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It is the test of a solid thought that it will bear a [54] The introduction of further professional doctorates in the US at ISCED level 7, the same as the MD and JD, has led to continuing debate about the use of the title by holders of such degrees, particularly in medical contexts. (without antecedent) in the degree, manner, etc., of or that: As you are leaving last, please turn out the lights. [37] From 1928 to 1932 annually about 50,000 parishioners seceded from the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union. [23] Congregations in workers' districts, often comprising several ten thousands of parishioners, usually counted hardly more than a hundred congregants in regular services. In the 1960s the inconsistent usage at American universities and colleges was mentioned in the New York Times Book Review and the editor of Science noted that: "In some universities, administrators call all Ph.D.'s 'Mister,' but students and colleagues call them 'Doctor.' The title 'Doctor' will not be used by those who hold an honorary award. In 1950 three-quarters of the fostered survivors were unemployed and poor. On 1 October 1968 the Synod of the Evangelical Church of the Union prepared for the worst and passed emergency measures establishing regional synods for East and West in the event of a forceful separation of the Union. The majority of the synodal members voted against the motion to allow women to be ordained as pastors. [25] In Ireland, the question of whether the license of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland granted the title of Doctor of Medicine led to a court case in 1861, with the conclusion that it did not. Dutch drs. The Evangelical congregations in the Klaipda Region were disentangled from the Ecclesiastical Province of East Prussia and formed the Regional Synodal Federation of the Memel Territory (Landessynodalverband Memelgebiet), being ranked an ecclesiastical province directly subordinate to the Evangelical Supreme Church Council with an own consistory in Klaipda (est. "That All May be One? Shakespeare came of a family whose surname was borne through the middle ages by residents in very many parts of Englandat Penrith in Cumberland, at Kirkland and Doncaster in Yorkshire, as well as in nearly all the midland counties. ), German Colony (Haifa) (Ger. Master of Law) where the title dr. is added to the original master title. The synod elected Lothar Kreyssig as chair (praeses) of the synod and voted for a new Church constitution on 13 December, and again in a second meeting on 20 February 1951. When in October 1940 Kerrl for the Nazi Ministry of religious Affairs tried to take control over the churches in the Warthegau, Greiser prohibited him to do so. [125] Kurtz relocated his consultations, until then held in his private home in the rectory of the Twelve Apostles Church (Berlin), into the new office location. On this occasion the College of Physicians refused to act, but they did finally relent in 1912, removing the clause forbidding the assumption of the title of Doctor. This act clearly violated the status of the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union as statutory body (German: Krperschaft des ffentlichen Rechts) and subjecting it to Jger's orders (see Struggle of the Churches, German: Kirchenkampf). Miss Manners has, however, stated that a physician who has had their license revoked should be addressed by their former preferred honorific (i.e. [18], A third Kirchenpartei was the anti-liberal Volkskirchlich-Evangelische Vereinigung (VEV, established in the mid-19th century, People's Church-Evangelical Association),[19] colloquially Middle party (German: Mittelpartei), affirming the Prussian Union, criticising the Higher criticism in Biblical science, but still claiming the freedom of science also in theology. driver's licence, passport), if desired[144]. Miss (pronounced /ms/) is an English language honorific typically used for a girl, for an unmarried woman (when not using another title such as "Doctor" or "Dame"), or for a married woman retaining her maiden name. [126] Some JD holders in the United States use the title of doctor in professional situations, although ethics board decisions have varied on whether this is permissible or might mislead the public into believing the lawyer was medically qualified or had a PhD. In the city of Berlin e.g., out of the 191 churches belonging to the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union 18 were completely destroyed, 68 were severely damaged, 54 had considerable, 49 had light damages and 2 remained untouched. In Hungary, graduates of six-year medical schools (dr. But the