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At the executive level, Bishara etal. It is also statistically insignificant in all but one specification. To model enforcement constraints, I make two additional assumptions. In the employment context, it is a promise by the employee not to compete with the employers business after leaving the employer. This example demonstrates that strategic ambiguity is an application of the theory of the second best: Neither non-verifiability nor contract incompleteness is optimal on its own; but given the former, the latter may become optimal. A list of investments made by funds managed by Andreessen Horowitz (excluding investments for which the issuer has not provided permission for a16z to disclose publicly as well as unannounced investments in publicly traded digital assets) is available athttps://a16z.com/investments/. Indeed, California courts are unwilling to enforce bargains that would functionally approximate a noncompete (even if described with some other language). A related possibility is that cheap talk is self-committing in that, if believed, it incentivizes players to play a specific equilibrium. Columns 2 through 6 consider alternative specifications. Table2 considers the incidence of noncompetes. COMPLETE CONTRACT This Contract together with its addenda, any attached exhibits, and Seller Disclosures, constitutes the entire Contract between the parties and supersedes and replaces any and all prior negotiations, representations, warranties, understandings or contracts between the parties. Similarly, player 2 could satisfy the contract by playing either a10 or a11 or a12 ($6 on Tuesday by cash or check or credit card). In other words, an incomplete contract is a contract that is insufficiently state-contingent, so that some or all of the parties to the transaction are unsure as to the effective payoffs they will receive in any future state of the world. Two players, an employee and employer labeled i = 1, 2 respectively, play a two period game. Affiliate Contracts Except for the contracts set forth on Schedule 6 attached hereto, the Borrower has not entered into any Contractual Obligation, lease or other agreement with any Person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the Borrower for the provision of any service, materials or supplies to any Mortgaged Property (including, without limitation, any contract, Lease or agreement for the provision of property management services, cable television services or equipment, gas, electric or other utilities, security services or equipment, parking services, laundry services or equipment or telephone services or equipment). Further, the discussion here focuses on employees ability to observe and act on employers history of cheap talk. Thus, if the parties include at least one of the actions from the set {a1,a2,a3}, then they effectively include all of the actions from this set. Another signal could be unrelated to severance per se, such as the employers tendency to follow through on promises to employees generally or other parties. The second prediction follows from the simple corollary that, in the absence of enforcement constraints, parties form complete contracts. The hold-up problem plays a central role in the recent literature on incomplete contracts and the modern theory of the firm. Thus, compared to non-California executives, California executives are 29 percentage points less likely to have a noncompete. In particular, the main results with firm, year, and position fixed effects (column 1 of Tables2, 4, and 5) are similar in magnitude and statistically significant at the conventional 5% level. See text and Table1 for details on sample construction, controls, and weights. The benefit of integration is that Bs incentives in relationship-specific investments are stronger. Given this trade-off, if one of the parties is a key investor, then it is optimal for him to become the owner of the integrated firm. First, covenants not to compete are less prevalent but not absent in California. Assumption 2. Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka is Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol in the Department of Economics. 17. Each player selects exactly one action from the set of permissible actions defined by the contract. Incomplete contracts give rise to holdup scenarios that lead to inefficient investment and market failure, as well as losses from litigation and renegotiation.1 In light of such costs, why are real-world contracts so incomplete? *, **, and *** indicate statistically significantly different from zero at 90, 95, and 99% confidence, respectively. The former makes this empirical study feasible; the latter makes these contracts strategically ambiguous. Adopting incomplete contracts theory/international economics perspective, we investigate the determinants of ownership and location decisions and explore COVID-19-induced changes in firms' boundaries. The purpose of this sample is to estimate within-firm differences between California and non-California executives. This theory of the firm is now known as Grossman-Hart-Moore (GHM) property rights theory. All transactions that are carried out within rms coul d be carried out between independent contractors. Specifically, the weights are proportional to 1/nj where nj is the number of contracts reported by firm j. In the next section, I produce a similar result in repeated games with discrete actions, in which only one player (the employer) is a repeat player. Implicit incentives, on the other hand, come from parties discretion and emerge in equilibrium; their existence and effect are less clear because they depend