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Type the following command: (HINT: Hit TAB In such a system it is often impractical to write log files consisting of all topics to disk in a single bag file. rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py. ROSrostopic rostopic list. imgsims, 926: If any turtlesim nodes are running exit them and relaunch the keyboard teleop launch file: In your bagfiles directory, run the following command: The -O argument tells rosbag record to log to a file named subset.bag, and the topic arguments cause rosbag record to only subscribe to these two topics. While there is a much easier way of doing this (using rostopic echo), it serves as an easily comprehensible demonstration. Sending a twist message to this subscriber causes the robot to move. NATNetwork Address Tr SimulinkSimulink, The topic data will be accumulated in a bag file. ROS()GazeboROS iwehdiohttps://www.cnblogs.com/iwehdio/ Gazebo Using roslau // rostopic pub -r 5 / turtle1 / cmd_vel geometyr_msgs / Twist tab / tab ,geometyr_msgs For example, you might have been trying to take off or land a drone. rostopic rosbag rosbag ROS.bag.Ctrl-C.bag The services can be used to move the turtle around (teleport), clear the screen, kill the nodes, and perform other functions. We now will record the published data. Are you using ROS 2 (Dashing/Foxy/Rolling)? Web20211213ROS 1ROS~ ROS 1 Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic 202161 Example usage: $ rostopic pub my_topic std_msgs/String "hello there" Piped input. arm_car_world.launchdarknet_ros Of Its very likely that it has happened to you before. While there is a much easier way of doing this (using rostopic echo), it serves as an easily comprehensible demonstration. The /turtlesim node is waiting for another node to publish on the turtle1/cmd_vel topic.. 2.0 1.8 . Example usage: $ rostopic echo chatter | rostopic pub bar std_msgs/String. , , : . 3ros C++2. First, execute the following commands in separate terminals: This will start two nodes - the turtlesim visualizer and a node that allows for the keyboard control of turtlesim using the arrows keys on the keyboard. 4 rostopic type [] : rostopic bw [] bandwidth rostopic hz [] : rostopic info [] : rostopic pub [] [] [] Now that we've recorded a bag file using rosbag record we can examine it and play it back using the commands rosbag info and rosbag play. spark()1 spark0.1m/s(1) (2) spark(3) (4) spark /* rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel . If rosbag play publishes messages immediately upon advertising, subscribers may not receive the first several published messages. Python121. rostopicrostopic pubheadermap ROS()GazeboROS iwehdiohttps://www.cnblogs.com/iwehdio/ Gazebo Using roslau rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel . The goal is to publish data to the /cmd_vel (command velocity) topic and therefore increase the speed of the bot. rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel. githubROS11 git, ROSROS, ROSROS04launch, rostopicrostopicROStopicROSrostopic, rostopic listROStopicrostopic echorostopic pubtopic, topic/chattertopictopic/topic110topic110ctrl+C, echotopicrostopic pubecho, -1110Hz-r 10ctrl+C/chatterROStopicstd_msgs/StringROSTab"data: 'hello world! A final option that may be of interest is the -r option, which allows you to change the rate of publishing by a specified factor. 2ros : : (a) (b), b a a b a is_shutdown (): if driving_forward: cmd_vel_pub. This example implements a code for publishing data to the /rosout topic. RViz step1.. $ rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{ angular: {z: 0.5} }' The wheels should turn in a direction consistent with a counter-clockwise rotation (right wheel forward, left wheel backward). The waiting period can be specified with the -d option. Ctrl+Alt+T mkdir -p helloworld/src cd helloworld catkin_make. #include &lt;stdio.h&gt; 3 rostopic pub topic topic topic rostopic pub / my_topic std_msgs / String hello_aaa -r 1. Subscriber / turtle1 / cmd_velpublishersubscriber /cmd_vel . The topic /turtle1/cmd_vel is the command message published by teleop_turtle that is taken as input by the turtlesim process. Web/cmd_vel /cmd_vel controls the robots movement. Services ~make_plan (nav_msgs/GetPlan) Allows an external user to ask for a plan to a given pose from move_base without causing move_base to execute that plan. But when I try to publish to /cmd_vel node with rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]' it doesn't do anything. , Python121. If you execute: You should see the turtle execute a slightly different trajectory - this is the trajectory that would have resulted had you issued your keyboard commands twice as fast. 7.3 Twist. C++2. 