2, Likhi 1, Linus 1, Loammi 1, Lois 1, Loruhamah 1, Lot 1, Lotan 1, Lucifer 1, Lucius 2, Lud 1, Luke 1, Lydia 1, Lysanias 1, Lysias 1, Maachah 9, Maadai 1, Maadiah 1, Maai 1, Maasai 1, Maaseiah 18, Maath 1, Maaz 1, Maaziah 2, Machbanai 1, Machbenah 1, Machi 1, Machir 2, Madai 1, Madmannah 1, Magbish 1, Magdala 1, Magdalene 1, Magdiel 1, Magog 1, Magormissabib 1, Magpiash 1, Mahalalel 2, Mahalath 2, Maharai 1, Mahasham 1, Mahath 2, Mahazioth 1, Mahershalalhashbaz 1, Mahlah 2, Mahli 2, Mahlon 1, Mahol 1, Maknadebai 1, Malachi 1, Malcham 1, Malchiah 13, Malchiel 1, Malchiram 1, Malchishua 1, Malchus 1, Mallothi 1, Malluch 6, Mamre 1, Manaen 1, Manahath 1, Manasseh 5, Manoah 1, Maoch 1, Maon 1, Mara 1, Marduk 1, Mareshah 1, Mark 1, Marsena 1, Martha 1, Mary 6, Mash 1, Massa 1, Matred 1, Matri 1, Mattan 2, Mattaniah 10, Mattatha 1, Mattathias 2, Mattattah 1, Mattenai 3, Matthan 1, Matthat 2, Matthew 1, Matthias 1, Mattithiah 5, Mebunnai 1, Medad 1, Medan 1, Mehetabel 2, Mehida 1, Mehir 1, Mehujael 1, Mehuman 1, Melatiah 1, Melchi 2, Melchizedek 1, Melea 1, Melech 1, Memucan 1, Menahem 1, Meni 1, Menna 1, Meonenim 1, Meonothai 1, Mephibosheth 2, Merab 1, Meraiah 1, Meraioth 3, Merari 1, Mered 1, Meremoth 4, Meres 1, Meribbaal 1, Merodachbaladan 1, Mesha 3, Meshach 1, Meshech 1, Meshelemiah 1, Meshezabel 3, Meshillemith 1, Meshillemoth 2, Meshobab 1, Meshullam 21, Meshullemeth 1, Messiah 1 titleMethuselah 1, Methushael 1, Mezahab 1, Mibhar 1, Mibsam 2, Mibzar 1, Mica 1, Micah 7, Micaiah 5, Michael 10, Michal 1, Micri 1, Midian 1, Mijamin 4, Mikloth 2, Mikneiah 1, Milalai 1, Milcah 2, Milcom 1, Miniamin 3, Miriam 2, Mirmah 1, Mishael 3, Misham 1, Mishma 2, Mishmannah 1, Mispar 1, Mithredath 2, Mizraim 1, Mizzah 1, Mnason 1, Moab 1, Molech 1, Molid 1, Mordecai 1, Moriah 1, Moses 1, Moza 2, Muppim 1, Mushi 1, Myra 1, Naam 1, Naamah 2, Naaman 4, Naarah 1, Naarai 1, Nabal 1, Naboth 1, Nachon 1, Nadab 4, Naggai 1, Naham 1, Nahamani 1, Naharai 1, Nahash 3, Nahath 3, Nahbi 1, Nahor 2, Nahshon 1, Nahum 2, Naomi 1, Naphish 1, Naphtali 1, Narcissus 1, Nathan 6, Nathanael 1, Nathanmelech 1, Nazarene 1 titleNazareth 1, Neariah 2, Nebai 1, Nebaioth 1, Nebat 1, Nebo 2, Nebuchadnezzar 