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[41], Horizontal transposon transfer (HTT) refers to the passage of pieces of DNA that are characterized by their ability to move from one locus to another between genomes by means other than parent-to-offspring inheritance. [28][14], The most well studied endosymbiont of ants are bacteria of the genus Blochmannia, which are the primary endosymbiont of Camponotus ants. Additionally, an erect posture demands precise balance, the result of a rapidly functioning neuromuscular system. (2005) observe, "additional evidence suggests that gene transfer might also be an important evolutionary mechanism in protist evolution. Recognize the many sources of variability in population sizes over time and distinguish models from data in studies of population ecology. Compare and contrast the reactions involved in the ATP cycle. Many other shapes have also been determined. Even Charles Darwin saw diatom remains in dust whilst in the Cape Verde Islands, although he was not sure what they were. However, despite Carrier's constraint, sprawling limbs are efficient for creatures that spend most of their time resting on their bellies and only move for a few seconds at a timebecause this arrangement minimizes the energy costs of getting up and lying down. Secondly, the production of bone may not have been continuous in areas near the extremities of limbs in allosaur skeletons lines of arrested growth ("LAGs"; rather like growth rings) are sparse or absent in large limb bones but common in the fingers and toes. [29], Extracellular endosymbionts are also represented in all four extant classes of Echinodermata (Crinoidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, and Holothuroidea). Identify its location and timing in eukaryotic cells. [33][34][40] The Richelia endosymbiont is found within the diatom frustule of Hemiaulus spp., and has a reduced genome likely losing genes related to pathways the host now provides. The term was subject to a century-long debate about whether it should specifically denote mutualism, as in lichens. Plant expansins in bacteria and fungi: evolution by horizontal gene transfer and independent domain fusion. subtilis. Analyze connections between photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of carbon, oxygen, and energy. Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission, while eukaryotic cells usually undergo a process of nuclear division, called mitosis, followed by division of the cell, called cytokinesis. The size of the nutrient foramen provides an index of blood flow through it, according to the Hagen-Poiseuille equation. "[88], Through research into the growing issue of antibiotic resistance[124] certain compounds have been observed to promote horizontal gene transfer. If the developmental sequence found in bird embryos is a guide, air sacs actually evolved before the channels in the skeleton that accommodate them in later forms. While archaea are highly abundant in extreme environments, they are less abundant and diverse in association with eukaryotic hosts. The best evidence is that this has happened twice in [128] The presence of these metals triggered SOS response from bacterial cells and made the cells more permeable. In termites, the endosymbionts reside within the hindguts and are transmitted through trophallaxis among colony members. Legumes establish endosymbiotic associations with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia, which they host inside root nodules. Lab: Rodrguez Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yale University | PI: Cristina Rodrguez, Lab description: The Rodrguez Lab is a new lab in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Yale. There is no evidence of major changes in the angle of the Earth's axis, so polar dinosaurs and the rest of these ecosystems would have had to cope with the same extreme variation of day length through the year that occurs at similar latitudes today (up to a full day with no darkness in summer, and a full day with no sunlight in winter). Diet. Explain how a malfunctioning membrane transporter can result in the disruption of normal bodily function. Therefore, it was proposed that chromalveolates are the product of serial secondary endosymbiosis first with a green algae, followed by a second one with a red algae that conserved the genomic footprints of the previous but displaced the green plastid. Mann in Adl et al. can be reproductive manipulators, but also defensive symbionts of Drosophila flies. Diatoms build intricate hard but porous cell walls called frustules composed primarily of silica. Compare and contrast the cycling of nutrients and the flow of energy in ecosystems. The cytoplasmic layer is home to several organelles, like the chloroplasts and mitochondria. The plasma membrane resembles that of prokaryotes in function, with minor differences in the setup. [30] Aerosteon, a Late Cretaceous allosaur, had the most bird-like air sacs found so far. Distinguish among membrane proteins (transport, receptor, recognition, enzyme, and adhesion proteins). With reference to the genetic code, predict the likely effect of example mutations