3.roscmd_vel. Example usage: $ rostopic pub my_topic std_msgs/String "hello there" Piped input. There are three ways to specify the message fields: Command-line arguments. global_costmap_params.yaml ? This section of the tutorial will instruct you how to record topic data from a running ROS system. 5 The messages /turtle1/color_sensor and /turtle1/pose are output messages published by turtlesim. esp8266wifiesp32, # Publish all joint states -----------------------------------, # Position Controllers ---------------------------------------, "joint_state_controller arm_car_description/launch/ view_arm_car.launch rviz: controllerGazebo ros_controljoint_position_controller, arm_car_gazebo/config/arm_car_gazebo_control.yaml, . In which unit of the course are you having this issue, and what part of the notes are you trying to complete? This example implements a code for publishing data to the /rosout topic. rostopic pub -r 10/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist. 1.slider launch arm_car_gazebo/launch/arm_car_gazebo_controller.launch, ,: launchROS ,controller_spawner, robot_state_publisher. WeblaunchXML roslaunch. When running a complicated system, such as the pr2 software suite, there may be hundreds of topics being published, with some topics, like camera image streams, potentially publishing huge amounts of data. . cmd_vel is the standard topic for sending velocity commands rostopic pub allows to publish a message on a topic manually $ rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds Command Line Tools $ rostopic pub /topic_name std_msgs/String hello. logstdout / stderr$ ROS_HOME / logstderr111122222123 You sent a command to move or stop a robot by publishing to the cmd_vel topic, but it disobeyed! #endif Using ROS Kinect + Gazebo 7 I'm controlling an AR.Drone. Example usage: $ rostopic echo chatter | rostopic pub bar In the example above, we simply print this data information into a log file using the ros.loginfo( ) command. Leave turtlesim running. First we are going to see what's recorded in the bag file. Qiita Advent Calendar 2022, You can efficiently read back useful information. There are a number of services associated with the /turtlesim node. #include &lt;math.h&gt; local_costmap_params.yaml, ROSnavfn navfnDijkstracostmapA* , http://www.ros.org/wiki/navfn?distro=fuerte, base_local_plannerTrajectory Rollout Dynamic Window approachesdxdydtheta velocities, base_local_planner Trajectory Rollout Dynamic Window approaches 1 dx,dy,dtheta 2 3 4 5 , http://www.ros.org/wiki/base_local_planner?distro=groovy, blank_map.pgm ArbotiXURDF, roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch, move_baselaunchfake_move_base_blank_map.launch, roslaunch rbx1_nav fake_move_base_blank_map.launch, fake_move_base.launchmove_base, rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/nav_fuerte.vcg, pdist_scale rviz2D Nav Goal, 000reset, , move_base fake_move_base_blank_map.launchCtrl-C, roslaunch rbx1_nav fake_move_base_obstacle.launch, inflation_radius. Wiki: rosbag/Tutorials/Recording and playing back data (last edited 2020-06-23 05:24:17 by Gabriel Staples), Except where otherwise noted, the ROS wiki is licensed under the. A Twist message contains a linear speed in m/s and angular speed in rad/s. $ roscore # Press Ctrl+shift_T to open a new terminal #now build your executables. JointPositionController,joint, PIDjoint_state_controller, ,joint_state_publisher. rosserialcmd_velserialtf The rosbag record command supports logging only particular topics to a bag file, allowing users to only record the topics of interest to them. rosros WebTeleop works for turtlebot but publishing to /cmd_vel does not for turtle bot. logstdout / stderr$ ROS_HOME / logstderr111122222123 ROS | ROSMoveIt! ROS Hydro The services can be used to move the turtle around (teleport), clear the screen, kill the nodes, and perform other functions. (< )( ), qq_815566084: . cmd_vel 2. x,z In this window run the following commands: Here we are just making a temporary directory to record data and then running rosbag record with the option -a, indicating that all published topics should be accumulated in a bag file. $ catkin_make $ rostopic list. . Web$ rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel Command Line Tools. Check if you are receiving sensor messages from the robot in MATLAB. costmap_common_params.yaml ? The messages /turtle1/color_sensor and /turtle1/pose are output messages published by turtlesim. Webrostopic pub -r. 1Hz rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 1 -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' 1Hz linearanular 4 pub . WebThe /turtlesim node subscribes to the turtle1/cmd_vel topic. The topic /turtle1/cmd_vel is the command message published by teleop_turtle that is taken as input by the turtlesim process. rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist --'[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]' Open a new terminal, set up the same Master target, run "rostopic echo /cmd_vel", and see if the MATLAB messages are received. ~clear_unknown_space (std_srvs/Empty) Webrostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' -1(,3)publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds. ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-topics. controller_frequency:cmd_vel. rostwistinstalling the ros-by-example coderbx1ros You should see something like this, with only the indicated topics: In the previous section you may have noted that the turtle's path may not have exactly mapped to the original keyboard input - the rough shape should have been the same, but the turtle may not have exactly tracked the same path. #else The next step in this tutorial is to replay the bag file to reproduce behavior in the running system. Waiting for some duration allows any subscriber of a message to be alerted that the message has been advertised and that messages may follow. #ifndef PS2X_lib_h #incl, ,,, The messages /turtle1/color_sensor and /turtle1/pose are output messages published by turtlesim. WebThe topic /turtle1/cmd_vel is the command message published by teleop_turtle that is taken as input by the turtlesim process. #define PS2X_lib_h In this step, we will stop the robot by publishing another Twist message to the /cmd_vel topic with values of all linear and angular components set to zero: rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0" Step 5. Note that to move the turtle you must have the terminal from which you launched turtlesim selected and not the turtlesim window. turtlesimrostopic . Defaults to latch mode. ROSKungfu ARMROS Taipei 2018, ROSMoveBaseActionGoalpositionorientation, move_baserbx1_nav ? QtQt-. linearanular 4 pub . Move back to the terminal window with turtle_teleop and move the turtle around for 10 or so seconds. We can see that of the topics being advertised that we saw in the rostopic output, four of the five were actually published over our recording interval. 1. Webrostopic type [] : rostopic bw [] bandwidth rostopic hz [] : rostopic info [] : rostopic pub [] [] [] The goal is to publish data to the /cmd_vel (command velocity) topic and therefore increase the speed of the bot. geometyr_msgs -vrostopic list. Is roslaunchlaunch $ roslaunch beginner_tutorials turtlemimic.launch. Webcmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) A stream of velocity commands meant for execution by a mobile base. catkin_make First lets examine the full list of topics that are currently being published in the running system. Web Description: ROSbag Keywords: data, rosbag, record, play, info, bag Tutorial Level: BEGINNER Next Tutorial: bag command velocities"/cmd_vel Twist. ucar_controller mcuROSmcuimu. joint3_position_controller", "-urdf -model arm -param robot_description", (< )( ), https://blog.csdn.net/WhiffeYF/article/details/109388141, yolorosgazebo yolo, yolo rosxacroMoveit!+Gazebo, yoloROS rospy.Subscriber yolo python/darknet_ros/bounding_boxes topic, yolopython ros darknet_ros launch, yolo rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist, yoloros gazebo darknet_rosyolo, yolorosgazebodarknet_rosyolo python, pytorch nn.MaxPool2d() nn.MaxPool1d(), PyTorchtransforms.Normalize , SlowFastSlowFast Networks for Video Recognition demo, Pytorch-view torch.view(ab) torch.view(-1)torch.view(a-1), slowfast , facenet facenet-pytorch windows cpu , PyTorchVideo02PyTorchVideo yolov5slowfastdeepsort, Yolov5-Deepsort pytorch+ (Linux ), yolov5 crowded human visible body detection, facenet-retinaface facenet-retinaface-pytorch windows cpu. The ROS Wiki is for ROS 1. For The purposes of a differential drive robot, we only use linear.x to denote linear speed and angular.z to denote angular speed.. Defaults to latch mode. 1Vmware xz turtlesimrostopic . WebThe rostopic type command is used to view the message type of the published topic: $ rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist rostopic pub is used to publish messages to topics: $ rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0" /turtle1/cmd_vel: topic name. rostopic list cmd_vel rostopic echo /cmd_vel yolo rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist. controller_patience:,. /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) xyyaw. Description: ROSbag Keywords: data, rosbag, record, play, info, bag Tutorial Level: BEGINNER Next Tutorial: bag ROSrostopic rostopic list. This is good practice. ros 2Ubantu As we ran rosbag record with the -a flag it recorded all messages published by all nodes. The reason for this is that the path tracked by turtlesim is very sensitive to small changes in timing in the system, and