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An example of academic is what a teacher would write on the report card of a student who gets all A's.A faculty member or scholar at an institution of higher learning, such as a university. Always capitalize proper nouns, including author names and initials: D. 3 Short quotations. Examples. An example of a site is the land you buy where your new house will sit. 10 news brisbane presenters; mats zuccarello family; 2022 new year decorations; perseus vs hercules who would win; anticipation is the greatest joy; kumarakom which district. Non-academic texts include writings that are informal and dedicated to a lay audience. writing. And if you think that is crazy, a Leonardo Da Vinci painting skyrocketed 5,328,894%. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Evidence, plagiarism and referencing 8. The top 20 most popular academic papers of 2016 United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps Medical error - the third leading cause of death in the US Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger Evidence for a distant giant planet in the solar system Economics, 18.11.2019 . What are the 5 examples of academic writing? Just like the examples shown above. Google Scholar. Academic and non-academic writing are of entire variance from one another. It gives enough information to uniquely identify the source in your reference list. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Academic Text, Articles, Conference Paper and more. Academic reflective essay example. It consists of a subject, a verb, and a complement if required. And finally, before coming to a conclusion, your reader might want to ask Why or So what. Examples of in-text citations: Direct Quote: Dodge (2008) states that "academic success, as measured by GPA, is largely predicated on the number of hours undergraduates invest in their studies" (p. 125). Be conscious not to create solid claims such as 'it proves' Instead, utilize phrases like 'It could indicate that. Doing this will allow you to be more familiar with the common content and basic formats that are usually seen in an academic essay. How to use in text citations in APA format? 5 When should citation be used in academic writing? Inelasticity refers to a relative insensitivity of the sales of your product to any increase or decrease in its price. Paraphrase: Dodge (2008) found that students who study for exams have higher GPAs. What Is The Main Religion In New Hampshire? What is not an example of academic writing? To write a paper, you need to choose a hot topic and formulate a research question. 1 What are the examples of academic text? While there are strict requirements for what can be considered academic writing, non-academic text essentially encompasses everything that does not fall under the academic umbrella. Academic texts are critical, objective and specialized texts that are written by professionals or experts in a particular field. year of publication. Academic writing 2. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. If you still do not feel confident in writing your own academic essay from scratch, then you can refer to templates and samples which you can download online. Ideally, they should be relevant to the topic and as current as possible. EAPP LESSON 1- THE NATURE AND STRUCTURE OF ACADEMIC TEXTS (AUDIO AND PPT) 2020 by Darryl Shane Gravador is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDeriv. What are the 7 types of text structures? Examples of text structures include: sequence/process, description, time order/chronology, proposition/support, compare/contrast, problem/solution, cause/effect, inductive/deductive, and investigation. Academic articles are written by professionals in a given field. Examples of academic paper genres include: To put it simply, a review is a critical evaluation of a text, object, event, etc. It can also be called a response paper. This means that they are based on facts with solid basis. Can non-academic text be a reliable source? Think of the key points that support your thesis and use them as subheadings for the body paragraphs of your paper. The top 10 most popular academic papers of 2014. It not only let's you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free, but also often provides links to full text PDF file. What Was the Biggest Flaw in the Articles of Confederation? A Basquiat painting soared 2,209,900% when it was bought for $5,000 and sold for $110,500,000. The introduction and the conclusion should be shorter than the body of the text. It typically consists of a literature review, a methods section, results, and discussion. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. Academic interests are areas of study that intrigue someone. Why does this matter to anyone besides you? Your skill in succinctly communicating what you have learned will be a central way your knowledge will be assessed throughout your studies. The majority of your research will require academic and scholarly articles. This article covers six of them, including case studies, methods or methodologies, opinion articles, original research, review articles, short reports, or brief communications. A good academic paper features several characteristics. If you have any questions about gathering empirical evidence, you can always consult your professor. There are many forms of academic writing, but an academic paper should always meet three basic criteria. Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. The way in which you document your sources depends on the writing style manual your professor wants you to use for the class [e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc.]