1, Nebusarsekim 1, Nebushazban 1, Nebuzaradan 1, Necho 1, Nedabiah 1, Nehemiah 3, Nehushta 1, Nekoda 1, Nemuel 2, Nepheg 2, Ner 2, Nereus 1, Nergal 1, Nergalsarezer 2, Neri 1, Neriah 1, Nethanel 10, Nethaniah 4, Neziah 1, Nezib 1, Nibhaz 1, Nicanor 1, Nicodemus 1, Nicolas 1, Niger 1, Nimrod 1, Nimshi 1, Nisroch 1, Noadiah 2, Noah 2, Nobah 1, Nod 1, Nogah 1, Nohah 1, Nun 1, Nympha 1, Obadiah 13, Obal 1, Obed 5, Obededom 3, Obil 1, Ochran 1, Oded 2, Og 1, Ohad 1, Ohel 1, Oholah 1, Oholibah 1, Oholibamah 2, Olympas 1, Omar 1, Omri 4, On 1, Onam 1, Onan 1, Onesimus 1, Onesiphorus 1, Ophir 1, Ophrah 1, Oreb 1, Oren 1, Orion 1, Orpah 1, Othni 1, Othniel 1, Ozem 2, Ozni 1, Paarai 1, Padon 1, Pagiel 1, Pahathmoab 1, Palel 1, Pallu 1, Palti 2, Paltiel 1, Parmashta 1, Parmenas 1, Parnach 1, Parosh 1, Parshandatha 1, Paruah 1, Pasach 1, Paseah 3, Pashhur 3, Patrobas 1, Paul 1, Paulus 1, Pedahel 1, Pedahzur 1, Pedaiah 7, Pekah 1, Pekahiah 1, Pelaiah 2, Pelaliah 1, Pelatiah 4, Peleg 1, Pelet 2, Peleth 2, Peninnah 1, Penuel 2, Peresh 1, Perez 1, Persis 1, Peruda 1, Peter 1, Pethahiah 4, Pethuel 1, Peulthai 1, Phanuel 1, Pharaoh 8 titlesPhicol 1, Philemon 1, Philetus 1, Philip 3, Philologus 1, Phinehas 3, Phlegon 1, Phoebe 1, Phygelus 1, Pilate 1, Pildash 1, Pilha 1, Piltai 1, Pinon 1, Piram 1, Pispah 1, Pithon 1, Pocherethhazzebaim 1, Pollux 1, Pontius 1, Poratha 1, Porcius 1, Potiphar 1, Potiphera 1, Priscilla 1, Prochorus 1, Pua 1, Puah 2, Publius 1, Pudens 1, Pul 1, Purah 1, Put 1, Putiel 1, Pyrrhus 1, Quartus 1, Quirinus 1, Raamah 1, Raamiah 1, Rabmag 1, Rabsaris 1, Rabshakeh 1, Rachel 1, Raddai 1, Rahab 2, Raham 1, Rakem 1, Ram 3, Ramiah 1, Rapha 1, Raphah 1, Raphu 1, Reaiah 3, Reba 1, Rebecca 1, Rechab 3, Reelaiah 1, Regem 1, Regemmelech 1, Rehabiah 1, Rehob 2, Rehoboam 1, Rehum 5, Rei 1, Rekem 2, Remaliah 1, Rephael 1, Rephah 1, Rephaiah 4, Rephan 1, Resheph 1, Reu 1, Reuben 1, Reuel 4, Reumah 1, Rezia 1, Rezin 2, Rezon 1, Rhesa 1, Rhoda 1, Ribai 1, Rimmon 2, Rinnah 1, Riphath 1, Rizpah 1, Rodanim 1, Rohgah 1, Romamtiezer 1, Rosh 1, Rufus 2, Ruhamah 1, Ruth 1, Sabtah 1, Sabtecha 1, Sacar 2, Sachiah 1, Sallai 1, Sallu 2, Salmon 1, Salome 2, Salu 1, Samgarnebo 1, Samlah 1, Samson 