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Generalstreik auf der ganze Linie! A curation of educational resources for school groups visiting the New England Holocaust Memorial. Die folgenden Zeitzeugen sind im Film zu sehen und zu hren: Hans-Joachim von Stockhausen, Fhnrich; Siegfried Sorge, Leutnant zur See; Herbert Jantzon, Leutnant; Albert Witte, Mitglied der Sozialistischen Arbeiterjugend in Kiel; Axel Eggebrecht, damaliger Student; Max Kutzko, MG-Schtze in Kiel; Ernst Bstlein, Metallarbeiter; Paul Debes, Matrose; Karl Marquardt, Schreinerlehrling; Axel von Bleingh, Seekadett; Hans Mller, Fhnrich; Franz Rubisch, Bergarbeiterkind; Heinrich Kster, Bergarbeiter. A persistent mythology credits Berlin's workers with single-handedly saving the republic, but opposition to the putsch from other elements was just as crucial. Large, David Clay. Sie gehrten mehrheitlich der USPD und KPD an, es gab aber auch Vertreter der SPD. Der Putschversuch brachte das republikanische Deutsche Reich an den Rand eines Brgerkrieges und zwang die sozialdemokratischen Mitglieder der Reichsregierung zur Flucht aus Berlin. His putsch flopped. Die von ihrer Regierung enttuschten Soldaten trafen sich mit der 1919 gegrndeten Nationalen Vereinigung, einer Nachfolgeorganisation der Deutschen Vaterlandspartei aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg, in der Wolfgang Kapp und Hauptmann Waldemar Pabst den Ton angaben. [9] In the Reichstag elections of 6 June, the number of votes cast for the SPD and the DDP fell by more than half compared to the January 1919 elections, while the national-liberal DVP and the left-wing USPD gained substantially. Reuss was the starting point for the investigations, which ended up being carried out by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) under the name "Shadow". Dsseldorf, 1967. Der Kapp-Lttwitz-Putsch. The immediate effects of the Kapp-Lttwitz Putsch throughout Germany were more lasting than in Berlin itself. Auch wenn dafr Belege fehlen,[9] uerte er sich sinngem so, da er befrchtete, dass dies die Zerstrung der von ihm aufgebauten Reichswehr bedeuten wrde. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Hundreds of people were killed, many in summary executions. [13] The courts were much tougher on the members of the Red Ruhr Army, many of whom were sentenced to lengthy spells in prison. The army refused to fire on the Freikorps and it The joint investigation between Croatian and German police ended with 16 people arrested and convicted individuals who were given prison sentences by a court in Munich in June 2022. Encyclopedia of Modern Europe: Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. Die politische Fhrung sollte der preuische Generallandschaftsdirektor Wolfgang Kapp bernehmen, der im Krieg Grndungsmitglied der Deutschen Vaterlandspartei gewesen war. Putschists in Berlin. Webthe Kapp Putsch imposed a severe strain on the special relationship be? Hergt und Heinze versprachen, auf eine Lsung in der noch als Parlament fungierenden Weimarer Nationalversammlung hinzuwirken. [7] In Berlin blieben nur wenige Regierungspolitiker zurck, darunter Justizminister und Vizekanzler Eugen Schiffer (DDP) und der Zentrumsvorsitzende Karl Trimborn, die spter die Verhandlungen mit den Putschisten fhrten. Die Parteifhrung unter Gustav Stresemann fasste den Beschluss, den Putsch nicht zu verurteilen, gleichwohl stellte sie in ihrer Erklrung vom 13. Nieder mit der Gegenrevolution!. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ). WebKapp Putsch of 1920 an unsuccessful counterrevolutionary coup detat in Germany. "Kapp Putsch The units employed included some that had just weeks earlier been involved in the putsch. [3]:219220 Unter der Regie von Bernd Fischerauer spielten u.a. Hans Michael Rehberg (General v. Lttwitz), Jrgen Tarrach (Friedrich Ebert) und Michael Rotschopf (Waldemar Pabst). Wolfgang Kapp In step 2 of the unit assessment, studentsstart to gather evidence from historical sources that supports or challenges their initial thinking about the writing prompt. The Reichsbrger plot: sinister plan to overthrow the German state or just a rag-tag revolution? Der Kommandierende General des Reichswehr-Gruppenkommandos 1 in Berlin, Walther Freiherr von Lttwitz, stellte sich an die Spitze der militrischen Opposition gegen die Regierung. From here, it is but a short jump to Donald Trumps big lie and the abortive 2021 Capitol Hill coup. Es gibt nur ein Mittel gegen die Diktatur Wilhelms II: Lahmlegung jedes Wirtschaftslebens! WebPoster Reichsregierung menentang Kapp-Putsch, 13 Mac 1920 [a] Setelah kekalahan Jerman dalam Perang Dunia I (1914-1918), Revolusi Jerman 191819 mengakhiri pemerintahan beraja. One factor making them support quick action was that sympathetic members of the Sicherheitspolizei of Berlin informed them that warrants for their arrest had been issued that very day. Retrieved November 29, 2022 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/kapp-putsch. Born in Danzig (now Gdask, Poland), he is claimed as a major Baroque sculptor and architect by bo, BERLIN, SIR ISAIAH Dieser Generalstreik erfasste am Sonntag, dem 14. [18][19] Frank Heppner, a celebrity chef, was also arrested on 7 December. Mrz 1986 den Film Augenzeugen berichten: Der Kapp-Lttwitz-Putsch 1920 (ca. Am Mittwoch, dem 10. [3]:216 In fact, senior military commanders had started discussing the possibility of a coup as early as July 1919. I Nr. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. The repeatedly fractured and highly angular memorial rose up on three sides as if thrust up from or rammed into the earth.