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Nerve pain in idiopathic peripheral neuropathy is usually in the feet and legs but can also be in the hands and arms. I had the most sea shell food I ever had. Im going to recommence magnesium and calcium and see how I go. If anything, the intensity of the pain is slightly less. Capsulitis is a condition that is categorized by inflammation in the ligaments of the second toe. Get a new one. We bought one of those adjustable reclining beds last month and it seemed to help (no more back pain in the morning at least) but now I wonder if the way it lifts your legs (lifting up behind the knees) wasnt contributing to a circulation problem, even as it seemed to help my back. Im glad it is gone for me but it would have been much more satisfying to have a definite answer. hi all, Drank half a cup of decaf coffee first time in 28 years today. Based on all of the things I read, and what I know, I figured it was most likely some sort of a nerve related pain, possibly even a referred pain from my back. I do think it must have been some type of nerve irritation. Do you have burning pain on top of the foot? Although surgery may be needed in severe cases. Soaking regularly. If you are not a coffee drinker, then maybe something else in your diet? corns and calluses. Thank you for your support of this channel!This is opinion only:For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Not related to meals. You shd not deal with it alone. This is called unexplained (idiopathic) nerve pain, or idiopathic neuropathy. It comes and go. This area is called the Sinus Tarsi. I feel like we need to find out the problem on our own. This is also supported by the fact that when a small drop of water on my skin is felt/translated to a sharp icy cool feeling. When eliminated, the pain goes away. My neck has recently gotten worse with nerve pain radiating down my shoulders, arms and into my fingers. Well I have had this same issue going on 2 years. Your primary care doctor will provide a referral, most likely to a neurologist. I am glad to help. Its especially worse at night and I havent had any good sleep since its started. I do not know about gout and urine acid. sensations of tingling, pins and needles, or that your foot has fallen asleep. So I have very similar pain just above my right ankle. Similar arrangements can be found in the tendons and ligaments as well. We aim to serve and heal our patients completely and promptly, to help them conquer their pain and improve their quality of life. If your nerve pain isn't responding to medications and self-care, it may be time to talk to a neuropathic pain specialist. But you can also get a neuroma in your forefoot, in between your metatarsal bones. I get the pain on my left foot just below my ankle, wont get t for months and then it starts again.. this is the first time its been going on day 2, it started yesterday just little pulsating pain,then last night full blown electrical shock dibilitating pain that last for about 5 seconds at a time every 10 to 15 minutes all night into today now and Im at work.. On an odd night, Id get a sharp shooting pain below my ankle (not on it, more to the front of it) that would send me bolt upright in bed. I have the same problem. After the ultrasound and x=ray, the doctor said there is a bony prominence of the anterior talus, where my tibialis anterior tendon appears to glide over it, which may account for the symptoms. Now, it seems more frequent and i cant seem to figure out why. today was the worst ever where the pain kept coming like contractions about 3 to 4 minutes for about an hour and a half. For me its an extremely sharp stabbing pain. Nerves typically grow about an inch per month, and once the insulating cover is repaired, the nerve will usually begin to heal three or four weeks afterwards. These procedures can help your nerves to regrow. I have been to 2 orthopedic and 1 neurologist. How can you tell if you have nerve damage in your foot? Its lingers when Im sitting or laying down, seems better when Im walking. Nothing seems to help, water, heat, pain relievers, etc., Went to a Bio-mechanical doctor who thought it was caused by my shoelace being too tight across the ankle. I put some Ben Gay on it when I got home from the gym. Why Youre In Pain . Sharp shooting electrical style pains above right ankle..front to the right side of shin. Not sure if I should see a foot and ankle specialist? I have had the sharp stabbing pain issue off and on over the past 12 14 years. I have 2 major triggers (acute electric stabbing pain in left ankle). This tendon runs from the outside of your leg down to a bone in the bottom of your foot, Dr. Lobkova says, and pain can occur anywhere along the tendon. )Best Top of the Foot Orthotics:Best Overall Orthotic: (Amazon)Best Heavy Duty Orthotic: (Amazon)Best Womens Orthotic: (Amazon)Best Affordable 3/4 Orthotic: (Amazon)Best sub $25 Soft Orthotic: (Amazon)Best sub $25 Budget Orthotic: (Amazon)Best Carbon Insole(For Broken or Stiff Toes) (Amazon)Top of the Foot Pain Products: Best Compression Sleeves: (Amazon)Best Affordable Cold Therapy Wrap: (Amazon)Full-Length Compression Socks: (Amazon)Best Foot Massage Roller: (Amazon)Best Budget Compression Ankle Brace: (Amazon)Best Muscle Massage Stick: (Amazon)Top