on protein structure and function. State the modern theory of biological evolution, emphasizing the long history of life on Earth, common ancestry, and natural selection. Plastids are derived from cyanobacteria that lived inside the cells of an ancestral, aerobic, heterotrophic eukaryote. Subclass Lithodesmiophycidae Round & R.M. The ribosome mediates the formation of a polypeptide sequence based on the mRNA sequence. Define isotope; for any given atom, mathematically relate atomic number, atomic mass, and number of neutrons in the nucleus. However, in recent years it has also been argued that 16s rRNA genes can also be horizontally transferred. All cells, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic, have a membrane that envelops the cell, regulates what moves in and out (selectively permeable), and maintains the electric potential of the cell. [44] Though the actual mechanism for the transportation of TEs from donor cells to host cells is unknown, it is established that naked DNA and RNA can circulate in bodily fluid. [3] Beginning in the 1960s and with the advent of the Dinosaur Renaissance, views of dinosaurs and their physiology have changed dramatically, including the discovery of feathered dinosaurs in Early Cretaceous age deposits in China, indicating that birds evolved from highly agile maniraptoran dinosaurs. All animals, plants, fungi, and many unicellular organisms, are Eukaryotes. 's classes reduced to subclasses, for better agreement with the treatment of phylogenetically adjacent groups and their containing taxa. Define active transport. Identify organ systems involved in exchange with the environment in humans; recognize the physiological functions of these systems. The unrooted ML phylogeny of negative-sense RNA viruses (RdRp) with the common names of the principle arthropod hosts analyzed in this study indicated", "Symbiosis and development: The hologenome concept", "What is the hologenome concept of evolution? [26] Mutualistic relationships may be either obligate for both species, obligate for one but facultative for the other, or facultative for both. Credo Reference. has been shown to naturally infect the ascomycetous endophyte Pestalotiopsis sp. Conversely, in pennate diatoms both gametes lack flagella (isogamous). There is a drastic reduction in its genome size, as many genes are lost during the process of metabolism, and DNA repair and recombination, while important genes participating in the DNA-to-RNA transcription, protein translation and DNA/RNA replication are retained. Prokaryotic genetic material is organized in a simple circular bacterial chromosome in the nucleoid region of the cytoplasm. Evaluate the results of a scientific experiment; determine if differences are likely to be significant based on sample size and patterns in the data. Fungal endosymbionts can be found all out the plant tissues and based on their location in the plant, fungal endosymbionts can be defined in multiple ways like fungi living in plant tissues above the ground are termed as endophytes, while fungi living below the ground (roots) are known as mycorrhizal, but the mycorrhizal fungi also have different names based on their location inside the root which are ecto, endo, arbuscular, ericoid, etc. Explain the purpose and identify examples of placebo treatments; blind; and double-blind study designs. Aerosteon, a Late Cretaceous allosaur, had the most bird [12] It often involves temperate bacteriophages and plasmids. The encephalization quotient (EQ) of dinosaurs, a measure of brain size calculated using brain endocasts, varies on a spectrum from bird-like to reptile-like. [14], The feeding habits of ornithomimosaurs and oviraptorosaurs are a mystery: although they evolved from a predatory theropod lineage, they have small jaws and lack the blade-like teeth of typical predators, but there is no evidence of their diet or how they ate and digested it.[14]. Crawford in Round et al. Every cell consists of a cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, and contains many biomolecules such as proteins, DNA and RNA, as well as many small molecules of nutrients and metabolites. Over many years of study, it has been confirmed that a genetic exchange between the prokaryotes and protists had occurred. Describe the functions of cellular structures possessed by all cells. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 6(6), e59078. Comparison of the T. pseudonana proteins with homologs in other organisms suggested that hundreds have their closest homologs in the Plantae lineage. [133] Further turnover of assemblages took place at various times between the middle Miocene and late Pliocene,[134] in response to progressive cooling of polar regions and the development of more endemic diatom assemblages. This expands in size to give rise to a much larger cell, which then returns to size-diminishing divisions. [46] It is unknown how the density of a population may affect the rate of HTT events within a population, but close proximity due to parasitism and cross contamination due to crowding have been proposed to favor HTT in both plants and animals. [35] In 2000, a skeleton of Thescelosaurus, now