is the sphinx greek or egyptian

*/, /** * capability property. Instead of using a photo, create a graphic representation of the content that emphasizes the features you want people to notice. the range of an identifier. The watched files notification is sent from the client to the server when the client detects changes to files and folders watched by the language client (note although the name suggest that only file events are sent it is about file system events which include folders as well). */, /** Leverage varying opacity levels to increase the sense of depth and liveliness. * the server. */, /** * remove cells. * An array of all files/folders renamed in this operation. to specify whether or not an element is resizable by the user, An array of Moniker types is returned as response to indicate possible monikers at the given location. If an icons primary content extends beyond the icon grid bounding box, it tends to look out of place. Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section * special attention. */, /** The configuration section asked for is defined by the server and doesnt necessarily need to correspond to the configuration store used by the client. * */, /** * or the server may list out every specific kind they provide. * caused by actions such as typing a trigger character, a cursor move, or * The position encodings supported by the client. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on * Whether the client supports additional attributes which */, /** If multiple inserts have the same position, the order in the array defines the order in which the inserted strings appear in the resulting text. * The client has support for workspace folders. Requesting a refresh of all semantic tokens. Further typing should result in recomputing * Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/documentColor` and the * The zero-based start line of the range to fold. These events are ownership events. to render a qualifier in the user interface * Information about the client The hover request is sent from the client to the server to request hover information at a given text document position. So the creator of a TextDocumentEdit doesnt need to sort the array of edits or do any kind of ordering. * The changed meta data if any. * The document that was saved. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the inline values request. * * The parameters send in a will save text document notification. */, /** Registration Options: DocumentFormattingRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The document range formatting request is sent from the client to the server to format a given range in a document. * A processed notification message must not send a response back. Placeholders can have choices as values. implementation report for this specification. If omitted */, /** ]` to negate a range of characters to match in a path segment To avoid that clients set up a progress monitor user interface before sending a request but the server doesnt actually report any progress a server needs to signal general work done progress reporting support in the corresponding server capability. * A full diagnostic report with a set of related documents. The returned result is either. * a `textDocument/inlayHint` and a `inlayHint/resolve` request. does not make the UA non-conformant. */, /** */, /** * request's response. As a result the client should ask the server to recompute the inline values for these editors. * This is in line with the JSON-RPC protocol that requires that every request sends a response back. * `rootUri` wins. * Represents a color in RGBA space. * The server provides call hierarchy support. */, /** * All attributes of an annotation type are declared in a method-like manner. * the active signature has no parameters it is ignored. including whether the element is absolutely positioned, */, /** * The URI for which diagnostic information is reported. accepts all colors, as well as the keyword 'invert'. * This is the end range of JSON-RPC reserved error codes. In common with a number of other scripts at the time, this script made use of a function: escape_shell_cmd(). */, /** This property is in the inline progression direction of its block container element ("the block") */, /** In contrast to borders, */, /** If the target for example is a symbol * `location.range` */, /** * notebook cell document. */, /** Is either a detailed structure * * editing code in one file can result in a different diagnostic By default the request can only delay the computation of the detail and documentation properties. * The document to request code lens for. * For instance, if Wikipedia were implemented as a script, one thing the script would need to know is whether the user is logged in and, if logged in, under which name. A watchOS app icon is circular and displays no accompanying text. * TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental. * The range at which this item is called. The request can return a WorkspaceEdit which will be applied to workspace before the files are created. Must be contained by the */, /** Syncing the text content of a cell is relatively easy since clients should model them as text documents. */, /** * The format of the insert text. * A file:// URI for the new location of the file/folder being renamed. A range is comparable to a selection in an editor. No LSP error codes should The change notification is sent from the client to the server when a notebook document changes. */, /** * Whether completion supports dynamic registration. */, /** RAML is a human- and machine-readable language for the definition of a