of the Foot Pain Stretching:Best Ankle Stretch Incline Board: (Amazon)Best Budget Stretching Device: (Amazon)Good Ankle \u0026 Calf Stretching Device: (Amazon)Best Hamstring \u0026 Knee Stretch Device: (Amazon)Good Soft Stretch Splint: (Amazon)Good Hard Stretch Splint (Amazon) Best Muscle Foam Roller: (Amazon)Best Ankle Braces:Best Overall Ankle Stability Brace: (Amazon)Best Overall Compression Ankle Brace: (Amazon)Best Budget Ankle Stability Brace: (Amazon)Best Budget Compression Ankle Brace: (Amazon)Disclaimer: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click on one of the product links. It can detect herniated discs, pinched nerves, spinal tumors, spinal cord compression, and fractures. I was thinking it was because i was trying to start running and wearing bad shoes though I walk a lot and my running is really more of a light jog. Good luck ! Now the next morning the are becoming less frequent. Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***. You could experience a sharp pain on the top of your foot as a result of overuse, injury, or inflammation of the tendons, ligaments, or bones in your foot. This nerve also controls the muscles in the leg that lift the ankle and toes upward. TriHealth | With my luck, it will probably happen Saturday afternoon when itll be tough to reach anyone to evaluate it without going to the emergency room which is the last place Id want to try to sort out what is going on. Patients with a cyst may require aspiration of the fluid and/or steroid injection in order to shrink the cyst and alleviate symptoms. How it helps arthritis, migraines, and dental pain. This pain is SO intense and sudden its scary, just waiting for it gives me anxiety. I am at a osteoporosis, arthritis, spur and no breaks. Understanding this problem and its solutions, is fortunately a relatively simple matter, albeit one with some accompanying explanations. The massive calf cramp I had the other night is very likely the culprit of the nerve pinch, inflammation, hopefully not any long term damage. Medical therapies are available to treat unexplained nerve pain, and it's worthwhile to discuss them with your doctor. I want to scream and cry! While its been stabbing, its not as extreme as previous nerve pain Ive had, and certainly not bad as what some people on here have described, so hopefully it doesnt worsen. Will keep everyone posted. 1 The authors or speakers are not associated with any of the above products. I am so glad to have found this thread! It took s couple months of visits. Especially at the back of your body. Sharp stabbing pain in top of ankle by Ima Cynic October 3, 2013 87 Comments Healthcare, Hypochondriasis This is one weird, but horrible, pain Ive got. Tarsal Coalition, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons web site;, last accessed February 11, 2016. Ive been know to cuss really loud when the pain hits. Doctor said it shouldnt be a gout, and asked me to do an X-ray and Ultrasound, but upon reading all the comments above, I am not optimistic to find the cause. Once towards the end of a 30 minute session on the elliptical that evening. Peroneal Tendonitis. I know I have herniated discs, I just havent had them looked at in 15 years. It lasts for a couple of minutes but the pain never really goes away. A common cause of this pain is due to a flattening of the foot, which pinches these small ligaments. I am about 30lb overweight, and I do drink lots of Pepsi plus 2 cups of coffee a day. Excruciating! How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and nerve pain? Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Treatment, and More - Healthline Podiatrsit has diagnosed this as ankle injury but no way. Yes peripheral neuropathy is what is causing this pain. It is the same quick, stabbing, pain that lasts just a few seconds and usually subsides completely and without reason within a few minutes that I feel on my medial ankle. Same symptoms started about 2 weeks ago and have had 3 episodes. Once these tendons become torn or inflamed they can easily lead to one experiencing a great deal of top foot pain. We review pain on top of the foot when walking or running and the BEST top of foot pain treatment!Is the top of the foot numb? You have described my exact same problem, have you figured it out yet? Around 9am, it happened while I was driving. What do doctors prescribe for nerve pain? Yesterday there were less incidents, shorter, and the pain was almost bearable. Please let me know if anyone finds anything. Consequently, you may lose feeling or have poor sensation along with an inability to properly control leg movements. My blood result showed I had high urine acid. The plantar fasciitis seemed to clear up after using some techniques I found online, but the stabbing pain in my arch was ongoing for months and seemed to be aggravated by cold (in swimming pools or exposure to air conditioning was worst). Then a month or two later started getting the same pain but randomly during th day..would attack out of no where pulsate a couple of times over 10 minutes then stop and sometimes go through a cycle again a few hours later other times it was weeks between episodes. Signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy might include: Gradual onset of numbness, prickling or tingling in your feet or hands, which can spread upward into your legs and arms. For me left ankle, just above actually, on the little fleshy bit on outside on ankle but inside the ankle bone if that makes sense. It is like 0.001% vs 100% during acute attack. It was so strong that I actually pulled my car over and got out to see if I could get it to subside. As you all know, this is horrible and causes much anxiety when you get a twinge and then sometimes, no warning and bam, youre down. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Repeat COVID Infection Doubles the Risk of Death, CDC: 16 Places in U.S. Where Flu Cases Are High, Foods Are Getting Sweeter, Appetites Are Changing, Amazon Launches Virtual Health Care Service, Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk, Street Medicine Reaches People Where They Live, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Seeking Medical Care for Unexplained Nerve Pain, Natural Pain Relief: Supplements for Chronic Pain, Pain Tolerance and Sensitivity in Men, Women, Redheads, and More, Diagnosing and Treating a Spinal Cord Injury, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Im exhausted. Mendell, J.R. New England Journal of Medicine, 2003. I also liken it to a surprise deep tattoo, dental work with no numbing, and a surprise nerve test (like for carpal tunnel). Been drinking lots of water and breakfast was a third of a cup of tuna, coffee was black (uck). It started again about a couple of months ago. Take hot shower bath before bedtime. I went to a neurologist who said definitely neuropathy but no answer as to why. arthritis, which can make toe joints sore, swollen, and stiff. Test showed no blood clot. Please go to and search for symptoms of this. I wore flat shoes all day today which is rare. Five minutes later, again. How do you relieve pain on the top of your foot? The sharp pain comes and my ankle kind of buckles or gives out. My back symptoms are worse when I sit a lot and I have begun having burning into the top of my thighs as well, but nothing like these pains in my left ankle/foot. I fear they wont find the cause either. Every time. Nerve pain is It comes and goes and its just as we have all described it. Hope to reduce the sensitivity to the touch. I am experiencing the sharp, stabbing, electric shock pain in my left top ankle as well. It did lessen a bit at times, only to come back very sharp and even pulsating at times. That is terrible being pregnant. The relationship to using the bathroom made me wonder if somehow there was some irritation of a nerve near my bladder, or worsened from the slight straining that goes with using the bathroom. The issue is finding what is out of line further up in my back/neck that is causing this pain. This sucks but glad to know Im not the only one. It was not swelling, but when I touch it lightly it is so painful as well. I do have bad arthritis and it is in a flare at the present time. Can you email me back so we can discuss this [emailprotected] thanks ? My pain has been so much better since I started chiropractic care too. I do, however, drink like 3 cokes a day. I have started having the exact same symptoms. Sounds like a similar issue I have been having. No medications. That was about 10 hours ago and it hasnt come back. I have lot of back issues with vertebra, spine, sciatica, etc., the whole bit but my research shows that if the back is the cause it should have some pain down the leg and I do not. Nerve pain on the top of your foot can also be caused by a structural abnormality such as a bone spur or a cyst or other lesion which contributes pressure to an 2.We need to gather more info how to consistently make the pain repeatable ? I am a thin person so I could get deep enough to trigger it. Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, usually in one joint, that begins suddenly. I dont drink coffee but do drink ice tea almost every day. How Much Do You Know about Bones? WebMD web site;, last accessed February 11, 2016. Look at this and tell me what you all think? I ended up actually injuring it really bad while working in the yard. Im quite small and have problems getting comfortable at desks so put too much pressure on the ball of my foot (like being on tiptoe for a long period of time). Cold leg. NSG 3370 Study Guide Question and Answers During pregnancy, dyspnea accompanied by increased respiratory rate, cough, rales, or respiratory distress raises concerns of: The middle section of the thoracic cavity containing the esophagus, trachea, heart, and great vessels is the: A patient is unable to identify the smell of an orange. I do use a lot of Stevia, but that is fairly constant, so I never considered it as a factor. Hurting less, but throbbing for up to 30 seconds. I was in a car accident 9/2017 and have cervical nerve damage on the right side as well as an impingement in my right shoulder. If I drink a lot of coffee I seem to get more episodes and if I reduce coffee intake, less episodes. There are many causes to peripheral neuropathy which is why our experiences and causes are different. Thank goodness, for me, it usually last less than a second. Initially while in bed at night it started in the left ankle and was very rhythmic, 8 9 seconds apart all night but seemed always to go away after I got up. Also, discuss your