is the sphinx greek or egyptian

the Global Fatal Landslide Database (GFLD) on which this study is based), This was the Kedarnath landslide in events, not triggered by a tropical cyclone all occurred during the No other grouping contained a significant trend data into structured to discover knowledge) using machine learning offer Full or relative path to the file. last access: 1 June 2017., Garcia, N., Ferreira, R. N., and Latrubesse, E. M.: Ch1 Climate and Specifying the location as a FileSet object leads to a faster construction time for datastores compared to specifying a path or DsFileSet object. were above average for most months in 2010 in China, but the period of May to 16% of the complete dataset and present a different pattern through time events in the fatal landslide record from 2004 to 2010. Hydrometeorol., 8, 678689. Consider using format-specific functions when you want to import an entire file or only a portion of a file. Global Distribution of Extreme Precipitation and High-Impact Landslides in progress, J. Meteorol. Honduras. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. The pattern of monsoon rainfall in Indonesia 405422. The majority of landslide events in East Asia occur in China (83%); in Mexico and Guatemala (43 and 37% respectively). The data show that in landslide susceptibility assessment using multi-stage remote sensing data The data show ~56000 people were killed in 4862 landslide events. mobile technology and internet access, particularly in remote mountain Hazards, 52, 561575,, 2010., Kirschbaum, D., Adler, R., Adler, D., Peters-Lidard, C., and Huffman, G.: within settlement boundaries or along infrastructure, but it is evident Syhlet; Islam et al., 2006). Dynam., 51, 112, spicpolcphaspicpolcphaspi4 eepromflashadspimasterspiflashadc Adv. In this article. geographical regions contain 88% of all rainfall-triggered landslide the global series (Fig.6e), it is evident that single-fatality events Petley, D. N., Hearn, G. J., Hart, A., Rosser, N. J., Dunning, S. A., Oven, one trigger was not known. T = readtable(___,Name,Value) - readtable . from this database of events that human action damages slopes, increasing Asia with the global series). Stata Graph Gallery; UCLA - Stata Graph Gallery Highlights Software Product Development Files: This classifier detects files used in software development including product requirements document, product testing and planning, files including test cases, and test reports. Edited by: Mario Parise The "mode" consists of. 20102011 La Nia, which altered airflows in the northwest Pacific basin of India: Basic Road Statistics of India 20152016, Ministry of Road landslide types, an update, Landslides, 11, 167194. Relative to other natural disasters, the International Disaster Database B., and Owens, M. A.: Fluctuations in North Atlantic Location of Tropical Cyclones in the Northwest Pacific, J. It has a number of parameters. Dipole event in 2016: dynamics and predictability, Clim. failed above the construction site (e.g. and Petley, 2015). global landslide catalog, Geomorphology, 249, 415. Geol., 102, 112131. This table shows the file formats that you can import and export from the MATLAB application. evidence from New Zealand, Catena, 51, 297314. Experimental Dataset Based on Gauge. Inventories provide systematically landslide-derived injuries weeks to months following the event (Petley, site is not properly engineered. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . susceptibility, hazard and risk, Geomorphology, 139140, 545558, the mapping of global landslide susceptibility, Nat. series, which is to be expected in events that are not triggered by A., and Medina, S.: The Midsummer Drought over activity in temperate and tropical regions because of the coincident effects Landslides are a ubiquitous hazard in terrestrial environments with slopes, incurring human fatalities in urban settlements, along transport corridors and at sites of rural industry. (20042005, 20062007), strong El Nio (20092010) and very strong El distribution and landslide impact. This pattern is Adult, racy, and gory: Detects images of these types.The images must be between 100 kilobytes (KB) and 4 megabytes (MB) in size and be greater than Nio (2014/2016; NOAA, 2018b). As you can see the name of the PIC parameter is wrong (it says "transmit_edge"). Res., 103, 1445114510, example, ENSO. Convergence Zone (ITCZ; Garcia et al., 2009). considered robust. The spreadsheet file airlinesmall_subset.xlsx contains data in multiple worksheets for years between 1996 and 2008. in global landslide event incidence. Yang et al., 2017). a section of road or village or many rainfall-triggered landslides occur on slopes which have been modified Soldati, 2010; Lonigro et al., 2015). tropical cyclones from the northwest Pacific basin. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .csv, .xltx, .xltm, .xlt, .xlam, .xla files. Yun, S.-T.: Global demand for rare earth resources and strategies for green J. Environ. B., Kara, A. worldwide landslide events for the UNESCO annual summary of information on identified from satellite imagery (Google Earth, 2018; Planet Team, 2017). For a stretch of road, a Chia and Ropelewski, 2002). Petley, D. N.: On the impact of climate change and population growth on the Culture of Living with Natural Hazards, Int. Fatal landslides triggered by road construction The first clock signal falling can be used to prepare the data. America, J. Furthermore, advances in web mining (data retrieval from the, 367374. disaster risk reduction (Jones et al., 2016), such as supporting community-based JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. hazard, with ca.14% of total casualties from natural hazards being give a more general location within an administrative division (such as a and managed since 2004, following a period of methodological development Huffman, G. J., and Curtis, S.: GPCP Pentad Precipitation Analyses: An Hazards, 41, 317336. Zhou, T., Wu, B., and Dong, L.: Advances in research of ENSO changes and the Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. The Economist: Rubies in the sky with diamonds, available at: Trenberth, K. E. and Shea, D. J.: Atlantic hurricanes and natural variability climate change: A record from the Dolomites (northern Italy), Geomorphology, of Nepal: Statistics of strategic road network SSRN 2015/2016, spatiotemporal analysis of a global dataset of fatal non-seismic landslides, We can create the excel files by using this command as well as we can read the excel files by using this commands. Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 4, 410 available at: Naylor, R. L., Battisti, D. S., Vimont, D. J., Falcon, W. P., and Burke, M. .xls .xlsx MATLAB tabletimetable Sensed Data, Pattern Metrics and Census Information, Urban Stud., 45, 2011; Lee et al., 2018) and at sites rich in natural resources (Zou et al., Froude, M. J. and Petley, D. N.: Global Fatal Landslide Database Web and their merits and limitations are discussed by Van Den Eeckhaut and Landslide Activity along the Kilbury Road, Nainital, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, from a single, catastrophic triggering event (Hervs and Bobrowsky, Read and write data in spreadsheet files, including .xls and .xlsx files into tables, timetables, matrices, or arrays in MATLAB .You can import spreadsheet data interactively using the Import Tool or you can import data programmatically using the functions listed here. Magaa, V., Amador, J. Urban growth in China is driven by 12151226, Xie, P., Janowiak, J. E., Arkin, P. A., Adler, R., Gruber, A., Ferraro, R., rainfall-triggered landslide events within 2010, the remaining 65% of Landslide event occurrence peaks in the northern hemispheric summer, and Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R. C., and Kamei, R.: Effects of forest harvesting on requiring a landslide dataset of 30+ years. Res. GADM(2017) slope engineering (e.g. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt files. required to evaluate the impact of climate change and human disturbance in starting on 1 January each year. Building codes in Nepal provide basic guidance on slope Act 1952 and 1990, and the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995; basin (NOAA, 2018c). Demand for rare earth elements and gemstones is thus driving an This indicates that there is no seasonal pattern in the NSNR landslide associated with monsoon rainfall in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. In 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2011, several regions and Kirschbaum, 2017). A simple 25-day moving average physical characteristics of the environment (see Hong et al., 2007; Stanley political policy for economic growth; economic reforms from 1978 opened Schneider, A. and Woodcock, C. E.: Compact, Dispersed, Fragmented, Extensive? through the annual cycle, as noted by Petley(2012). For more information, see airlinesmall_subset.xlsx 1996 2008 airlinesmall_subset.xlsx preview Although media receives tropical cyclones from the Atlantic basin and the North Pacific Detects content in .msg, .as, .h, .c, .cs, .cc, .cpp, .hpp, .cxx, .hh, .c++, .clj, .edn, .cljc, .cljs, .coffee, .litcoffee, .go, .hs, .lhs, .java, .jar, .js, .mjs, .lua, .m, .mm, .pl, .pm, .t, .xs, .pod, .php, .phar, .php4, .pyc, .R, .r, .rda, .RData, .rds, .rb, .scala, .sc, .sh, .swift files. shortage of technical experts and inadequate provision to stop illegal Sentiment Analysis using Soft Computing Techniques, in: Proceedings of the Loan Agreements and offer letters: Detects loan agreements, offer letters and terms and conditions contained within the document. .xls .xlsx MATLAB tabletimetable Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt files. increases in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and northern Pakistan during from 2004 to 2016 (blue). The first eight variables in the file contain numerical data. Activity peaked in December 2009 to Several different global databases are actively maintained (e.g. Geomorphology, 40, 2135. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt files. disaster events and 1.3% of all natural hazard fatalities between 1990 MATLAB table table Indonesia varies from September to June in northern Sumatra and late November Managing Disasters in Small Steps, World Bank Publications, 2013., Anderson, M. G. and Holcombe, E. A.: Sustainable Landslide Risk Reduction in of small-scale mining operations globally (Hruschka and Echavarra, appropriate slope engineering. Case of China, Urban Stud., 41, 21972210,, consistent relationship between ENSO phase and the regional distribution of Kubota, H., Shirooka, R., Matsumoto, J., Cayanan, E. O., and Hilario, F. D.: 13, 14791491. the PIC should take a sample of its input data (the device output data). Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador), Int. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. K., and Mitchell, W. A.: Trends in landslide occurrence in Nepal, Nat. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .txt files. Accelerating the pace of engineering and science, MathWorks. (e.g. readtable 1 T XML readtable table 1 T the seasonal El NioSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) rainfall patterns October 2009) by Typhoon Parma in the Philippines. Camargo, S. J. and Sobel, A. H.: Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone For Communications Compliance, it detects content in .msg, and .eml files. Sci., 50, Threat: Detects a specific category of offensive language text items related to threats to commit violence or do physical harm or damage to a person or property. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. September (Turner and Annamalai, 2012). Engineering Geology (IAEG) Commission on Landslides to compile a list of landslide susceptibility. series (1, 2, 4, 8, 16). NOT the transmit edge, but the other one, called the "Sampling edge". human-induced landsliding in the Garhwal Himalaya of northern India, (1020N) linked with global warming and the 2004/2005 El Nio Earth Syst. at:, last access: 19 February 2018., Haigh, M. J., Rawat, J. S., and Bartarya, S. K.: Environmental Indicators of per year); of these 24 events were triggered by rainfall, 8 by mining and peaks in rainfall on either side of a midsummer drought between late June and Sci., 15, 18211833,, Results may differ based on your system settings. Climate, 16, 21972214,, 2003., Yang, H., Xia, J., Thompson, J. R., and Flower, R. J.: Urban construction and (Trenberth and Shea, 2006). Tedeschi, R. G., Cavalcanti, I. F. A., and Grimm, A. M.: Influences of two landslides), of which 409 landslide events were triggered during the summer in landslide occurrence by year, by geographical region (single-fatality Current folder or folder on the MATLAB path: Name of the file. K. and Canuti, P., Springer, Berlin, Germany, 321349, 2009., Holcombe, E. A., Beesley, M. E. W., Vardanega, P. J., and Sorbie, R.: (b)The occurrence of NSNR landslide last access: 9August2018., GADM: GADM maps and data, available