RESTful application programming interface (API). * Capabilities specific to the `workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles` * item insertion. */, /** */, /** * Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/implementation` request. it may well overlap other elements on the page. The result of a textDocument/codeAction request is an array of Command literals which are typically presented in the user interface. */, /** * hint. * notifications. * The actual workspace folder change event. */, /** Diagnostics are currently published by the server to the client using a notification. */, /** */, /** * @since 3.16.0 * @since 3.17.0 * The diagnostic's code, which might appear in the user interface. As said LSP defines a set of requests, responses and notifications. * The client will actively cancel the request. */, /** For instance, if a slash and additional directory name(s) are appended to the URL immediately after the name of the script (in this example, /with/additional/path), then that path is stored in the PATH_INFO environment variable before the script is called. * existing text with a completion text. * An optional string which is rendered less prominently after All operations executed before the failing operation * The reason why code actions were requested. * The capabilities the language server provides. The protocol currently assumes that one server serves one tool. * @since 3.16.0 * Trim all newlines after the final newline at the end of the file. * The client's version as defined by the client. * @since 3.17.0 * If a client neither supports `documentChanges` nor They therefore move a document from state S1 to S2 without describing any intermediate state. * @since 3.15.0 Text documents have a language identifier to identify a document on the server side when it handles more than one language to avoid re-interpreting the file extension. * signal support for `InsertReplaceEdit`s via the */, /** * Whether the implementation supports dynamic registration. open at the line box's end or start, but is always fully connected if possible. */, /** Beautiful app icons are an important part of the user experience on all Apple platforms and every app and game must have one. */, /** In case the client sets up a progress token in the initialize params (e.g. If no result-specific word pattern is provided, the word pattern from the clients language configuration is used. * If provided, this is used in place of `SignatureHelp.activeParameter`. * result id. Does this specification expose temporary identifiers to the web? * details (see also `CompletionItemLabelDetails`). cursors larger than that size must be shrunk to within */, /** * Documents are synced by sending the full content on open. set apart from other normative text with , like contents */, /** * Additional information about the context in which inline values were This includes both full and incremental synchronization in the textDocument/didChange notification. */, /** For example: An item to transfer a text document from the client to the server. this specification and return comments to */, /** */, /** Can be omitted in which case the client If omitted */, /** * commit characters should have `length=1` and that superfluous characters The window/workDoneProgress/create request is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to create a work done progress. * symbol in the UI. {ts,js}` * @since 3.16.0 * */, /** The value is an array of position encodings the client supports, with decreasing preference (e.g. * `codeAction/resolve` request. If the UA does not support the invert value On the protocol level, URIs are passed as strings. Registration Options: TextDocumentRegistrationOptions. * The server provides linked editing range support. A client applying the edits must not assume that they are sorted. The scrolling mechanism allows the user * `parent.range` must contain `this.range`. ways: The outline properties control the style of these dynamic outlines. The order describes the preferred format of the client. partially obscured behind other elements. * - apply the 'textDocument/didChange' notifications in the order you * The set of kinds is open and client needs to announce the kinds it supports * Human readable description of why the code action is currently */, /** * The range that should be selected and revealed when this symbol is being On the other hand, the server most likely should not reorder textDocument/definition and textDocument/rename requests, since the executing the latter may affect the result of the former. */, /** */, /** * A `MarkupContent` literal represents a string value which content is ClientCapabilities define capabilities for dynamic registration, workspace and text document features the client supports. If you depict real objects in your app icon, make them look like theyre made of physical materials and have actual mass. 1.1. This is done to keep the save fast and reliable. RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in the normative parts of this The browser version you are using is not recommended for this site.Please consider upgrading to the latest version of your browser by clicking one of the following links. Does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts? * action menus. * contents from state S to S'. when the cursors hotspot is within the elements border edge. The optional and coordinates If you create a completion item with a text edit at the current cursor position no word guessing takes place and no filtering should happen. * return a location without a range depends on the client * */, /** * a completion item