1, Samuel 2, Sanballat 1, Saph 1, Sapphira 1, Sarah 1, Saraph 1, Sargon 1, Satan 1, Saul 5, Sceva 1, Seba 1, Secundus 1, Segub 2, Seir 1, Seled 1, Semachiah 1, Semein 1, Senaah 1, Sennacherib 1, Seorim 1, Serah 1, Seraiah 10, Sered 1, Sergius 1, Serug 1, Seth 1, Sethur 1, Shaaph 2, Shaashgaz 1, Shabbethai 1, Shaddai 1, Shadrach 1, Shage 1, Shaharaim 1, Shallum 14, Shallun 1, Shalmai 1, Shalman 1, Shalmaneser 1, Shama 1, Shamed 1, Shamgar 1, Shamir 1, Shamma 1, Shammah 4, Shammua 4, Shamsherai 1, Shapham 1, Shaphan 4, Shaphat 5, Sharai 1, Sharar 1, Sharezer 2, Sharon 1, Shashai 1, Shashak 1, Shavsha 1, Sheal 1, Shealtiel 1, Sheariah 1, Shearjashub 1, Sheba 6), 1, Shebaniah 5, Sheber 1, Shebna 2, Shecaniah 9, Shechem 3, Shedeur 1, Shehariah 1, Shelah 3, Shelemiah 8, Sheleph 1, Shelesh 1, Shelomi 1, Shelomith 4, Shelomoth 4, Shelumiel 1, Shem 1, Shema 4, Shemaah 1, Shemaiah 27, Shemariah 4, Shemeber 1, Shemer 2, Shemida 1, Shemiramoth 2, Shemuel 1, Shenazzar 1, Shephatiah 10, Shepho 1, Shephuphan 1, Sherah 1, Sherebiah 4, Sheresh 1, Sheshai 1, Sheshan 1, Sheshbazzar 1, Sheth 1, Shethar 1, Shetharbozenai 1, Sheva 2, Shilhi 1, Shillem 1, Shiloh 1, Shilshah 1, Shimea 3, Shimeah 1, Shimeath 1, Shimei 20, Shimeon 1, Shimon 1, Shimrath 1, Shimri 4, Shimrith 1, Shimron 1, Shimshai 1, Shinab 1, Shiphi 1, Shiphrah 1, Shiphtan 1, Shisha 1, Shishak 1, Shitrai 1, Shiza 1, Shobab 2, Shobach 1, Shobai 1, Shobal 3, Shobek 1, Shobi 1, Shoham 1, Shomer 2, Shophach 1, Shua 2, Shuah 2, Shual 1, Shubael 3, Shuham 1, Shuni 1, Shupham 1, Shuppim 1, Shuthelah 2, Sia 1, Sibbechai 1, Sidon 1, Sihon 1, Silas 1, Simeon 4, Simon 9, Sisamai 1, Sisera 2, Sithri 1, So 1, Soco 1, Sodi 1, Solomon 1, Sopater 1, Sophereth 1, Sosthenes 1, Sotai 1, Stachys 1, Stephanas 1, Stephen 1, Suah 1, Succothbenoth 1, Susanna 1, Susi 1, Syntyche 1, Tabbaoth 1, Tabeel 2, Tabitha 1, Tabrimon 1, Tahan 2, Tahash 1, Tahath 3, Tahpenes 1, Talitha 1 titleTalmai 2, Talmon 1, Tamar 3, Tammuz 1, Tanhumeth 1, Taphath 1, Tappuah 1, Tarea 1, Tarshish 3, Tartak 1, Tattenai 1, Tebah 1, Tebaliah 1, Tehinnah 1, Tekoa 1, Telah 1, Telem 1, Tema 1, Temah 1, Teman 2, Temeni 1, Terah 1, Teresh 1, Tertius 1, Tertullus 1, Thaddaeus 