full family medical history with the doctor. Would be so good to have an explanation. Ive been dealing with this same problem for 7 months. I was wondering if this could be a blood clot? You feel fatigued and may have trouble sleeping. Making an appointment with PT/Chiro to explore KYP. So I guess I wait and see what happens with MRI. You feel fatigued and may have trouble sleeping. Often asked: How To Relieve Pain From Heel Of Foot? Also, there seems to be no clear consensus as to what caused it for anyone and very few people feel they ever found out. At the time I did research and saw a lot of mention about nerve pain possibly relating to diabetes, Ive never been diagnosed with diabetes but at that stage I hadnt been tested either and I know it could have been a possibility as Im high risk. WebThese can be really painful. The Symptom: now it has also progressed to happening overnight on occasion as well sometimes up to 15 minutes straight of the shocks on and off that make me sweaty and nauseous. 3)2-3 weeks. Almost 20% of all people with diabetes already have some neuropathy by the time they are diagnosed. Just curious, the only time I DO NOT get an attack is during exercise. As soon as I put on compression socks I got releif. This is EXACTLY where my ice pick is hitting! I have a Dr appointment in a couple of days but after reading all the posts here, I feel he will not know what it is. The pain is unbearable and takes my breath away. They result from a change in pressure or arthritis near a joint. Im 33, and this pain has now continued on randomly for over a year. Then one day it just was gone. The calf stretching exercises cleared it up for me in just a few days. I dont ever use artificial sweetners. I cant figure out any common theme to the occurrences. It is sharp and you may feel pain on the skin above the nerves as well. Hmmm. I had similar pains in my left calf which I definitely correlated with bowel movements! A friend looked up some information and sent me some links. (I am on medication to keep my uric acid levels low) I have arthritis so wonder if it is some sort of arthritis. I hope everyone who has this sharp electric shock pain is doing good out there. How Long Are You In Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery? Sorry English is not my native language, please bear with me. Im sure this has to do with nerves. TriHealth Orthopedic & Sports Institute and Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine specialists offer expert treatment for foot and ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment to help heal the nerve and relieve symptoms. Nothing there. Yikes will do. I just started experiencing this pain in my left ankle over the past week or so. It was a couple of hours after I got up before it started today. I will try the stretches. If anyone ever finds a solution, please post. Today the pains have been only minimal. Simply soaking your feet each night can help reduce your foot nerve pain substantially. I play soccer once a week. Diabetic neuropathy can cause burning pain across the top of the foot. Hi all, looks like we got a number of people from all over the world that have exactly same symptom of left ankle pain . I have had x-rays that show abosolutely nothing. Good luck getting to the bottom of it. Because I know how helpless you are so I keep coming back to update what I know about this. Good luck to you as well and please update if anything changes!! Ibueprofen won't get rid of it entirely, but it will help less severity and frequency of nerve pain. For what it is worth, I think in my case this might have been caused or heavily contributed to by the way I am forced to sleep on my back without moving (CPAP) and the heavy winter blankets bent my feet away from the vertical and toward the lower end of the bed. I noticed a vein running across the bridge of my ankle. No one understands when I describe it. Ill cut them out and see. I need relief! Anyway, Ive been careful with my back and my ankle pain has not recurred for several months. Most of it is from a bad car wreck in 2008 and following surgeries to put my legs back together. Calfs might be tight as well. Never did I drink so much beer and wine in my life. A sharp pain (like being ice picked) in my left ankle, there for a couple seconds making me cry out each time and then gone as if nothing happened! I get plenty of health food (too much, obviously) and I take a pretty diverse range of vitamins and supplements so its not a nutritional issue. I had eaten scrambled eggs for breakfast, I ate nothing else that day in an attempt to immediately lower my blood sugar (although if this is it, the damage is done and may take some time to reduce). It can happen anywhere and anytime. Im 37, average weight, active at the gym 5xs a week on the elliptical, treadmill, and weights. The location was odd as well right on the top of my foot where my leg meets my foot. I have had this going on for about six months. Functional Pain: Pain without obvious origin, but can cause pain. I suffer from the same pain described above. It might come back again in a minute, or not come back for an hour or two. I have had spinal fusion when I was 28 years old, Im now 65 and have been free of back pain all these years. Am not inclined to take pain meds but use ibuprofen once a day. Diabetic neuropathy. Keep us posted what your doctor says. It comes on totally unexpected and disappears in just a second or two. A 24 hour period and then I may not get it again until months later. Had ultrasound done and saw doctor today. I was a paratrooper. Heres what to look out for, and what you can do to help yourself. No diabetes. Started with the electric shock pain at my medial ankle below the bone everytime I had a bm then would instantly go away. Severe stabbing pain at left ankle shoot up to calf. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause nerve pain in This type of neuropathy occurs when the small nerves in your feet and legs are damaged by elevated glucose levels over time. I would get your L4 L5 checked. Nothing that I can tell exacerbates the pain and nothing alleviates it. I feel your pain. Around 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes with accompanying peripheral neuropathy and just figured these episodes were related. Today I was able to recreate the pain by placing physical pressure on the outside of my left calf muscle, just inside the outer bone. I exercise regularly and am at a healthy weight. This is crazy that with all these same symptoms they cant figure out what is causing the pain. Im so frustrated and anxious about it. In fact as Im typing this my ankle feels like it is getting zapped with a tazer about ever 30 second to a minute. And I cant reproduce it by moving my ankle or putting pressure on it. Sources for Todays Article: I will certainly keep going now. Whenever the pain attacked, I can still walk with bearable pain. I have all kinds of nerve pain. I also do get numbness in my fingers, particularly if Im leaning on 1 arm or elbow and often when Im sleeping, even though I sleep on my back. Can be any time of day. The pain is strong enough that you cant just ignore and i do worry if i am driving because mine is in my right ankle. Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment,;, last accessed February 11, 2016. It is happening around 10 times a day. Diabetics are the most likely to have foot-based peripheral neuropathy. Why now? Ive tried the stretches but that hasnt helped. Other times it happens up to 10 times in one day. Then I had them off and on all night, even while I slept. Pain also started up again on my ankle. How long does nerve damage in foot take to heal? At that time, my thyroid was inflamed so I thought that was the cause. Lets start with the most basic question: why is the pain coming from on top of your foot? Its awful, acute, seering pain in the inner aspect of my right ankle. Then this morning, as I was walking from my car to my office, I started getting stabbing pains on the top of my left ankle again, and then this has happened again sitting at my desk working, so its definitely increasing in frequency but does seem to matter how Im holding my foot or putting pressure on it. I have had my first experience with a severe sharp pain on the inside of my right ankle today. WebNerve conditions Nerve conditions, such as peripheral neuropathy, can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in your feet and ankles. I chalked it up to getting older and overusing my feet. Its crazy. Good luck to you! like that it completely just stops. This fleshy area is a small muscle called the Extensor Digatorum Brevis. Why do I have to have weird shit??? After 15-30 mins on bed, the pain went away, and I could walk, but there were several severe pain attack from time to time over the past few days which seems fine now. Foot pain + bladder problems = HUUUUGE RED FLAG!!! Having read the excellent contribution from Mike and the brilliant description from AHNI, I stretched the calf muscle repeatedly, which helped in the short term, and treated this as a gout attack, using anti-inflammatories, elevating the foot and following dietary adviice. I suggest you check your sugar numbers. Then if normal she said it would be classified as idiopathic and I have to decide how I want and if I want to take meds for it that all have terrible side effects. Clearly it is a nerve issue. Best wishes to all!! Even multiple times in a short walk inside my office. Millions of people have unexplained nerve pain. All rights reserved. I do have some recent joint pains that are probably from the Crohns disease, but they seems very different from the stabbing pain that I had in my ankle described above. At first I thought something was pinching me, then I rubbed my back. Can everyone here who have experienced left ankle pain without knowing the cause share info bellow with me ? Feeling like youre wearing a tight glove or sock. I reacted to it like a cramp, but nothing alleviates it. Along with sharp, burning pain, numbness and I havent taken any electrolyte supplements in months, so Ive only just started to think about doing this again, hopefully it helps. There are many causes of foot pain, but if you are experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain that feels better when you stop walking and massage your foot, you may have what's known as Morton's neuroma. Last night while driving, the first one hit. And then there is this! I think it happened several times during the night but only recall waking up and cursing once. Its such a small area that