on strategy, environmental parameters, and solution concepts. The completed contract method (CCM) is an accounting technique that allows companies to postpone the reporting of income and expenses until after a contract is completed. Control rights over the physical assets play an important role in motivating the entrepreneur to make repayments rather than, for example, diverting the cash. Contract theory is rarely, if ever, put to the test. It is too costly to write a complete contract, so parties settle on one that is complete enough. Similarly, even sophisticated parties are boundedly rational and thus incapable of writing a complete contract; they cannot anticipate every state of the world.2 Much of the observed incompleteness can be explained by such theories for which incompleteness is essentially a feasibility constraint. Incomplete Contract means any Contract the original of which is not contained in the related Contract File as of the date for the verification thereof set forth in Section 3.03 (d) hereof. This research was supported by the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law Faculty Research Program. The first term is 3, the second term is 5, and the third term is 8. In the trigger equilibrium, it would also lead to permanent punishment. Gas imbalances will be determined based on written agreements, if any, specifying the method of calculation thereof, or, alternatively, if no such agreements are in existence, gas imbalances will be calculated by multiplying (x) the volume of gas imbalance as of the date of calculation (expressed in thousand cubic feet) by (y) the heating value in BTUs per thousand cubic feet, times the Xxxxx Hub average daily spot price for the month immediately preceding the date of calculation, adjusted for location differential and transportation costs based on the location where the Mineral Interests giving rise to the imbalances are located. Committing the agreement to writing avoids this problem. One answer is through delegating governance, while aligning decision-makers through ownership, as is done in cooperative enterprises. Executory Contract means a contract to which one or more of the Debtors is a party that is subject to assumption or rejection under sections 365 or 1123 of the Bankruptcy Code. In negotiating a new contract, a CEO (or her counsel) will almost surely review previous CEOs contracts from the same employer.29 If these potential employees are also able to observe a signal that is correlated with employers following through on severance,30 then cheap talk could affect equilibrium play. Contact information (phone number and email address) for three professional references. First, I wrote scraping software to collect all contracts disclosed to the SEC by all firms (approximately 1.5 million contracts in total). ; We know that incomplete dominance is the blend of characteristics that result in a unique trait or feature. The second observation is that a formally incomplete contract need not necessarily omit term a from the document. It also offers an extended discussion of the assumptions that underly these predictions. Fax: +49 8382 277 3113. I have a hunch that the most interesting projects built on top of blockchain computers will be incomplete, since interestingness often derives from adaptability, evolution, and surprise. Coase, RH (1937), The Nature of the Firm, Economica 4(16): 386-405. Privatisation is therefore not desirable for services where cost reduction can damage quality. If a contract used the term "adult" without specifying an age, a party member who might be from a foreign country may enter the contract thinking of a different age than the original author intended. Any projections, estimates, forecasts, targets, prospects, and/or opinions expressed in these materials are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by others. In other words, debt contracts are the optimal incomplete contracts. But any such contract will be incomplete. There are now three Nash equilibria in the no-contract case, (reject, wage-sev),(reject,wage), and (reject,renege); each yields payoffs of (0, 0). Federal authorities in the US are indeed ending the use of private prisons partly because of quality issues. Contracts that hinder a person's rights or actions are also void. contracting front. Thus, in the second period, player 1 must play a, player 2 must play a, and payoffs will be u1(a,a) and u2(a,a). Hart and Moore were the first to model the shift of control triggered by default. Remark: Complete contracts need not be comprehensive. When players are insufficiently patient, they do not value the future enough to resist defection; thus, repeating the game does not change equilibrium play. Prescott James J., Bishara Norman D., Starr Evan. (Strategic Ambiguity in California)Parties inside California may form strategically ambiguous formal contracts. There are 41 companies in the Within-firm sample, 45 companies in the Tech sample, and 75 in total. Thus, player i chooses an action aiki. Several papers discuss aspects of this problem at length. In the empirical section, I will interpret the staggered severance term as the strategic complement. The degree to which incomplete applications leverage the underlying software platform for execution of all business logic may ultimately prove to be less important than the degree to which these new internet-based organizations land on effective organizational scalability models. Software cant single-handedly solve for the completeness of every contract, but it can help and through token enabled ownership, it can help communities overcome the bootstrap problem to fostering innovation. This structure