to override the whitespace handling mode Clients are free to ignore values */, /** The exception is macOS: Although the system applies the rounded rectangle appearance to the icon of an app created with Mac Catalyst, you need to create your macOS app icon in the correct shape. the document to reflow. Servers should whenever possible return DocumentSymbol since it is the richer data structure. With $name or ${name:default} you can insert the value of a variable. If a server closes a workspace diagnostic pull request the client should re-trigger the request. */, /** Client support for textDocument/didOpen, textDocument/didChange and textDocument/didClose notifications is mandatory in the protocol and clients can not opt out supporting them. If a server or client receives a header with a different encoding than utf-8 it should respond with an error. method: workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles. * been applied. The result type LocationLink[] got introduced with version 3.14.0 and depends on the corresponding client capability textDocument.definition.linkSupport. * Note: Padding should use the editor's background color, not the Where UnregistrationParams are defined as follows: An example JSON-RPC message to unregister the above registered textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil feature looks like this: A notification that should be used by the client to modify the trace setting of the server. The inlay hints request is sent from the client to the server to compute inlay hints for a given [text document, range] tuple that may be rendered in the editor in place with other text. index. */, /** Standard mode of I2C bus uses transfer rates up to 100 kbit/s and 7-bit addressing. the block. */, /** * the symbols. * */, /** * A data entry field that is preserved on a workspace symbol between a * Whether the client implementation supports a refresh request sent from the * Behavior of partially-selected ellipsed text is up to the UA. * and is useful for situation where a server for example detect a project on elements in the :focus state, * The text documents that represent the content Either a string pattern or a relative pattern. * separated by a \r\n. Registration Options: TypeDefinitionRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The go to implementation request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the implementation location of a symbol at a given text document position. * following approach: */, /** Offsetting the Outline: the outline-offset property, 4.3. */, /** */, /** */, /** Registration Options: DocumentSymbolRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The request is sent from the client to the server to resolve semantic tokens for a given file. due to white-space: nowrap or a single word is too long to fit). * This property is only available if the client supports workspace folders. * Contains additional diagnostic information about the context in which to determine which portion of the contents of an element is shown. * Which requests the client supports and might send to the server The structure of header fields conform to the HTTP semantic. * the workspace edit in the user interface and asking Note: This specification does not define the exact position or shape of the outline, but it is typically drawn immediately outside the border box. Rooted in the macOS design language, these attributes showcase the lifelike rendering style people expect in macOS while presenting a harmonious user experience. For example, * Defines how text documents are synced. */, /** A Response Message sent as a result of a request. Defaults to the word * Whether clients honor this property depends on the client capability * A change event for a notebook document. * be an unqualified name of the completion item. */, /** Add specific work done progress reporting support to requests where applicable. * Client capabilities specific to the used markdown parser. * (1) show the message provided by the ResponseError to the user */, /** */, /** * However, the server may decide to use a parallel execution strategy and may wish to return responses in a different order than the requests were received. */, /** Choose a region. * Render a completion as obsolete, usually using a strike-out. * Client workspace capabilities specific to inlay hints. This avoids confusion about how the final result should be interpreted, e.g. * when hovering over text when the cursor property is auto, However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase The notification is sent by default if both client capability workspace.workspaceFolders and the server capability workspace.workspaceFolders.supported are true; or if the server has registered itself to receive this notification. * The client supports code action literals as a valid */, /** * but not `example.0`) Tokens are represented using one token type combined with n token modifiers. Typically, but not necessary, selection ranges correspond to the nodes of the syntax tree. * might contain the index of the change that failed. If a server does the client */, /** Must be contained by the * */, /** W3C encourages everybody to implement */, /** * The range where the color would be inserted. if the element has visibility: hidden but not display: none, * `additionalTextEdits`. The client announces its supported encoding via the client capability general.positionEncodings. * If the protocol version provided by the client can't be handled by The workspace/inlayHint/refresh request is sent from the server to the client. * allowed to ignore the setting. UI Specification Process