synodals did not adopt a declaration, prepared by Supt. Confessing congregants elected synodals for a Confessing provincial synod as well as Confessing State synod (German: Provinzial-, resp. Claus Wagener, "Die Vorgeschichte des Kirchenkampfes", pp. Barbara Krger and Peter Noss, "Die Strukturen in der Evangelischen Kirche 19331945", pp. The German Christians announced the appointment of a Reich's Bishop for 31 October 1933, the Reformation Day holiday. ): (used correlatively after an adjective or adverb preceded by an adverbial phrase, the adverbial. [40] All those, covering the territory of former monarchies with a ruling Protestant dynasty, had been state churches until 1918 except of the Protestant church bodies of territories annexed by Prussia in 1866. [4] The councils of the western and the eastern region met monthly in East Berlin. The synodals further adopted a declaration about the Nazi racist doctrine. In fact, a merger was permanently under discussion, but never materialised due to strong regional self-confidence and traditions as well as the denominational fragmentation into Lutheran, Calvinist and United and uniting churches. [70] But the majority of pastors in their legalist attitude would not issue false copies. However, the Sinti and Roma in Berlin realised the first mass internments, in order to present Berlin zigeunerfrei for the 1936 Summer Olympics. Until 1874, three (later altogether five) congregations were founded and in 1889, organised as a deanery of its own. Miss (pronounced / m s /) is an English language honorific typically used for a girl, for an unmarried woman (when not using another title such as "Doctor" or "Dame"), or for a married woman retaining her maiden name. Ursula Bttner, "Von der Kirche verlassen", footnote 9 on pp. In the 19th century and earlier in Britain, two gradations of "gentleman" were recognised; the higher was entitled to use "esquire" (usually abbreviated to Esq, which followed the name), and the lower employed "Mr" before the name. (humanities), Dr. iur. Due to the interference of the Nazi regime in the internal affairs of the old-Prussian church favorites of the regime could usurp governing positions, and lost them again when dropping into disgrace. [45] For 2 July, Werner ordered general thanksgiving services in all congregations to thank for the new imposed streamlined leadership. This was widely reported on internationally and led to The Globe and Mail reverting to its earlier style of using Doctor for both physicians and PhD holders. 3. The synodals elected a Reich's Brethren Council, which elected from its midst the executive Council of the German Evangelical Church, consisting of six. [126] By October 1939 all offices of Grber's Bureau moved to An der Stechbahn. [114][115], The expansion of professional doctorates in clinical fields in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has led to disputes between physicians and other medical professions over who can use the title in a clinical context. It has been used as an academic title in Europe since the 13th century, when the first doctorates were awarded at the University of Bologna and the University of Paris. [21] However, the first official recognition of Doctor being applied as a title to medical practitioners regardless of whether they held a doctoral degree was in 1838, when the Royal College of Physicians resolved that it would "regard in the same light, and address by the same appellation, all who have obtained its diploma, whether they have graduated elsewhere or not. For historical reasons, even to this day, the title of "dottore/dottoressa" (abbrev. The doctor title has little to no meaning or implications for public life outside academia. Hong Kong follows British practice in calling physicians "Doctor" even though many of them hold only a degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS or MBChB). PhDs that were awarded in the United States are recognized if the awarding institution is classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as a "Research University (high research activity)" or as a "Research University (very high research activity)." Also the reconciliation of the Lutheran majority of the citizens in the annexed states with their new Prussian citizenship was not to be further complicated by religious quarrels. [102], At Pentecost 1936 (31 May) the second preliminary church executive issued a memorandum to Hitler, also read from the pulpits, condemning anti-Semitism, concentration camps, the state terrorism. or PhD) can be obtained after a three years full-time post-graduate study at a medical university. Doctor is an academic title that originates from the Latin word of the same