gives the employer the self-help remedy of stopping the severance payments if the former employee breaches the noncompete. For example, the action b=[3,5,8] has three terms. A fluid ability to exit by forking code, and lower switching costs to substitutes. Marx etal. Ownership of the asset would not give power to anybody else and the incentive effect would be wasted. I test this result for the first time. These contracts are not strategically ambiguous. Here there are two cases. The term Related Party Contract does not include retail purchases made in the ordinary course of business or payments for utility services. Incomplete Contracts and Blockchain | by Cathy Barrera, PhD | Prysm Group | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. The perfect example of this is when any type of asset owner - whether it be a small building project or a mega-project - has work left unfinished by a contractor. The incomplete contract between the entrepreneur and the investor then needs to determine not just the repayments to be made but also the allocation of control rights over the assets. Finally, credit contracts are often renegotiated when the borrowers circumstances change; a complete contract would never be renegotiated because it anticipates every eventuality. Subsections 3.1 and 3.2 describe the setting. To better understand the concept of incomplete contracts, it is essential to start to understand the concept of contracts. Collectively, they disclose approximately 10 per year. The samples are: S&P 500 companies with executives employed both inside and outside of California (Within-firm), S&P 500 companies classified as Information Technology by the Global Industry Classification Standard (Tech), and the union of the Within-firm and Tech samples (Pooled). we build on the property rights approach to the theory of the firm, which is the leading application of the incomplete contracting paradigm developed by grossman and hart (1986), hart and moore (1990), and hart (1995).4the incomplete contracts approach has turned out to be very helpful to discuss the pros and cons of ownership structures, and it 22. The intuition is that strategic ambiguity is a partial commitment; it limits parties discretion in order to rule out extreme defection, but retains some discretion so that each side can punish or reward nonperformance of the unenforceable terms. On the other hand, if the employer halts severance payments, the employee also has no recourse but to compete (if she can). Fallick etal. For example, if players can play mixed strategies, then this argument fails because the support of a players strategy may extend across multiple partition blocks. (The example above, in which employee is a one-time player, can be thought of as the extreme case in which = 0 for employee.) If the contract is incomplete, however, then players may choose among several possible actions and the outcome of the game is determined by strategic interaction. Lennart-Bernadotte-Haus Finally, the results are similar when the sample is further restricted to contracts with both a noncompete and any type of severance. Table5 repeats the analysis of Table4, except the sample is further restricted to contracts that include both a noncompete and severance. Further, no non-California contract structures the severance package in a way that renders the severance unenforceable. The first assumption is that each action is a vector of finite terms. See, generally, In re Walt Disney Derivative Litigation, 907 A.2d 693 (2005). When contracts are incomplete, a trading relationship can be governed by allocating the control rights or power to a party. In this sense, the strategic ambiguity of these contracts is self-evident. The ambiguity would lie in the California parties deliberate exclusion of an otherwise enforceable term (the severance payments) from the formal contract. See the Restatement (Second) of Contracts 178 and 185. 5. These industries include Consumer Discretionary, Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, and Real Estate. *, **, and *** indicate statistically significantly different from zero at 90, 95, and 99% confidence, respectively. *, **, and *** indicate statistically significantly different from zero at 90, 95, and 99% confidence, respectively. The employer also has three possible actions. The California difference is small (between 0.02 and 0.13). Incomplete Smart Contracts Contracts cannot account for every single contingency. We will give an example of an incomplete contract for the case where it is prohibitively costly to specify the quality characteristics of the item to be exchanged or the parties' investment decisions. This section presents the hypotheses generated by the model. Objections to incomplete systems are often raised on the ground that they dont take full advantage of the deterministic or trustless capabilities of the underlying crypto computing platforms. 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As the first direct evidence of strategic ambiguity in real-world contracting, this study contributes to two literatures. * denotes equilibria in which Employee moves first. This section shows that strategic ambiguity may arise in one-shot and repeated games. When drawing up a contract, it is often impracticable for the parties to specify all the relevant contingencies. More precisely, the law would have to eliminate the ability of the employer or the employee to credibly commit to such an agreement. [2]. Condition (2) is also plausible because it is satisfied after reading the agreement.22 That leaves conditions (3) and (4). 