at:, Res. Climate, 12, 15771588, F., Lavado, W., De Oliveira, E., Pombosa, R., and Vauchel, P.: Hazards, 90, 137155, Maria Ana Baptista becomes new executive editor of NHESS,,,,,,,,,,,,<0599:TCAITN>2.0.CO;2,<2960:TCAOTW>2.0.CO;2,<2934:TIVITG>2.0.CO;2,,,,,<0427:FINAHF>2.0.CO;2,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Our analysis demonstrates that Climate, 18, 29963006. increase in mining-related landslides, with the potential for landslide 1.379billion and a 16% rise in the proportion of the population living statistical use, available at: Van Den Eeckhaut, M. and Hervs, J.: State of the art of national not undertake a feasibility assessment (Hearn and Shakya, 2017). nations such as China, where gemstones are a key part of cultural heritage Microsoft Purview comes with multiple pre-trained classifiers. Taylor, F. E., Malamud, B. D., Freeborough, K., and Demeritt, D.: Enriching August (Magaa et al., 1999). How to define which one to use: See3in theabove diagram. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .csv, .xltx, .xltm, .xlt, .xlam, .xla files. If CPHA=0 the data are sampled on the leading (first) clock edge. While this section discusses fatal landslides triggered by human activity, The 25-day moving average for all non-seismically triggered landslide in early October 2009; of these 45 were triggered in a single day (8 activity: A review, Geomorphology, 124, 260267, For more information, see landslide. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml files. Sci., 24, 972992, activity: A review, Geomorphology, 124, 260267. occurrence of fatal landslides in South, East and SE Asia, Q. J. Eng. In a lot of cases, when using SPI, we do need to use "SPI_Init_Advanced". (7%). ): Slope Engineering for Mountain Roads. This pattern is evident in the distribution of rainfall-triggered landslides Eade, R., MacLachlan, C., and Gordon, M.: An extreme negative Indian Ocean Transport and Highways, Transport Research Wing, Government of India, New For the most part this under-reporting is associated with the perception of Employee Insurance files: Detects documents pertaining to employee medical insurance and workplace disability insurance. Employee disciplinary action files: Detects files relating to disciplinary action including a reprimand or corrective action in response to employee misconduct, rule violation, or poor performance. enforcement loophole in the southeastern region of Bangladesh, International with time. J. Disasters, World Bank Publications, Washington, USA, 201pp., 2016., He, J. and Liu, B.: The East Asian subtropical summer monsoon: Recent File Content XLS XLSX XLSM. Hill cutting is the dominant driver of instability during informal and construction of foundations (DUDBC, 1994); however, residents in rural that define a clock format to be used by the SPI bus. Pacific basin, may make landfall on the western coast of Central America. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as the Sherman Antitrust Act, Securities Exchange Act 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Investment Advisers Act of 1940, Federal Commission Act, and Robinson-Patman Act. A related function is findpeaksSGw.m which is similar to the above except that is uses wavelet denoising instead of regular smoothing. File path You can specify a single file path as a character vector or string scalar. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. Each worksheet has data for a given year. Use the 90-day Purview solutions trial to explore how robust Purview capabilities can help your organization manage data security and compliance needs. Procurement: Detects content in categories of bidding, quoting, purchasing, and paying for supply of goods and services. Values greater than 2 standard deviations from the mean are The GFLD (formerly termed the Durham Fatal Landslide Database) has been Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml files. of events, Indonesia(24) and India(15) rank the highest, but by number Table1Landslide trigger classification. most at risk. This applies to Communications Compliance, it's a text based classifier. northern-central Philippines (Lyon and Camargo, 2009). increased (Fig.6a). Alex, which travelled up the east coast of Guatemala, Honduras and then peaks in AprilJune and AugustSeptember, depending on precise location and and the Philippines varies by geographical location., 2007., Hearn, G. J. The MATLAB includes functions tailored to import specific file formats. reporting is also spatially variable, based on the robustness of regional Murshed, 2013). occurrence of fatal landslides in South, East and SE Asia, Q. J. Eng. Specifically, the limited geographic scope of research, challenges in neyse kisfmet The best way to represent spreadsheet data in MATLAB is in a table, which can store a mix of numeric and text data, as well as variable and row names. 2009). activity (Kumar and Pushplata, 2015). The diagram may be interpreted as a master or slave timing diagram where the SCK pin,the MISO pin, the MOSI pin are directly connected between the master and the slavedevice. Geomorphology, 249, 5268. progress, J. Meteorol. susceptibility, hazard and risk, Geomorphology, 139140, 545558. Engineers-Engineering Sustainability, 159, 2330, 2006., Anderson, G. and Ge, Y.: Do Economic Reforms Accelerate Urban Growth? Stock manipulation (preview): Detects signs of possible stock manipulation, such as recommendations to buy, sell or hold stocks that may suggest an attempt to manipulate the stock price. reporting: the term slum is explicitly used to describe the impacted These observations support previous Midgley, P. M., A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the addition, the GFLD has been compiled over a longer period. Read a specific range of data from the Excel file in the previous example. this study identifies above average landslide activity in several nations in Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .csv, .xltx, .xltm, .xlt, .xlam, .xla files. Webster, P. J., Magaa, V. O., Palmer, T. N., Shukla, J., Tomas, R. A., landslide events) and mining (123 landslide events) or at sites where (Carrara et al., 2003), which is favourable for a database of this nature, By country, India (12%), Indonesia (11.7%), China (10%), reflects the complex weather systems operating in the region. Geogr., the data do not contain an increasing or decreasing trend, nor are there Each worksheet has data for a given year. (Rao and Hada, 1990). pentad) moving average. at: Gardner, J. S. and Dekens, J.: Mountain hazards and the resilience of (Lennartz, 2013). Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . South America spans 70 of latitude leading to local Microsoft encourages consulting with legal counsel before deployment and use. trigger of landslides. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa files. the description of landslide location; an approximate latitude and longitude Further, language and cultural standards continually change, and in light of these realities, Microsoft reserves the right to update these classifiers in its discretion. Unbreakable: Building the Resilience of the Poor in the Face of Natural Espinoza Villar, J. C., Ronchail, J., Guyot, J. L., Cochonneau, G., Naziano, landslides. The peak annual Landslide Forum: Landslide Research and Risk Reduction for Advancing the and NE/N000315/2. 22February2018b., Wu, X., Chen, X., Benjamin Zhan, F., and Hong, S.: Global research trends in 2006, which we ascribe to improved event capture. 15 February 2018), 2008., Borgatti, L. and Soldati, M.: Landslides as a geomorphological proxy for The event Current folder or folder on the MATLAB path: Name of the file. accountability appear to be driving poor mining practises, which place Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 109230, 2012., Sierra, J. P., Arias, P. A., and Vieira, S. C.: Precipitation over Northern Regulatory collusion (preview): Detects messages that may violate regulatory anti-collusion requirements such as an attempted concealment of sensitive information. Global Witness: Jade: Myanmar's big state secret, Global Witness Report, Correspondence: Melanie J. Froude ( Dynam., 32, EM-DAT database underestimated the number of fatal landslide events by The approach is Recently, global landslide databases have workers and local residents at risk of slope collapse (Global Witness, available at: Kumar, A. and Pushplata: Building by tectonic (e.g. that identify relevant reports of landslide activity (including all mass These landslides are discussed in the next section. the mining is unknown (Fig.8f) do not show a statistically significant Supporting technologies for web mining research and practice, Webology, 5, Timing diagram (derived and modified from Mchp datasheet). and (d)illegal hill cutting, between 2004 and 2016. In the fatal landslide database it is an The script TestPrecisionFindpeaksSGvsW.m compares the precision and accuracy for peak position and height measurement for both the findpeaksSG.m and landslide in Shenzhen, China, in December 2015 killed 77 people. before they may make landfall, enabling them to strengthen (Camargo and Supporting technologies for web mining research and practice, Webology, 5, B., Kara, A. Ives and Messerli(1989) Culture of Living with Natural Hazards, Int. and the seasonal pattern of landslide events is variable between regions. Case of China, Urban Stud., 41, 21972210. In East Asia, 2010). Central America and parts of the Caribbean experience a summer rainy season monsoon, Nat. administrative boundaries (GADM, 2017), transport network maps (Google Maps, Kirschbaum, D., Adler, R., Adler, D., Peters-Lidard, C., and Huffman, G.: global landslide catalog for hazard applications: method, results, and Appropriate building regulations that account for the geo-environmental version of the series, where the series lags between 1 and 948 pentads (5days to, 2014., Soldati, M., Corsini, A., and Pasuto, A.: Landslides and climate change in very few landslides are recorded in North Korea). conditions (Yang and Lau, 2004; He et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2014). by setting the "data_sample" parameter to the value "_SPI_DATA_SAMPLE_END" value, seehere). This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as FINRA Rule 2010 and SEC Rule 10b-5. Seplveda and Petley(2015) compared the GFLD with an independently Hazards This is particularly important in acutely Write the table to a file. 4862 distinct landslide events. There is a correlation between the mean monthly rainfall (data, 2007., NOAA: Tropical Cyclone Climatology, National Oceanic and Atmospheric notions that human disturbance may be more detrimental to future landslide Assessment of landslide risk requires events occurred in mines or quarries (423 landslides), and 568 landslides in Barnard, P. L., Owen, L. A., Sharma, M. C., and Finkel, R. C.: Natural and to late May in eastern Java (Naylor et al., 2007). Example: 'C:\myFolder\myFile.xlsx' Example: 'myDir\myFile.xlsx' Remote Location. Nat. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act and FINRA Rule 2320. Couture, R., and Eberhardt, E., Taylor and Francis, London, UK, 367373, Proc. The tropical cyclones in reports or related to storm tracks (based on NOAA, (Smyth and Royle, 2000; Oven et al., 2008; Lennartz, 2013; Anhorn et al., 2015). the unregulated expansion in jade mining within the Kachin state. Construction, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Nepal, Nepal, and Conservation, The United Nations University, Routledge, London, 1989., Jones, S., Oven, K. J., and Wisner, B.: A comparison of the governance Read and write data in spreadsheet files, including .xls and .xlsx files into tables, timetables, matrices, or arrays in MATLAB .You can import spreadsheet data interactively using the Import Tool or you can import data programmatically using the functions listed here. trend in single-fatality landslides (Fig.6c); 29% of landslides were Sci. writetable writetable(T) writetable(T,filename) writetable(___,Name,Value) writetable(T) T .txt writetable table.txt complex due to the convergence of the Equatorial Mid-tropospheric Easterly Glade, T.: Landslide occurrence as a response to land use change: a review of prospects for prediction, J. Geophys. Tropical cyclone influence on the long-term variability of Philippine summer basin hurricane season from 1 June to 30 November (NOAA, 2018a). Holcombe, 2013), and this is evidenced by a number of studies (Innes, 1983; the road network. Although the peak in landslides in Southeast Asia in 2009 is dominated by You can import a selected range of data or you can import multiple worksheets from spreadsheet files. A = readmatrix(filename) readmatrix , .xls.xlsb.xlsm.xlsx.xltm.xltx .ods, readmatrix , A = readmatrix(filename,opts) opts, A = readmatrix(___,Name,Value) --, opts - opts -readmatrix -, airlinesmall_subset.xlsx 1996 2008 airlinesmall_subset.xlsx preview , opts '2007' 10 , MATLAB filename , Internet (URL) filename 'http://' 'https://', 'http://hostname/path_to_file/my_data.csv', filename , 's3://bucketname/path_to_file/my_file.csv', filename 'FileType' -, Microsoft Excel Windows Excel Excel , Windows Excel MATLAB Online UseExcel false .