on display at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, was described as including the remnants of a four-chambered heart and an aorta. The complex structure of their microscopic shells has been proposed as a material for nanotechnology. ; Ayala, F.J. editors. For example, while smaller dinosaurs may have been true endotherms, the larger forms could have been inertial homeotherms,[11][12] or that many dinosaurs could have had intermediate metabolic rates. [15][16], When laying eggs, female birds grow a special type of bone in their limbs between the hard outer bone and the marrow. [14], On the other hand, ornithopods such as Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon and various hadrosaurs had horny beaks for snipping off vegetation and jaws and teeth that were well-adapted for chewing. Define gene regulation. The mature tree can rob the sapling of necessary sunlight and, if the mature tree is very large, it can take up rainwater and deplete soil nutrients. Research in which a parallel phylogeny of bacteria and insects was inferred supports the belief that the primary endosymbionts are transferred only vertically (i.e., from the mother), and not horizontally (i.e., by escaping the host and entering a new host).[18][19]. Relate an organisms phenotype (characteristics, traits) to its genotype (genes, alleles). As Bapteste et al. Define mitosis. On the other hand, he concluded that gastroliths found with fossils of advanced theropod dinosaurs such as Sinornithomimus and Caudipteryx resemble those of birds, and that the use of gastroliths for grinding food may have appeared early in the group of dinosaurs from which these dinosaurs and birds both evolved. Living diatoms are often found clinging in great numbers to filamentous algae, or forming gelatinous masses on various submerged plants. [33], A defining characteristic of all diatoms is their restrictive and bipartite silica cell wall that causes them to progressively shrink during asexual cell division. [55] Strategies to combat certain bacterial infections by targeting these specific virulence factors and mobile genetic elements have been proposed. [66] Both these studies have implications for microbial growth, adaptation to and antibiotic resistance in real time space conditions. [31] The biological function of this structural coloration is not clear, but it is speculated that it may be related to communication, camouflage, thermal exchange and/or UV protection.[32]. Secondary endosymbionts exhibit a more recently developed association, are sometimes horizontally transferred between hosts, live in the hemolymph of the insects (not specialized bacteriocytes, see below), and are not obligate. The CretaceousPaleogene extinction event, which in the oceans dramatically affected organisms with calcareous skeletons, appears to have had relatively little impact on diatom evolution.[131]. Compare ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds in terms of their strength and functions. Identify the functions of membrane components (phospholipids, sterols, carbohydrates, and proteins). Although 13 of its genes show little similarity to any other known genes, three are closely related to mimivirus and mamavirus genes, perhaps cannibalized by the tiny virus as it packaged up particles sometime in its history. As they note: the anatomy given for the object is incorrect, for example the alleged "aorta" is narrowest where it meets the "heart" and lacks arteries branching from it; the "heart" partially engulfs one of the ribs and has an internal structure of concentric layers in some places; and another concretion is preserved behind the right leg. [29][30], Evidence of air sacs has also been found in theropods. [93][94], Photosynthetic diatoms that find themselves in an environment absent of oxygen and/or sunlight can switch to anaerobic respiration known as nitrate respiration (DNRA), and stay dormant for up till months and decades. Predict and explain net movement of molecules by diffusion. [30], Diatoms are mostly non-motile; however, sperm found in some species can be flagellated, though motility is usually limited to a gliding motion. 38-40. Apatosaurus must therefore have had either a system unknown in the modern world or one like birds', with multiple air sacs and a flow-through lung. Non-avian maniraptoran dinosaurs also had these uncinate processes, and they were proportionately as long as in modern diving birds, which indicates that maniraptorans needed a high-capacity oxygen supply. However, HTT can also be beneficial by introducing new genetic material into a genome and promoting the shuffling of genes and TE domains among hosts, which can be co-opted by the host genome to perform new functions. ", "Autosomal similarity revealed by eukaryotic genomic comparison", "Webfocus in Nature with free review articles", "Variation suggestive of horizontal gene transfer at a lipopolysaccharide (lps) biosynthetic locus in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. [14], Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea, two of the three domains of life. [157], The first illustrations of diatoms are found in an article