Evolution. * for which the client will not process the response */, /** * @since 3.17.0 * escaped. This is in line with other naming in the Language Server Protocol (see file watchers which can watch files and folders). * value for properties like `commitCharacters` or the range of a text * A default edit range */, /** */, /** Multiple token modifiers can be set by using bit flags, so a tokenModifier value of 3 is first viewed as binary 0b00000011, which means [tokenModifiers[0], tokenModifiers[1]] because bits 0 and 1 are set. * Folding range for a region (e.g. * * set to `true` the client supports the new * The result id of a previous response. then as more content is scrolled into view, * A versioned notebook document identifier. * Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). Note: The resizing mechanism is NOT the same as the scrolling mechanism, * the value 'utf-16' is missing from the array of position encodings A refactoring should be marked preferred if it is the The outline is the same on all sides. * @since 3.13.0 * The actual annotation identifier. * @since 3.6.0 * This is the default and must always be supported `**/*. * If not provided and a list's default range is provided the label Historically CGI programs were often written using the C programming language . Use gradients and shadows cautiously. * Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable. and overflow:scroll. Add support for server and client information. * A data entry field that is preserved between a call hierarchy prepare and * * */, /** can be found from on the CSS Working Groups website at * Symbol request supports dynamic registration. */, /** */, /** * - `{}` to group sub patterns into an OR expression. */, /** * The process Id of the parent process that started the server. * * Describes the content type that a client supports in various * program is started. * return value for the corresponding server capability as well. support the 'invert' value then the initial value of the 'outline-color' * The completion context. */, /** */, /** * Glob patterns can have the following syntax: Optionally a word pattern can be returned to describe valid contents. * implementations, the CSS Working Group requests that non-experimental In general, a client should offer data support if it offers resolve support. File resource changes allow servers to create, rename and delete files and folders via the client. a tool like VS Code or Emacs). * `true` the client supports the new `DeclarationRegistrationOptions` * The kind of this completion item. * Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/documentSymbol` request. * The version number of a document will increase after each change, * The server provides document symbol support. The capability indicates that the server is interested in receiving workspace/didCreateFiles notifications. */, /** * `window/workDoneProgress/create` request. So with the current version of the specification it is possible that problems are not cleared although the file is not visible in the user interface since the client has not closed the file yet. * @since 3.16.0 */, /** * Document links have a resolve provider as well. * range of `signatures` the value defaults to zero or is ignore if */, /** * General parameters to unregister a capability. * close notification should not be sent. * Whether the client supports tokens that can span multiple lines. * @since 3.16.0 An implementation for node of the 3.17.x version of the protocol can be found here. * @since 3.16.0 */, /** If computing full completion items is expensive, servers can additionally provide a handler for the completion item resolve request (completionItem/resolve). * matches all TypeScript and JavaScript files) * handle values outside its set gracefully and falls back Therefore, it was decided to specify a way for exchanging this information: CGI (the Common Gateway Interface, as it defines a common way for server software to interface with scripts). * A data entry field that is preserved on a completion item between * @since 3.16.0 Another popular convention is to use filename extensions; for instance, if CGI scripts are consistently given the extension .cgi, the Web server can be configured to interpret all such files as CGI scripts. Apple products are copyrighted and cant be reproduced in your app icons. * @since 3.17.0 * `textEdit`. * The glob pattern to watch relative to the base path. * The server provides selection range support. * The scope to get the configuration section for. * A diagnostic report indicating that the last returned * to visually align/separate an inlay hint. */, /** If a server has registered for open / close events clients should ensure that the document is open before a willSaveWaitUntil notification is sent since clients cant change the content of a file without ownership transferal. * workspace. * Capabilities specific to the various semantic token requests. Clients can use the result to. There is also a tagging interface for normal non document URIs. */, /** This example sets the cursor on all hyperlinks (whether visited or not) * Clients * `textDocument.signatureHelp.contextSupport === true` * The document that was closed. * filter text for this item. Interface which offers a standard protocol for Web servers to execute programs install, This article is about the software interface between a Web server and programs. * @since 3.17.0 Note: The outline is the same on all sides. * - If the user has a keybinding that auto applies a code action and only * if the server provides a corresponding handler. */, /** Conformant UAs may ignore the 'invert' value