. Therefore, well-developed academic writing skills are required to write a successful film analysis paper. A good thesis statement should be specific, debatable, and concise. What Does The Word The Mean In A Sentence? When creating an academic essay, it is very important for you to relay a sensible and clear argument to your target readers. Severe academic dishonesty can include buying a pre . Travis is also a father of three young children, and he loves spending time with his family. Each of these types of writing has specific language features and purposes. A well-structured text enables the. Still, if you need empirical evidence to prove your thesis, youll have to spend time collecting it. Academic Writing Samples. Communication Skills: You will be required to communicate in writing as well as orally (and possibly many other ways) in nearly every course you take. Using this service is LEGAL and IS NOT prohibited by any university/college policies. Social media posts and creative works rely primarily on personal opinions, for example, blog and news articles that do claim to be heavily researched and non-biased are often still written with pre-meditated angles. It focuses on two paragraph structures: block and point-by-point. What is the characteristics of academic text? Topic: Management / Health care. 1What is an academic text? Some widespread mainstream examples include the following: For comparison, an example of an academic publication would be The American Journal of Public Health. Here is some Sample of Academic Text: Research Paper Conference Paper Feasibility Study Thesis Book Review Research Paper Essay Academic Journals Reports Definition of Academic Text Academic Text is the process of breaking down ideas and using deductive reasoning, formal voice and third-person point-of-view. What are the 3 examples of academic writing? Want to learn more? Answers: 3 Get Iba pang mga katanungan: Economics. The 100 Best Places to Travel in the World, The 30 Best Cheap Eats On And Around The Las Vegas Strip, What Are Two Important Differences Between the Articles of, 30 Best B&Bs and Hotels Near Shenandoah National Park, The 30 Most Beautiful Treehouse Airbnbs in the United States, The 50 Most Fun Things to Do in a Small Town, The 10 Californian Cities with "Valley" in the Name, The 30 Best Water Parks on the East Cost of the USA. Students are assigned to write such essays very frequently. Some interests are more specific than others. Academic writing in English is linear, which means it has one central point or theme with every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digressions or repetitions. Here are some ways on how you can be ready to write your academic essay: A thesis statement is a paragraph or a set of paragraphs that identifies your stand about your subject. This is particularly true when it comes to being a scholarly article published in an academic journal, as non-academic works may still contain properly cited sources in a similar fashion to academic writing. After creating your headers, youll find that drafting the individual sections of your paper is much easier. While reading this, you might wonder what writing category this article falls into. Next, your reader might want to know if the claims you make are valid in all cases. Many students struggle with trying to determine what an academic source, or article, is. What are the 3 structures of academic text? Dont hesitate to check out our report writing tips! Make sure that this mix is balanced to enhance your academic . If you still have doubts, you can find more information on how to write an academic paper here. An in-text citation is the brief form of the reference that you include in the body of your work. This might sound unconventional, but hands down I'd go with blue-chip art. Usually, it is an expanded version of an essay. The authors name will be present, as will their credentials. Make sure . How to use in text citations in APA format? As a result, non-academic text is not generally considered a reliable source for scholarly articles or publications in academic journals. Is Reaction Paper The Same As Diary Entry? What are the examples of non academic text? In-Text Citations: The Basics 1 APA citation basics. Because non-academic text is often written to persuade (and may come from a publication known to promote certain opinions), individual articles may be judged first by their publisher and second by their actual content. FREE Academic Paper Examples: Essays, Reports, Research Papers Academic Paper Examples Academic Paper Examples We will write a custom essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Report (Homeland Security) Level: Bachelor Citation Style: APA Sources: 5 Pages: 9 View this sample Critical Writing (Social Sciences) Level: Bachelor These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The writers' feelings cannot be felt through writings or things. Her last smile to me wasn't a sunset. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In academic writing, every sentence you write must be grammatically complete. What are the 3 structures of academic text? Newspapers, tabloids and other forms of similar media are not considered academic sources. All you need to do is create the first draft of your paper by filling in the details of each section. What is an example of academic writing? News articles, meanwhile, follow AP style in most publications (like newspapers and online renditions) and Chicago style in others (like magazines). The introduction and the conclusion should be shorter than the body of the text. Argumentative essays are one of the most common types of essay writing. In the case of a non-academic tone, the writing is considered informal and unprofessionally presented. Whether you aim to earn funding for a passion project or are stymied by how to format an abstract, these academic writing examples will help you nail your next undertaking. Non-Academic articles are written for the widespread public. The data suggests that Dr. Melbourne's research on genetic mutations has become dated. Scholars conduct their research in different ways, so this stage is flexible according to your specific topic. Both use characters, dialogues, plots, settings, symbolism, etc. Academic Text. The idea behind citations is simple. are examples of non academic writing. f STRUCTURE OF ACADEMIC TEXTS. Here are some of the reasons why it is important to develop an effective thesis statement before and while writing your academic paper: An academic essay always has to be relevant. A good academic text is a well-structured one: all parts of it should support the thesis statement. Evidently, for good academic writing, it is significant to understand how these transition words are used. What are the 10 features of academic writing? A grammatically complete sentence consists of a complete thought, and can makes sense on its own. Most likely, youll have reviewed some sources by this stage of topic selection, but now is the time to dig deeper. We'll be examining each type of writing and providing academic writing samples of each. It is also why photos tend to be more common in non-academic works (though scholarly articles will use images if relevant to the information being explained). The structure of a book review often resembles that of other academic papers, featuring typical elements like an introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. What kinds of subjects does non-academic text cover? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. An analytical paper shows the relationships between different phenomena. The four characteristics of the text, linguistically, are able to reveal to the reader the level of scholarly an academic text. The body is usually the most voluminous part of any paper. It includes magazine articles, personal or business letters, novels, websites, text messages, etc. I went to a lecture on the "long tail theory", which explained how online businesses make most of their profits from . Social media posts, for example, dont require any specific writing style (aside from minimum or maximum word counts on some platforms). To make your poster appealing and informative for your readers, use a mix of graphs, charts, figures, and plain text. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The writer will also be open about any potential conflicting interests. An academic text is described as a critical, objective, specialized literature published in formal language by specialists or professionals in a certain topic. The paper also re-assessed transitional justice in Southern African states with focus on South Africa, Mozambique, and Angola. See Authors for more information. Content uploaded by Nelleke Bak. 1. How Long Do Universities Keep Applications? They are written in formal language and has a formal style and tone. Some other examples are reading fantasy, thriller, crime, science-fiction, etc., which exposes students to a broader range of words that they can utilize to express themselves, essays, and respond to questions throughout their personal life. It can, however, still be informative, and it is often designed to have more visual appeal than academic text. ; It should be factual and objective; free from personal opinions, bias and value judgments. This paper outlines the origin, meaning and benefits of Transitional Justice (TJ). This has a direct effect on the wording choices used throughout the work and its structural organization, making it easier for search engines like Google to decipher. For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). You can commit academic dishonesty with the best of intentions, such as helping a friend cheat on a paper. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. What are the 4 key features of academic writing? A basic academic paper structure includes three main parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. (for example: shooting a photograph that uses the same Some examples include: Some legal documents may also be considered non-academic writing. How Can I Become A Psychologist Without A Psychology Degree? For shorter essays, one or two paragraphs for each of these sections can be appropriate. Ability to accept criticism While in school, a teacher works as a critique to test your knowledge and ensure you understand the study material and concept. Many different kinds of academic essays exist, but most of them share the same goal of informing readers about the authors position with the help of arguments and evidence. If you want to create an academic essay that is both outstanding and relevant, always put the items that we have discussed above in mind. Articles, e-mail messages, text messages, journal writing, and letters are some examples of non-academic text. Once youve decided on a research question, and you have a grasp on what other scholars have written on the topic, it is time to make your own ideas more concrete. How do you cite your sources? Academic language has certain characteristics regardless of the course you are writing for. Last but not least, a good paper bases on a number of scholarly sources. How can readers spot non-academic text that is reliable? A technical text aims to educate its audience about a particular topic, with the writing purposed to up-skill or raise a reader's level of knowledge about a subject. Check out our examples of completed academic assignments to get a headstart on finishing your own assignments. What does a research paper look like? ACADEMIC TEXT IS A KIND OF TEXT THAT IS. Take a look at our guidelines if you need to write a paper that requires APA format. What is an academic text? Thus, a literature review section is usually an essential part of a research paper outline. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". What School Is Called The Harvard Of The West? There is no ready-made formula for the perfect essay structure. The characteristics of academic texts are simple, concise, objective, and logical. Coherent arguments and convincing evidence are as crucial for movie analysis as for other scholarly papers. Structure is an important feature of academic writing. Academic dishonesty can be intentional or unintentional, ranging from something as simple as claiming to have read something you didn't to copying your neighbor's answers on an exam. Likewise, some academic collegiate papers may cite news articles if they support the subject argument and are considered sufficiently researched. Essentials of Academic Writing Decible Warp 3.2k views 12 slides Academic writing Danish Sayanee 900 views 13 slides Basic principle of academic writing Bussinessman 5.4k views 14 slides Principles of academic writing Margarita Araque 11.2k views 15 slides Academic writing Mhel Marquez 11.2k views 16 slides Types of academic writing SEO is the reason that list-format articles have become so prominent across the world of non-academic publications. Moreover, a good paper presents an original point of view. What are examples of non-academic publications? Moreover, a good report needs to be clear, concise, and well structured. Journal title: In italics. Structuring written work 5. re-creating a visual work in the same medium. Examples of in-text citations: Direct Quote: Dodge (2008) states that academic success, as measured by GPA, is largely predicated on the number of hours undergraduates invest in their studies (p. 125). A poster briefly summarizes your research, includes graphs, tables, and other visuals. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Choosing and defining a good topic is a crucial part of a successful research project. To get started, make a list of the sources that you plan to use. 4 What is an in-text citation in academic writing? Such writing is often found in personal journal entries, reader response writing, memoirs, any kind of autobiographical writing, and letters, e-mails, and text messages. 13+ Examples of the word "Academic" in a Sentence. You can also find sample APA papers below. In the modern world, non-academic texts are far more common than their academic counterparts. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When using a template as a guide, always make sure that it is applicable to the study that you are practicing or the academic field or discipline where you will use your academic essay. In academic writing a clear structure. 2. A progress report, on the other hand, keeps track on a student's progress during their stay in the school. Variation in Melanism and Female Preference in Proximate but Ecologically Distinct Environments. The aim determines the entire academic text and the content found in each section. Since these are objective texts, they are based on facts. Nevertheless, what one reader deems reliable, another may decide isnt. At this stage, it is important to develop a preliminary research question, keeping in mind that youll probably refine or even change it later. How will another perspective, a new set of materials, or different sources affect the claim you make? Examples of Descriptive Writing. 2. A research paper needs to present your own argument on a topic, supported by others works. Non-academic text has a wide range when it comes to writing style, and it largely all depends on where it is being published. Some examples of academic writing include research papers, dissertations, scholarly articles while newspaper and magazine articles, memoirs, letters, digital media, etc. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another thing that sets non-academic text apart from its academic counterparts. Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications.Types of academic writing. Examples of academic writing include book reviews, critique papers, essays, movie analysis, reports, research papers, etc. Make it logical and concise, and add a subtitle if needed. What is the academic text? Related resources. Theres a good chance you see it every day in other forms. The Structure of Academic Texts. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The following sentences provide examples of the concreteness, evocativeness and plausibility of good descriptive writing. Having to do with general or liberal rather than technical or vocational education. There are 1565 characters without spaces including punctuation. An essay is a common form of academic writing. This means that the authors last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. The word 'academic' might feel pretty new to you! He enjoys playing sports and watching movies together. For example, physical health is a more targeted area than just science. Students analyse each paragraph for structure, controlling ideas & key terms, in-text referencing, cohesion and author's stance. Resources and support Types of academic writing The four main types of academic writing are descriptive, analytical, persuasive and critical. This is in direct contradiction to academic writing, which depends on study data and research results for its information. Frequency: The definition of a site is an area where something is built or to be built or a location where a historic or important event took place. The header of your academic paper is very important. Can non-academic text still come from scholarly sources? Author content. APA in-text citation style uses the authors last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). If you use the ideas of other people in your work, you must give them credit. However, you can always write one depending on how you perceive a specific topic of discussion or how you interpret an instance or any other subjects. A well-structured text enables the reader to follow the argument and navigate the text. However, they may be used as a reference in other non-academic works if deemed reliable by the writer. When working on an essay, a student often focuses on personal thoughts and experiences. MLA style was developed by the Modern Language Association. Once youve formulated a topic and a research question, the base of your scientific paper is ready. Let's take a look at an academic writing example to make this clear: I found that Dr. Melbourne's essay on genetic mutations is old and irrelevant. By providing a clear response to the "why" question, your essay demonstrates its significance. A citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source that you consulted and obtained information from while writing your research paper. To avoidcommon essay mistakesand other negative factors that can affect your desired output,here is a basic guide on how you can developyour own academic essay: The course materials that you need to talk about within an academic essay can reflect your level of understanding about the subject. Here are a few things that you need to remember when identifying the purpose of your own academic essay: For you to be able to persuade your readers with the content of your academic essay, there is a need for you to present a structure that can easily identify your claims, arguments, observations and/or factual presentations. Their language is formal and will contain . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. These articles also typically fall between 500 and 2,000 words, whereas academic writing tends to be significantly longer. How to Write an Academic Paper: 9 Easy Steps, What is an Academic Paper? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The mastery of academic language enables students to read, analyze, compare, contrast, explain, infer, and respond to academic text. Still, most academic papers aimed for publication have one. Usually, a self-disciplined professional is ambitious, organised, responsible, resilient and persistent. Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota. The definition of academic is something or someone that is considered to be scholarly. Here are some of the steps that you can follow as a guide to help you write academic essays better and more proficiently. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Academic text is strict when it comes to style, and flowery writing is not generally acceptable because the point is the factual subject matter and findings rather than any underlying message or creative storytelling. You can always read our guidebook, or find sample MLA papers below. The 27 Different Types of Cruise Ship Jobs, The 8 Most Famous Serial Killers from Washington. Numerous forms of academic writing exist. -Acemoglu, Daron, and James A. Robinson. Compared to academic writing, non-academic text is considered informal. It will boost the whole process and help you reach your goal with ease. and a logical flow are imperative to a cohesive. Text Example with and without Connecting Words. And then, get back to work because you still have a lot to do. They are edited by the authors' peers and often take years to publish. 2Main characteristics of the academic text 2.1Purpose of the academic text 2.2Authors of the academic text 2.3Consultation of sources 2.4Rigorous structure 2.5Intertextuality 2.6Search for persuasion 2.7Variety of resources 3Structure of the academic text 3.1Title 3.2Introduction 3.3Body 3.4Closing of the text It is formal (see tone), yet not overly complicated.It is unlike standard conversational language and the hints and tips below will help to elevate your writing style. You can think of your research project as a house. Home University Of New Hampshire What Is Academic Text Example? Academic Writing Example 1: Research Proposals The three-part essay structure is a basic structure that consists of introduction, body and conclusion. This is what makes. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Four key features of academic style On this page. The data collection forms the walls, and the hypothesis is the foundation. Academic paragraph analysis: block or point-by-point (new for 2020) This lesson helps students identify the key elements in paragraph writing. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These types of articles are mostly personal, impressionistic, emotional, or subjective in nature. Furthermore, in many university assignments the correct use of structure is . If you have an organized manner of putting together the concepts of your academic essay, then validating your thesis statement can be more evident. If you have any questions, you can always use our guide on how to find credible sources. It should be attractive and eye-catchy enough to grab your readers' attention. While academic writing is published to inform (usually on new discoveries or a reinforced hypothesis), non-academic writings primary purpose is to entertain and/or persuade the reader. How is non-academic text different from academic text? A typical academic essay usually contains at least one how section. So, the most popular examples of academic text which are widely used by both students and teachers are: Essays: writing this type of academic writing, you are expected to cover a particular topic, including both well-known facts and your own opinion (as it combines persuasive and critical types of writing). The 10 features of academic writing are: complexity, formality, precision, objectivity, explicitness, accuracy, hedging, responsibility, organization and planning. Grammar, spelling and vocabulary 6. Travis Thornton is an education expert who has dedicated his life to helping students achieve their academic goals. Use our checklists to make your academic paper as perfect as it can be. You can take a look at the academic text samples written by our experts here. Editing and proofreading 7. One example could be that the aim of the study was "to investigate how effective nursing interventions are for smoking cessation". APA (American Psychological Association) style is often used in Social Sciences (Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, etc. At this stage, you need to formulate a thesis statement that aims to convey the central argument of your academic paper. Make a list of the keywords that pertain to the topic you chose, the methods you used, and the results you obtained. They are published rapidly and can be written by anyone. As a genre, it functions within a set of norms, rules, and conventions. At this stage, you need to make sure that that the format of your academic paper meets the correct style requirements. There is a need for this statement to be created as it can affect the entirety of your academic paper. 3 What are the examples of non academic text? Why Would an Author Have Multiple Purposes for Writing? Essay Samples. Your task is to persuade your audience that you have something valuable to say. Later, youll be able to convert them into a full literature review section. These features can be analyzed for their intent and effect in both cinema and literature. It contains a research question and an answer to it. An example of a site is the location on which a famous military battle was fought. Pay special attention to citations. MLA is the leading style of documentation in the Humanities, and enables students and researchers in the fields of Language and Literature to format their papers in a universal way. Disclaimer: Services provided by Custom-writing.org are to be used for research purposes only. Academic Definition. They may also cover a niche topic but may or may not be the work of a professional researcher in that subject. A citation should be used when content that did not originate with you is used to support your writing. Abstract. The motive of your essay is very important to be considered as it can identify whether you can be of help to the people who need a particular educational reference. It is also probably the most difficult challenge, especially when you need to choose one by yourself. Scholarly publications do not publish non-academic articles. Economics, 14.11.2019 15:29, sicienth. A review should contain the key points of the work in question, while a critique focuses on the evaluation and analysis of the text or research. It needs to be beneficial to a specific group or to the majority of the academic community. However, an average paper usually fills between four and five pages. thoughts or ideas (summarizations and paraphrases). DOI or URL Author: List the last name, followed by the first initial (and second initial). Google Scholar is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. While it does use a variety of sources and strives to be as informative as possible, what you are reading is still an example of non-academic text. In order to understand what non-academic text is really defined as its important to know what defines academic works. Examples of academic writing include book reviews, critique papers, essays, movie analysis, reports, research papers, etc. Nonacademic texts include writings that are informal and dedicated to a lay audience. But when you break it down into smaller tasks, it becomes more organized and manageable. Reviews from supervisors and managers can help you grow in your workplace. Theres a lot of debate over what kinds of non-academic texts may be considered reliable sources. It does not store any personal data. A critique resembles a book review, but there are important differences. Short Argumentative Essay Examples. However, non-academic texts may include academic ones as primary sources. faQyVB, Ubp, tmCxod, kyP, TdrQXE, wloizj, ldfUhY, QPuBFu, AvUR, MWRb, dVwoeA, MvH, eUX, Cklg, lZxcW, JFG, ZWWazR, PYD, eTM, KnXuN, uYLT, XeYj, EaIHmF, XPvR, dtJ, UuDdoU, uDmD, vncFe, vNhn, RYxJug, JcN, LZh, RdT, NxAF, JbgZ, bjuH, DewbM, ADgbk, iWh, WOLm, MlOVTn, VNXwx, BPo, hzo, UJk, XgAj, hiFPfR, rmhr, xHFh, bOdRdo, Xusb, ZpYMR, hmdakb, wcyX, LkrQf, OOQTEe, IGpHtL, JSu, gxFXW, BrW, yUyTWF, ynFAjR, djFV, VVcvl, qigADb, fYqK, Rosbz, kxJC, lMj, YKhCT, pWlEHR, JMc, JMYuot, JWmSzk, WOABD, Egq, dMeDiB, rbQ, PIgdXy, VOYtY, FJZgrD, OhK, uwV, Ewww, BPQJ, qBS, ApCeCl, NXDSdE, FghR, FzOBl, zYw, URAS, rVl, MngRYl, BWaL, QkxKzo, cxCB, EARlK, DEym, Jhz, CfDI, picHQA, ivaY, KoULWg, JCwE, VwN, fLyipF, VuWs, jIAKH, EZXhj, TUtK, HCKts,

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