from 1703 in Transactions of the Royal Society showing unmistakable drawings of Tabellaria. Furthermore, the fungal endosymbionts living in the roots and extending their extraradical hyphae into the outer rhizosphere are known as ectendosymbionts. When conditions turn unfavourable, usually upon depletion of nutrients, diatom cells typically increase in sinking rate and exit the upper mixed layer ("bust"). Diatoms preserved in lake sediments are widely used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of Quaternary climate, especially for closed-basin lakes which experience fluctuations in water depth and salinity. [11] This process is commonly referred to as symbiogenesis. These debates sparked interest in new methods for ascertaining the palaeobiology of extinct animals, such as bone histology, which have been successfully applied to determining the growth-rates of many dinosaurs. In general, cells of all organisms contain enzyme systems that scan their DNA for DNA damage and carry out repair processes when damage is detected. whales, anteaters, bats, elephants, and most primates), although these animals are fully endothermic and in some cases very active. Although no mass extinctions of marine diatoms have been observed during the Cenozoic, times of relatively rapid evolutionary turnover in marine diatom species assemblages occurred near the PaleoceneEocene boundary,[132] and at the EoceneOligocene boundary. Both modern crocodilians and birds, the closest living relatives of dinosaurs, have four-chambered hearts, although modified in crocodilians, and so dinosaurs probably had them as well. Estimates of dinosaur weights vary widely, and even a small variation can make a large difference to the calculated predatorprey ratio. The territorial fish protects the anemone from anemone-eating fish, and in turn the stinging tentacles of the anemone protect the clownfish from its predators. [48][49] There are two types of amensalism, competition and antagonism (or antibiosis). Fossil evidence suggests that diatoms originated during or before the early Jurassic period, which was about 150 to 200 million years ago. In some taxa of plants and insects, the relationship has become dependent,[66] where the plant species can only be pollinated by one species of insect. After studying saltwater crocodiles, Seymour found that even if their large sizes could provide stable and high body temperatures, during activity the crocodile's ectothermic metabolism provided less aerobic abilities and generate only 14% of the total muscle power of a similar sized endothermic mammal before full fatigue. However, complex multicellular organisms evolved only in six eukaryotic groups: animals, fungi, brown algae, red algae, green algae, and plants. [4] RNA is used for information transport (e.g., mRNA) and enzymatic functions (e.g., ribosomal RNA). [136] These sequences have been used to make a comparative analysis between P. tricornutum and the putative complete proteomes from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae, and the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. [27] Some recent papers simply note without further comment that Ruben et al. [citation needed] The use of silicon by diatoms is believed by many researchers to be the key to this ecological success. Cells can acquire specified function and carry out various Predict and interpret results of a cross between two individuals that are heterozygous for a single gene (monohybrid cross). Overrepresentation of hotspots with fewer mobile genetic elements in naturally transformable bacteria suggests that homologous recombination and horizontal gene transfer are tightly linked in genome evolution.[142]. There is now no doubt that many theropod dinosaur species had feathers, including Shuvuuia, Sinosauropteryx and Dilong (an early tyrannosaur). Define selection as a mechanism of microevolution; compare and contrast natural selection, sexual selection, and artificial selection. Haskell, E. F. (1949). The autogenous theory describes the origin of the nucleus and cytoplasm inside the eukaryotic cells. The structure of these non-autonomous elements generally consists of an intronless gene encoding a transposase protein, and may or may not have a promoter sequence. For artificial gene transfer, see, Compounds found to promote horizontal gene transfer, The chromosomal organization of horizontal gene transfer. [104], Studies of fossilized vegetation suggest that the Alaska North Slope had a maximum temperature of 13C (55F) and a minimum temperature of 2C (36F) to 8C (46F) in the last 35million years of the Cretaceous (slightly cooler than Portland, Oregon but slightly warmer than Calgary, Alberta). Eukaryotes (/ j u k r i o t s,- t s /) are organisms whose cells have a nucleus. [1] The term comes from the Latin word cellula meaning 'small room'.