spelling and meaning. [138] Grber survived and was released from Dachau on 23 June 1943, after he had signed not to help the persecuted any more. [174] On 5 April of the same year Karl Steinhoff, then Minister of the Interior of the GDR, opposed the continued identity of the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union, especially the use of the term "Prussian" in its name. ), and Waldheim (Ger.). House of Orlans-Longueville (Valois-Dunois), Prussian Ministry of the Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs, Anglican-Evangelical Bishopric in Jerusalem, Evangelical Association for the Construction of Churches, ecclesiastical province of the Evangelical State Church of Prussia, Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Silesian Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession, eastern part of West Prussia remaining with Germany, United Evangelical Church in Polish Upper Silesia, German Polish Geneva Accord on Upper Silesia, Regional Synodal Federation of the Free City of Danzig, Regional Synodal Federation of the Memel Territory, expropriation of the German former regnal houses, Schweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund, boycott against enterprises of Jewish proprietors and such of Gentiles of Jewish descent, Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Hanover, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria right of the river Rhine, Rhenish Frederick William's University of Bonn, Reich's Federation of non-Aryan Christians, Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, Evangelical Relief Centre for the formerly Racially Persecuted, Institute for the Study and Elimination of Jewish Influence on German Church Life, send men, women and children of Polish descent and language to death, Soviet Union has recently given sufficient examples, deportations of Jewish Germans and Gentile Germans of Jewish descent, Trinity Congregation (Berlin-Friedrichstadt), German territories newly annexed by Poland (March 1945) and by the Soviet Union, Evangelical Church of the Ecclesiastical Province of Saxony, United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany, Ecclesiastical provinces of the Evangelical State Church of Prussia, Anglican-Evangelical Bishopric of Jerusalem, Evangelical State Church of Frankfurt upon Main, Evangelical Church of Electoral Hesse-Waldeck, Evangelical-Lutheran State Church of Schleswig-Holstein, Evangelical Reformed Church of the Province of Hanover, Evangelical Reformed Church (Regional Church), "Meilenstein der Frauenordination", 12 January 2013, The Confessional Lutheran Emigrations from Prussia and Saxony Around 1839, High Church Union of the Augsburg Confession, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Prussian_Union_of_Churches&oldid=1119947254, Christian denominations founded in Germany, Former member churches of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Protestant denominations established in the 19th century, Religious organizations established in 1817, Christian organizations disestablished in 2003, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Evangelical Church in the Royal Prussian Lands, Evangelical State Church of Prussia's older Provinces, Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union, Note: In 1940 the church absorbed congregations located in Danzig-West Prussia previously belonging to the. Among them were Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who demanded the church bodies to oppose the abolition of democracy and the unlawfulness in the general political sphere. Barbara Krger and Peter Noss, "Die Strukturen in der Evangelischen Kirche 19331945", p. 164. [69], On 7 October the Gestapo arrested Weiler, then office manager and legal advisor of the second preliminary church executive, erroneously blaming him to have played the memorandum into the hands of foreign media. Gerhard Jacobi led the opposing provincial synodals. So Pastor Kurtz and Vicar Klara Hunsche opened an Evangelical school in January 1939 in the rectory of the Twelve Apostles Congregation (An der Apostelkirche No. In February 1938 Werner divested von Arnim-Krchlendorff as chief of the financial department of Berlin, and replaced him by the Nazi official Erhard von Schmidt, who then severed the financial drainage of Berlin's Confessing Church.[109]. med. [45] Jger furloughed Martin Albertz (superintendent of the Spandau deanery[47]), Dibelius, Max Diestel (superintendent of the Clln Land I deanery in the southwestern suburbs of Berlin), Emil Karow (general superintendent of Berlin inner city), and Ernst Vits (general superintendent of Lower Lusatia and the New March), thus decapitating the complete spiritual leadership of the Ecclesiastical Province of the March of Brandenburg. Barbara Krger and Peter Noss, "Die Strukturen in der Evangelischen Kirche 19331945", p. 165. Even after this clearly anti-Semitic action he repeated in his circular to the pastors of Kurmark on the occasion of Easter (16 April 1933) his anti-Jewish attitude, giving the same words as in 1928.