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I wish there, Yeah I would agree. . Upon its completion, the Winds of Magic blew more strongly across Nehekhara, and Nagash's mastery of Dark Magic and necromancy increased ten-fold. . . . . . That vile beast and his shadowy master must be destroyed! . . . . . Azza gremlins live among storm clouds, ft. or range 30 ft., one creature. . . I always encourageDMs to give monsters their moment in the spotlight.Gleefully describe their ripping claws, their corrosive breath,their wicked magic and their cunning plots! . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4i], The cult of Verena, the goddess of knowledge and justice, and the cult of Shallya, the goddess of mercy and healing, have worked closely to this purpose, attempting to discover new cures and techniques. . . . . Melee Weapon Attack. . . . 342 Vine Lord . [4h], Yet, despite their decrepit appearance, Nurgle's Chaos Warriors are always deadly fighters, impervious to all forms of pain, who fight on despite the most horrendous wounds. Sael commissioned the Blade of De'ther to thank you, but Jir'abins Shades have stolen it. . . . Called the Hail he is bold enough to woo two by turns, Oluffa, the Queen ofThrower, the Snowy Rager, and the Father of the Snow Mares, the Frost Giants and Nicnevin, Fey Queen of Witches.Boreas is said to have been one of four brothers who livedfar to the south, before a bitter struggle between Boreas and His daughter, the Snow Queen Morrinn of Grokeheim,his three younger brothers led to him cursing the others and is not fond of this wild romance, and she strives to keep herleaving the to suffer forever in empty quarters of sand and father far from the Witch-Queens affections and further stilldust, while he took the rich forests and cool northern climes from Loki and the giants. . [4f], Some cult leaders delve into rare grimoires, possession of which earns the death penalty in the Empire, and learn foul rituals to raise magical squalls that can spread deadly plagues far and wide. . . . By Chris Harris, Dan Dillon, Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, and Wolfgang Baur Developed by Steve WinterbyDan Dillon, Chris Harris, Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, and Wolfgang Baur Developed by Steven WinterTome of BeastsCredits Cover Art: Marcel MercadoDesign: Dan Dillon, Chris Harris, Art Director: Marc Radle Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, and Wolfgang Baur Layout and Graphic Design: Marc RadleAdditional Design: William Ryan Carden, Christopher Carlson, Michael John Conard, Artists: Ivan Lee Dixon, Micah Epstein, Frank Garza, James L. Crawford, Christopher Delvo, Matthew F. Dowd, Felipe Gaona, Josh Hass, Ambrose H. Hoilman, Michael Jaecks, Timothy Eagon, Matthew Eyman, Robert Fairbanks, Eoghan Kerrigan, Guido Kuip, Shawncee McCoy, Dio Mahesa, David Gibson, Christopher Gilliford, John Henzel, Justin Mayhew, Marcel Mercado, Aaron Miller, Jeremy Hochhalter, Michael Holland, Ben Iglauer, Johnny Morrow, Jason Rainville, Felipe Gaona Reydet, James Introcaso, Dan Layman-Kennedy, Christopher Lockey, Kathryn Steele, Florian Stitz, Nakarin Sukontakorn, Maximilian Maier, Greg Marks, Dave Olson, Richard Pratt, rjan Ruttenborg Svendsen, Byran Syme, Cory Trego-Erdner, Marc Radle, Jon Sawatsky, Ryan Shatford, Troy E. Taylor, Eva Widermann, and Keiran Yanner Andrew Teheran, Jorge A. Torres, Darius Uknuis, Sersa Victory, and Ben Wertz Logo: Doug WohlfeilDevelopment: Steven Winter Playtest Coordinator: Ben McFarlandEditing: Peter Hogan, Wade Rockett, and Wolfgang BaurPlaytesters: Aaron Meadows, Aaron Sarver, Adam Sirois, Al Guillaume Berthome, Guy Parisi, Hannah Cochran, Haoyu Church, Alex Barnard, Alex Basso, Alex Cole, Alex Kalman, Chen, Heather Curtis, Heather Lingg, Henrik Gullaksen, Alex Lynn, Alexander Warrington, Aliah Katz, Andrew Higashi Drukago, Hunter Guerrero, J. Ryan Conklin, J.L. . . . FIDELE ANGELMedium celestial, lawful goodArmor Class 16 (natural armor)Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (angelic form), or 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (eagle form)STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA20 (+5) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 1/day: bless, daylight, detect evil and good, enhance ability, hallow, protection from evil and goodSaving Throws Dex +7, Con +5, Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +7 Magic Resistance. . . On occasion they sell them to goblins andkobolds. Word didn't reach Sigmar about the Menogoths' destruction, at least not until the very same caramel stranger met the Emperor when he came to the woods looking for an ancient weapon known as an Organ Gun. The momentum of the Imperial charge was devastating, but slowly, the tides began to turn as the numbers of the dead soon outnumbered the living. Multiattack. However, the followers of Nurgle consider those stricken by disease to be extremely blessed. If some are more important/intrinsically more potent, then the Inverse . Or someone very like you. . . . . . . This zombie is permanently dominated by the nihileth. . In the Realm of Chaos, Daemonic legions loyal to each Ruinous Power clash in unending battle at the borders of their territories. As the Undead fleet made ready for landfall, a whole battery of catapults and ballistae sunk ship after ship that came close. . . . . . . . . Ki'lks have been sighted throughout the Northlands. . . They sometimes accept a personal challenge o one target. . . . . Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.22 (+6) 11 (+0) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) (disadvantage within 5 ft.), one target. . [4f], Upon the seventh circuit, the hullabaloo rises to fever pitch. . . . . Requirement: Must have Sun Token II to access this quest. Smash open the boxes to find anything he might have left for us. A burrowlingpup reaches adulthood in a year. . . The very words "Black Plague" can bring fear. . . Dark magic and immortal energies flared upwards from his destruction like a volcanic eruption. . The temple cats innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). . WebOfficial media See also the series timeline.. 121 Gnarljak . . . . . . . . Other aspects which are useful to discover at the research table are Spiritus (found only in certain items from the Nether), and Tempestas, which is not otherwise found in the world (the occasional wisp notwithstanding). . Another stumble! . Take the Chaorrupted Blood they shed and bring it to me. . . The Sorceress had declared it something one must be born with -- Rhaenyras children were bastards, their blood tainted with the blood of House Strong. . . . . . . . . . Punishments are malevolently Multiattack. Behtu war parties carry 1d6 vials of ichorous infusions. . That man has always been prone to exaggeration. . . Some smart monsters will retreat byspeaking a magical word, step onto a dark shadow road, ortake to the skies with a demonic howl, carrying off the partysfavorite mule. . . . . Isolated pockets of spacetime may develop at random, and contain unknown dangers. . . . Excellent work. 257 Swarm, Fire Dancers. . Would that make them unable to wield? Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage.fire green-glowing arrows with a sneer and a curse. . At revered you will be able to purchase recipes for Cooking, Engineering, and Inscription. Please bring me some. . . . . . An arrogant, deluded fool who thinks himself the equal of the gods. With this we can surely defeat Xan. Note: These quests can only be completed once. Cysero has noticed some more interesting properties about the monsters themselves. . . . . Occasionally, 16 Constitution save or suffer the effects of Wyrmblood Venom.they choose to serve necromancers, darakhul, some vampires, Claw. And sometimes, in ghastly dry voices, like the rustling of sun-baked reeds, they whisper the one word they remember . She attended Brown University, where she earned her BA and MA in Classics. . . . . . removed by lesser restoration or comparable magic. Residing far away in his fortress, Nagashizzar, amid the mountains to the north-cast of Nehekhara, the arch-necromancer recognised the spawn of his own ancient evil and was gladdened by the corruption of Lahmia. 181Abominable Beauty . . . . [2e], Nurgle's sacred number is seven, and the endless varieties of his mark incorporate a triangle of three circles representing the unending cycle of birth, suffering, and death. But if I remember correctly, Vormund keeps a Decryption Manual in his library. They are inscribed on your very flesh. . They ravage entire galaxies. . . . . . . . Male abominable beauties are rarebut even more jealous in their rages. . I believe they are trying to re-capture their humanity. . . . . The ala doesnt provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemys reach.Poison Flesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . It took hundreds of years for the population of the Old World to recover, but the ramifications can be felt even today. Some are well-established, recruiting new members from among the sick and desperate -- those who yearn to cling to life by any means necessary. . . In its singular form, the collective cant occupy the same space as another creature, butSpies and Sneaks. . The Highmountain Tribe has dwindled in numbers over the years, and with the drogbar threat looming, seek new allies to save their homeland. Note: These quests can only be completed once. . 246 Edimmu . . I dare not touch it. Nay, pluck it, answered Aylmer,pluck it, and inhale its brief perfume while you may. . Note: Previously called "Shatter the Gemeralds". . The bolotis innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 11). . hit, reach 10 ft., one target. . Talk to Lim when you're ready to go, and he'll give you one. . He strides with an arrogant swagger, snapping of him. . . . The abominable beauty makes two slam attacks.Slam. . . . . . . The monster designs presented here accomplishthis with powers that play on common fears: the slowhorror of poison, destruction of the weapons the PCs relyon to survive, loss of eyesight, magic-induced panic orexhaustion, even sinking into darkness. Forced to fight with every weapon available, many of the Cherusens chewed wildroot and drove themselves into bloody frenzies. . This in turn rouses the paternal wrath of Grandfather Nurgle. The incantation is done. . . Well, that should hold them off for a while. . He wrote his infamous Grimoire in ink distilled from blood, in a volume bound with flayed human skin. . . . . 341 VileBarber . . . . His paunch, swollen with corpse-gas, spills stinking organs, and a legion of Daemonic mites -- Nurglings -- play among his entrails and suckle the pus-riddled discharge streaming from his sores. . . Most cults of Nurgle go to ground at the mere hint of an investigation by witch hunters, yet these diligent servants of Sigmar can often sniff out even the most cautious Chaos Cult, and will condemn its members to torture, a swift trial, and consignment to a blazing pyre. . . I believe that combining them with 3 Frask scales will make a potion to greatly increase her power! Gather 4 of them, and blind the 13 Sp-Eyes to prevent Drakath from watching our next move. . damage and are not deafened. . The Rustbolt Resistance holds the line against King Mechagon and his evil plans. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the nihileth can take a lair action to create one of the magical effects as per anACTIONS aboleth, or the void absorbance action listed below. . . Only the desperate or the suicidal travel to their speed). . . You're doing quite well, Hero. . If you can find " Troy c. 1700-1250 BC (Osprey Fortress #17)" you might enjoy it. . He committed his findings into nine accursed tomes: the Books of Nagash, the most powerful sources of necromantic magic in the world. . . . . . . . Their tiny bones rustle when they move, a an exarch) control, acting as a singular creature. . [2a], The last people of Nehekhara fell to the ground, their skin withering as if they had aged a century in the blink of an eye. . . . . Sigmar held onto Ghal-maraz as the star-iron of its head burned brighter than the sun and its grip burned his hands with its ancient fire. Quest Location: Drakonnan (Location) Chaos ultimately only ever offers slavery in return for immortality, not ultimate freedom as its adherents believe. . . . We'll do so in a blaze of glory! . . . I bet you also didn't know that the better the salve the BETTER THE INK! . . Sigmar led the charge, his mighty hammer cleaving to and fro. We will send him screaming to the underworld that waits to consume him. . Please clear all these monsters out of this room before moving downward. . . I have just finished the book, and I think it is not that improbable but I wouldn't wish it for us. . . In that dread desert, beneath the moon's pale gaze, dead men walk. . He bred the negates the poisoned condition.same qualities into his people, the behtu (BAY-too), who carryhis worship from island to island.Temple Builders. . . . Quests Begun From: Warlic . [1a], For years they had mined the warpstone, using it for their own fell purposes until it was almost exhausted. . . This time the Great Necromancer was going to claim the power of death itself. . When the treant dies, the ala is born in a black whirlwind. Let me think of a way to clear our path! . All of these things are solely maintained by the willpower of the god in question -- without that drive, the kingdoms and Daemonic scions of the Chaos Gods would collapse once more into formless magical energy. . Kadon recognised Alcadizaar for a mighty king and ordered a barrow built for his corpse. Hitting Exalted with this faction is required in order to unlock the. . . Home to farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, and the mysterious tidesages, the Storm's Wake seeks to reclaim Stormsong Valley and affirm their place in Kul Tiras. . . . Ineither case, Baba Yaga is the source oftheir power. . The big twist: Madeline Miller casts the story as a romance between Achilles and Patroclus. He was weakened by his long sojourn beyond death and part of his power was still lost with his claw and his crown. . She asked me to keep the lady company until she returned. But I fear that Chaos truly does reign in The Span right now. 295 Skitterhaunt. 23A TOME OF BEASTSAnubianAn anubians swirling sand comes together to form a snarling, ACTIONScanine-faced humanoid whose eyes shine with an eerie, blue glow.Anubians are elementals summoned to guard tombs or protect Multiattack. . . If the opponent and the boloti are both on dry ground, the boloti has disadvantage on attack rolls.38Bone Collective TOME OF BEASTS BA bone collective is almost a fluid; its thousands of tiny bones Swarm. . 47 Hag, Blood. [2e], Those few who embrace the Plague Lord's "gifts" willingly are granted superhuman endurance against all disease and most forms of pain. . A living creature that is injured by orclean in a few hours, so their hunting grounds are littered with makes physical contact with a creature carrying the whitecracked and sun-bleached bonesthe perfect hiding place for ghost shivers must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution savingthese littoral predators. 68 Fext . . . . . . You have done much, Hero. . . . [2a], "You are no god Do you remember what I said to you in your tent at Mahrak? . It is said he whispers in the ears of the mortally wounded on the battlefield, offering them an eternal, if diseased and rotted, life if they give in to his call. . . . . . Bring back 4 Minx Fairy Wings, 2 breaths from a Moglin Ghost, and 5 talons from the Future ShadowScythe in the Time Library, and I will create the mixture allowing you to see the runes. [4d], The explosion spat gobbets of condensed, solid Chaos matter across the globe, and these meteorites mutated life wherever they landed. . Accursed defilers are theremnants of an ancient tribe that desecrated a sacred oasis.For their crime, the wrathful spirits cursed the tribe to foreverwander the wastes attempting to quench an insatiable thirst.Each defiler carries a parched sandstorm within its lungs and inthe flowing sand in its veins. The Manastar now uses server side information. . . . or half damage with a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. . Add the appropriate traits to the base horsemantraits for each of the horsemen as follows. . As of BFA patch 8.0.1 there are 100 available reputations that you can grind to exalted. . Defeat her, and we will know what she is protecting. . For this lesson, you will need to bring me several reagents. If players finish the entire zone, they should be Exalted. . . . . 396 Sathaq Worm. . In the legends of the Human Chaos tribes of the North, Nurgle affects a garrulous air of overfriendliness towards his brother gods, but his benign nature masks his real opinions. . . They delight in storing up larders of form. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., oneamphipteres are not particularly brave. . The farmlands and fields are near, he announced. Do not let your will become your downfall, hero. The bone swarm can attack every hostile creaturejoin together, bonded in its space with swirling bones.by a common craving: Swirling Bones. . In wind form, he can use a whirlwindThules highest peak, and he styles himself lord of all the North. . Quests Begun From: Warlic Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage if used two-handed.Sworn to the Bear King. . . In return for their lives, they champion Nurgle with sword and flame against rival tribes and the hated realms of the Men of the south. . . The mask has a pronounced snout or beak which often contains onions or herbs to combat the disease and protect the wearer. . . As the minions of one god seize advantage, that territory is moulded to the whims and hubris of its new master, sloughing off its old form to reveal a new countenance. . Web"We sons of Grungni may have drunk deep from the bitter waters of misfortune, but we yet survive. . Ranged Spell Attack. . . . In adolescence, this fey creature adopts features that meetthe superficial ideals of the nearest humanoid population:longlegged elegance near elves, a stout figure with lustrous hairnear dwarves, unscarred or emerald skin near goblins.Jealous and Cruel. These points are spent in the process of researching new devices and informational topics. . However, fire exists as much more than just a flame- it is the spark of life, the fuel of passion and desire, and the core of the living world. . They see the Plague Lord as a more pure embodiment of disease and decay, though they are careful to disguise their true allegiance in the rituals and language of the Horned Rat's cult for fear of their fellow members of the Pestilent Brotherhood discovering their subterfuge. . . . Return with 4 Exa-glasses, 8 drops of Fairy Plasma, and 16 Fallen Fairy Wings. . . . . Tyler Durden said it first; "Were the middle children of history, man. There, agreat many of the most useful tomes had come from the dusty library of Morath, the necromancer of Brass Keep, though copies of translated manuscripts from the far south had come to Reikdorfs Great Library via the Empires southern kings. . . . . . It seeks out its descendants to to share thetorment and wrath it endured while its spirit lingered. . . He believes it is a special kind of ChickenCow that only emerges when it is twenty-five degrees below zero outside. These iron (escape DC 14). . . . 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.When their creators are more than 100 Attach. . . . . . . . . As a fan of legitimate mythology, will this book annoy me? . . They are Bite. . . . Turning in all the scrolls will net you Exalted. . . . . . The Book of Chaos and Flames will give him new spells that should help ease his mind and protect his power from the 13th Lord of Chaos! . The Orcs were pushed back out of the Bad Lands back into the Worlds Edge Mountains. . . We can't drill further, but we can walk there if you clear the area around the ship of monsters. . . . . . . 272 Roachling. . . . Unsavory tribes of savagehumanoids may beg an alas favor (or divert its wrath) with giftsof bound captives.Energized by Storms. But they are no longer the same and I would not wish Chaorruption on anyone! . Quest Location: ArchMage (Location) . . . Some cults' hierarchies are based instead on the extent of affliction siuffered by their members, with the plagued poor lording it over less diseased high-born followers. . Yes, they can talk, if you can understand the language of mana, which I do. . . . . . . 53 Elemental Locus. . . . . . . . . . Jir'abin is here, and he rages at the loss of his minions. A pack ofchained angels is considered a status symbol among the servantsof evil. . An abominable beauty is so perfect must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or bethat her gaze blinds, her voice is so melodious that no ears can permanently deafened.withstand it, and her touch is so tantalizing that it burns likefire. . . . Sheshe cannot be everywhere at once. . Undaunted by the armies the Council of Thirteen sent to reclaim Nagashizzar the Great Necromancer set to work. . "Sinc . Revered andrenjinyi take offense when Magic Weapons. They may have found some Freggments, too. . "Every item, object, or creature is bound by varying mystical elements known as aspects. Words cannot describe how much I despise this book. . I figured as much. . In general, most scannable items will yield research points equal to their own aspect values. ANDRENJINYI Constrict. . . . . Instead of raw chaos, I've used a combination of good, evil, and diluted chaos- a trifecta of unity- as the secret ingredient. . If a victim dropsto 0 hit points, the foul-tempered bagiennikapplies healing oil to stabilize them, grumbling allthe while.Acid Oils. . Yet in contrast to their hideous appearance, Nurgle's Daemons are cheerful, energetic beings that show a disturbingly friendly demeanour. Exalted grants players, Scryers reward players with patterns for arcane resistance gear, spellthreads, and jewelcrafting cuts. . . . . . . Aldor rewards players with patterns for fire resistance gear, spellthreads, and jewelcrafting cuts. A world of the dead is a world at peace", Yeteven as the Empire breathed a sigh of relief and gloried themselves upon their achievements, the tribes failed to notice the cold winds of death blowing strongly to the south. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. . It could be a way to prove that her children were more worthy of the throne, that their blood and claim to the throne stronger. . Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) necrotic damage. . . . . . Bone crabs hunt in packs, preying on seabirds and creatures Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.stranded in tidal pools. Note: Quest can only be completed by going to Rayst in Arcangrove. . Quest Location: AQ Lesson 298 Son of Fenris . Count Otwins lands were near empty, his people scattered by the sudden invasion of the dead from the wastelands to the north-west. . . . Please be careful - anything that happens to your soul will carry over to your body here! Nagash demanded great quantities of gold and slaves from other cities to be sent in tribute to Khemri. Nagash tortured the pale-skinned foreigners until they divulged the secrets of their mystical powers, and he proved to be an apt pupil indeed. . . Because antlers signify status, alseids neveruse them in combat. . The filth and the crowds mysteriously seem to help diseases spread. . . The algorith makes two logic razor attacks.Creatures of Pure Reason. . . . . Well done! . sandstorm by using its action and making a DC 13 Strength check. Apocalyptic fiction is a subgenre of science fiction that is concerned with the end of civilization due to a potentially existential catastrophe such as nuclear warfare, pandemic, extraterrestrial attack, impact event, cybernetic revolt, technological singularity, dysgenics, supernatural phenomena, divine judgment, climate change, resource depletion or some other general disaster. Prove your worth to Vaxt Ahas: The Time Travel Fairies stole Vaxt Ahas' Exa-glasses. . . 414Nichny. Other symbols include flies, tentacles, open maws, and disgusting chalices dripping with infectious effluvient. Since hom. . 247Cactid . . Requirement: Must have Mana Token VI to access this quest. . . . . . . Alternatively,might be, if most of it wasnt concealed by a thick coating of muck the bagienniks secretion can have the effect of a lesserand mud. . . . . 371O Appendix A: Villain Codex. but choose wisely. . . . The most efficient way to hit Exalted is to turn in. . . . . . . . . . Are you OK? This has already proven to be quite an interesting day. The devices he had used to refine, concentrate and purify it for his own sorcerous purposes were all destroyed. With your gathered reagents, we can create a small node of Prismatic Ether, to imbue a single magical tome. . The angler worm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on vibrations.Transparent Trap. . . . . While charmed by the temple cat, the targethis or her fate at the claws and teeth of these slim, black-furred must move toward the cat at normal speed and try to pet itbeasts. Tzeentch, Nurgle, also known as the "Plague Lord," "Grandfather Nurgle," the "Lord of Pestilence," the "Fly Lord," the "Urfather," and as "Neiglen" [5a] and "the Crow" among many other names [6] in Norsca, is the major Chaos God of disease, decay, despair, destruction, death and rebirth. . . . . Excluded "Item of Digital Awesomeness" Items, Fire Elemental (Monster) (2) (Level 40) (Version 1), Snow Golem (Monster) (2) (Level 15) (Version 1), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. . . . . . . [2a], Marble the colour of midnight was brought from afar, and innumerable slaves toiled day and night for fifty years until the Black Pyramid of Nagash towered above all other monuments in the whole of Nehekhara. He learned of the disappearance of Alcadizaar and how he had been driven to madness and death by the crown and exposure to the Skaven's Deathblade. This simulation IS your world after YOU fail to achieve your destiny. . . . . Roads were created to link the far corners of the land to the capital. . . Nothing remains in your way. . Damage taken by one is split evenly +1 Longbow. They're mysterious and capricious, extremely vengeful and I think Madeline Miller did a great job of portraying how very far from human they are. . . Requirement: Must have Brainz n' Eggs to access this quest. You must hold them off as long as possible while I complete the potion! 49 Hag, Red. Quest Begun From: Warlic . He is not a god of destruction -- in truth, the Plague Lord deeply cherishes all life. . . . . more snare lines. . . Please, can this be the last headache we have to deal with? . . [2a], Under his wise and charismatic leadership, Alcadizaar bound the Great Cities under his rule, and Nehekhara began to prosper once more. . . . . . . They resemble hairy ogres from the the saving throw and reduce its hit point maximum by 5 (1d10)waist up, but with muscular and flexible legs much longer than on a failure. . They may be joined by solemn followers of Morr, the god of the dead, who have no particular interest in the disease itself, but a need to make sure the dead are properly put to rest. . . A creature that ages this way has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws based on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution until the aging is reversed. . Uncover the text to decipher Vormund's message! A creature who drinks from such water must make aWithering Touch (Ethereal Form Only): Melee Weapon Attack: successful DC 14 Constitution check or become infected. . You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! ", The mortal and Daemonic servants of Nurgle, It is not the incessant warring between Daemonic armies in the Realm of Chaos or even the epic clash of Chaos Champions among the barbarian tribes of the Chaos Wastes that truly enthuses Nurgle, but the conflict against the unconquered civilized realms of the mortal world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Ring of Far Reach now uses the new forge reach attribute instead of being a massive hack. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.hooks and its fangs are composed of iron rather Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) piercing damage, and the target is grappledthan bone or other organic material. . Fearful that necromancy would bring about the wrath of the gods, King Alcadizaar made war on the tainted Vampire queen. . . . Burrowlings live up to 15 years. The bouda can use its action to polymorph into a human, a hyena, or its true form, which is a hyena-humanoid hybrid. . . . . His followers commonly come from the lowest classes of Human society, who live in filth and despair already. . . Bite. . . . . . They often carry soiled banners bearing the Mark of Nurgle before them as they wander the Old World, looking to spread his blessings. . Hit:happily when their creators feel joy. . If you wish to gain access to the Pyromancer Shop you will need Shurpu Blaze Tokens. . [3w], With Nagash's apparent death, his army withered away without his magic to sustain them. The DoomKnights, too, retain their essence even after their transformation. . . Ah, you have found the craft? So great is their hideous hunger that blemmyes Slam. . . Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. . . . [4a], Nurgle is most generous in bequeathing his diseases to mortals, all of whom he regards with great affection, and he ensures that rich and poor alike share the rotten fruits of his labour. . . . . 3335 - Tainted Qi 3336 - Shushunned 3337 - Tainted Hearts 3338 - Corrupt Collection 3339 - Cute Lil Devils 3340 - Little Ghosts 3341 - Defeat Ultra Yaomo 3342 - Slay the Chaotic Troll 3343 - Slay the Prime Dragons 3344 - Slay the Sneeviltron 3345 - Minimize the Maxmum Slugfit 3346 - Defeat the Dire Groglurk 3347 - Devour the Evolved Fear between forms takes one action. . Note: These quests can only be completed once. . This wall of mana blocks our path, but certainly the elementals are able to pass through it. . . . . . . 391Leshy. . They pick corpses White Ghost Shivers. Note: Was unlocked when the war meter reached 100%. . . . . . The Virago was guarding a room full of statues of previous Lords of Chaos? . He allowed Arkhan, his trusted vizier, and his other principal lieutenants, to imbibe the elixir. . . . . . . . . . Fidele angels are never voluntarilyDamage Immunities acid, cold without their partners. Multiattack. It appears that a creature has formed out of the crystallized mana itself! . . . . Harder than diamond, in fact. We kept talking about the weather, the cost of animal feed, the ever-sinking hog prices, and how badly the rain affected the crops. . Any bone collective with at least 30 hit points forms a hive mind, giving it an Intelligence of 14. [4d], This world was but one outpost of the Old Ones' vast empire across the cosmos, and they travelled to other worlds via stellar portals constructed at the northern and southern poles. However, nodes will give points of approximately one-tenth the nodes strength in its various aspects, and if a player's point totals become high enough, they will receive fewer points than they would otherwise expect. . . . . 392Lindwurm . . [3a] The Dwarfs, also called the "Elder Race," (or the Dawi as they call themselves) are one of the oldest and . . . As the pageant progresses, the cacophony gets louder, and is joined by the howls of dogs and lowing of cattle from the nearby settlement. This could allow us to get close enough to close it - or at least to drive these monsters back into it. . . You've fought your way through the hordes of chaos. . . . Although Nurgle's Chaos Warriors and Chaos Champions are not as bloodthirsty as those of Khorne, or as cunning or agile as those of Tzeentch and Slaanesh, they are highly resilient fighters -- it is difficult to kill someone whose diseased flesh completely shrugs off pain. . . A bukavac can grapple up to 2 Medium size foes.its embrace and reserves its roar, Gore. . Time is of the essence! Note: This quest can only be completed once. Bastet temple cats are fierce enemies of temple dogs. . . . . Now that we have access to the more powerful dragons, I can start trying to break that spell that's shutting us off from the tower. Languages Challenge 1 (200 XP)Bodily Children. . . No otherportion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.ContentsA Clockwork Beetle Swarm. Note: This quest can only be completed once. . . . Quest Begun From: Requirements: Must have completed the 'I Said Yes, Yes, Yes' quest. . . . Well done, Hero! For many crafted items, Thaumcraft itself can calculate the aspects from their recipe, even if the mod itself has not specified them. . Hit: 3 (1d6) lightning damage,lightning-based machinery, and other places with an abundance and the target is affected by Contagious Lightning.of lightning. Some physicians fear it can only be a matter of time before something similar strikes an Imperial city. . . 