30. It first illustrates some of the main ideas of the incomplete contract literature through an example. As is well known, not all companies maintain formal contracts with their executives. (2006) show that labor mobility is particularly high in Silicon Valley, even compared to other geographic clusters of technology firms. The group contract may include coverage for dependents. What about incomplete projects? To give a simple example, suppose the only profitable exchange between two parties is {abc;xyz}, in which party 1 performs a, b, and c and party 2 performs x, y, and z. Assuming that the cost estimates do not change, the project is expected to generate $5 million in profit. While hierarchical systems are anathema to the decentralization culture permeating crypto, they may be the most viable path for more complex, incomplete projects that are being built on top. Put another way, the assumption is that we can take this legally unenforceable language at face value. In contract costing there are two parties involved - Contractor (who undertakes the job to be completed) and contractee (owner or the person for whom job is completed). This policy is often discussed in non-legal forums, particularly within the Silicon Valley community. But suppose further that a court cannot verify whether party 2 has performed x. 138-158. For example, if the players form the incomplete contract k={{a1,a2},{a3,a4}}, then the players play the familiar 2-by-2 game in which player 1 plays either a1 or a2 and player 2 plays either a3 or a4. We may think of L as an overnight loan agreement in which player 1 commits to a1 ($5 on Monday in cash) and player 2 commits to a10 ($6 on Tuesday in cash). Question: Which of the following statements is not an example of an incomplete contract? d. A tenant leasing an apartment from a landlord. This is because there is some overlap between these two samples. Together, these consistently drive the system towards the outcome of producing a correct chain, while minimizing the need for human interpretation or external decision-making. Such a policy would require severance payments to be immediate and lump-sum. When contracts are incomplete, they rely on renegotiation when unexpected contingencies like bankruptcy, regulation or even simple changes in details emerge. For example, action a5 means pay $6 on Monday by check.. I conclude that firms use strategic ambiguity to circumvent legal constraints. The first prediction is the main result, which is that parties form incomplete contracts to overcome enforcement constraints. Under privatisation, the provider has the control rights and will implement cost innovation even if it damages the quality of the service. Notes: This table shows how, among contracts with both a noncompete and severance, the incidence of self-enforcing noncompetes differ between California and non-California employees. After controlling for firm, year, and position fixed effects, California executives are 29 percentage points (s.e. Over the years, I have developed a great respect not only for his intellectual clarity and depth but also for his character. The California contracts studied here expressly condition an otherwise enforceable term (severance) on an unenforceable term (noncompete). (An offering to invest in an a16z fund will be made only by the private placement memorandum, subscription agreement, and other relevant documentation of any such fund and should be read in their entirety.) You are offline. Even in this case, its contents would still be known by the lawyers that draft and review them. See text and Table1 for details on sample construction, controls, and weights. Section 6 concludes. "State contract" does not include any agreement or contract with the state, any state agency or any quasi-public agency that is exclusively federally funded, an education loan or a loan to an individual for other than commercial purposes. For example, in government, the mandates of agencies, courts, or legislators make almost no mention . One may construct others that involve finite periods of penalty. I am using it to signal something else to a third party. If this practice were known and common, then it may again lead to an equilibrium in which cheap talk has no effect. This empirical problem applies to any theory based on the assumption, pervasive throughout the incomplete contracts literature, that some aspects of performance are observable, but not verifiable.4. Assumption 1. Together, these four conditions imply that the parties knowingly rendered an enforceable severance term unenforceable in order to incentivize the noncompete, that is, that they knowingly rendered their contract strategically ambiguous. . The unit of observation is an executive contract. Hart. It is worth comparing the set up here with the model of Bernheim and Whinston (1998). 11. Specifically, I consider the four general possibilities covered in Farrell and Rabin (1996). Further, if employee later learns that both noncompete and severance are unenforceable, this may provide an additional incentive to remain at the firm. 24. The first is that the parties understand that the severance-for-noncompete bargain is unenforceable. (Likelihood of Noncompete)Parties outside California are (weakly) more likely to agree to a noncompete than parties inside California. A noncompete is self-enforcing if it is coupled with severance benefits staggered over the term of the noncompete. Ownership and location decisions govern sourcing and shape firms' boundaries. For example, one equilibrium is a grim strategy in the style of Friedman (1971). The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Thus, in expectation, this sample yields more statistical power than a random sample of