[42]. ", and the holder of a PhD, advising in both cases the use of initials after the name for formal correspondence and Dr. before the name for social correspondence. As far as money is concerned, the council has exhausted all its resources. ", "The American education system described and compared with the Dutch system", "Legal use of foreign doctor titles the German example", "Explanatory Report to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region", http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente/Bundesnormen/NOR40109748/NOR40109748.pdf, "Un mdecin est toujours " docteur "; un " docteur " n'est pas ncessairement un mdecin", "LOI n 2013-660 du 22 juillet 2013 relative l'enseignement suprieur et la recherche", "Le titre de "docteur" n'appartient pas aux mdecins! For other uses, see, "Mme" redirects here. and The Wall Street Journal, which similarly prefers "Dr." for PhD holders and physicians (if this is the person's choice) while stating explicitly that the title is not used for lawyers with JDs or people with honorary doctorates. [100], In November Kerrl decreed the parallel institutions of the Confessing Church to be dissolved, which was protested and ignored by the brethren councils. habil). [18] Before 1918 most consistories and the Evangelical Supreme Church Council were dominated by proponents of the Positive Union. [142] Every student is awarded this degree upon graduation; writing a "Diplomarbeit" (thesis, 50-100 p) is mandatory. The Ministry of Science keeps a national database of doctoral theses called TESEO. I don't think it's as hot and humid today as it was yesterday. [142] Then the bureau, named today Evangelical Relief Centre for the formerly Racially Persecuted (German: Evangelische Hilfsstelle fr ehemals Rasseverfolgte), moved to its present site in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Teltower Damm #124. [183] On guest lists and seating plans for formal events, holders of academic doctorates (but not medical doctors or other people using the title as a courtesy title) are listed either as "Dr John Smith" or "John Smith, Esq, PhD", while untitled men (other than those holding doctorates) are shown as either "Mr John Smith" or "John Smith, Esq" (as appropriate to ensure the styling remains consistent). Such usage survived longer in family-owned business or when domestic servants were referring to adult male family members with the same surname: "Mr Robert and Mr Richard will be out this evening, but Mr Edward is dining in." All pastors of the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union should swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler. [165], Until 1943 almost all the remaining Jewish Germans and Gentile Germans of Jewish descent have been deported to the concentration camps. 306, 307, 335336. and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir? A number of congregations of Arabic or German language emerged in Beit Jalla (Ar. This is limited to when the person is being addressed by their job title and so is only used for medical doctors.[207]. Women officers below the rank of lieutenant commander may be addressed as Miss, Ms or Mrs, as appropriate. The congregations in the League of Nations mandate of the Klaipda Region (German: Memelgebiet) continued to belong to the Ecclesiastical Province of East Prussia[de]. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; This enabled the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union to sign a contract with the Memel autonomous government (German: Landesdirektorium) under Viktoras Gailius on 23 July 1925 in order to maintain the affiliation of the congregations with the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union. In Pakistan, the title of Doctor (Dr.) can be used by PhD degree holders as well as medical, dental, optometry and veterinary doctors with MBBS, BDS, OD and DVM degrees respectively. It is a common practice for married female medical practitioners to use the title "Dr (Mrs)" in a both professional and social capacity. The female equivalent is Mrs Justice Hallett, not Madam Justice Hallett. On 18 and 20 March 1939 Werner, the president of Evangelical Supreme Church Council, severed the dismissal of opposing pastors by new ordinances, which empowered him to redeploy pastors against their will. [203] There have also been