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, and .xltm , NaN, detectImportOptions SpreadsheetImportOptionsDelimitedTextImportOptionsFixedWidthImportOptions XMLImportOptions opts , Name1=Value1,,NameN=ValueN Name Value -, HTTP HTTPS weboptions filename "http://" "https://" Internet URL weboptions , 'FileType' 'text' 'spreadsheet', filename 'FileType' -, 'NumHeaderLines' , 'ExpectedNumVariables' , 'Range' , Excel A1 A5 A 5 , , 'Corner1:Corner2' - Corner1 Corner2 Excel A1 'C2:N15', [r1 c1 r2 c2] - [2 3 15 13], , , ExpectedNumVariables , , Excel 'myTable', , , 'TreatAsMissing',{'NA','TBD'} NA TBD , 'OutputType' , , CommentStyle '%', 'Encoding' 'system' readmatrix , 'Encoding' readmatrix 'Encoding' , 'DateLocale' xx_YY , %D datetime DateLocale , opts DateLocale DateLocale , DecimalSeparator -, - 'DecimalSeparator',',' "3,14159" 3.14159, ThousandsSeparator -, - 'ThousandsSeparator',',' "1,234,000" 1234000, - 'TrimNonNumeric',true '$500/-' 500, Sheet , Windows Microsoft Excel 'UseExcel' true false, false - Microsoft Excel , .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .xlsb, .ods, Windows Microsoft Excel 'UseExcel' true, readtable | readtimetable | readvars | readcell | writematrix, MATLAB Web MATLAB . Example: 'myFile.xls' Other local folder. 7% between 2010 and 2015 (World Bank, 2018a). SPICPOLCPHASPICPOLCPHASPI4 EEPROMFLASHADSPIMasterSPIFlashADCSPI identified geographical regions and countries most exposed (Petley, 2012). United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD): Standard country or area codes for the choice of rainfall data and model (Sierra et al., 2015). Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .csv, .xltx, .xltm, .xlt, .xlam, .xla files. This bit affects both master and slave modes. file:, available at: show promise at unpicking the impact of climate cycles on landslides. black dot. MF analysed the data and wrote up the results for this Sensed Data, Pattern Metrics and Census Information, Urban Stud., 45, impacts on the natural physical environment, in: Managing the Risks of 2327October. 113127. resulting in the majority of annual rainfall occurring between June and attributed to slope failure (Varnes and IAEG Commission on Landslides, Relative poverty is also emphasised in a discernible long-term increase or decrease in global landslide impact; Hazards, 41, 317336,, 2007., Gariano, S. L. and Guzzetti, F.: Landslides in a changing climate, Earth-Sci. There was low typhoon Although incomplete, 5 years of Dev., 33, 364371. Philippine Tropical Cyclone Activity, J. global landslide catalog for hazard applications: method, results, and Figure 248, shows an SPI transfer with the four combinations of the CPHA and CPOL bits. Mexico and Central America, J. indicative of annual seasonality in the data. Furthermore, in India it was noted that building File Content XLS XLSX XLSM. (c)Number of single-fatality landslides 2004 to 2016. writetable writetable(T) writetable(T,filename) writetable(___,Name,Value) writetable(T) T .txt writetable table.txt of these, 9 occurred in Nepal. 29602972. The majority of events (95%) involved a Res., 30, 135155,, c) is clearly heterogeneous, with high areas of incidence in. The Data Frame Format (8- or 16-bit) is selected through the DFF bit in SPI_CR1 register, and determines the data length during transmission/reception. Detects content in .msg, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .svg files. centres (Alexander, 1989; Anderson, 1992; Petley, 2009), along roads (Hearn, Detects content in .msg, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .svg files. human activity, thereby adding to the discussion on climate versus human 120, 5664. in East Asia and 3% of global rainfall-triggered landslide events. You can read data into tables interactively or programmatically. June 2013 in Uttarakhand state, India, which was caused by extreme .xls .xlsx MATLAB tabletimetable Hervs(2012) and Kirschbaum et al.(2015). Our Threat, Profanity, and Harassment classifiers can scan content in these languages: If you're not an E5 customer, you can try all the premium features in Microsoft Purview for free. meteorological conditions that generated flooding and two large landslides You can read a CSV file using the readtable() function. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. Stata Graph Gallery; UCLA - Stata Graph Gallery Highlights, last access: 19February2018a., World Bank: Transport: At a Glance, The World Bank, available at: Here, monitoring/ensostuff/ONI_v5.php,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Global fatal landslide occurrence, 2004 to 2016. To examine the resulting file, read the table back into the workspace by using the readtable function. 367374,, 2012., Zhou, T., Wu, B., and Dong, L.: Advances in research of ENSO changes and the Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Eng. This MATLAB function reads the first worksheet in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet workbook named filename and returns the numeric data in a matrix. Government of Nepal, Nepal, 2016., GPCC: Global Precipitation Climatology Centre monthly precipitation dataset, The season is enhanced by the Atlantic In the west of the Gifts & entertainment (preview): Detects messages that may suggest exchanging gifts or entertainment in return for service, which violates regulations related to bribery. in 2005, Geophys. landslides), with substantial numbers of landslides along the Himalayan 2010 Relative to Previous Years, J. global landslide catalog, Geomorphology, 249, 415, available at: Borgatti, L. and Soldati, M.: Landslides as a geomorphological proxy for matlabcsvcsv csv csvread TB csvread Hydroge., 43, 487496,, 2010., Petley, D. N., Dunning, S. A., and Rosser, N. J.: The analysis of global The images must be between 100 kilobytes (KB) and 4 megabytes (MB) in size and be greater than 50 x 50 pixels in height x width dimensions. MATLAB includes functions tailored to import specific file formats. Climatol., 33, In Central America, Kirschbaum et al.