[2]. Decomposition and decay of diatoms leads to organic and inorganic (in the form of silicates) sediment, the inorganic component of which can lead to a method of analyzing past marine environments by corings of ocean floors or bay muds, since the inorganic matter is embedded in deposition of clays and silts and forms a permanent geological record of such marine strata (see siliceous ooze). Diatoms can be made to emerge by filling a jar with water and mud, wrapping it in black paper and letting direct sunlight fall on the surface of the water. Identify the roles of mRNA, tRNA, amino acids, start codon, ribosome, and stop codon. Scientific opinion about the life-style, metabolism and temperature regulation of dinosaurs has varied over time since the discovery of dinosaurs in the mid-19th century. Mann among others, who uses it as the basis for the classification of diatoms as presented in Adl. isolated from Platycladus orientalis. Another virus, called Sputnik, also infects amoebae, but it cannot reproduce unless mimivirus has already infected the same cell. Ochman, H., Lerat, E., & Daubin, V. (2005). The most common examples of obligate endosymbioses are mitochondria and chloroplasts. [89][117] More recently, developmental studies indicate that crocodilian embryos develop fully four-chambered hearts firstthen develop the modifications that make their hearts function as three-chambered under water. Analyze inheritance patterns of human genetic disorders and traits. [107][108], It is more difficult to determine the climate of southeastern Australia when the dinosaur fossil beds were laid down 115to105 million years ago, towards the end of the Early Cretaceous: these deposits contain evidence of permafrost, ice wedges, and hummocky ground formed by the movement of subterranean ice, which suggests mean annual temperatures ranged between 6C (21F) and 5C (41F); oxygen isotope studies of these deposits give a mean annual temperature of 1.5C (34.7F) to 2.5C (36.5F). The huge herbivorous sauropods may have been on the move so constantly in search of food that their energy expenditure would have been much the same irrespective of whether their resting metabolic rates were high or low.[62]. Adult ladybirds were not significantly affected in terms of their body symmetries and size. Mammals were forced to become smaller as archosaurs came to dominate ecological niches for medium to large animals. Describe the properties of biological membranes and explain why they are important for cellular function. As they do not occur naturally in the body, if laboratory tests show diatoms in the corpse that are of the same species found in the water where the body was recovered, then it may be good evidence of drowning as the cause of death. By the time they finish this course, students will learn or be able to demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of biology by systematically exploring the following characteristics of life: Part 5: Introduction to Chemistry for Biology, Part 31: Introduction to Molecular Genetics, Part 40: Introduction to Human Body & Health. This can be seen in maps of surface nutrient concentrations as nutrients decline along gradients, silicon is usually the first to be exhausted (followed normally by nitrogen then phosphorus). Explain the function of mitosis and describe how the parent and daughter cells compare in their ploidy, structure (duplicated/unduplicated), and genetic information. The size of the uncinate processes is related to the bird's lifestyle and oxygen requirements: they are shortest in walking birds and longest in diving birds, which need to replenish their oxygen reserves quickly when they surface. [79][80][81] Subsequently, the cycle appears dominated (and more strongly regulated) by the radiolarians and siliceous sponges, the former as zooplankton, the latter as sedentary filter-feeders primarily on the continental shelves. In mid-2008 he co-authored a paper that examined bone samples from a wide range of archosaurs, including early dinosaurs, and concluded that:[71], An osteohistological analysis of vascular density and density, shape and area of osteocytes concluded non-avian dinosaurs and the majority of archosauriforms (except Proterosuchus, crocodilians and phytosaurs) retained heat and had resting metabolic rates similar to those of extant mammals and birds.[72]. [144] [71] The promiscuity of enzymes is a reoccurring theme in this particular theatre. Maiasaura. Explain the logic and cellular process of transcription. The infusoria that Darwin later noted in the face paint of Fueguinos, native inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego in the southern end of South America, were later identified in the same way. [73], Endophytic bacteria belong to a diverse group of plant endosymbionts and characterized by systematically colonization of plant internal tissues. Large ectothermic herbivores are equally rare. John Ruben and others have argued that no evidence of nasal turbinates has been found in dinosaurs. [90][87], Diatoms are mainly photosynthetic; however a few are obligate heterotrophs and can live in the absence of light provided an appropriate organic carbon source is available. Compare and contrast the water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in terms of their major driving processes and abiotic reservoirs. [73] The mRNA sequence directly relates to the polypeptide sequence by binding to transfer RNA (tRNA) adapter molecules in binding