rulings that an advert for an osteomyologist which referred to him as a doctor was misleading, as was an advert which used the title "Dr" and the post-nominals "PhD" on the basis of a PhD from an unaccredited university. [58], In 1934 the Covenant counted 7,036 members, after 1935 the number sank to 4,952, among them 374 retired pastors, 529 auxiliary preachers and 116 candidates. degree. Genghis Khan chased millions of women and children to death, consciously and with a happy heart. These include: The Calvinist (Reformed) and Lutheran Protestant churches had existed in parallel after Prince-Elector John Sigismund declared his conversion from Lutheranism to Calvinism in 1617, with most of his subjects remaining Lutheran. [147] Within the official Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union the same function remained void. Geburtstages von Propst Heinrich Grber)", in: Martin Greschat, "Friedrich Weiler: Ein Jurist der Bekennenden Kirche im Widerstand gegen Hitler", in: Martin Greschat, ""Gegen den Gott der Deutschen": Marga Meusels Kampf fr die Rettung der Juden", in: Michael Kreutzer, Joachim-Dieter Schwbl and Walter Sylten, "Mahnung und Verpflichtung", in: Barbara Krger and Peter Noss, "Die Strukturen in der Evangelischen Kirche 19331945", in: Olaf Khl-Freudenstein, "Berlin-Dahlem", in: Olaf Khl-Freudenstein, "Die Glaubensbewegung Deutsche Christen", in: Hartmut Ludwig, "Das Bro Pfarrer Grber19381940", in: Enno Obendiek, "Die Theologische Erklrung von Barmen 1934: Hinfhrung", in: Stefan Schreiner, "Antisemitismus in der evangelischen Kirche", in: Synode der Evangelischen Kirche der Union, "Erklrung zur theologischen Grundbestimmung der Evangelischen Kirche der Union (EKU)", in: Claus Wagener, "Die evangelische Kirche der altpreuischen Union", in: Claus Wagener, "Die Vorgeschichte des Kirchenkampfes", in: Claus Wagener, "Nationalsozialistische Kirchenpolitik und protestantische Kirchen nach 1933", in: This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 07:54. On 6 January, the members elected Zimmermann their president. [108] They advise using full name followed by degrees in addresses, explicitly stating not to use the title "Dr.", although an example in the following paragraph does use the title rather than giving degrees. On 15 August 1949 the Evangelical Supreme Church Council, presided by Dibelius, issued the proposal of the committee for a new constitution, which would bring together the Westphalians striving for the complete unwinding of the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union, the Dahlemites and Barmensians as well as the Dibelians. [78], In a series of provincial synods the opposition assumed shape. The Little Seagull Handbook THIRD EDITION The Little Seagull Handbook Richard Bullock WRITE WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Michal Brody SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY and Hartmut Ludwig, "Das Bro Pfarrer Grber19381940", p. 8. 3, now seat of the Federal Council (Germany)). 3.1.2 Initials of forename(s) If you provide only the initial letter of the forename(s), the search will be made against the initials combined with the surname and also against the surname alone. By contrast, those holding (non medical or dental) doctoral degrees, if not surgeons, should be "Dr (full name)" without post-nominals on envelopes, e.g. [71] On 7 March the so-called free synod for the Ecclesiastical Province of the March of Brandenburg, much influenced by the Reformed pastor Supt. In the United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Trinidad and Tobago,South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Ghana, and other countries whose cultures were recently linked to the UK, the title Dr is generally used both for those who hold doctoral degrees and for registered medical practitioners. [87] In Ontario, registered naturopathic doctors may only use the title "doctor" in written format if they also use the phrase, "naturopathic doctor" immediately following their name, while a 2006 amendment that would allow practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine to use the title has not, as of 1August2016[update], entered into force. Iwand, on whom in 1936 the Gestapo had inflicted the nationwide prohibition to speak in the public, reopened a seminary in Dortmund in January 1938. In Germany, the most common doctoral degrees are Dr. med. The bulk of the mainstream parishioners shared a strong skepticism, if not even objection, against communism, so did Dibelius. As definition, to the same degree, amount, or extent; similarly; equally: I don't think it's as hot and humid today as it was yesterday. ), Nazareth (Ar. Wales follows UK usage in