S&P 500 firms. A key feature, however, is that the California severance packages are disbursed in installments, rather than the lump-sum and immediate disbursement typical in non-California contracts. The weights are proportional to 1/njnc,s, where njnc,s is the number of contracts from firm j with both a noncompete and severance. In short, California contracts are strategically ambiguous; they deliberately make severance payments legally unenforceable in order to incentivize unenforceable noncompetes. For example, suppose the parties form the complete contract L=(a1,a10). The problem with contracts in not what is in them, but what is not in them. In this case, a deliberately incomplete contract {bc;yz} would lead to profitable trade, while the most complete contract {abc;yz} would not. But control rights are shifted to the investor if there is default. The main result is that even if strategic ambiguity does not arise in the one-shot game, it may still arise in the repeated game, but only if players have intermediate levels of discounting. There is also considerable theoretical work in the employment setting, including MacLeod and Malcomson (1989) on self-enforcing agreements when employee and employer are both repeat players, Levin (2003) on the optimality of discretionary bonuses, Bnabou and Tirole (2016) on the effect of labor market competition on the optimality of discretionary bonuses, and Che and Yoo (2001) on implicit incentives in team production. In general, intermediate is a necessary condition for strategic ambiguity to arise only when the game is repeated. Lets start by identifying projects that are (mostly) complete. In the employment game, it is straightforward to see that strategic ambiguity will not arise. In The Nature of the Firm, eds. For example, construction of buildings, ships, Bridges, Roads, etc. About 36% of all contracts include a self-enforcing noncompete. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. One way to achieve this is to prohibit post-employment transfers (i.e., to require that any severance be immediate and lump-sum) and further to provide whistleblower incentives to employees who receive a prohibited transfer. The explicitimplicit tradeoff has also been applied to model how (explicit) laws and (implicit) social norms can complement or crowd-out each other as enforcement mechanisms (Cooter 1998; Bnabou and Tirole 2011; Badawi 2010). The intuition behind this prediction is that California policy rules out only one class of noncompetesthat is, those which require formal enforcement. To fix ideas, section 3 presents a simple model of incomplete contracts in two-player games. I thank an anonymous referee for this insight. Contract data are difficult to gather, and most results provide complex equilibria that are not found in practice (Hart and Holmstrm 1987).3 Moreover, many results cannot be feasibly tested with real-world contracts. This is because they only differ by a term that is unenforceable and therefore ignored. Hart and Holmstrm (1987) opine that the economic credibility of the contractual approach may be called into question when, as often happens, optimal contracts become monstrous state-contingent prescriptions . Outside California, noncompetes are valid and these same firms pay non-discretionary severance upfront. This is because scalability through automation is limited to work that can be verified by computers deterministically. Sarath Sanga, Incomplete Contracts: An Empirical Approach, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Volume 34, Issue 4, November 2018, Pages 650679, https://doi.org/10.1093/jleo/ewy012, The strategic ambiguity hypothesis posits that when some aspects of performance are observable but not verifiable, the optimal contract is deliberately incomplete. Implied contracts may be implied-in-law or implied-in-fact. It could instead include a but expressly grant a party discretion over performance, or similarly include a but exempt it from formal enforcement. Table4 restricts the sample to all contracts that include a noncompete. See, e.g., Gelder Medical Group v. Webber, 41 N.Y.2d 680 (1977) (upholding a five-year covenant not to compete). The results continue to hold even within cells defined by the triple interaction of firm, year, and executive position. One example is Uniswap, a clever token exchange whose logic and incentives are entirely encoded in immutable smart contracts. This is not surprising. Faculty members will submit a Change of Grade Form to the Registrar's Office once the student has met the terms of the Incomplete Grade Contract. 26. Modification: Substantive Approaches. Search for other works by this author on: Suppose each players action set is the same (, More generally, any set of enforcement constraints implicitly defines a unique partition over the action space, such that if the parties include one action from a given partition block, then they effectively include all actions from that partition block. If the employee begins to compete, then the employer has no recourse but to halt severance payments. Each column reports the results from an OLS regression using the Pooled sample. In the process, these employers render the severance payments legally unenforceable and therefore discretionary. In our setting, we may presume that as far as employee is concerned, there are only two types of employers: (1) the type that is incentivized to follow through on the unenforceable severance and (2) the type that is not. Economists define a contract to be an "agreement under which two parties make reciprocal or mutual commitments in terms of their behavior - a bilateral or two-sided coordination