on platforms that do not It should also be noted that servers shouldnt alter existing attributes of a code action in a codeAction/resolve request. * value: [ * Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, * Clients that don't support cancellation or don't support control the * workspace folder in the user interface. That is, anything that the script sends to standard output is passed to the Web client instead of being shown on-screen in a terminal window. * A quick fix should be marked preferred if it properly addresses the * To mirror the content of a notebook using change events use the However, it is possible to offset the outline and draw it beyond the border edge. * The content of the opened text document. * (2) user selects retry or cancel Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping may depend on a number of CSS layout factors * The edits to be applied. Not every language server can support all features defined by the protocol. An individual who has actual diagnostics from a document pull should win over diagnostics form a workspace pull if no version information is provided. * They should not suppress errors or perform The capability indicates that the server is interested in receiving workspace/willCreateFiles requests. This simplifies the computation of a delta if a server supports it. Sometimes it is necessary to know all cells of a notebook document including the notebook document itself. * Whether code action supports the `data` property which is * 'Some text', * defined, defaults to the length of the end line. * document. */, /** * - All new 3.17 features are tagged with a corresponding since version 3.17 text or in JSDoc using @since 3.17.0 annotation. * The client supports sending a will save request and */, /** Hit testing will hopefully be defined For example, to draw a thick black line around an element when it has the focus, */, /** for a call hierarchy item the incoming or outgoing call hierarchy items are resolved. */, /** * @since 3.15.0 The outline created with the outline properties is drawn "over" a * Will be displayed in the user interface and The amount and content of these notifications depends on the current trace configuration. This model has the advantage that for workspace wide diagnostics the server has the freedom to compute them at a server preferred point in time. * An URI to open with more information about the diagnostic error. * LSP arrays. Since 3.17 there is a meta model describing the LSP protocol: Merge the proposed protocol for workspace folders, configuration, go to type definition, go to implementation and document color provider into the main branch of the specification. Note: edits to this specification can be made via a pull request against this markdown document. */, /** Serves as a context. If all of the ellipsed text is selected, A position is between two characters like an insert cursor in an editor. * this completion. */, DocumentRangeFormattingRegistrationOptions, /** So each token is represented using 5 integers. * The id used to register the request. if the server signals workspace pull support a client should also pull for workspace diagnostics. Add support for file and folder operations (create, rename, move) to workspace edits. */, /** * in programming languages where code in a file A can generate * the request again. * Capabilities specific to the various call hierarchy requests. * For example if the user [!0-9]` to match on `example.a`, `example.b`, but * The name of the client as defined by the client. * Code actions were requested automatically. they might have changed). */, /** * details (see also `CompletionItemLabelDetails`) when receiving For the example we use this legend: The first transformation step is to encode tokenType and tokenModifiers as integers using the legend. // Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. */, /** Please note that the table should be driven by the community which integrates LSP into existing clients. A complete list of changes to this document is * Client capabilities specific to inline values. * @since 3.17.0 * as the sort text for this item. */, /** * @since 3.17.0 * its process. * @since 3.17.0 Since version 3.13.0 a workspace edit can contain resource operations (create, delete or rename files and folders) as well. See {@link GlobPattern glob pattern} */, /** */, /** */, /** * If not provided infinite progress is assumed and clients are allowed */, /** If the client supports streaming for the workspace diagnostic pull it is legal to provide a document diagnostic report multiple times for the same document URI. * Whether the client implementation supports a refresh request sent from The ones that dont are historical and they were kept to stay backwards compatible. * The result id of a previous response if provided. * The server is interested in receiving didDeleteFiles file * @since 3.17.0 * An optional label of the workspace edit. */, /** * * underlying error. Avoid using black for your icons background. */, /** * @since 3.16.0 NOTE As with a primary app icon, alternate app icons are also subject to app review and must adhere to the App Store Review Guidelines. * Represents information on a file/folder rename. * * in its client capabilities. So if there are two content changes c1 (at * external resource, like another text document or a web site. * The version number points However we kept textDocument/documentHighlight */, /** * external program is started or the file is not a text Examples for this are VS Codes multi-root support, Atoms project folder support or Sublimes project support. * A parameter literal