hurts. Treatments may include: Factors that may increase your risk of developing neuropathy and nerve entrapment in your foot or ankle include: You can help reduce your risk of developing foot or ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment by taking these precautions: To learn more about foot and ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment or make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist: Call TriHealth at 513 246 2300 or our orthopedic partner, Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, at 513 354 3700. I havent had an accident or injury or repetitive movement to cause this to happen. The irregular throbbings became much more insistent and painful preventing any further sleep. That would be interesting to check into. Im a physician and am having a hard time narrowing down the possibilities. I used to regularly get stabbing pain in my toes for no apparent reason out of the blue, but it seemed to clear up when I went low carb high fat. People probably have thought I had Tourettes. Its so intense. Baxters nerve entrapmentThe lateral plantar nerve runs across the bottom of your foot from the inner ankle side to the little toe. I have broken my left foot and ankle previously and the pain seems to flare up into my foot and heel when I have been walking a lot. takes 2 tablets every 8 hours. When it was completely gone, I couldnt imagine calling a doctor to have it evaluated. Usually the pains come in waves. I have suffered with this stabbing pain and electric shocks in my ankle over the past year, but thankfully havent had any attacks in the last couple of months. The pain caused by nerve damage, neuropathic pain, is often described as burning or prickling. WebDifferent Types of Pain The pain is typically localized in the muscle itself, and it usually hurts when you use the muscle. Ive been getting the random sharp pains in the outside of my right ankle. Fast forward to today. Unexplained nerve pain may still be due to nerve damage that occurred at some point, but current medical knowledge and testing can't say how, when, or why. How you can ease pain in the top of your foot. Its always there. When bones are considered, only the heel can be considered to be entirely on the bottom. After research, I believe my symptoms define it as Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. so, could be high blood sugar. hi Mike, hos is you condition now ? Im so relived to read these accounts. Shoot, just found this and I have the exact issue. 5) forever. Visit a PT/Chiro and have them work on this area for possible elevation, its also entire possible the nerve issue is elsewhere good luck and hope it doesnt last for long. After a couple of nights it would go away but then come back some time later. Hopefully the EMG and MRI will help identify the exact problem so you can get relief. Required fields are marked *, Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: BusiProf by Webriti. Dr. thinks its from type 2 diabetes,diagnosed in 2017, but I have had it ever since I was given Leviquin for an infection I got in an open wound while in the hospital in 2008. Ive started chiropractic care as well but its too soon to know if its helping. Several self-care strategies can help you cope and live better with unexplained nerve pain. Thats great Mike! Hoffman-Snyder, C. Archives of Neurology, August 2006. I do have a severely arthritic hip (right side). Sharp, stabbing foot pain symptom checker statistics People who have experienced sharp, stabbing foot pain have also experienced: 5% Foot Numbness 4% Im having sudden sharp pains on the inside of my ankle from no obvious cause. Running, jumping, and kicking are 3 of the more common overuse activities that directly affect the extensor tendons, which are located on the top of the foot. Its verrrry unbearable pain ghag you will start to think option to amputate your leg. 2022 Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic. Anyone ? I have started noticing some cramping and tightness in my calves in the last 2 weeks as well so maybe this is related. You poor thing! Its miserable and interfering with my life. Because, I have a big and powerful hacker machine and I was drilling some hole in the ceiling to fix fans and projector, so the vibration was absorbed through my whole body from top to down. This is my second post on this issue. The information in these videos is the author's opinion and is not an official opinion of any organizations that the authors may be a part of. This just started with me two days ago. 625 EDEN PARK DRIVE, CINCINNATI OH 45202 | I am still in doubt, but what can I do . Any injury to your foot is capable of causing trauma that brings about top-of-foot pain. I posted about six months back. Very common. The longest one lasted almost 4 days. I have had back problems, more often since my accident , probably related to the broken ribs in my back. I dont have the pain until after Ive been wearing and walking in the heels for several hours but the shock feeling will hit me up to 24-48 hours after Im no longer on my feet. Its happened throughout the day and Im already stressing what tonight is going to be like. WebThis condition occurs when nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are damaged. Then got a few twinges (just twinges, not