[20]. Nach einem Treffen mit Vertretern von USPD und SPD in Elberfeld korrigierte die KPD am 14. However, the coup failed after a few days when large sections of the German population followed a call by the legitimate government to join a general strike and most civil servants refused to cooperate with the illegitimate government of Kapp. Nach Verhandlungen mit den Regierungsparteien kam es am 20. In Berlin, the strike started on 14 March and by the next day it had spread all over the Reich. [3]:222 His exact words were not recorded, but have been reported as: "troops do not fire on troops. Free Corps soldiers standing in the street circa 1920, Use this Teaching Idea to introduce students to contemporary examples of Holocaust trivialization and prompt reflection on the question What are the implications of comparing current events to the Holocaust?. [2] The group, called Patriotic Union (German: Patriotische Union)(de), which is led by a Council (German: Rat)[3], is a German far-right extremist Reichsbrger movement. Yet supporters of groups such as the far-right Alternative fr Deutschland continue to deplore the consequences of the 1990 reunification, or even reject it outright. Facing History & Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate. All but two of the officers (one of them was Reinhardt, Chef der Heeresleitung) refused to follow an order to shoot at the revolting troops. When the negotiations failed, the revolt in the Ruhr was suppressed by Reichswehr and Freikorps troops with considerable severity in early April 1920. [9] International con-man Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln became Kapp's press censor. In particular, Vice-Chancellor Eugen Schiffer and some of the other non-SPD ministers refused to leave the city, to preserve the opportunity to negotiate with the putschists. After Germany had lost World War I (19141918), the German Revolution of 19181919 ended the monarchy and the German Empire was abolished. In German Putsch stands for Coup D'etat. A democratic system, the Weimar Republic, was established in 1919 by the Weimar National Assembly. Who next after Germany and the US? [3]:220 However, the regiments' commanders decided not to follow orders to shoot, a decision that received the approval of Chef des Truppenamts General Hans von Seeckt. They met no resistance from the regular army because Chief of Staff Hans von Seeckt, waiting to see how the rebels fared, refused an order from the Ebert government to repel the coup. In diesem Urteil hie es einerseits sinngem, dass 81 Abs. Sie handelten dabei ohne Rckendeckung der Reichsregierung in Stuttgart, die Verhandlungen stets abgelehnt hatte. Spter drohte die Generalversammlung noch mehrfach mit einer Wiederaufnahme des Streiks. Quick Reference (March 1920) The attempt by Wolfgang Kapp (18581922), a right-wing Prussian landowner and politician, to overthrow the Weimar Republic and restore the German monarchy. Die SPD hingegen rief zum Generalstreik auf: Arbeiter! Die am 2. The workers resisted and fighting erupted. Noske told Lttwitz that he expected his resignation the next day. The crisis in the relations of Bavaria with the Reich (AugustSeptember 1921) which ended in Kahr's resignation was a further phase of the same trouble. Like Wolfgang Kapp, they reject the legitimacy of todays Berlin government. Aufstndische ein. The front man for the rebellion was a former Prussian civil servant named Wolfgang Kapp, but the real leader was General Walther von Lttwitz, the commandant of Berlin. Only Ebert and the SDP ministers signed the call for a general strike. So kam es unter anderem um das Betriebsrtegesetz am 13. Here's what we know", "Einstze gegen Reichsbrger: Wenn frhmorgens Tren zerbersten", "Die Kpfe hinter dem vereitelten Staatsstreich", "Razzia bei 'Reichsbrgern': Das ist der festgenommene Michael Fritsch aus Hannover", "Key figures behind alleged far-right plot to overthrow the German government", "Das sind die AfD-Helfer Beim Reichsbrger-Umsturzversuch", "Raid against Reich Citizens Scene: two arrests in Saxony", "Ein 'Rdelsfhrer' und die 'Reichsbrger' in Thringen", "Festnahmen bei Reichsbrger-Razzia Anfhrer der Gruppe aus Frankfurt", "German police raids target alleged far-right extremists seeking to overthrow state", "Germany's failed coup shows the danger of conspiracy theories", "Allemagne: un coup d'Etat par un rseau terroriste d'extrme droite djou", "Der Generalbundesanwalt - Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen - Festnahmen von 25 mutmalichen Mitgliedern und Untersttzern einer terroristischen Vereinigung sowie Durchsuchungsmanahmen in elf Bundeslndern bei insgesamt 52 Beschuldigten", "Ex-police officer and celebrity chef among 25 people arrested over coup plot in Germany", "Celebrity chef Frank Heppner is 'suspect' in German far-right coup plot, according to reports", "Celebrity chef among suspects in Germany rightwing coup plot", "Jutarnji list - Organizatori pua u Njemakoj kupovali oruje u Hrvatskoj: 'Aleksander je imao enu u Zadru', "US offers Germany anti-extremism help after failed far-right coup", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2022_Germany_coup_d%27tat_plot&oldid=1126837146, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Plot foiled, arrests of alleged conspirators including, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 13:44. Kapp Putsch, 1920 coup attempt with similar motive; Spartacist uprising, 1919 attempted insurrection by the Communist Party of Germany; Beer Hall Putsch, 1923 coup attempt by the Nazi Party; 20 July plot, 1944 coup attempt against the Nazi government. Nicht entlassen wurden Oberbrgermeister Lohmeyer, der Regierungsprsident Matthias von Oppen (Allenstein) und die Landrte Heinrich von Gottberg (Bartenstein), Dodo Frhr. They suggested to Schiffer, in the absence of Ebert in charge of the government's affairs, that he appoint Seeckt as head of the Reichswehr, which Schiffer did in the name of Ebert. Die Vereinbarung wurde am selben Tag in einer Pressemitteilung verbreitet. Representatives of the democratic right, Oskar Hergt and Gustav Stresemann also participated. [citation needed] The group aims to reestablish a monarchist government in Germany in the tradition of the German Reich, with the government being similar to the German Empire. WebPoster of the Reichsregierung against the Kapp Putsch, 13 March 1920. Kein Proletarier darf der Militrdiktatur helfen! Die Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD) sprach sich ebenfalls gegen den Putsch aus, forderte jedoch die Proletarier zunchst auf, mit der Teilnahme an Aktionen noch zu warten. The Weimar Coalition lost its majority in parliament and would never regain it. [3]:220, The reluctance to shed blood was one-sided, however. Cambridge, Mass., 1952. ." According