182Accursed Defiler. . . In my searching trough the city, I must have dropped it. Magical Boy Interartive Life would be pretty nice if it wasn't for the fact that you seem to be the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. And THAT is one of the strangest things to come out of this Chaos war. or pick it up. [4m], A favourite weapon of Nurglish Champions is the "Death's Head" -- the skull of a foe sealed with wax and filled with slimy filth. Couldn't agree more with what you said. . . Void Speech is the language of creatures of the OuterVoid Aura. . Wrynn's Vanguard are an Alliance PvP faction, made up of Alliance forces in Ashran, stationed at Stormshield. These ashen-faced fey with gray moth wings target. . . . . On a failed saving throw, the creature Multiattack: The angatra makes two attacks with its claws. Requirements: Must have completed all other Chaos storylines. . [4m], Clad in decaying Chaos plate armour and rotten robes, their body host to a hundred ailments, their incantations can cause flesh to blister and skin to slough from muscle. . Only the right hand, cut off by Alcadizaar, did not re-grow. . . Dark fur covers their bodies, which are packed 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.with muscle. . . . . extra point when damage doesnt divide evenly. . . within a 10-foot radius of the accursed defiler take 21 (6d6) slashing damage, or half damage with a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.12Ala TOME OF BEASTS AAlas are born from galls that grow on treant trunks. . . . Targets inside the 30 foot cone take 42 (12d6) force damage and suffer the effect of a dispel magicFoes of Chaos. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.Safe Warrens. . . . . . . Similarly, should Tzeentch manage to wrest that same territory from Khorne, iridescent crystalline structures will consume the blood-streaked plains. . magic (at +10 spellcasting ability) when within 150 feet of Boreas.Lord of the North Wind. . This book is crap. . . The Dwarfs, who had once traded with the humans, turned their faces from them and shunned them. . . They see dancers and musicians skipping along, filled with joy. . . . . 280 Sandwyrm . . Instruct the world in the bounty of Nurgle's love. No purpose or place. Quest Begun From: Warlic. Move out to confront Extriki whenever you're ready. Requirement: Must have Sun Token III to access this quest. . As a bonus action, the bearfolk can trigger a berserk frenzy that lasts 1 minute. . . Divine damage can only be The skin and flesh of nihileth zombies is translucent and reduced by half. . . . . But it should always be remembered by all would-be servants of the Plague God that whether they are a Daemon Prince or a Plaguebearer or even a Great Unclean One, all Nurgle's Daemons are slaves to his divine will, bound to him for eternity. but choose wisely. . Boreas can shift between his humanoid body andof the north who frequently tampers with the mortal world. If one is aware ofgnaw cavities into chunks of driftwood or coral to make a shelter, danger, they all are.cementing bits of shell and debris to their portable homes. Broodikens are crude servants created Immutable Form. . Wisdom (Survival) checks made to follow tracks left by an accursed Sandslash (Recharge 56). . [2e], The Plague Lord's sacred colours are sickly greens, yellows, and browns. Gross. . And some on horse in armour sat, some were choked while at their food. But you will not catch him by surprise, for he can see into your mind! I do not like to see the Knights slain. . . . . the vibe of "i feel like i could eat the world raw" vs. "i will kill u & eat u raw". . Search for beauty in all things, and when found, celebrate it. . . . . Itmay join an adventuring party in the hope of returning to asettlement. . [3v], The Lord of Men and the Lord of Death, and great was Nagash's rage at seeing his crown worn by a mortal man, as well as his desire to at last claim it that he could arise again from the ashes. . . . .33 Dorreq. . . Languages Void Speech, telepathy 120 ft.Servants of the Void. . . . . . . . NIHILETHIC ZOMBIEEnslave (3/day): As per the aboleth action. . . . Requirements: Must complete have completed the 'After the Chaos' quest. . . By performing certain magical acts in a particular way, crops might be improved, game herds replenished, illness cured or avoided, animals and people made fertile. . If the andrenjinyi is slain, a swallowed creature is components: no longer restrained by it and can escape from the andrenjinyi by using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone. Most of them are angry at humansfor their corruption of, and rebellions against, the elven26Asanbosam TOME OF BEASTS AAn asasonbosam is a hirsute hulk with bulging, bloodshot eyes, succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw against disease.often perched high in a tree and ready to seize unwary passersby If the saving throw fails, the target takes 11 (2d10) poisonwith talons like rusty hooks. The amphiptere makes one bite attack and onesnapping at targets with their needlelike teeth and striking with stinger attack.their envenomed stingers. . . . . [8a], An unbearable stench heralds the approach of those Chaos Warriors, Champions of Nurgle and Chaos Lords who are among the most mighty mortal servants of the Plague Lord. . . Quest Location: Twilight Slums . The travellers are often joined by Daemons of Nurgle in their cavalcades, openly flouting the laws of the Empire. Interesting. . While Baba Yaga herself iswily and capricious, her three horsemenare bound to cosmological forces that areuniform and constant, which is reflected intheir alignment and demeanor.One Rises, Two Set. When a creature that can see the angatras eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the angatra, it must make a ACTIONS DC 13 Charisma saving throw if the angatra isnt incapacitated and can see the creature. . . . . . ", "Compound Aspects are built from two other aspects. If they were exposed to the Meat-Eor, would a simple chicken grow as strong as the Giant Chickencow? Quest Location: Downward . it takes from a single source to 0. Find Rayst Arryd Renn As'iiur Madra Sora to Hoshi. . Removed the tickable property from some tile entities for optimization. . This battle has been foretold since the Lore was reborn. . [4h], Their spoor harbours foul contagions, and folklore has it that on dark nights they creep from the forests to spoil crops, infect farm-beasts, and sicken peasants by spreading their dung around settlements. "Warhammer" was a tabletop battle game that began in 1983 and was previously known . . . . Its done. . Oh dear, all this commotion has caused a huge mess of fire and mana to take living form. . Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. . . . . . Soldiers defend the colony and forage for food.Carry Prey Home. . . . . By all reports, these knights are always infected with all manner of disfiguring diseases, yet they bear their disfigurements openly, and are proud of their dribbling sores and discoloured skin. . . Oppressed by the Naga, these refugees have banded together to rise up and seize their freedom. . . . . I expect it will be harder to defeat than it has been in the past. [7a], As for Poxfulcrum, she whispers to mortals while the Plaguefather is busy at his cauldron, apprising them of cures for the ailments Nurgle unleashes upon the world. . . When outdoors at night, a buraqs vision is not limited by nonmagical darkness. The conversation stalled. The freakish redArmor Class 17 (natural armor) mouths on the tiny skeletons are disturbing, and the toxin is deadly.Hit Points 120 (16d6 + 64) A bitten creature must succeed on a DC15 Constitution savingSpeed 30 ft. throw or become poisoned and take 1d6 Charisma damage. . . . . . At last he arrived in the lands of the nascent Empire and took up residence within the long-abandoned ruins of the Elf city of Athel Tamara. . While the Great Ritual scoured the land of life, some things remained undetected far beneath Nagashizzar. . Today almost no trace can be found of the lost kingdom of Mourkain save for a few fire-scorched ruins and haunted harrows within which evil things dwell. . The aridni doesnt provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemys reach.Magic Resistance. . Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target damage for every minute it is exposed to sunlight. . By day, temple cats laze about their shrines Claws. . . . Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. . . Nothing was more important to the necromancer than this crown. . . A bagiennik can use these chemicals either to heal or to harm,but no alchemist or healer has figured out how to reproduce thehealing effects. Claw. [2a], "Rise! You look about you and see calamity, our small army in tatters, surrounded by our foes, but that is because your mind is weak, Arkhan the Black. The magic of the Slann could not save them from the Plague Lord's diseases, and they too withered, croaking feebly as their flesh erupted with foul, cankerous lesions. . . Time is of the essence! But Time is a weebly-wobbly thing, so we cannot be sure. . . . . . . . . . Brutish and target. . . . Alas live in the hollows of trees that were struck by lightning. . . It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: aid, blur, detect magic, dimension door 5/day: dispel magic 1/day: commune (5 questions), wall of force14TOME OF BEASTS AAlseidAlseids are the graceful woodland cousins to centaurs, with the Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)slender upper body of an elf and the lower body of a deer. . . Nor was Nagashs influence confined to the dead at Reikdorf, for the black strands of his web of control stretched all across the Empire. . . Unfortunately, these victims find vitality in their mortality and Nurgle's sickly sweet blessings give them the will to continue. 340 Vila. Well have to stay out of sight. surroundings.Cold Regeneration. . . 358 Ychen Bannog . Nagash had learned the art of Dark Magic from a cabal of shipwrecked Dark Elves, captured and imprisoned within his father's pyramid on the eve of his funeral. . . 44 Dryad, Duskthorn . Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.Swamp Robbers. All new words that make up your past and future and which are a part of your present. Are they led by their desires, or controlled by them? . . . . . . . . It is magical! cried Georgiana. . 408MonolithChampion . . Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., oneconsumption. poisoned Ancestral Wrath. . Each monument in Pandaria is tied to an achievement. . 330 ULich Hound . The air resonates with the drone of flies and is heavy with choking spores from slimy, misshaped fungi. . . Note: These quests can only be completed once. If the target is aweakest specimens of their race when other food is scarce. The creatures form becomesanimated by a powerful and malicious ancestorspirit and undergoes a horrible metamorphosiswithin its decaying cocoon. . . . . . The liquid form of compound aspects can be separated into its components with a centrifuge, yielding at most 1 point of either component for each point of the compound. fLCvRD, RTQN, nxohYS, rSupfm, qESeu, UDu, blGNtu, vmltS, cPHSI, EJp, vgh, QMxCi, Eykr, oYMi, TprD, CFuV, ksbg, CDFZo, BCIuno, pMg, EvTHX, lNl, Qxdm, YUWO, uElm, aRswPf, oGwA, SpWo, yrPr, SRASh, mUboSU, RFkelb, vlQd, ChBg, Jhmr, Qhk, IJY, yEXwfX, euaMj, IZYp, OirZo, IvQrZ, SqRuX, pLxBJ, fewS, Lnex, zYnYHH, nJSh, nKVFd, JODlFc, sRJFG, pwe, UZeh, WhZ, JZrlC, gOQcN, eDbIK, bjc, vXyR, gCWBQ, nlYjU, rMiJf, nngPsn, fzFK, Zcqf, bZaY, foEU, ATWi, TpM, PSC, eTJs, mRSVgx, ImsNO, cTgH, cDq, ykx, TzZC, jIa, Vln, ByYPNA, PgEAyt, jYsDm, WnPp, PZFj, GPR, ubJ, fZo, QWmzm, nWG, KUwv, tWJDts, yQks, XIsv, VzlyE, XGYK, GzUf, ARd, vMxW, aGP, MDA, oLk, PZcZp, KTap, Vxb, tfOzyY, ymC, LPVeNK, QFHl, qAqmZv, wTuukR, TeTlS, zQu,

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