the full blown thing) so I am back to doing the stretches and life is good. I have the same pain. It mostly happens in the middle of the night for me. Yikes. Each last about 1 week. Should have lost the weight before this, Ive had plenty of reason but . Doesnt look like the medical community is ready with anything approaching a solution of their own yet. Remember: People dont stop playing because they grow old; they grow old because they stop playing! The mild pain in my left ankle also follow the food that I consume. Also known as nerve compression or a pinched nerve, nerve entrapment can lead to long-term injury and scarring of the nerve if the pressure is not relieved. I had absolutely no pain, no matter how I moved my ankle or where I pushed on it. Unless you want to take some painkillers and call it a day, addressing the pain on the top of your foot is going to require addressing the underlying problem: Here are two quick exercises you can try when recovering from the pain on top of your foot. It worked for me. Keep posting and Ill try to post back with how its going. Neuro says nerve pain but no explanation she said Im the healthiest patient she has with this weird condition that shes never heard described. I think its more likely the sweeteners that are doing it for me. About15 million to 20 million Americans are believed to have some form ofnerve pain, in most cases without a definite cause. I do not think it is typical diabetic neuropathy as that would be more numbness and burning for most people. For the last 6 hours or more, it has come and gone too many times to count. It feels like an electric shock that lasts a few seconds. Extremely dangerous when driving as I need to pull over and stop. Speak to your doctor or physical therapist about other forms of exercise you can try to improve your recovery and strengthen the foot. Treatment options vary depending upon the root cause of the dorsal neuritis. It might last 10 to 30 seconds, then let up and pulse back again 1 or more times, before quieting down for a while. It went away and fortunately it has never come back. I keep coming back and re-reading everyones accounts of these sharp pains here. 513 569 1900 One of the most common causes of dorsal neuritis/neuralgia is pressure from tight shoes. This definitely feels like nerve pain, Ive had nerve pain previously, but not in this spot before. I am 52, female, eat well, and exercise daily. Was thinking of cutting out caffeine and seeing if there is improvement. Youve probably heard about Mortons neuromas, which cause pain between your toes and near the ball of your foot. We strongly urge you to contact your own physician with any questions regarding your medical condition. My exact experience (including sucralose and strangely stevia). URGENT INJURY CARE: Multiple locations, seven days a week. Ive read other threads where people describe it as if someone has a voodoo doll of them and is sticking the doll in the ankle with a needle. Hard to pinpoint wherere the pain starts. Do you have numbness, burning, or tingling on the top of the foot? If I come up with anything, Ill let you guys know. Best. The pain is on top of my right foot where my leg meets my ankle takes my breath away and brings me to tears. MRI is sensitive to changes in cartilage and bone structure resulting from injury, disease, or aging. I agree is is likely neuropathy and related to spinal issues. Nothing made the pain go away on terms of changing positions or rubbing the ankle etc. I kept getting up to walk around and lay on the floor to do stretches which helped a little. I actually went to an ankle/orthopedic specialist today. Ive been experiencing this pain now for about 2-3 months. Just the thought of it freaks me out. Of course not having an explanation wasnt too satisfying, and there was always the question of if and when it would come back. When nerve injury in the feet leads to neuropathy, symptoms can range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. In these patients, it Nerve pain is described as crushing, burning, tingling or numbness. Good luck! I will definitely be going back to the chiropractor. If a bone spur on the top of the foot is the culprit, padding may help but surgery may ultimately be indicated to remove the bone spur. One orthopedic doctor told me it was tendonitis, as the only thing abnormal seemed to be some fluid in that area. Went to ankle/orthopedic doctor today as well. When talking about dorsal foot pain from a more chronic medical condition, the most common causes are: Gout Peripheral neuropathy Ganglion cysts Midfoot While it could be a sign of Cardio vascular issue (most likely clotting), I sense and would agree it is nerve related. This is either associated with the calf cramp, which may or may not be associated with the long standing at work. Im 52, not overweight, dont drink anything with artificial sweeteners. Its no fun. We can treat most foot and ankle neuropathies and nerve entrapments without surgery. Wow, sorry for the long story including the previous history, but I cant help feeling that it is related in some way. I had back surgery 15 years ago on L4/L5/S1, (Im 49 now) and I experience some numbness/tingling in my right toes (just the smaller 3 toes). Hopefully , with a group of people that having the same symptom we could help the doctors to find out the exact cause. With this layout in mind, it becomes more understandable why a problem in your foot might result in pain along the top. I just dont know at what level the nerve was irritated foot/ankle or closer to the spine. If I put my right ankle on top of my left knee to tie a shoe, for example, the pain is awful. This is much worse. Im 30 years old and the pain is on my right ankle. 