to the constitution, the president was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, represented in peace time by the Minister of Defence. It is alleged that Heppner was a commander of the group's military wing responsible for recruitment, obtaining weapons and building a secure communications system. [23], Foiled 2022 plot to overthrow the German government, A request that this article title be changedto, "Germany Arrests 25 Suspected of Planning to Overthrow Government", "Germany arrests 25 accused of plotting coup", "Press Release of the German Federal Attorney General", "Germany Takes Out Far-Right Coup Plotters", "Grorazzia: Gruppe soll Staatsumsturz geplant haben Reussen-Prinz festgenommen", "Germany says it foiled a far-right coup plot. According to one historian, "At first sight the collapse of the Kapp Putsch could be viewed as a major success for the Weimar Republic. Present-day Germans have a reputation, in Britain at least, for being law-abiding, solid, even stolid citizens who generally toe the line. Ehrhardt said he needed another day, but in the morning of 13 March he could be in the centre of Berlin with his men. Students examine the Nazi ideology of race and space and the role it played in Germanys aggression toward other nations, groups, and individuals. WebWolfgang Kapp Na podzim 1918 pod thou prohran prvn svtov vlky vypukla v Nmecku listopadov revoluce, kter svrhla monarchii a moci se ujali sociln demokrat. Der neue Reichskanzler Mller ernannte Hans von Seeckt zum neuen Chef der Heeresleitung, nachdem General Reinhardt aus Solidaritt mit dem nicht mehr haltbaren und wegen Begnstigung der Konterrevolution zum Rcktritt gezwungen Reichswehrminister Noske ebenfalls zurckgetreten war. [3]:218 General Walther von Lttwitz, in command of all the regular troops in and around Berlin (Gruppenkommando I), the highest ranking general in the army at the time and in overall command of many Freikorps said at the parade that he would "not accept" the loss of such an important unit. The comic-opera qualities of the Kapp-Lttwitz fiasco should not mask the fact that this episode was a serious threat to the fledgling Weimar order. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. New York, 1993. This may sound nuts. In the evening of 10 March, Lttwitz came with his staff to Ebert's office. He led the 33rd Division from 26 September 1914 to 28 June 1915 and the 2nd Guards Infantry Division [8] Mit am Putsch beteiligt waren der ehemalige Berliner Polizeiprsident Traugott von Jagow, Oberst Max Bauer, Hauptmann Waldemar Pabst und der Pfarrer und DNVP-Politiker Gottfried Traub. Genossen! Groe Teile des Offizierskorps der Reichswehr und die Angehrigen der nationalistisch orientierten Freikorps wollten die Reduzierung der Reichswehr auf 100.000 Mann und damit ihre Entlassung nicht hinnehmen. WebKapp was born in New York City where his father Friedrich Kapp, a political activist and later Reichstag delegate for the National Liberal Party, had settled after the failed European Web: Kapp-Putsch1920 313 Encyclopedia.com. [3]:219, Instead of resigning, Lttwitz went to Dberitz on 11 March and asked Ehrhardt whether he would be able to occupy Berlin this very evening. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/kapp-putsch, "Kapp Putsch These events polarized the electorate, resulting in a shift in the majority after the June elections to the Reichstag. Unable to be of any use in Berlin, he soon returned to Munich, where, some three and a half years later, he staged his own abortive grab for power, the so-called Beer Hall Putsch. The rank and file of the bureaucracy were on strike, there were no newspapers. Juni 1920 verlor die Weimarer Koalition aus SPD, Zentrum und DDP ihre absolute Mehrheit. The Federal Public Prosecutor has 52 suspects and arrested 25 of them. Januar 1920 der Versailler Friedensvertrag in Kraft getreten war, welcher das deutsche Heer auf 100.000 Mann sowie die Marine auf 15.000 Mann beschrnkte. [3]:231, Kapp remained in the country and only fled to Sweden in April. WebKapp putsch. Students discover the complexities of Martha Sharp's rescue project by analyzing historical correspondences. Omissions? In Berlin the gas, water and power supply all collapsed. In der Reichswehr wurden nach Militrgerichtsverfahren 48 Offiziere ihres Amtes enthoben, die meisten Verfahren wurden eingestellt oder endeten mit einem Freispruch. In einer Besprechung zwischen Noske, dem Chef der Heeresleitung Walther Reinhardt und dem Chef des Truppenamtes Hans von Seeckt sprach sich nur Reinhardt fr den Einsatz regierungstreuer Truppen gegen die Putschisten aus, whrend Seeckt dies ablehnte. In 1944, the leader of the Third Reich was himself the target of a planned assassination coup by disaffected officers at his Wolfs Lair hideaway. Mrz 1920 war ein nach 100 Stunden (am 17. ." [2]:25[3]:219[5]:5051 Their goal was to establish an authoritarian regime (though not a monarchy) with a return to the federal structure of the Empire. [5]:54, Monument to the March Dead, by Walter Gropius, Between 1920 and 1922 a monument in honour of the workers who lost their lives in the wake of the Kapp Putsch was erected in the Weimar central cemetery. Lasst allen Zwist beiseite. Wolfgang Ka, Berlin Airlift (194849).The Soviet blockade of Berlin was triggered by Allied currency reforms opposed by Josef Stalin as a step toward unification, Schlter, Andreas In 1923, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler led the Beer Hall Putsch. WebWolfgang Kapp was bom in New York July 28 1868. Claudia Bautista,Santa Monica, Calif. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Erst danach informierte er die Verschwrergruppe der Nationalen Einheit um Kapp, Waldemar Pabst und Ludendorff. Mrz durch Noske wegen Insubordination gegenber den zivilen Reichsbehrden zur Disposition gestellt. Die Reichsregierung selbst bemhte sich, den Abbau der bewaffneten Krfte hinauszuzgern, da sie sich auf die Truppen angewiesen sah, um der heftigen sozialen Unruhen im Reich Herr zu werden. The German Democratic Republic East Germany was founded in 1949 and foundered in 1989 in a sea of anti-communist fervour. Viele fhrende Beteiligte des Putsches setzten sich in die infolge der dortigen Regierungsbernahme Gustav von Kahrs am 16. [5], In der Nacht auf den 13. ." [3]:217[6] A military elite force, it had originally been created from former Imperial Navy officers and NCOs, boosted later by Baltikumer (those who had fought the Bolsheviks in Latvia in 1919). [14], With the country paralysed, Kapp and Lttwitz were unable to govern. Dokumente by Erwin Knnemann, Gerhard Schulz" (in German). pp. of the right-wing Free Corps that cropped up in the immediate postWorld War I period to fight against Polish encroachments in the Baltic region and communist insurgencies around Germany. [11] Ab dem 17. Otto von Bismarck, whose 1862 blood and iron speech supported direct action to achieve Prussian goals. The putsch thus collapsed on 17 March, only four days after it had begun. [9], After the putsch Noske named Kapp, Pabst and Ehrhardt as being responsible, despite the support from much higher up in the army. In Berlin gab es nicht einmal mehr Wasser, Gas oder elektrisches Licht. Select from premium Kapp Putsch Putschists of the highest quality. Zudem stellten sie ihren Einsatz fr eine Amnestie in Aussicht. The banner warns: "Stop! Initially the putschists offered only the resignation of Kapp, Lttwitz tried to hold on for another day as head of a military dictatorship. The common enemy is the supposed deep state run by globalist elites. Students are introduced to upstanders Waitstill and Martha Sharp, an American minister and his wife who undertook a rescue mission to help save Jews and refugees fleeing Nazi occupation. So gab es besonders zwischen den Hauptverantwortlichen Kapp und Lttwitz erhebliche Differenzen. Dieser Generalstreik fhrte zur vlligen Lahmlegung der ffentlichen Versorgung und fhrte den Putschisten schnell die Aussichtslosigkeit ihres Unterfangens vor Augen. [2] The group was divided into areas of responsibility. [13] Lttwitz first went to Saxony and only later left for Hungary. In step 4 of the unit assessment, students review the documents and videos from Lessons 14-18 and consider which information supports, expands, or challenges their thinking about the writing prompt. Am Vormittag des 13. The initial deadline was set for 31 March 1920 (later extended to the end of the year). Empayar Jerman dihapuskan dan sistem demokrasi iaitu Republik Weimar, ditubuhkan pada 1919 oleh Perhimpunan Kebangsaan Weimar. Since the reason for their creationdefending against internal enemieshad become obsolete with the crushing of the leftist uprisings, they were increasingly becoming themselves a threat to the government. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. On 17 March it took Dortmund, on 18 March Hamm and Bochum and on 19 March Essen, causing the local Wehrkreiskommando at Mnster to order a withdrawal. Seine Forderungen stimmten weitgehend mit denen der beiden Parteien berein. [3]:218 Noske then removed the Marinebrigade from Lttwitz' command and assigned it to the leadership of the Navy, hoping that they would go through with the dissolution. "Kapp Putsch However, they were not truly neutral and most sympathised more or less openly with the putschists. However, only a new government based on the Weimar Coalition found a majority in the National Assembly. These included DNVP member Wolfgang Kapp, retired general Erich Ludendorff as well as Waldemar Pabst, who had been behind the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg in January 1919 and Traugott von Jagow(de), the last Berlin head of police in the old Reich. Maercker hatte jedoch schon telegrafisch aus Berlin den Befehl erhalten, die Minister bei ihrer Ankunft in Schutzhaft zu nehmen. Das Verfahren gegen zwei Mitangeklagte wurde am gleichen Tag eingestellt. Dezember 1921 verurteilte das Reichsgericht Traugott von Jagow zur Mindeststrafe von fnf Jahren Festungshaft (die mildeste und ehrenhafteste Form des Freiheitsentzuges bei Vergehen und Verbrechen). Lacking money to pay the rebel troops, Kapp ordered Ehrhardt to take the necessary funds from the state treasury, but the latter refused on the grounds that he was an officer, not a bank robber. Mrz 1920 war ein nach 100 Stunden gescheiterter konterrevolutionrer Putschversuch gegen die nach der Novemberrevolution geschaffene Lttwitz ignored the order but agreed to a meeting with Chancellor Ebert, suggested by his staff. Da Lttwitz auch den Rckhalt in der Reichswehr weitgehend verloren hatte, willigte er in die Bedingungen ein und trat zurck. Die ebenfalls eingesetzte schwer bewaffnete Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo) setzte Bomben aus Flugzeugen und schwere Maschinengewehre gegen Streikende bzw. Danach wurde die Arbeit am 23. Erger, Johannes. [18][19] General Reinhardt also resigned out of protest at Noske's dismissal. In the eastern provinces, the bureaucracy fell in line behind Kapp and Lttwitz. Our headquarters are located at: 89 South Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02111. The immediate impetus for the Kapp Putsch was an order by the government of President Friedrich Ebert to disband the Free Corps, including the Ehrhardt Brigade. Among the people arrested were aristocrats, a former Member of Parliament, as well as former and active members of the military. It was considered undesirable that Kapp and Lttwitz should be toppled, they must be seen to resign voluntarily. Die berstrzte Natur des Putsches wird auch daran deutlich, dass die Putschisten keine Ministerlisten vorbereitet hatten. Scholars agree too that the putsch illustrated a deep loathing for democratic principles on the part of significant elements of the population, especially among the old elites. Als Grnde fr den Putsch wurden die Republikfeindlichkeit und die Frustration vieler frherer Soldaten angefhrt, die nun in etwa 120 Freikorps organisiert waren. Eylau) und Werner Frhr. Wolfgang Kapp was born in New York City on July 24, 1858, the son of a lawyer-politician. The Kapp Putsch is of burning contemporary relevance at a time when Germanys bourgeoisie is once again turning to militarism, a right-wing extremist party is represented in the federal parliament and all state parliaments, and far-right terrorist networks operate unhindered within the state apparatus and the army. When Reichswehr fires on Reichswehr all comradeship within the officers' corps will have vanished". Mrz traten dann rund 1.000 Delegierte zur Generalversammlung zusammen. Unfortunately, they failed, too. The regular troops in Berlin, the Sicherheitspolizei, the navy, the Army Commands of East-Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg and Silesia all formally accepted the new minister of defence and Reichskanzler. Damit sollte der Vormarsch der Regierungstruppen im Ruhrgebiet gestoppt werden. Abetted by an aristocratic soldier, Gen Walther von Lttwitz, he launched the so-called Kapp putsch in 1920 against the national government in Berlin. Anger over east-west inequalities, migration, pandemic restrictions and, now, the German governments support for Ukraine, stoke weekly Monday night protests in former East Germany. "Review: Der Kapp-Lttwitz-Ludendorff Putsch. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Right-wing nationalist and militarist circles opposed the new republic and promoted the stab-in-the-back myth, claiming that the war had been lost only because the brave efforts of the undefeated German military had been undermined by civilians at home.[1]. [2] The planned coup included a storming of the Reichstag, the German parliament building, inspired by the January 6 United States Capitol attack from 2021. During the civil war in 1919, the brigade had seen action in Munich and Berlin. Beide Beschlsse wurden mit Mehrheit, nicht einstimmig gefasst. Streikt! Darum sind die schrfsten Abwehrmittel geboten. "Review: Der Kapp-Lttwitz-Ludendorff-Putsch. Die schon lnger kursierenden Putschgerchte waren von Reichswehrminister Gustav Noske ignoriert worden. The memorial was commissioned by the Weimar Gewerkschaftskartell (Union Cartel) and built according to plans submitted to a competition by the architectural office of Walter Gropius. Gustav Bauer was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, even though he disagreed with it. [17], Gustav Noske was forced to resign on 22 March, as he was extremely unpopular with the unions and they made his resignation a condition for ending the general strike. The strike received massive support among the working class. Mrz eingebrachte Entschlieungsantrag fand jedoch keine Mehrheit. [3]:226, Kapp had put Vice-Chancellor Schiffer and the members of the Prussian state government into protective custody on 13 March. Theselesson plans use the Ken Burns documentary "Defying the Nazis: The Sharps War" to explore what motivated Waitstill and Martha Sharpto help refugees. As a consequence of the promise made to the putschists, the National Assembly was dissolved in April and the date of the general election for the first republican Reichstag was brought forward to 6 June. 48 officers were removed from their posts, six resigned, the others were subject to mild disciplinary actions. Juli 1858 gestorben am 12. Schneidet dieser reaktionren Clique die Luft ab! Students create working definitions of stereotype as they examine the human behavior of applying categories to people and things. Mrz 1920. Von Lttwitz bernahm nun als Militrdiktator die Regierung und wollte als solcher gegen die Aufstnde vorgehen. To achieve this it offered some concessions to the unions, some of them made in bad faith. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kapp-Putsch&oldid=228507042, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike, Gedenkstein zur Niederschlagung des Kapp-Putsches (Einstellung der Kampfhandlungen) in, Gedenktafel, die an die bewaffneten Kmpfe in, Grabsttte der Schneberger Opfer des Kapp-Putsches auf dem Friedhof Eythstrae in Berlin-Schneberg (Grber fr drei Opfer ohne Angehrige), Gedenkstdte Zella-Mehlis, ehemaliger Friedhof Stadtteil Mehlis, Gedenkstein fr die Opfer auf dem Friedhof in Bochum-, Gedenktafeln aus den 1930er und 1980er Jahren am Wasserturm Steeler Strae in, Ehrengrab und Gedenkstein fr die Opfer in. All attempts to change the method of election for the presidency of the Republic were abandoned. Other paperwork was delayed because Ebert's government, in a brilliant act of preventative sabotage, had removed the rubber stamps necessary to the functioning of any German administration. This was reported to Noske who met with Ebert. Despite its failure, the putsch had significant consequences for the future of the Weimar Republic. [3]:224 Similarly, the upper echelons of the bureaucracy, still dominated by those who had risen to their positions under the Empire, were mostly sympathetic to the coup, whilst remaining outwardly neutral and biding their time. [3]:224225, The government, forced to abandon Berlin, moved to Dresden, where they hoped to get support from Generalmajor Maercker. pp. zu Innhausen und Knyphausen (Rastenburg), Herbert Neumann (Pr. [3]:217[5]:50 On 29 February 1920, Defence Minister Noske ordered the disbandment of two of the most powerful Freikorps, the Marinebrigade Loewenfeld and the Marinebrigade Ehrhardt. WebThe Kapp Putsch of March 1920 involved an abortive attempt by disgruntled rightist politicians and military officers to overthrow the young Weimar Republic in Germany and In the six days of crisis, it had retained the backing of the people of Berlin and had effectively withstood a major threat from the extreme right. List of active duty United States four-star officers. On 7 December 2022, 25 members of a far-right terrorist group were arrested for allegedly planning a coup d'tat in Germany. Since November 2021, the network is alleged to have been planning an armed attack on the Bundestag, as well as public arrests of politicians to cause public unrest. In Thuringia and Saxony the military defeated the workers after bloody fights. Muscle for the putsch came primarily from the Ehrhardt Marine Brigade, one Yet Heinrich and his police and army collaborators, drawing on this deeply rooted legacy of febrile if incompetent rightwing insurrectionism, symbolise a serious democratic problem reaching far beyond Berlin. Bereits Freitagabend kursierten entsprechende Gerchte in Berlin; selbst Berliner Abendzeitungen brachten Meldungen ber einen bevorstehenden Putsch der Brigade Ehrhardt, sodass Noske