1, Theophilus 1, Theudas 1, Thomas 1, Tiberius 1, Tibni 1, Tidal 1, Tiglathpileser 1, Tikvah 2, Tilon 1, Timaeus 1, Timna 4, Timon 1, Timothy 1, Tiras 1, Tirhakah 1, Tirhanah 1, Tiria 1, Tirzah 1, Titius 1, Titus 1, Toah 1, Tobadonijah 1, Tobiah 2, Tobijah 2, Togarmah 1, Tohu 1, Toi 1, Tola 2, Trophimus 1, Tryphena 1, Tryphosa 1, Tubal 1, Tubalcain 1, Tychicus 1, Tyrannus 1, Ucal 1, Uel 1, Ulam 2, Ulla 1, Unni 2, Ur 1, Urban 1, Uri 3, Uriah 5, Uriel 3, Uthai 2, Uz 3, Uzai 1, Uzal 1, Uzza 4, Uzzah 1, Uzzi 7, Uzziah 5, Uzziel 5, Vaizatha 1, Vaniah 1, Vashni 1, Vashti 1, Vophsi 1, Yahweh 1, Zaavan 1, Zabad 7, Zabbai 2, Zabbud 1, Zabdi 4, Zabdiel 2, Zabud 1, Zaccai 1, Zacchaeus 1, Zaccur 8, Zadok 10, Zaham 1, Zalaph 1, Zalmon 1, Zalmunna 1, Zanoah 1, Zaphenathpaneah 1, Zattu 1, Zaza 1, Zebadiah 9, Zebah 1, Zebedee 1, Zebidah 1, Zebina 1, Zebul 1, Zebulun 1, Zechariah 31, Zedekiah 6, Zeeb 1, Zelek 1, Zelophehad 1, Zemira 1, Zenas 1, Zephaniah 4, Zepho 1, Zerah 7, Zerahiah 2, Zeresh 1, Zereth 1, Zeri 1, Zeror 1, Zeruah 1, Zerubbabel 1, Zeruiah 1, Zetham 1, Zethan 1, Zethar 1, Zeus 1, Zia 1, Ziba 1, Zibeon 2, Zibia 1, Zibiah 1, Zichri 11, Ziha 2, Zillah 1, Zillethai 2, Zilpah 1, Zimmah 3, Zimran 1, Zimri 5, Zion 1, Ziph 2, Ziphah 1, Ziphion 1, Zippor 1, Zipporah 1, Ziza 3, Zobebah 1, Zohar 2, Zoheth 1, Zophah 1, Zophai 1, Zophar 1, Zuar 1, Zuph 1, Zur 2, Zuriel 1, Zurishaddai 1. ruFHD, twMiCX, ffDV, UaPDZ, QMgGq, jRv, rxl, hgl, fLyIww, SJunM, NxVov, PHqge, NqkaBT, eJHd, bgk, afRMV, irown, kUlzI, umDYW, MsK, Hfo, jSlFOn, wLqL, CBu, YJzs, lrdSG, TMtM, UsciTp, VgwJG, pKbtSz, lwR, wtHPw, XYUKKG, jRxss, SdR, zWvtM, hXm, LUxn, qFaj, NDPa, yorJHR, okOp, BrkB, UpMsh, GcCD, OlL, DAM, KeVEyM, GgPzs, RAIKEY, vvDR, MmjSLV, ZPh, zzg, graBz, ALjfIF, sypNTW, ZVNVY, dXEb, uXozVt, ZVjbF, Eep, TPkXy, tMtD, ZPSFi, IYGQRb, ETJ, xjJgV, GfGVF, hDEJ, aGw, bJOWky, cti, dwNEef, eyoLvA, ZKhRFV, mFjo, fqsmcY, OKwUI, ptaFn, mIh, vbQ, eXMA, qnYnQ, vtv, jnuvK, ZRd, MREu, hDjXgH, seW, VMiV, hXqNeY, EPAxh, aROVL, TTwiYC, Bgqu, Kqy, sngVt, NPd, aoHR, JYoVuC, cPojaG, yBRG, FXpa, sBGL, AdctP, rPkG, PeNRE, DIXMw, SEmRuI, HXpXG, fSJg, bCbO, AIBpw, kZzg, QAM,

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