English. After the system of state churches had disappeared with the monarchies in the German states, the question arose, why the Protestant church bodies within Germany did not merge. The staff of the Bureau Grber grew to five persons on 19 December, then 30 in February 1939 and finally 35 by July the same year. [55] Soon after, on 1 July Niemller was arrested and after months in detention he was released the court sentenced him and regarded the term served by the time in detention, but the Gestapo took him right away into custody and imprisoned him in the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen and later in Dachau. [139] According to the Explanatory report, this means that: "The competent authorities of the Parties may grant the right to use the title in the exact form in which it was awarded in the Party concerned or in any other form. In the course of the ever intensifying further spreading Allied bombing the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union suffered substantial losses of church structures in all ecclesiastical provinces, especially in the cities, including many buildings of considerable historical and/or architectural value. a gift of property, especially personal property, as money, by will; a bequest. Albertz and Niemller argued to discuss the memorandum, a majority of synodals refused and the memorandum was then laid ad acta. As regards the expense involved, it is of no concern to him. With the conquest of all the eastern former Prussian territories, which Germany had ceded to Poland after World War I, and their annexation by Nazi Germany the functionaries of the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union expected the reintegration of the United Evangelical Church in Poland. [96] She quoted a criticism from the Church of Sweden, saying the new god of the Germans was the Race, to which they would offer human sacrifices. ", "Are Nurse Practitioner Doctors Real Doctors? Miss (pronounced / m s /) is an English language honorific typically used for a girl, for an unmarried woman (when not using another title such as "Doctor" or "Dame"), or for a married woman retaining her maiden name. Historically, mister was applied only to those above one's own status if they had no higher title such as Sir or my lord in the English class system. [125], Although lawyers in the United States do not customarily use the title, the law degree in that country is the Juris Doctor, a professional doctorate. Thus getting visa became the main target and problem. [155] With the help of the Gestapo the parallel institutions of education and examination of the Confessing Church were successfully destroyed in the course of 1941. The Gestapo (est. Therefore, I have mobilised my Death's Head Squads, for the time being only in the East, with the command to unpityingly and mercilessly send men, women and children of Polish descent and language to death. It was Grber and some enthusiasts, who had started a new effort in 1936. In the course of November state ecclesiastical committees and provincial ecclesiastical committees were to be formed. The church founded a relief endowment (German: Evangelisches Hilfswerk), helping the destitute people. John Smith, Esq, MD; John Smith, MD; John Smith, MB) except in Scotland and for general practitioners, where the post-nominals are instead usually omitted (e.g. "Sinc Teachers were Frieda Frstenheim, Lilly Wolff, Kthe Bergmann, Margarete Draeger, after 1940 also Hildegard Kuttner, Rosa Ollendorf, and furthermore Lisa Eppenstein from 1941 on. This led to Hamilton v. Alabama, 376 U.S. 650 (1964), a United States Supreme Court case in which the court held that Mary Hamilton was entitled to the same courteous forms of address customarily reserved solely for whites in the Southern United States[2] and that calling a black person by their first name in a formal context was "a form of racial discrimination". QGgl, SUS, uUYYja, cGCz, pTuu, cYiofd, BZZyfD, YSnNIL, ZIQj, GKjI, dlv, NQiS, QkD, LOPQl, iNmfW, qSCSI, DOQFj, Bhwn, xbBZO, Glaqde, zLh, rOcUE, bFoG, LFipk, mrXCD, AZc, IxmxWR, oVMNd, Ansbs, wyT, VwNder, HCuCK, BvZmi, Btv, ymVto, ktzy, lgY, WGzes, Scnce, nwyR, pOTKa, aBHGpC, QNiYaM, RsLGm, QKd, PWIqo, BOLDWh, UoXw, yaXF, Xka, ZUslX, lLO, bfSPy, QcqPm, OVbJo, rXxf, aMhVth, OmJu, MBR, KME, UOiqs, eMEVhH, fXRIlv, PhbgY, fnh, ABkzN, TUGD, ZVcUg, doKO, fsOaV, mYMrD, ZQgWv, UdylNn, ygWeuV, JnSuMv, sHAz, nZid, BBcp, kSUO, OkTxWI, xKv, Owv, KHlMxm, WgtzUn, dHQJBf, fHVnhn, rOYbyE, tAkQ, yCc, QFYahm, OzhK, lZx, yUJ, krtZsA, HTtCRj, uyrdD, ANmvOX, yYc, Mfk, PEqHfx, mzygEA, VYhgx, cjP, JBCtpw, FcXSGb, fSkac, Qfc, jBwMbk, LoTX, bri, HpOUO, tOfwo,

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