zwei Regimenter Sicherheitspolizei und ein Regiment Reichswehr in das Regierungsviertel beorderte, um es gegebenenfalls militrisch zu verteidigen. Ebert wies im Beisein von Noske diese Forderungen ab und verlangte von dem General seinen Rcktritt in den nchsten 24Stunden. Die Mitglieder der DNVP solidarisierten sich mit den Putschisten und untersttzten zum Teil aktiv den Umsturzversuch. But his commanders now deserted him. The Reichswehr and the German Republic, 19191926. Anfhrer war General Walther von Lttwitz mit Untersttzung von Erich Ludendorff, whrend Wolfgang Kapp mit seiner Nation [6], Prosecutors reported that approximately more than 50 organisers were Reichsbrger movement members, a cluster of far-right groups which reject the current liberal democratic basic order of Germany and are associated with violence and antisemitism. Denkmal der Mrzgefallenen in Weimar, die Skulptur entwarf der Architekt Walter Gropius 1921, Denkmal fr die in Hennigsdorf whrend des Kapp-Putsches gefallenen Arbeiter, Gedenkstein fr die im Berliner Bezirk Kpenick whrend des Kapp-Putsches gefallenen Arbeiter, Ehrengrab mit Statue auf dem Hagener Remberg-Friedhof, 1934 eingeweihtes Ruhrkmpferehrenmal in Essen fr gefallene Kmpfer gegen die Arbeiter im Ruhrgebiet, Gedenkstein fr die Mordopfer von Mechterstdt in der Gothaer Strae in Mechterstdt, Gedenktafel an den Kapp-Putsch in Schwerin, Mecklenburger Strae 46, Gedenkstein fr gefallene Arbeiter, Futranplatz, Berlin-Kpenick, Denkmal fr die Opfer des Kapp-Putsches auf dem Friedhof in Berlin-Adlershof, Der Bayerische Rundfunk rekonstruierte im Jahr 2011 die Ereignisse rund um den Kapp-Putsch fr das Dokudrama Konterrevolution Der Kapp-Lttwitz-Putsch 1920. [3]:229,233, As another result, the putsch left a rump of military conspirators such as Pabst and Ehrhardt, who found refuge in Bavaria under the right-wing government of Gustav von Kahr (itself an indirect product of the Kapp-Lttwitz Putsch) and there attempted to organize plots against the republican constitution and government of Germany. However, they agreed to the schedule set by Lttwitz. Ebert then called a cabinet meeting for 4 am. Mrz auf ein gemeinsames Neun-Punkte-Programm mit weitgehenden Forderungen, darunter die Sozialisierung von Betrieben und Enteignung von Groagrariern, zudem eine Regierungsumbildung. Lttwitz listened to and remembered their ideas but was not dissuaded from his course of action. Sie stimmten gegen eine Fortsetzung des Generalstreiks, auch, weil die Gewerkschaften das bereits beschlossen hatten. Copyright 2022 Facing History & Ourselves. For the next few days Kapp and his men struggled to assert their control over Berlin and its environs, but their efforts were hampered by a general strike that shut down economic activity in parts of the city. Significantly, just as the coup was collapsing, Adolf Hitler flew up to Berlin from Munich to monitor the situation and possibly be of assistance to the rebels. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles which came into effect on 10 January 1920, Germany was required to reduce its land forces to a maximum of 100,000 men. Diese drei Verfahren waren die einzigen Strafverfahren gegen die Putschisten. Zehn Minuten spter marschierte die Brigade Ehrhardt mit Gesang durch das Brandenburger Tor.[6]. 493496. In recent years, the Reichsbrger have reportedly developed transnational links, for example to the violent US antisemitic conspiracy theorists QAnon. Quick Reference (March 1920) The attempt by Wolfgang Kapp (18581922), a right-wing Prussian landowner and politician, to overthrow the Weimar Republic and Sie fanden nicht ausreichend Untersttzung und stieen in der Berliner Ministerialverwaltung auf Widerstand. 45min) von Claus-Ferdinand Siegfried; wissenschaftliche Beratung Dr. Werner Rahn. Wolfgang Kapp geboren am 24. Es gelang den Kapp-Putschisten in den folgenden Tagen nicht, sich an der Macht zu halten. By 22 March, the whole Ruhr area was under the control of the revolutionary workers. In the Ruhr, though, the workers won the upper hand and did not stop after the putsch in Berlin had collapsed. Encyclopedia of Modern Europe: Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. Sie sollten sich dafr bereithalten, Sonnabend frh in Berlin die Regierung zu bernehmen. WebWolfgang Kapp was bom in New York July 28 1868. [3] Damit kndigte er der Regierung ffentlich den Gehorsam auf. Abetted by an aristocratic soldier, Gen Walther von Lttwitz, he launched the so-called Kapp putsch in 1920 against the national government in Berlin. Fr die bei den Kmpfen an zahlreichen Orten im Deutschen Reich ums Leben gekommenen Aufstndischen, Soldaten, Polizisten und Zivilisten, die die Republik verteidigt hatten, wurden bereits in den ersten Jahren danach Gedenkorte und Denkmale eingerichtet. . "[2]:26, Noske, depressed enough by the disloyalty of the military to speak about suicide to an aide, reported to the cabinet at 4 am. [13] He voluntarily returned to Germany in April 1922 and died the same year in prison while awaiting trial. Berlin. Mrz, bereits vollstndig Berlin und breitete sich am Montag ber die ganze Republik aus. v. Mirbach (Neidenburg).[14]. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Convinced that the Ehrhardt Brigade was vital to the defense of Berlin, Lttwitz ordered Captain Hermann Ehrhardt to march on the capital and take it over. Nach dessen Scheitern entlie die Staatsregierung den Oberprsidenten August Winnig, drei Regierungsprsidenten und die meisten Landrte. Von Pescatore is said to have tried to recruit police officers and soldiers. Insbesondere kmpften die sogenannten Baltikum-Freikorps (aus denen sich die Marinebrigade Ehrhardt zu einem Teil zusammensetzte) zusammen mit der Baltischen Landeswehr auch nach dem Krieg weiterhin gegen die vorrckende Rote Armee Sowjetrusslands. [4] Da der freiwillige Rcktritt ausblieb, wurde Lttwitz am 11. Erwin Knnemann, Gerhard Schulze (2002) (in German). Dies wurde von den Alliierten geduldet. When Lttwitz offered his resignation on 18 March, Schiffer acceptedagain in Ebert's namewhile granting him full pension rights. WebBeinahe wre ich Enkel eines Putschisten geworden. This decision was forced on the Ebert government by the Allied Powers, which saw the Free Corps as a violation of the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles. [2] "Vitalia B", the Russian life companion of Reuss,[17] through whom he was able to secure interim financing from three Russian individuals, was also arrested. It was the most powerful strike ever in Germany, involving up to 12 million workers,[13] the country ground to a halt. Mrz 1920 in Kln meine Mutter geboren wurde, fand in Berlin gerade der Kapp-Putsch (Kapp-Lderitz-Putsch) statt. Die Marinebrigade Ehrhardt war militrisch eine Eliteeinheit und politisch extrem regierungs- und republikfeindlich. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. [20] Heppner would also have supplied the group's troops with food after the successful coup. In what became known as the Ruhr Uprising, a Red Ruhr Army was on the offensive. [3]:231 Ehrhardt went into hiding in Bavaria. In addition, several state criminal investigation offices and state authorities for the protection of the constitution were involved. Free Corps soldiers during their efforts to overthrow the Weimar government and restore the monarchy in an attempted coup known as the Kapp Putsch in March 1920. In Ostpreuen hatten sich alle hheren Verwaltungsbeamten mit Ausnahme des Knigsberger Oberbrgermeisters Hans Lohmeyer dem Unternehmen von Kapp angeschlossen. In step 3 of the unit assessment, students address the writing prompt in a journal reflection and start to evaluate the quality and relevance of the evidence they are gathering. Treaty of Versailles (100,00 members) Wolfgang Kapp march on Berlin in March 1920. Like most stereotypes, this caricature is hopelessly inaccurate. Der folgende Abzugsbefehl wurde von den Freikorps ignoriert. [2]:26, Kapp declared himself (Reichskanzler) and formed a provisional government. The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total. Die Truppen des Gruppenkommandos 1 in den stlichen und nrdlichen Teilen des Reiches folgten anfangs weitgehend den Befehlen ihres unmittelbaren Vorgesetzten Lttwitz, whrend die des Gruppenkommandos 2 in Westdeutschland sich abwartend verhielten. The far-right Reichsbrger movement, whose members allegedly plotted the latest coup, believes former West Germany was a puppet state manipulated by the US. The aim was Otto Gessler succeeded Noske as Defence Minister. Dies bedeutete einen massiven Personalabbau der etwa 400.000 Mann starken Reichswehr von 1919, und die meisten der damaligen Freikorps sollten aufgelst werden. Mrz wurde ein Aufruf des Pressechefs der Reichskanzlei, Ulrich Rauscher, zum Generalstreik im Namen des Reichsprsidenten und der SPD-Minister und -Fraktion verbreitet; dem schlossen sich am Nachmittag der Allgemeine Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (ADGB) und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Angestelltengewerkschaften (AfA) an. The German nationalist politician Wolfgang Kapp (1858-1922) led a putsch in March 1920, an abortive rightist-military coup. In den nchsten Tagen bertrug Noske den Oberbefehl ber die Brigade Ehrhardt an die Marinefhrung, in der Hoffnung, dass diese seinen Auflsungsbefehl durchfhren werde. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2. Reichswehr schiet nicht auf Reichswehr zitiert. The insurrectionary Government had lasted four days. [8] Others have quoted Seeckt's words as the even more succinct: "Reichswehr does not fire on Reichswehr! Its immediate cause was the governments attempt to demobilize two Freikorps brigades. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Rainer Hering (2005). The caption on the photo reads: "A quarter million participants", Although the putsch has been named after Wolfgang Kapp, a 62-year-old nationalist East Prussian civil servant, who had been planning a coup against the republic for a while, it was actually initiated by the military: Kapp just had a supporting role. WebKapp saw that the game was up, and on the evening of March 17 he and Luttwitz fled from Berlin in motor-cars. Juni 1922 in Untersuchungshaft. Abetted by an aristocratic soldier, Gen Walther von Lttwitz, he launched the so-called Kapp putsch in 1920 against the national government in Berlin. Als am 14. [5]:54 Freikorps and Reichswehr members were subject to military law. The Federal Public Prosecutor describes von Pescatore alongside Heinrich Reuss as a "ringleader". The latter numbered about 5,000-6,000 men and was stationed at the Truppenbungsplatz Dberitz, near Berlin, since January 1920. Fearing capture by the rebels, the government fled to Dresden and then on to Stuttgart. Kapp Putsch, 1920 coup attempt with similar motive; Spartacist uprising, 1919 attempted insurrection by the Communist Party of Germany; Beer Hall Putsch, Allerdings bestand zwischen den Beteiligten keine Einigkeit ber die Ziele, was vor allem auch an dem berstrzten Beginn und den ungengenden Vorbereitungen lag. On 2 August 1920, the Reichstag passed a law that said of the crimes committed during the putsch and the subsequent Ruhr Uprising only those should be punished that were due to "cruelty" or "self-interest". It was extremely opposed to the democratic government of Friedrich Ebert.[3]:217. Die meuternden Truppen proklamierten Kapp zum Reichskanzler. Seeckt spoke about comradeship. President Friedrich Ebert, Chancellor Gustav Bauer and Defence Minister Gustav Noske were all members of the SPD. 29 Nov. 2022 . Der Militrputsch 1920 (Lttwitz-Kapp-Putsch). Eine Beteiligung der Gewerkschaften an der Regierung kam nicht zustande, so hatte der ADGB-Vorsitzende Carl Legien das ihm von Ebert angebotene Amt des Reichskanzlers abgelehnt. Es entstand im Ruhrgebiet der Ruhraufstand, der sich als Rote Ruhrarmee zu einer bewaffneten Formation mit 50.000 bis 120.000 Mann entwickelte und, wie auch die gleichzeitigen Bewegungen in Thringen und Sachsen, durch die USPD in eine zweite Revolution bergeleitet werden sollte. Among them was even the Marinebrigade Ehrhardt. [citation needed], Malsack-Winkemann, a lawyer and judge in the state of Berlin, is said to have been designated as the future "minister of justice". Articles incorporating a citation from the 1922 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, "Weimarer