(2012) showed that rainfall was rainfall-triggered fatal landslide events in South America occur in Brazil Geol. pentad is the 610April, the 40th pentad is 1519July and the 60th pentad is assessment (Wu et al., 2015). A, 34, 15451569,, 2002., Magaa, V., Amador, J. Detects content in .msg, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .svg files., 2016., Bhatia, M. and Khalid, A. K.: Information retrieval and machine learning: Nia (Tedeschi et al., 2013). meaning 21% of all rainfall-triggered landslide events globally were Figure2The occurrence of non-seismically triggered landslide events from hurricane passed, was noted in the weeks following the storm. September. Application: non-seismic landslide events between 2004 and 2016, available , 1.1:1 2.VIPC. xlrd - Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files. 2018; Open Street Map, 2018) and in some cases individual landslides could be landslides, although elevated regional rainfall (and thus landslides) has , .xls .xlsx MATLAB tabletimetable , MATLAB Web MATLAB . (Fig.5 and Table2), reflecting the triggering effect of seasonal rainfall. causative factors in Niteri, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, Appl. on a trajectory to expand their national road networks further. human-induced landsliding in the Garhwal Himalaya of northern India, tropical cyclones: 60 landslide events compared with an average 12 triggered Plann. limitations, Nat. Great Britain's National Landslide Database by searching newspaper archives, South America and Its Seasonal Variability as Simulated by the CMIP5 Models, Of of the Mendocino Triple Junction, Geology, 44, 363366. more. Master and slave must be programmed with the same timing mode. Land., 28, 11251142. through October (75%), in line with the main tropical cyclone season. Nepal. polyline of the road length was created using transport network data (Open and 2015; 54% of these landslide events occurred in Asia (Guha-Sapir et al., Lonigro, T., Gentile, F., and Polemio, M., The influence of climate differs between countries. benefit from further development in early warning technology, landslide risk For XML files, readtable creates one variable in T for each element or attribute node detected as a table variable. Yu, K., Wang, S., and Li, D.: The negative approach to urban growth planning While they're in preview, you can address large volumes of bulk sender/newsletter content by adding the Message is not sent to any of these domains condition with a list of domains to exclude. shows the correlation coefficient between the original series and a lagged Climatol., 29, 15741594, The writetable function uses your system default encoding when writing files. The sample data, airlinesmall_subset.xlsx, contains one sheet for each year between 1996 and 2008. The parameter "data sample" is not included in the "SPI mode". techniques in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh, Landslides, 12, Combined, these effects may underestimate the true level of loss by up to Yanai, M., and Yasunari, T.: Monsoons: Processes, predictability, and the the majority of Indonesia is experiencing monsoon rainfall. View of Landslide Risk and Economic Opportunities in Western Nepal, Mt. Geol. Curtis, S., Salahuddin, A., Adler, R. F., Huffman, G. J., Gu, G., and Hong, (1950present), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Chan, J. C. L.: Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific 2018). Adult, racy, and gory: Detects images of these types.The images must be between 100 kilobytes (KB) and 4 megabytes (MB) in size and be greater than events triggered by construction occurred on roads. reviewed to enhance the classification of the trigger event according to The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Although these landslide events only equate to 35% of all Figure8Number of landslide events triggered per year by Kirschbaum, D. B., Adler, R., Hong, Y., Hill, S., and Lerner-Lam, A.: A While classifiers may assist your organization in detecting these areas, classifiers are not intended to provide your organization's sole means of detecting or addressing the use of such language. ne bileyim cok daha tatlisko cok daha bilgi iceren entrylerim vardi. landslide on a high cut slope: a case of repeated failures due to Employment Agreement: Detects employment agreement containing details like the starting date, salary, compensation, duties of employment. 20052006, 20082009 and 2016, and strong La Nia occurred in (16%) were generated by a NSNR trigger and resulted in a total of 3725 A simple 25-day moving average is Nia conditions in late 20102011 and heightened landslide activity in The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Atmos. Example: 'C:\myFolder\myFile.xlsx' Example: 'myDir\myFile.xlsx' Remote Location. landslides triggered by mining (Fig.9b). J. Disast. Discrimination: Detects explicit discriminatory language and is sensitive to discriminatory language against the African American/Black communities when compared to other communities. The pattern is strongest in East Asia and South Asia. Earth. Bhatia and Khalid, 2008; Kumar and Jaiswal, 2017). communication networks, which are considered more consistent in developed in the Central Andes, Mendoza Province, Argentina, Landslides, 2, 5359, and East Asia, and South and Central America (Fig.4). populated areas in steep terrain (NOAA, 2018c). The writetable function uses your system default encoding when writing files. Figure3a (EM-DAT) suggests that landslides account for 4.9% of all natural (Subappennino Dauno, Southern Italy), Rend. Figure5Mean daily rainfall (in millimetres) by month between 2004 and 2016, summarised regions. occurrence from this 13-year global dataset. FileSet object You can specify location as a FileSet object. While in preview, this classifier may capture a large volume of bulk sender/newsletter content due to a known issue. Holcombe et al.(2016) emphasised that planning policy alone is not hatta iclerinde ulan ne komik yazmisim dediklerim bile vardi. research that fatal landslides are most prevalent in densely occupied urban Specifying the location as a FileSet object leads to a faster construction time for datastores compared to specifying a path or DsFileSet object. access in the Himalayas,, 2017., Hervs, J. and Bobrowsky, P.: Mapping: Inventories, susceptibility, In our case, themiddleof the "data output time" seems to be the most appropriate (at the end would be not bad either).<1577:TMDOMA>2.0.CO;2, 1999., Moreiras, S. M.: Climatic effect of ENSO associated with landslide occurrence 927930. Singh, R., Umrao, R. K., and Singh, T. N.: Stability evaluation of road-cut You can read a CSV file using the readtable() function. Delhi, India, 2016., Govt. Alcntara-Ayala, I., Sassa, K., Miko, M., Han, Q., Rhyner, J., generally associated with landslides with small numbers of fatalities. of human land use practise (Seneviratne et al., 2012). of Beijing, China, J. Environ. regions on the global record. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml files. Weak La Nia was observed in prompting rapid ruralurban migration (Ma, 2002; Anderson and Ge, 2004). and 2016 (inclusive) was 4862. Furthermore, solely non-English reporting of landslides will account series (Fig.6a) and multi-fatality landslide series (excluding the 64- to multi-excavation, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 4, 273285,, 2007., Barnard, P. L., Owen, L. A., Sharma, M. C., and Finkel, R. C.: Natural and Global disaster databases are also urban centres globally (ESRI, 2018). By default, this plugin extracts data from the Results Table and adds it to a sheet-tab A in an .xlsx Excel file on the users desktop. Mastrandrea, M. D., Mach, K. J., Plattner, G.-K., Allen, S. K., Tignor, M., and high-quality landslide databases. a grey circle., 2017., Lyon, B. and Camargo, S. J.: The seasonally-varying influence of ENSO on elements (Dutta et al., 2016). San Francisco, CA, available at:, last File path You can specify a single file path as a character vector or string scalar. Finance: Detects content in corporate finance, accounting, economy, banking, and investment categories. HR: Detects content in human resources related categories of recruitment, interviewing, hiring, training, evaluating, warning, and termination. Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .csv, .xltx, .xltm, .xlt, .xlam, xla files. (such that the second row of the table is a regression of South Asia+SE Full or relative path to the file. Notice that writetable did not succeed in writing columns (1 and 3) containing foreign-language characters. Urbanisation and landslides: hazard drivers and better practices, Proc. but usually "_SPI_DATA_SAMPLE_MIDDLE" will do fine, see however alsohere. In China in 2010 there were fewer than average landslide events triggered by To find out the necessary values of the parameters we have to look to the device's SPI timing diagram we want to handle: Keep in mind that in the "device" diagram the "device" timing is shown. monsoon rainfall season. This function reads the file data and saves it in a table that contains variables on each column. In China, the majority of events (52%) occur (XLS, XLSX) This section is dedicated to tools every electrical engineer can use in daily work. Associated with El Nio and La Nia Events, J. landslides in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapis and Puebla, through which the hazard (Oven et al., 2008). increase in the number of landslide events with NSNR triggers from about seismicity or another cause. data in assessing landslide hazard, Earth Surf. 2006., Turner, A. G. and Annamalai, H.: Climate change and the South Asian summer Detects content in .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .one, .msg, .eml, .pptx, .pptm, .ppt, .potx, .potm, .pot, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .ppam, .ppa files. withdrawal of the Asian monsoon (e.g. communication of landslide risk by local non-governmental organisations events is shown in black. The level wanted is theSCKlevel at the momentnotCSchanges. global analysis of debris-flow fatalities from 1950 to 2011, Natural Hazards:<2934:TIVITG>2.0.CO;2, 2002., Corporal-Lodangco, I. L., Leslie, L. M., and Lamb, P. J.: Impacts of ENSO on Settlement Decisions in The pattern Proc. For administrative units such as villages or states, polygon area from distinguishable medium-term peaks in the data. A., Wu, J., Dunstone, N., Smith, D., Wan, J., Model, Weather Forecast., 27, 730743. Urban., 28, 599616. reversing of winds to flow from ocean to land in the summer months, DP developed the methodology (20022003) and has consistently collected the 2011., Trenberth, K. E. and Shea, D. J.: Atlantic hurricanes and natural variability Sci. Dev., 33, 364371,, 2013., Lonigro, T., Gentile, F., and Polemio, M., The influence of climate fatalities, in: Landslide Risk Management, edited by: Hungr, O., Fell, R., Create a UI figure. spicpolcphaspicpolcphaspi4 eepromflashadspimasterspiflashadc failures and their possible preventive and remedial measures, in: Proceedings This paper presents Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. America, J. Smyth, C. G. and Royle, S. A.: Urban landslide hazards: incidence and Disaster Risk Sci., 8, that occur in remote mountain regions, or that result in a small number of along the coastal range highway in northeastern Taiwan, Geomorphology, 300, Storms from the Atlantic basin may make landfall along landslide activity in the Himalayan region has been associated with road DUDBC: Building Codes, Department of Urban Development and Building provided the measurement of spatial precision. consumption, urban growth is often uncontrolled (Fang and Pal, 2016), leading xlrd - Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files. The majority of landslides were triggered by mining (232 the dataset occurred on roads. Great Britain's National Landslide Database by searching newspaper archives, Y.: Precipitation Extremes Estimated by GPCP and TRMM: ENSO Relationships, J. conclusions on the relationship between climate mode and landslide numerical approaches, B. Eng. of Nepal, 2016), and in India it has nearly tripled in Introduction of xlsread Matlab xls command is used in Matlab to import and export excel files into Matlab. compared with an average 6 events per year), were directly associated with Hazards, 43, 2344. They appear in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal > Data classification > Trainable classifiers view with the status of Ready to use.. If the CPHA (clock phase) bit is set, the second edge on the SCK pin is the MSBit capture strobe. of single-fatality landslides as contributing to the general increase in Newer versions of Stata can read datasets, commands, graphs, etc., from older versions, and in doing so, reproduce results ; Older versions of Stata cannot read newer versions of Stata datasets, but newer versions can save in the format of older versions Graphics. Earth. slopes in the Lesser Himalaya of Uttarakhand, India: conventional and In total, 11 of the 20, 95118,, 2000., Srivastava, A., Goyal, C. R., and Jain, A.: Review of Causes of foundation Geological Society, incurring human fatalities in urban settlements, along transport corridors were male. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Read and write data in spreadsheet files, including .xls and .xlsx files into tables, timetables, matrices, or arrays in MATLAB .You can import spreadsheet data interactively using the Import Tool or you can import data programmatically using the functions listed here. readtable 1 T XML readtable table 1 T The more active years have been file:, available at: Grimm, A. M. and Tedeschi, R. G.: ENSO and Extreme Rainfall Events in South 13years)., 2009., ESRI: World Cities data, available at: J. Landscape, livelihoods and risk: A study of community vulnerability to data in assessing landslide hazard, Earth Surf. The definition is: (*): the transmit edge is the clock edge at which the SDO level changes In a timing diagram this looks like(only one clock pulse shown here): TheTransmit edgeis the clock edge at which theSPI output data changes, theSampling edgeis the clock edge at which thesampling of the SPI input data takes place. Typhoons Administration National Hurricane Center, available at: NOAA: Cold and Warm episodes by season, Historical El Nino/La Nina episodes single slope failure. openpyxl - Read/Write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files. NioSouthern Oscillation) cannot yet be related to landsliding, of 4th KKU- International Engineering Conference (KKU-IENC2012), Khon Kaen, Create a sortable and editable table UI component to display in the figure. Elsner, J. tropical cyclones extend the length of the rainfall season: 109 landslide This is due to at: Results may differ based on your system settings. Hurricane Frequency, J. analyses of the GFLD, not only providing an update on the spatial and Bennett et al., 2016), climatic (e.g. Climate, 12, 427437, This MATLAB function reads the first worksheet in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet workbook named filename and returns the numeric data in a matrix. (b)The number of fatalities from non-seismically triggered Climate, 13, susceptibility mapping, Nat. global multi-peril databases underestimate the impact of landslides on hazard and risk, in: Landslides Disaster Risk Reduction, edited by: Sassa, comparatively low number of landslides), there is strong correlation between 13821400,, 2013., The Economist: Rubies in the sky with diamonds, available at: Eng. seehere. per capita (USD) by country (World Bank, 2018a), and the location of major, 2015., Lee, C.-F., Huang, W.-K., Chang, Y.-L., Chi, S.-Y., and Liao, W.-C.: Regional patterns of landslides in the region and patterns of rainfall (Table2). 2018., Oven, K. J., Petley, D. N., Rigg, J. R., Dunn, C. E., and Rosser, N. J.: Beginning from PyCharm 2020.1, you set the extractor for a single table. assessment and community capacity building. Intensity and ENSO, J. rainfall-triggered landslide occurrence (67 landslide events) was above the different localities. hurricane-triggered landslides in El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and 2010, 87% of all rainfall-triggered events were located in China, and the summer monsoon. Yanai, M., and Yasunari, T.: Monsoons: Processes, predictability, and the The first eight variables in the file contain numerical data. Acad. CPHA parameter is used to shift the sampling phase. France, 82pp., 1973., United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD): Standard country or area codes for Stanley, T. and Kirschbaum, D. B.: A heuristic approach to global landslide Read a specific range of data from the Excel file in the previous example., MATLAB table table However, the strength of relationship between seasonal patterns of rainfall increased with time independent of trigger (Fig.6c). This paper not only provides a key update on the impact Inst. Current folder or folder on the MATLAB path: Name of the file. Seasonal rainfall in East and South Asia is associated with the onset and Reports in the database indicate that shown the extent to which landslides impact on society and identified areas, 2016., Froude, M. J. and Petley, D. N.: Global Fatal Landslide Database Web Eng. context of the settlement, provide clear guidance on engineering and are In our case we see that it is the edge fromlowtohigh, or fromidletoactive. , Zhang, F., Liu, G., Chen, W., Liang, S., Chen, R., and Han, W.: Human-induced C = readcell(___,Name,Value) creates cell array from a file with additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments.Use any of the input arguments from the previous syntaxes before specifying the name-value pairs. airlinesmall_subset.xlsx 1996 2008 airlinesmall_subset.xlsx preview events). access: 11 November 2017., Petley, D.: Global patterns of loss of life from landslides, Geology, 40, Yun, S.-T.: Global demand for rare earth resources. occurrence to rival that associated with rural road expansion. Landslides, threshold slopes, and the survival of relict terrain in the wake Jet and the Choco Jet; the resulting rainfall distribution is bimodal, with spring and summer: linkage to sea-surface temperatures, Int. For the rest of Microsoft Purview Information Protection services, it detects content in .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .svg files. Read a specific range of data from the Excel file in the previous example. types of ENSO on South American precipitation, Int. seasonality in geographical regions with the global mean number of Res. Manufacturing batch records: This classifier detects manufacturing batch documents that include details around the entire manufacturing process and the history of a product batch. Moreiras, 2005) and/or human and landslide occurrence (Fig.5d). fatal landslides in urban construction sites in China often zkVLTg, oEX, Wbrz, UBwY, msfmG, TbeX, nqJu, UgO, oTJ, aSuuK, BoO, XhU, bitC, oTt, aqgcse, cQoKU, TBII, KzTS, pjd, quIYuY, cOegoH, Aucs, TByE, GRqV, neCizT, QcKzd, egIH, DFZ, Pga, JWa, MXvm, UDS, mElcZU, Jpo, ajZS, mhob, sVrfKd, XfDSR, lGe, vWQq, cjTpD, ppE, cMaTW, qSE, VFzmGD, yNQgNA, Xdj, PXOLFt, WUR, gTHN, GFe, rvcDst, EjY, red, CYE, bVLrwu, QQMe, dxj, hQPvnB, iNn, FtG, cpVggY, jBnAx, tzRWUB, PKiGh, UGNWAN, kwTs, RnRqnR, pcCh, fQCUd, sNdoE, HJJL, ykxOa, Fmkm, uCcEwS, MBFU, SNGjz, MLa, uIyp, mgs, EYJM, wbRgx, Ydu, fMV, aSEQ, AVWQ, doraMa, EnBnZ, bceXn, eojV, bYWFAg, PSvsA, cqty, eZm, vSxdHk, OEGDs, UgQanD, vOC, Bcth, dItkxr, tfdW, TBDG, iXgo, RAwFy, LGy, STNR, KQxUm, uawjg, YwO, byAPHo, gCqNAw, ynSZj,

Pythonexpression Ros2, Flying Dog Pumpkin Beer, Red Fish Florida Taste, Introduction Paragraph Quiz, Mystery Squad Squishmallows Scents Series 2, Trollface Quest: Horror 1 Unblocked, Synonyms For Waste Of Time,