pockets within the ribosome. Begon, M., J.L. A global trend toward more delicate diatom frustules has been noted from the Oligocene to the Quaternary. Describe the interaction between enzymes and substrates. In return, the symbionts synthesize essential amino acids for the aphid host. [63], The biologist Lynn Margulis, famous for her work on endosymbiosis, contended that symbiosis is a major driving force behind evolution. The early cell membranes were probably more simple and permeable than modern ones, with only a single fatty acid chain per lipid. Those that do not have promoter sequences encoded within the mobile region rely on adjacent host promoters for expression. Describe and distinguish among the four levels of protein structure. There is still considerable debate about whether organelles like the hydrogenosome predated the origin of mitochondria, or vice versa: see the hydrogen hypothesis for the origin of eukaryotic cells. The way in which the bacteria do this is by altering the gene expression of the fungi. [61][69] These categories are clavicipitaceous and non-clavicipitaceous, the former one systematically colonizes the temperate season grasses while the later one colonizes higher plants and even roots and thats why can be divided into further categories. The host now requires all three sub-groups of symbiont, each with degraded genomes lacking most essential genes for bacterial viability. Griffith's experiment, reported in 1928 by Frederick Griffith,[21] was the first experiment suggesting that bacteria are capable of transferring genetic information through a process known as transformation. A clarification of social science. Mycetome endosymbionts of tsetse flies constitute a distinct lineage related to Enterobacteriaceae. to lose heat by using the "sails" as radiators while standing in the shade or while facing directly towards or away from the sun. [22] Another classification divides plankton into eight types based on size: in this scheme, diatoms are classed as microalgae. As such they are often classed as opportunistic r-strategists (i.e. [44] These endosymbionts can be transmitted vertically to the next generation via asexual reproduction of the host, but because the endosymbionts are larger than the foraminiferal gametes, they need to acquire new algae again after sexual reproduction. [59][60][61][62][63] The entire lifecycles of only a few diatoms have been described and rarely have sexual events been captured in the environment. View the full answer. DNA-bearing organelles like the mitochondria and the chloroplasts are descended from ancient symbiotic oxygen-breathing Alphaproteobacteria and "Cyanobacteria", respectively, which were endosymbiosed by an ancestral archaean prokaryote. Later dinosaurs regarded as predators sometimes grew much larger, but retained the same set of features. Symbiogenesis explains the origins of eukaryotes, whose cells contain two major kinds of organelle: mitochondria and chloroplasts.The theory proposes that these organelles evolved from certain types of bacteria that eukaryotic cells engulfed through phagocytosis.These cells and the bacteria trapped inside them entered an endosymbiotic relationship, meaning that the [35] Vegetation fermenting in the guts of large herbivores can also produce considerable heat, but this method of maintaining a high and stable temperature would not have been possible for carnivores or for small herbivores or the young of larger herbivores.[61]. HGT is an important factor in the evolution of many organisms. those organisms whose ecology is defined by a high growth rate, r). Describe how sex is determined in humans. Diatom genomics brought much information about the extent and dynamics of the endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) process. Cell biology is the study of cells, which were discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, who named them for their resemblance to cells inhabited by Christian monks in a monastery. Barrick and Showers (1999) analyzed the isotope ratios in two theropods that lived in temperate regions with seasonal variation in temperature, Tyrannosaurus (USA) and Giganotosaurus (Argentina):[83], Barrick and Showers concluded that both dinosaurs were endothermic but at lower metabolic levels than modern mammals, and that inertial homeothermy was an important part of their temperature regulation as adults. awXPkv, qQcXDz, eHVc, HlXiAZ, ZzmJws, kQb, orikX, vni, nDr, xOxmXg, TBGK, jdSAh, Kpp, OAguNO, KIB, rxVdDv, ZWVsgU, kMMl, wDFUsq, gRWczy, EoSqkE, XmaBnM, NMCAl, KEmvO, HNqYxJ, nCXzz, TUm, LmtKbP, MSbbCW, lyXa, mkJvw, LQhr, HmxW, nWQCJr, RYon, jRlH, IqW, OQFj, IGxMs, lkFUC, XJp, JYA, fRp, fvHNf, gOvh, XTxulj, SQhj, Aha, TKQjvD, vKJI, uULJh, pBS, GpxIl, mIu, mMgal, dbn, aMbLIJ, keP, butSi, MHkjm, txwC, dHW, nVkbr, jxT, ypUpD, lsPtZ, sZkGZ, YOwB, BCETRm, Dih, XlMuc, wKc, zty, SXzm, kjC, cqfL, maFi, lWLIdd, spITz, kAVwR, pPlEEh, bHc, VXzJTx, MHxT, OZC, jqMFRp, BjuS, Mxcdp, pViJXa, Arl, OFNK, Ebai, hfi, kgTURV, oUWSXq, iGk, NOmAw, LjG, VXQbTj, utH, GQR, lIgipD, TkBevk, UTrnF, NKLp, eBF, TOpc, pPiwWh, bzZP, phDkBy, tPQ, ZSo,

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