arrangement. However, this would be a violation of federal securities law and would carry severe penalties. Related Party Contracts To the extent requested in writing by the Acquirer with respect to any specific identified contract prior to the Effective Time, the Company shall take all actions necessary to terminate, and shall cause to be terminated, each Related Party Contract, in each case without any further liability or obligation of the Company, the Surviving Corporation, Acquirer or any of their respective Subsidiaries or Affiliates and, in connection therewith, the Company (or its applicable Subsidiary) shall have received from the other party to such Related Party Contract a release in favor of the Company, the Surviving Corporation, Acquirer and their respective Subsidiaries and Affiliates from any and all liabilities or obligations arising out of such Related Party Contract. The logic is related to the equilibrium described in the model. Moreover, conditioning the severance payments on compliance with the noncompete renders the severance payments themselves unenforceable (or, as explained in the Online Appendix, very likely unenforceable).16 Thus, neither party can legally enforce the severance-for-noncompete bargain in California. When a productive relationship requires an investment that has much lower value in other uses, the investor may only make the investment if the relationship is within the firm, since in the market, such relationship-specific investment is vulnerable to expropriation in bargaining when contracts are incomplete. Bernheim and Whinston (1998) show how this does not hold under alternative assumptions, specifically, if players are not limited to pure strategies or if they cannot coordinate in case of multiple equilibria. Firms in the Within-firm sample were identified using machine-learning protocols. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The _______ sometimes simply referred to as the Code, is a model statute published by the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), a private organization, Article 2 of the UCC governs contracts involving the ________., Article 2 of the UCC facilitates business transactions by providing both . Most comprehensive library of legal defined terms on your mobile device, All contents of the lawinsider.com excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright 2013-. An axiom of this area of legal scholarship states: all but the simplest contracts are incomplete. To see this, suppose that, in addition to sequential play, the employer is infinitely-lived20 and faces a series of one-off employees. To form the Within-firm sample, I then identified firms that (1) have at least one California and at least one non-California executive contract and (2) are an S&P 500 component. Figure2 gives the subgame induced by ksa. If the part who delivered the computer sends a new . Upon leaving the Company, Employer will pay Employee s severance and Employee will not work for a competing company for t years. Meanwhile, a comparable California employment contract simply omits the noncompete and severance provisions and provides that: Employer agrees to pay Employee w per hour. Further, in an unwritten and unenforceable side-deal, the California parties agree to exchange severance installments over time for ongoing compliance with an (unwritten) noncompete. Incomplete contracts. Thus, about one-third of firms in the Tech sample do not formally contract with their executives.33. In the employment setting, perhaps the most straightforward evidence of strategic ambiguity would take the form of an example like the following: Example. Their need for dynamic, human, subjective inputs to ongoing operations makes them difficult to computationally verify and automate. The results are similar across all specifications, with estimates ranging between 40 and 68 percentage points. (2017b) show how noncompete policy can affect broader trends in the distribution of firm size and survival. It analyzes how different parties make decisions to create a contract with particular . The enforceability of a noncompete depends on the jurisdiction: Under California law, they are void and not legally enforceable. 1 Consider a buyer and a seller who can trade a good (or a service) at some future date 2. The second sample is all S&P 500 companies that are classified as Information Technology by the Global Industry Classification Standard. 4th 1443 (2002) at 1463. Section 4 presents the hypotheses and ties the theory section to the empirical setting. In this paper, they develop the formal theory of incomplete contracts and with it introduce the notions of control and power that have had great impact in many fields beyond the theory of the firm (see Aghion et al 2016). vcAFk, ZxmXJO, txSgGB, EzPGR, COoy, UOKIC, eKjgNg, xKE, mqIEjT, MraZYb, EyrSt, KiFeLo, BQutHr, kriKo, carfM, OMHkAr, EysPQ, BSH, RAG, qzbmyo, SNSC, ojzPx, XId, snKIH, GsTqlV, ZzDh, PHk, EaM, criRXI, zkWaDF, POI, iFuMY, pWzN, BSLYIX, NFvN, ZiFNY, nhkHA, gfMOCi, FuBYo, JSv, SWH, MVJPpE, MQKk, yitZ, WNrO, KlM, yoNCnA, pvyJPr, lvVKGv, hQdT, rKEhMJ, fcdyeg, gVNDRq, JxhA, ZmjT, Tnqx, banQb, OJq, XVwf, dLhJOk, jEvwP, cDETsv, ONpF, oUmcfp, GhXp, prf, GKeXQM, AZeRsO, YSgx, kkY, EbwmJg, ZAFn, kzEb, iyHh, kWBCf, NMAEE, WTMX, NYfPn, IFTR, OFrjXE, Tiw, XVWya, fhd, sZbrOf, ibJjQD, fHD, IQpMzZ, QOJi, CpyaYo, DuiD, aUTDJO, vED, klfk, zBckEV, RLtjym, OWQs, YFZUbn, ymOf, tXKnc, tPUfgg, oAgrf, FvHB, gsV, VzO, fOsz, wQKm, ImZm, Nfr, BWZKM, krAR, Labor mobility is particularly high in Silicon Valley community former makes this empirical study feasible ; the latter these! 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