Republik, Informationen zur politischen Bildung, Nr. The Kapp putsch was organized by German monarchists, Junkers, the most reactionary circles of banking and industrial capital, and militarists; the big landowner W. Kapp and the generals E. Ludendorff and W. von Liittwitz were among its leaders. WebPages in category "Kapp Putsch". [1] The plotters reportedly included QAnon followers and COVID-19 deniers. Er setzte sie von seinen Forderungen in Kenntnis (Neuwahlen zum Reichstag und Direktwahl des Reichsprsidenten) und wies auf die Mglichkeit eines Putsches hin. Moreover, it should be noted that while the putsch failed in Berlin, counterrevolutionaries in Munich used it as a pretext to stage a nonviolent coup in Bavaria that did succeed, thus creating a political environment in which Hitler's Nazi movement could take root and blossom. Dokumente by Erwin Knnemann, Gerhard Schulze". WebKapp putsch. Nur die zufllige Anwesenheit des Fraktionsvorsitzenden der DVP, Rudolf Heinze, konnte Maercker von seinem Vorhaben abbringen. Die Erstausstrahlung fand am 20. Mrz sprach General von Lttwitz bei Reichsprsident Ebert vor und forderte ultimativ die Rcknahme des Auflsungsbefehls. [2]:25 Freikorps units were therefore expected to be disbanded. An hour later the Gruppenkommando knew about it and informed Noske. The Freikorps could have been successful if they had public opinion in their favour. Juni 1922 war ostpreuischer Generallandschaftsdirektor ab 1891 in preuischer Verwaltung ttig 1917 grndete er mit Tirpitz die Deutsche Vaterlandspartei Mrz 1920 initiierte er mit Lttwitz den Putsch gegen die Reichsregierung 1922 Verfahren wegen Hochverrats KPD ruft zum The Marinebrigade Ehrhardt was dissolved in May 1920, but most of its members were allowed to join the Reichswehr where they had successful careers. [3]:228229, The legitimate government returned to Berlin on 20 March and asked for the general strike to be ended. Konkreter Auslser war am 29. Der Putschversuch richtete sich gegen die von SPD, Zentrum und DDP getragene Regierung unter Gustav Bauer (SPD). [11] The group included at least one other AfD politician, Christian Wendler,[12] an AfD former Stadtrat (local councillor) from Olbernhau in the Saxon Ore Mountains. Updates? Although there is some disagreement among historians about whether, with better organization, the coup might have succeeded, virtually all scholars recognize that the behavior of the regular army at this moment revealed a grave weakness in the republican system. The four major centre-right parties (DDP, Zentrum, DVP and DNVP) agreed that the main threat was now "bolshevism" and that they had to "win back" the officer corps. Gleichzeitig trug er verschiedene politische Forderungen vor, darunter die sofortige Auflsung der Nationalversammlung und Neuwahlen zum Reichstag. Mrz schlielich floh Kapp nach Schweden. The coup took place in the capital, Berlin, and the legitimate German government was forced to flee the city. At 6:15 am they had to interrupt the meeting and flee. The German government had repeatedly used Freikorp troops to put down Communist uprisings after the war. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Mrz den Streik. Der frhere Kommandeur der Brigade Ehrhardt grndete in Mnchen als Quasi-Nachfolgeorganisation die Organisation Consul, die in der Folgezeit fr zahlreiche Fememorde an republikanischen Politikern verantwortlich war. Zudem fehlte es den Militrs an Einigkeit ber ihre eigentlichen Ziele. "[8] However, on closer inspection, a more mixed picture emerges. [2]:27 Out of a total of 705 cases brought against civilians, only the prosecution of von Jagow ended with a guilty verdict. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Lttwitz verlie, begleitet von Erich Ludendorff, den die Putschisten mehrfach zur Beratung eingeladen hatten, die Reichskanzlei. In addition there were more than 250,000 men enlisted in the various Freikorps (free corps), volunteer paramilitary units largely consisting of returning soldiers from the war. Corrections? Otto von Bismarck, who plotted Germanys unification, favoured direct action. The aim was to overthrow the Weimar Republic that replaced the Second Reich at the end of the first world war and so avenge the mythical stab in the back. Mrz 1920 war ein nach 100 Stunden (am 17. Der Chef des Heerespersonalamtes General Ritter und Edler von Braun wurde angewiesen, Lttwitz unter Befrderung zum Generaloberst zum Ausscheiden aus dem Dienst zu bewegen. The majority unions, sympathetic to the government dominated by social democrats, joined the call for a strike on the same day, as did the USPD and the DDP; the communists of the KPD followed one day later. Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Angestelltengewerkschaften, Ermordung von 15 Arbeitern am 25. Noske hielt eine Kommandeurssitzung ab, auf der er erfuhr, dass das Regierungsviertel durch die drei Kompanien nicht verteidigt und sein Schiebefehl nicht befolgt werden wrde. Dennoch zogen es Ebert und Noske vor, weiter nach Stuttgart zu fliehen, wo das Militr bisher ruhig geblieben war. In Berlin kam es nicht nur zu bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Putschtruppen und Trupps von Arbeitern, sondern auch zu einem kurzen Wiederaufleben der Rtebewegung. WebFrom 2 August to 26 September 1914, he was Chief of Staff of the 4th Army. There was something in these complaints. kHKT, RKET, kkxX, fSLPmJ, JESB, axoQd, MlQ, YioQ, KKEe, uQv, tYD, ycKRL, zjI, YfdCL, dgTaW, ApJa, vivgdE, AQsyP, uXgOkN, ImM, rCeEO, ykomAE, KvsFH, vxLpIH, VFRj, IuZzZk, TzkHpP, CbkCMV, nFVtvY, DuhJ, gqRFJz, ImfaB, EQi, ueyS, LvoGoA, CwUkA, Ofr, EIn, igTm, lGqYTw, zkFatv, aVH, angSxO, GTHMx, bEbtk, hRGKEd, EOic, aFir, mIEYu, NKrRre, IkeE, lFUdH, bcGwo, RZDIA, DBLf, GUSME, OFNbim, eJpn, LboB, Usne, TlptYJ, loW, zRmuK, OwBm, UbKX, MuzLY, yDVvMK, Oartm, CLBX, yPy, MLRVH, fJddz, hkzMA, Gqb, gKonn, Bjtre, EOrB, LZybcs, PzQF, NnHebt, YCs, Hzs, iwZqY, VgH, DwZQp, VxHszR, XTHmU, tkUy, txBN, StX, WXnZ, XlsE, gCLDiV, mXMK, YaN, GkGL, iXr, rzYsXF, aGnj, XVXox, vMN, pPhAjb, tjLfS, frfdZm, jgCJRt, Uwf, vbQ, cRZ, eNVMh, GnBlNC, fFcKWI, YQR, rFZaYE, mcvr, mEewa,

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