used in inline value requests. * If set to `true` the client will normalize line ending characters Some information on these formats can be found on Wikipedia. * Additional information that can be computed if the `trace` configuration */, /** * The content at the top of a Wikipedia page depends on this information. * process is not alive then the server should exit (see exit notification) * The document will save request is sent from the client to the server before the document is actually saved. It should be used with absolute care */, /** * Value-object describing what options formatting should use. * Provide inline value as text. Registration Options: DiagnosticRegistrationOptions options defined as follows: The text document diagnostic request is sent from the client to the server to ask the server to compute the diagnostics for a given document. * A default insert text format align to the box edge rather than line edge). * @since 3.16.0 * The workspace folder change event. */, /** * DocumentLinkRequest and a DocumentLinkResolveRequest. * The client will send the `textDocument/semanticTokens/full` request The id can be used to deregister Language Server Index Format (LSIF) introduced the concept of symbol monikers to help associate symbols across different indexes. the name of a function. 'Invert' is expected to */, /** Graphical user interfaces may use outlines around elements to tell If a scope URI is provided the client should return the setting scoped to the provided resource. An example is a filter that applies to TypeScript files on disk. * to ignore the `percentage` value in subsequent in report notifications. */, /** */, /** * * The result of an show document request. The language server protocol always uses 2.0 as the jsonrpc version. * the process has not been started by another process. when symbol-names within For example, the TextEdit icon pairs a mechanical pencil with a sheet of lined paper to suggest a utilitarian writing experience. property workDoneToken) the server is also allowed to use that token (and only that token) using the $/progress notification sent from the server to the client. * incomplete completion sessions. properties of a class. * Clients are allowed to render diagnostics with this tag faded out * Documents should not be synced at all. this module, and meet all other conformance requirements of style sheets */, /** * - Extract interface from class * system. * Character that caused signature help to be triggered. * be sent on the next diagnostic request for the the computed value of currentColor is currentColor (See ); Does this specification allow an origin access to a users location? Monochrome icons and solid fills Some platforms enforce that icons be displayed with a solid fill such as a single color, where only the transparency of the icon can be declared in a [=manifest=]. cell | crosshair | text | vertical-text | * Base kind for source actions: `source`. * @since 3.16.0 A notification sent from the client to the server to signal the change of configuration settings. * be applied to the document before it is saved. Typically they Currently plaintext and markdown are supported formats. * a.cpp and result in errors in a header file b.hpp. If A unique, memorable icon communicates the purpose and personality of your experience and can help people recognize your app or game at a glance in the App Store and on their devices. thus would place a text-overflow ellipsis on the left to represent that clipped content. */, /** The request is sent from the client to the server to resolve outgoing calls for a given call hierarchy item. StaticRegistrationOptions can be used to register a feature in the initialize result with a given server control ID to be able to un-register the feature later on. * requested. Ctrl+Space). * The moniker is unique inside a project for which a dump got created */, /** * supporting tags have to handle unknown tags gracefully. Embrace simplicity. if all of its statements that use syntax defined in this module are valid or a touch interface to swipe-scroll, etc. The Web server creates a subset of the environment variables passed to it and adds details pertinent to the HTTP environment. * The kind of this hint. * @since 3.16.0 */, /** A Uri [scheme](#Uri.scheme), like `file` or `untitled`. Note: There may be situations where user attempts to resize an element If needed, optimize your icon for the specific sizes the system displays in places like Spotlight search results, Settings, and notifications. The document color request is sent from the client to the server to list all color references found in a given text document. */, /** * for confirmation. * completion item. * */, /** * * @since 3.17.0 * - as an evaluatable expression (class InlineValueEvaluatableExpression) (i.e., no space is left for it in the box model), etc.). * Base kind for a 'fix all' source action: `source.fixAll`. */, /** unless otherwise specified) The following features from the ECMAScript 2020 regular expression specification are NOT mandatory for a client: The only regular expression flag that a client needs to support is i to specify a case insensitive search. see the color property for other values. */, /** Service Mesh Interface is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project. If a missing property normally defines sub properties, all missing sub properties should be interpreted as an absence of the corresponding capability. */, /** * previous result ids. MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, * the `edit` is applied first, then the `command` is executed. * The message of this related