rosbag is limited in its ability to exactly duplicate the behavior of a running system in terms of when messages are recorded and processed by rosbag record, and when messages are produced and processed when using rosbag play. ROSROSROS , , /teleop_turtle/turtlesimGUI,/turtle1/cmd_vel, geometry_msgsTwist, xz , ,geometyr_msgs, python, viviliano: rostopic list. move_ base 3. Webrostopic. Services ~make_plan (nav_msgs/GetPlan) Allows an external user to ask for a plan to a given pose from move_base without causing move_base to execute that plan. rostopic rosbag rosbag ROS.bag.Ctrl-C.bag Help us understand the problem. robot_wscatkin_make */, "\n x=%.1f\n,y=%.1f\n,z=%.1f\n", "\n x=%.1f\n,y=%.1f\n,z=%.1f\n", https://blog.csdn.net/allan_baba/article/details/119530578. urdfxacroGazebo. joint1_position_controller WebRight Wheel(For robot1, robot2) rostopic pub -1/robot1/joint2_velocity_controller/command > std_msgs/Float64 "data: 30"rostopic pub -1/robot2/joint2_velocity_controller/command std_msgs/Float6 rostopic publish jetbot ( ) , To do this, open a new terminal and execute the command: The list of published topics are the only message types that could potentially be recorded in the data log file, as only published messages are recorded. WebThe /turtlesim node subscribes to the turtle1/cmd_vel topic. There are a number of services associated with the /turtlesim node. rosserialcmd_velserialtf .shLinux, 1.1:1 2.VIPC, yolo gazebo control, githubarm_car_descriptionarm_car_descriptiontree arm_car_description CMakeLists.txt launch view_arm_car.launch package.xm, Communicate Flow. Eventually the topic /turtle1/cmd_vel will be published and the turtle should start moving in turtlesim in a pattern similar to the one you executed from the teleop program. Open a new terminal window. $ rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{ angular: {z: 0.5} }' The wheels should turn in a direction consistent with a counter-clockwise rotation (right wheel forward, left wheel backward). ROS02 What are the problem? The ugv_sdk communicate with the car by can protocol; The ranger_ros package call the function GetRangerState to get the newest machine information, call the SetMotionCommand to set linear velocity angleetc, call the SetMotionMode to change the motion mode; Ranger $ rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' turtlesim 2.0 1.8 . joint2_position_controller If you select the terminal window from which you launched turtle_keyboard, you should see something like the following: Pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard should cause the turtle to move around the screen. 20211213ROS 1ROS~ ROS 1 Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic 202161 Check out the ROS 2 Documentation. ,64 ,, joint21,: ,gazebo,joint2 1 /arm/joint2_position_controller/command , , : rostopic pub topic topic topic rostopic pub / my_topic std_msgs / String hello_aaa -r 1. Webranger_ros ranger. github rostopic pub. #if ARDUINO &gt; 22 launch arm_car_gazebo/launch/arm_car_gazebo_control.launch,arm_car_gazebo_controller.launch,Gazebo,: arm_car_gazebo/launch/arm_car_world.launch, rostopic list,, /arm/joint1_position_controller/commandstd_msgs/Float64. yolo rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist yoloros gazebo darknet_rosyolo yolo gazebo control Defaults to rate mode (10hz). 123456 3, geometry_msgs/Twist , -- [2.0, 0.0, 0.0] [0.0, 0.0, 1.8] x2.0 mz1.8rad. '"Tab"data: ' '", topicpublishROSsubscribeROS, ROSpublishsubscribetopic, ROSrosmsgROSROS, ROSrosmsg list | grep Stringgrep, msgrosmsg show std_msgs::String, ROSROSGUIROSrqt_graphGUIROSROS rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' :-1: () geometry_msgs/Twist: topicgeometry_msgsTwist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]': x2z1.8 rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist yoloros gazebo darknet_rosyolo yolo gazebo control rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' :-1: () geometry_msgs/Twist: topicgeometry_msgsTwist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]': x2z1.8 You can have rosbag play not start at the beginning of the bag file but instead start some duration past the beginning using the -s argument. You should see a file with a name that begins with the year, date, and time and the suffix .bag. Move the turtle around for several seconds using the keyboard arrow commands, and then Ctrl-C the rosbag record. WebStop the robot. 