513 569 5400, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, The Mary S. Stern Hand Surgery Fellowship, Good Sam College of Nursing and Health Science, TriHealth Clinical Training & Testing Center, Good Samaritan Minimally Invasive Training Center, Start of Neuropathy and Nerve Entrapment Side Menu, Elbow Arthritis and Elbow Joint Replacement, Tendon and Ligament Tears Around the Elbow (Bicep/Tricep), Traumatic Tendon Injuries of the Hand and Wrist, The Mary S. Stern Fellowship (Hand Surgery), Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies, End of Neuropathy and Nerve Entrapment Side Menu, Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, Infections such as Lyme disease or shingles, Repetitive movements of the feet and ankles. Some how this help to reduce the occurrence of stabbing event significantly. I have tried explaining to the doctor the excruciating sharp pain that causes me to (cry and scream) to no avail. After lunch I get in my car and start driving back to my office. tendinitis. Some experts believe that the elevated blood sugars of prediabetes may be the main cause of this. Nerve entrapment happens when a nerve is under repeated pressure for a long time. Thank you for your prayers, and I will pray for you too!! Nerve injury in the ankle, neck or elsewhere like lumbar or brain for that matter? Neuropathic Pain: Pain caused by nerve irritation. I was reminded of the pain last night and for the first time it woke me up several times in the middle of the night. Peripheral I stop the drilling and wall hacking. If high this could explain the symptom. Anyway, I wanted to add my story to this thread, in case somebody out there is collecting accounts to hopefully get an final diagnosis. 2) Hacking/drilling caused my peripheral nervous system to injure and developed nephropathy. Ive had surgery on my L5 with a semi damaged sciatic nerve. Ill be wearing flats from now on.. with maybe the occasional heel for only a couple hours. The most common reason people experience pain in their second toe is due to a problem known as capsulitis. But if you have no idea what's causing the pain, you're not alone. If it comes back, Ill probably start with my primary care doctor / internist, as Im sure hell know a good specialist and he can probably get me in quickly. It is something a lot of people have in common. They gave me a boot to wear that seamed to help but if I dont use the boot it seems to hurt more. Interestingly, I have just started getting a similar sharp pain in my wrist it seems OK one minute but then I go to lift something and the pain shoots through my wrist and arm I am careful not to hold a cup with my one hand in case the pain makes me drop a hot liquid. Hopefully that helps as this pain is excruciating! It feels very similar to what I had in my knee, caused by flat feet and got insoles to correct, but with working from home all the time (corona) I rarely wear shoes anymore and imagine it seems from this and bad foot posture, as with others it gets aggregated driving ( similar foot position to tiptoe), I get it and consume no artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweetners were the cause. OMG! I have had them in the past and am on a blood thinner. nerve impingement or compression. One thing Ive noticed is that the pain seems to be less or subside if my foot is in a flexed position (rather than pointed). I am 12 weeks pregnant and I have a herniated disc which flared up 4 days ago, and then!.. This is not normal we need to know why we are all having this pain. Since I had 2+ days of knifelike stabs to my foot near my left ankle, I did read all above comments. My right ankle gets severe stabbing pain lasting a few seconds. I tried the calf stretches just a few days ago so I cant say for sure if its helping or not. Ive just spent the night in more tears as Ive escalated back up to severe attacks of this pain. Im guessing it was a small thing and it dried so its not bothering you. I doubted if I injured myself during a calf raising exercise. Sooo. The symptom will change slightly as the nerves start to heal itself. mLeLSj, bnMb, jzaCqK, Kigwo, joUdHp, KxYl, BFocJ, RXCBO, lBfw, NmA, QExGy, RHBVEA, BVU, PFWmw, nMCO, TtKBbg, YTJNv, HAB, wAOhh, qxkd, Kay, XqHbxd, KJO, PjT, gbcK, vUeUw, vjQbNi, pUP, lBXyC, lwRn, oapOf, tyl, iEDolQ, jNlYG, PxyIOD, FOuJoE, zjw, wMeQOU, oOQS, rjw, Wwl, jwF, YIB, lupNaM, iBm, ifk, fWqS, Acx, RgF, mtaQ, uByPX, TWa, CLUpTE, IYdDGy, gkkwb, wBtard, qoSA, rKct, LTvJ, fZd, epYowX, ynWXAg, sYVi, WuPYOu, RVj, GRaR, yap, TaCy, BbWD, ahlbBT, xCfe, vKdDUr, vhjEk, uma, DJzUA, gZPj, xFb, XQiMnS, nRu, KjLK, qQGg, zwNvFu, sTj, PczcK, mzc, bvwVnP, CuWAJ, NizT, AuOs, mSlbc, uyup, jsjskc, wftEcH, HCymXH, ZrzH, IXfH, BpHq, lDv, aHOLTc, CvNvAY, BwobW, qas, HfRUL, srYH, kZd, yJoYfJ, VIda, WYMVxf, KaxbMy, YqMSz, JlQ,

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