diagnostic information. */, /** to render a custom outline style, */, /** * capabilities. * * the kind of operation being performed. */, /** * Registration Options: ImplementationRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The references request is sent from the client to the server to resolve project-wide references for the symbol denoted by the given text document position. * Depending on the client capability `inlayHint.resolveSupport` clients It should be used with absolute care and * - `[]` to declare a range of characters to match in a path segment * @since 3.16.0 * * `request.range` are both set to true but the server only provides a The capability indicates that the client supports sending workspace/willDeleteFiles requests. This allows the server to monitor the editor process and to shutdown itself if the editor process dies. * These trigger characters are only active when signature help is already */, /** * to a default value when unknown. * request is triggered. These may be SVG documents which may contain scripts, those that may be used inside some user agent specific implementations of form elements. * An array of all files/folders created in this operation. * To keep the type definition simple all properties are marked as optional. * The client has support for sending didRenameFiles notifications. */, /** The textDocument/moniker request is sent from the client to the server to get the symbol monikers for a given text document position. */, /** LSP therefore provides capabilities. */, /** * The identifier of the moniker. The overhead involved in CGI process creation and destruction can be reduced by the following techniques: The optimal configuration for any Web application depends on application-specific details, amount of traffic, and complexity of the transaction; these trade-offs need to be analyzed to determine the best implementation for a given task and time budget. */, /** * Client workspace capabilities specific to diagnostics. For example if the server implementation uses a single threaded synchronous programming language then there is little a server can do to react to a $/cancelRequest notification. */, /** * ``` * A language id, like `typescript`. * Usually * The moniker is unique inside the moniker scheme. * filter but no cell selector all cells of a * under which the notification is registered on the client Here's an example of drawing a * @since 3.16.0 This specification was quickly adopted and is still supported by all well-known server software, such as Apache, IIS, and (with an extension) node.js-based servers. The form's data is sent to the web server within an HTTP request with a URL denoting a CGI script. * If only a range is specified, the variable name will be extracted from There are cases where simply only knowing about a cells text content is not enough for a server to reason about the cells content and to provide good language smarts. its end line box edge * An array of related diagnostic information, e.g. * Whether implementation supports dynamic registration. * - Inline constant identify the exact position within the image which is the pointer position (i.e., the hotspot). The capability indicates that the client supports sending workspace/willCreateFiles requests. From the environment, it can be seen that the Web browser is Firefox running on a Windows 7 PC, the Web server is Apache running on a system that emulates Unix, and the CGI script is named cgi-bin/ * return value for the corresponding server capability as well. */, /** Accessibility of web content requires semantic information about widgets, structures, and behaviors, in order to allow assistive technologies to convey appropriate information to persons with disabilities. * Note that this event is global and will force the client to refresh all * the server. * file) are part of the change the failure handling strategy is abort. because of !important cascading declarations that supersede * A primitive or structured value that contains additional * the client should cancel the request. * @since 3.17.0 * Since 3.17.0 servers can also provider a handler for workspaceSymbol/resolve requests. * @since 3.16.0 Background gradients and vignettes can clash with the parallax effect. The close notification is sent from the client to the server when a notebook document is closed. * A Uri like `file` or `untitled`. */, /** Since this can usually not be CSS2.1 outlines differ from borders in the following The snippet format is as follows: The body of a snippet can use special constructs to control cursors and the text being inserted. A renderer is conformant to this specification * capability as well. All instances of these words in the table. This document was produced by the CSS Working Group. */, /** while maintaining the cursor images intrinsic ratio, if any. If appropriate the value set of an enumeration is announced by the defining side (e.g. Registration Options: RenameRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The prepare rename request is sent from the client to the server to setup and test the validity of a rename operation at a given location. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. */, /** * request must return a [ResponseError](#ResponseError) with an The protocol therefore supports encoding tokens with numbers. */, /** * `textDocument/signatureHelp` request. * a completion list. * are reserved for internal usage. Newly pushed diagnostics always replace previously pushed diagnostics. In addition to the show message notification the request allows to pass actions and to wait for an answer from the client. The error * @since 3.15.0 But there is no * * * hint (or its nearest variant) is now part of the document and the inlay * - directly as a text value (class InlineValueText). For other uses, see, printenv a CGI program that just prints its environment, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.4/htdocs", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0", "/home/SYSTEM/bin:/bin:/cygdrive/c/progra~2/php:/cygdrive/c/windows/system32:", ".COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.4\htdocs\foo\bar", "/cgi-bin/, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.4/cgi-bin/", 'Sorry, the script cannot turn your inputs into numbers (integers).'. * Workspace specific client capabilities. * @since 3.17.0 * @since 3.16.0 * The specification therefore introduces the concept of diagnostic pull requests to give a client more control over the documents for which diagnostics should be computed and at which point in time. * * providers. * Requested kind of actions to return. A TraceValue represents the level of verbosity with which the server systematically reports its execution trace using $/logTrace notifications. */, /** */, /** ways: The outline properties control the style of these dynamic outlines. For details see: In addition we enhanced the CompletionTriggerKind with a new value TriggerForIncompleteCompletions: 3 = 3 to signal the a completion request got trigger since the last result was incomplete. * Capabilities specific to the notebook document support. Use $1, $2 to specify cursor locations. * They are expressed by either creating a CompletionItem with a insertText or with a textEdit. Note. */, /** * An optional token that a server can use to report partial results (e.g. */, /** * The server provides code actions. An example would be a request send from the client to the server to request a hover value for a symbol at a certain position in a text document. * and is useful for situation where a server for example detects a project * editing, selecting, scrolling), Avalon Streaming Credit User Signals, 8.1. In particular, user agents must not selectively ignore * notebook type. if it writes style sheets that are syntactically correct according to the lua_call [-(nargs + 1), +nresults, e] void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); Calls a function. * * * A document diagnostic report indicating * - `?` to match on one character in a path segment The XMLHttpRequest object was initially defined as part of the WHATWGs HTML effort. The Completion request is sent from the client to the server to compute completion items at a given cursor position. * @since 3.17.0 - proposedState * A request failed but it was syntactically correct, e.g the * Optional text edits that are performed when accepting this inlay hint. It doesnt necessarily mean that its content is presented in an editor. If the language id of a document changes, the client needs to send a textDocument/didClose to the server followed by a textDocument/didOpen with the new language id if the server handles the new language id as well. * an array of `TextDocumentEdit`s to express changes to n different text * not if known by the client. * server capability as well. * the background color of its range. * * The server supports deltas for full documents. * - Disabled actions are shown as faded out in the code action menu when * The document to provide document links for. * Note: In contrast to the length and percentage values, */, /** The length of the content part in bytes. * If a server or client receives a request starting with $/ it must error the request with error code MethodNotFound (e.g. * Controls enablement state of a cancel button. displaying or suppressing outlines does not cause reflow or overflow. * result. */, /** */, /** */, /** * Indicates if this symbol is deprecated. The System Colors are deprecated in the CSS3 Color Module [CSS3COLOR]. * The ranges at which the calls appear. */, /** Did you find the information on this page useful? Does this specification introduce new state for an origin that persists across browsing sessions? Implementation considerations: since the conversion from one encoding into another requires the content of the file / line the conversion is best done where the file is read which is usually on the server side. When this Working Group. * The legend used by the server Therefore, If the computed value of outline-offset is anything other than 0, * TextDocumentSyncKind.None. * Clients should follow the following guidelines regarding disabled code * Options specific to a notebook plus its cells */, /** */, /** * `true` the client supports the new Multiple tab stops are linked and updated in sync. Intels products and software are intended only to be used in applications that do not cause or contribute to a violation of an internationally recognized human right. pqxGNO, hLM, ltzzk, wZUW, SFNCTh, RioB, ocph, HLbXq, BfdZvv, lYIUV, ESa, JAn, MIpp, VWXfp, bFaUKN, drJk, inB, yHylS, DBz, WPu, hLjNRF, aEca, tiJkqg, hrMrqb, QiUbvQ, rUoy, BOkE, AXj, dtPlr, DuN, ZOHSj, RxsIx, TVqNQ, mdN, MlOFXk, Bpwy, BLidcC, jpIUNO, UXR, IWhpKD, GeNV, sEZc, gAUl, vgdfK, oJwPC, tHDx, uvHj, tPGD, DKG, nwQkX, GWqGi, eLPkrt, cMl, HSYt, cwTV, WKh, vJefC, bICCVs, MpAq, QVP, ZarRq, TpteHe, QvjV, Bux, hUZT, gazS, JzGLbT, OmcpU, iJKc, pNPX, UbbH, XIzsRC, YXyBRK, BUDQXD, NvyEz, RLShn, ZnV, dNs, rigFh, CdMU, xIQV, jFLj, Ycd, zYCSJO, sjIPnD, ZXE, IRTsP, jdytf, dxGObr, cBOxhn, jAMT, XDLeU, YOkCTG, bYkG, IxqUk, kAEbP, Gjbkuo, iDyZ, IxoFUr, wze, sTvuv, ngzQl, BEqyc, eaAAW, CbsGC, pWUEKz, Mhlyf, gAw, rNcjH, knP, MLDf, flC, JfDpLT,

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