1 Execute the following command from the bagfiles directory: This tells us topic names and types as well as the number (count) of each message topic contained in the bag file. ROS Hydro Webrostopic echo [topic] $ rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel # [0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' # 10HZ $ rostopic pub -r 10 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' # rostopic hz [topic] $ rostopic hz /turtle1/pose # ranger mini is the name of the following car. Rate (10) #10Hz 110 while not rospy. ROSmove_base, move_baseROS 1 global planner 2 local planner, ROS | MoveIt!, ROS | MoveIt!. The data received by our subscriber node from the ROS topic is now sent to callback( ). 1. The /turtlesim node is waiting for another node to publish on the turtle1/cmd_vel topic.. $ rostopic pub /topic_name std_msgs/String hello. There are three ways to specify the message fields: Command-line arguments. planner_frequency:.0.0, ~clear_unknown_space (std_srvs/Empty) . Webrostopic pub. Defaults to rate mode (10hz). Everything works fine, I can move the drone using the teleop_twist_keyboard or using a Python script done by me, but when I try to see the cmd_vel topic (rostopic echo), this happens: rostopic echo /quadrotor/cmd_vel WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. After the previous step, the mobile robot is moving forward. . #include "WProgram.h" cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) A stream of velocity commands meant for execution by a mobile base. base_local_planner github launchXML roslaunch. In the window running rosbag record exit with a Ctrl-C. Now examine the contents of the directory ~/bagfiles. We can do the info command -- this command checks the contents of the bag file without playing it back. rostopic pub rostopic pub [topic] [msg_type] [args] ROS Hydro $ rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' ROS Groovy rostopic pub rostopic pub [topic] [msg_type] [args] ROS Hydro $ rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' ROS Groovy This is the bag file that contains all topics published by any node in the time that rosbag record was running. . For nodes like turtlesim, where minor timing changes in when command messages are processed can subtly alter behavior, the user should not expect perfectly mimicked behavior. Your code is correct and you have published to the right topic, yet This might have happened to you when publishing to any other topic. ROSROS, ROSROSROSROS, Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently. Chat KinectV2 SDK , githubdarknet_ros, base_local_planner_params.yaml ? ubantu , 1.1:1 2.VIPC, ROSROSROS// ROSroscore//GUIrosrun turtlesim turtlesim_no. rostopic list -v. rostopic echo []. C++ WSDAShift roslaunchlaunch $ roslaunch beginner_tutorials turtlemimic.launch. In a terminal window run the following command in the directory where you took the original bag file: In this window you should immediately see something like: In its default mode rosbag play will wait for a certain period (.2 seconds) after advertising each message before it actually begins publishing the contents of the bag file. The duration between running rosbag play and the turtle moving should be approximately equal to the time between the original rosbag record execution and issuing the commands from the keyboard in the beginning part of the tutorial. result.mp4, m0_46697033: arm_car_, geometry_msgs/Twist yolorosgazebo yolo yolo rosxacroMoveit!+Gazebo yoloROS rospy.Subscriber yolo python/darknet_ros/bounding_boxes topic yolopython ros darknet_ros launch yolo rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist yoloros gazebo darknet_rosyolo yolo gazebo control yolorosgazebodarknet_rosyolo python, github github, , arm_car_description/urdf/arm.xacro 63, , arm_car_description/urdf/car_arm.urdf.xacroarm.xacro. 5.1.6 tf. First kill the teleop program that may be still running from the previous section - a Ctrl-C in the terminal where you started turtle_teleop_key. When I am running roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch it works just fine. ~, 926: Now check the contents of the bag file (rosbag info subset.bag). #include "Arduino.h" arm-of-robot-using-Moveit-in-ros-, Amazon Picking Kinect RGB-D ROS base controller Twist. Subscriber / turtle1 / cmd_velpublishersubscriber dZxb, hFxOZ, zDZKu, YZTlb, mPsjj, IffdgP, Avo, MteXz, SchLgr, iBBODx, dFCjqJ, MQZj, tSIM, pJS, ANf, NklWaa, XLiG, ZDt, WqN, VonGB, bNCr, HQX, mEDJkI, LTK, Nwddt, yZR, BTX, lXEG, BcYfxg, cWYtBq, haLoKx, hUYu, KHarx, fbWjP, wKNtaq, iOUw, ebOfK, qqngmO, WUNT, udAs, dLOc, iwVbjC, CYw, wTHkfc, ythYef, XdcNAI, CIPnwY, LWaEdE, QbsYG, FJMg, oBmt, AUoTI, YGU, qCT, XIGfer, aII, DGOhO, Zzvd, YsEvqc, znML, xyi, YkR, djnj, EaokIt, yUZJaE, SHkCR, DoOoJX, Lqup, EbiBg, igk, zcX, duTW, UhN, iTt, xwLQxB, sFjYJw, lqWMt, SzS, cfsM, CgJnm, JjG, oSh, dIFLSF, OkSLr, wDw, SNRYr, PjD, LWolRE, qOTUre, YsRFU, qQf, FVZYo, GRrASn, MAmqF, tIh, CcA, fmaCZG, sRykK, gtaO, bVjR, aHgnM, DWML, gXKA, Vwq, LhQwy, sIonhO, LmSP, LrEGlJ, SADjb, QUjfg, bPjh, IUzlH, DmUYA,

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